Gunther Sonnenfeld on the QFS, CBD's, Cryptos amd more.......3-4-2023

Gunther Sonnenfeld knows about QFS worked on CBDC and Cryptos

Pimpy: The Other Side of Things:  3-4-2023

They talk about QFS, Cross Border Payment Systems, The Swift System, The Cabal, Blockchain,  CBDC’s, NFT’s …and much more.

He debunks a lot of "Rabbit Hole Stuff" and talks about the "reality"of the new system in a common sense, down to earth way.

In his opinion-….CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currencies) are NOT ever going to happen.

To sum up the QFS system: It’s basically a bunch of components….not one system..

In closing: A lot of great stuff is happening.

NFT=Non Fungible token  NFT, is in basic terms, a unique, one-of-a-kind unit of data


How It All Works (A Few Short Stories) 


More News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday PM 3-4-2023