Growing Up Poor Was My Single Biggest Financial Motivator

Growing Up Poor Was My Single Biggest Financial Motivator

By Mad Money Monster

It’s certainly no secret that I grew up poor. And when I say poor, I’m talking 8′ x 50′ trailer livin’ poor. Although I must admit, despite being poor, I never had to worry about having enough food or our home being warm in the winter. So, things could’ve been much worse. For all intents and purposes, though, my family was poor. I was poor. And THAT turned out to be my single biggest financial motivator.

It’s not every day that someone attributes growing up poor to financial success later in life. For me, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt, that growing up poor had a positive impact on my childhood outlook that lasted long into my adult life…and continues to this day.  Growing up in a trailer on the right side of the tracks afforded me some advantages that others in similar situations did not receive. I will own that and admit to it.

One advantage of the location of our trailer was being able to attend a good school district.  Another advantage I enjoyed was having a stable, loving home life complete with 2 parents,  3 siblings, and a pet.  My advantages allowed me to feel secure enough with my basic needs (food, shelter, etc.) to dream of a life in the distant future that did not so closely resemble the one I knew as a child.

But the disadvantages I experienced growing up in that trailer, were what really fueled my desire to chase a better life. My disadvantages motivated me to chase higher education and financial independence as an adult. And for that, I am thankful. Let me explain.

Disadvantages Of Growing Up Poor

Like I mentioned earlier, growing up poor was a fantastic motivator for me to chase my goals to live a life with more options but it certainly wasn’t without its limitations and disadvantages.  Obviously, growing up poor meant we lived in a trailer and, socially speaking, that was the kiss of death for me as a child attending a highly-rated public school. I was different and I knew it. I can’t say I was teased, but based on what I gathered from society and media I knew I should be embarrassed. And I was.

In fact, I was embarrassed about living in a trailer as a child for decades into adulthood. It wasn’t until a few years ago when I started to pursue financial independence that I was able to own that piece of my life and talk about it freely with anyone.

Today, I am proud of my humble beginnings because that shaped the person I turned out to be. The biggest disadvantages I can recollect from growing up poor are listed below.

The Disadvantages I Experienced:


To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


9 Money Hacks That Took Us From The Poorhouse To The Penthouse


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