Goodbye U.S! China ENDS Russian Sanctions With This Record Breaking Move! | Unbelievable!

Goodbye U.S! China ENDS Russian Sanctions With This Record Breaking Move! | Unbelievable!

Tech Revolution:  11-16-2023

The aftermath of the Russia-Ukraine conflict has prompted significant shifts in the global energy landscape, with China emerging as a key economic ally for Russia. This strategic partnership is not merely a business move but a game-changer with real-world implications.

Energy Collaboration:

China has taken on the role of a superhero economic ally, actively aiding Russia in navigating Western sanctions. Beyond purchasing Russian oil and gas, China is facilitating their transport using super tankers and providing insurance coverage.

This move secures a significant portion of Russia's crude exports, around 15%, and marks a strategic shift in the energy game.

Technological Resilience:

Despite efforts to block Russia's access to American-made technology, Russia has found a workaround by acquiring U.S. semiconductors through deals with smaller Chinese players. This demonstrates a clever approach to ensuring tech resilience and navigating export controls.

Financial Strategies:

 To circumvent financial sanctions, China and Russia are increasingly utilizing the yuan for their trades. This strategic move includes the expansion of local payment systems by their financial institutions, further reducing dependence on traditional Western currencies.

Examining Western Sanctions:

The Western sanctions imposed on China and Russia have triggered a complex game of economic warfare. Unlike historical instances with Iran and the Soviet Union, the West aims to impact Moscow while keeping some trade doors open. The use of an oil price cap is a tool to trim Russia's revenue without causing global market chaos, but Russia's shift to non-Western insurance for half its oil challenges this control.

 The Gazprom-China Collaboration: Recent collaboration between Russia's Gazprom and China in building a new gas pipeline in the Far East signifies a monumental global move. This lifeline for China's energy needs is a testament to the strengthening ties between the two nations. The pipeline, connecting a Russian city to one in Northeast China, represents a collaborative effort between companies on both sides, ensuring a steady flow of energy.

Future Pipeline Projects:

The ongoing energy partnership between China and Russia extends to future projects like the Power of Siberia 2 pipeline, set to go online in 2030. This pipeline, involving China, Russia, and Mongolia, adds to the existing infrastructure and enhances energy security by providing more options for gas supply.

Shifting Alliances:

Unable to fulfill all its needs from the West, Russia turned to China for various commodities, including gadgets and luxury items. While the West believed it was exerting pressure on Russia, this strategy backfired, leading to an unexpected strengthening of the Russo-Chinese economic alliance.

 Tech and Defense Dilemma:

 In the realm of technology and defense, the West imposed limits on the sale of crucial items. However, this approach triggered a surge in smuggling, enabling Russia to acquire essential components, often from China. Even microchips in Russian military equipment were sourced from the West, underscoring the resilience of the supply chain.

Challenges in Enforcement:

Enforcing these restrictions posed a challenge, especially when it came to identifying and penalizing rule-breakers. Originally designed to target wealthy Russians and companies, the rules inadvertently placed a burden on Western businesses, as banks struggled to ensure compliance while companies found ways to navigate the constraints.

 Unplayed Economic Card:

Surprisingly, the U.S. possesses a significant economic card that has yet to be played – oil. Despite being a major player in the oil industry since 2010, the U.S. has refrained from using this leverage to exert pressure on Russia, raising questions about the potential impact of such a move.


 The evolving economic dynamics between China and Russia, especially in the energy sector, showcase a strategic alliance that goes beyond traditional business dealings. These moves not only address the challenges posed by Western sanctions but also pave the way for a more resilient and secure energy future for both nations. The collaborative efforts on various pipeline projects underscore the depth of this strategic partnership, offering diverse paths for natural gas utilization and enhancing overall energy security in an unpredictable world.

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