Goldilocks "Will the Easter Bunny Lay a Golden Egg Today?" 4-9-2023

Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

Thank you RJ

RJ:  Good morning and Happy Easter Dinar Recaps,

This morning Goldilocks posted a commentary with links:

Will the Easter Bunny lay a golden egg today as we approach another week of trading?

The bubble phase in gold is about to commence. 23 US states are in process of reclaiming gold and silver as legal tender.

This number will only increase as we get closer to the Basel 3 End Game.

"The Basel 3 “Endgame” package will significantly increase banks’ capital requirements over-and-above their already historically high levels in the past several years, resulting in significant additional funding costs for businesses, consumers, and investors."

This is why we are noticing so many central banks buy more and more gold as we approach the 60 trillion plus derivative contracts moving over into SOFR lending services.

SOFR contracts are currently being moved at a faster pace. Everything is being collateralized in the banking system by gold, silver, and other commodities that are digitized.

Watch for the repricing of gold, silver, and oil. This is the liquidity that will move the banking system along and support the markets in every sector including forex.

Gold is the liquidity package we are looking for going forward.

Gold is money. It always has been and always will be.

Happy Easter my friends. The transition into our digital asset-based trading system is definitely a Biblical event in the making.

© Goldilocks.  👇

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