Goldilocks "Things Are Changing Rapidly" Friday 4-7-2023

Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

Thank you RJ

RJ:  Good afternoon Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks posted some exciting nuggets today:

Watch the Gold, Silver, and Oil on the Debt Clock. Changes are coming any moment.

This repricing event will set the stage to move the economy into the new financial system.

It will be the green light for liquidity to pour into our new economy especially since we have new legislation on the table regarding the digital asset standardization bill.

© Goldilocks

What happens to the dollar if the Eastern half of our world begins to peg their currencies to gold? Things are changing rapidly. Stay awake.

© Goldilocks


WOW! Major US Banks Will Declare Bankruptcy Soon After The Fed Does This - Lyn Alden


Yesterday, I shared with you an article about Iraq's budget and oil law.

Inside this article, it revealed a couple of sentences about Iraq having a revalued currency.

I just got word from our CBI Banker in Iraq that it was in fact true.

© Goldilocks

Here is the article from the CBI from yesterday:


JUST IN - Several major U.S. banks subpoenaed for financial records belonging to the Biden family.


Timelines are being moved up.
© Goldilocks


GOLD Backed Crypto Is Here!

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More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday PM 4-7-2023


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