Goldilocks "The day of backing a currency by a promise is fading away" 4-19-2023

Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

Thank you RJ

Good morning Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks posted commentaries and link this morning:

"Russia Prepares Draft Law to Allow Crypto for International Trade"

We have several countries around the world that are proposing and opening the door for the use of digital tokens as a form of payment instead of traditional lines of credit through the dollar to settle their International Settlements.

This will minimize the use of the dollar and level the playing field among East and West countries.

It will create demand for currencies around the world to receive the opportunity for such demand to raise the value of National Currencies around the world.

© Goldilocks

"BlackRock’s assets seen topping US$15 trillion in five years’ time"

We are living in a different world. Assets are currently being tokenized and collateralized by real world assets. "BlackRock’s assets seen topping US$15 trillion in five years’ time"

We are living in a different world. Assets are currently being tokenized and collateralized by real world assets. The day of backing a currency by a promise is fading away.

The day of collateralizing assets is here to stay.

Black Rock has several estates around the world to offer up as collateralized tokens to back assets on the markets.

It is the new way of doing business that will create trillions of dollars for Black Rock and make millionaires out of those who see its potential in the assets they obtain on the markets.

Real Estate is a commodity. When real estate is sold in bulk quantities, it gives a solid value to the assets they support.

© Goldilocks


Ethereum Network Completes ‘Shanghai’ Upgrade
By Joanna F. Wasick (

Ethereum recently announced the completion of its “Shanghai” upgrade (also known as Shapella). This hard fork upgrade marks the completion of Ethereum’s multiyear transition from a proof of work consensus mechanism to proof of stake.

Most notably, the upgrade enables network participants who had staked their ether (ETH) on the network to unstake and make withdrawals for the first time. Other technical improvements in the Shanghai upgrade are intended to improve the transactional aspects of the Ethereum network. Despite some concerns that the upgrade would cause ETH prices to drop, the price of ETH remained largely flat during the transition.

For more information, please refer to the following links:
Ethereum’s Shanghai Upgrade Is Complete, Starting New Era of Staking Withdrawals 


TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Asian countries have raised a proposal to set up an “Asian Monetary Fund” to cut dependency on the US dollar and other important Western currencies in order to carry out their financial transactions using their national currencies and/or common Asian currencies.

Our Asian countries and their currencies are setting up their own monetary fund to support their own countries' use of local National Currencies.

This is just simply the way a collateralized world works. The new economy or should I say the new global economy belongs to the people.

Being able to invest in companies and places of value on the marketplace gives partial ownership of these places to the people.

These new choices will give rise to demand and value to currencies around the world.

© Goldilocks


Goldilocks' Telegram Room

Goldilocks on the Seeds of Wisdom Team Website

Thank you Dinar Recaps

The day of collateralizing assets is here to stay.

Black Rock has several estates around the world to offer up as collateralized tokens to back assets on the markets.

It is the new way of doing business that will create trillions of dollars for Black Rock and make millionaires out of those who see its potential in the assets they obtain on the markets.

Real Estate is a commodity. When real estate is sold in bulk quantities, it gives a solid value to the assets they support.

© Goldilocks


Ethereum Network Completes ‘Shanghai’ Upgrade
By Joanna F. Wasick (

Ethereum recently announced the completion of its “Shanghai” upgrade (also known as Shapella). This hard fork upgrade marks the completion of Ethereum’s multiyear transition from a proof of work consensus mechanism to proof of stake.

Most notably, the upgrade enables network participants who had staked their ether (ETH) on the network to unstake and make withdrawals for the first time. Other technical improvements in the Shanghai upgrade are intended to improve the transactional aspects of the Ethereum network. Despite some concerns that the upgrade would cause ETH prices to drop, the price of ETH remained largely flat during the transition.

For more information, please refer to the following links:
Ethereum’s Shanghai Upgrade Is Complete, Starting New Era of Staking Withdrawals 


TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Asian countries have raised a proposal to set up an “Asian Monetary Fund” to cut dependency on the US dollar and other important Western currencies in order to carry out their financial transactions using their national currencies and/or common Asian currencies.

Our Asian countries and their currencies are setting up their own monetary fund to support their own countries' use of local National Currencies.

This is just simply the way a collateralized world works. The new economy or should I say the new global economy belongs to the people.

Being able to invest in companies and places of value on the marketplace gives partial ownership of these places to the people.

These new choices will give rise to demand and value to currencies around the world.

© Goldilocks


Goldilocks' Telegram Room

Goldilocks on the Seeds of Wisdom Team Website

Thank you Dinar Recaps


Economic News From Alasdair Macleod and Lynette Zang 4-19-2023


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