Goldilocks "The Big Kahuna" Sunday 4-16-2023

Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

Thank you RJ

RJ: Good morning Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks posted commentaries and links this morning:

Bitcoin is getting ready to go through a repricing event.

Currently, the London Clearing House (LCH) is starting to clear Bitcoin Futures and Options in Q4.

The LCH is a British Clearing House Group that serves major international exchanges.

The Global Futures and Options is a digital-assets-focused platform where this is taking place.

Clearing is a post-transaction management event that ensures transactions on an exchange will settle. All futures transactions involve a level of risk in that one party will fail in its obligations to deliver to another.

Bitcoin has a major influence on how cryptocurrencies move in the current markets.

This restructuring event will reprice the Bitcoin Market giving unfulfilled contracts the ability to move into other digital assets. Thus, enabling buy/sell options on other sectors of the digital economy to find their real values in the new digital asset-based trading system.

The Financial Conduct Authority will be overseeing this event.

Next stop, look for the dollar to go through a similar process in leveling the playing field among Global Currencies in a Global Currency Reset.

© Goldilocks,party%20with%20whom%20they%20transact.


"A new report from yStats published on "Research And Markets" has revealed that the US is leading the charge when it comes to crypto regulation implementation."

For the last year and almost a half, you and I have been able to witness and learn about these new crypto regulations while other countries have been creating platforms and programs to bring the QFS into full implementation.

It has taken an entire Global Nation to see this project through to its end. As you can see from the last few days, we are at the point of interfacing/connecting crypto regulations inside currency reforms.

© Goldilocks


There were several liquidity events that took place last month, but this one was the Big Kahuna.

"After years of scandal and losses, 167-year-old Credit Suisse came to the brink of collapse before Zurich-based rival UBS rode to the rescue with a merger engineered and bankrolled by the Swiss authorities last month.

UBS agreed to buy Credit Suisse for 3 billion Swiss francs ($3.3 billion), a fraction of its earlier market value."

The UBS goes on record as saying, "it expects the deal to create a business with more than $5 trillion in total invested assets."

There was a rush to get this acquisition cleared within a month. The launching of this newly owned banking system is coming at a time when currency reforms and digital-asset-based trading platforms are racing toward implementation.

© Goldilocks

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Thank you Dinar Recaps


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