Goldilocks Sunday Afternoon Post - 7/02/2023

Good morning Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks posted comments and links to global financial news:

China is the country with the largest population on Earth.

It is also the fastest growing aging population.

The Chinese digital Yuan settlement mechanisms are currently being placed on to their social security payment functions.

This will not only save them a lot of money, but it is going to enhance the spread of the Yuan even further.

This adoption of digital currency will no doubt increase the acceptance of digital money around the world. It will serve as an opportunity for other countries to do the same with their own digital money.

© Goldilocks




We have moved from not being able to revalue in the old financial system to being able to revalue in the new one. 

Let's follow the steps that will take us there. Old terminology no longer applies. 

We live in a digital world going forward inside the markets and banking system. 

© Goldilocks


The Stellar Network has been out shining Ripple as of late. The continued struggle of Ripple with the SEC has made the growth of Ripple difficult, but it will not always be this way.

In the meantime, people are turning to Stellar Lumens for growth potential especially with the Protocol 20 Upgrade coming into play.

This upgrade will affect the fee structure of transactions and make this system more efficient. One of Stellar's goals is to lead in the area of financial inclusion and smart contract development across all sectors of the market.

Upon its completion, we will have a fully tokenized monetary system instead of just parts of the system being integrated into the markets individually.

This upgrade is so important to the overall enhancement of the new digital markets that one cannot overlook the impact it will have on every sector of the market. This includes the foreign currency exchange markets.

© Goldilocks


The future monetary system is already here | Kuensel Online


De-dollarization Trend Accelerates as Argentina Makes IMF Payment Using Yuan


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Thank you Dinar Recaps


"We're Going Off A Financial Cliff" Bill Holter


News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Morning 7-2-2023