Goldilocks "New CBI Logo and more" Thursday 4-13-2023

Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

Thank you RJ

RJ:  Good morning Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks posted commentaries and links this morning:

The debt ceiling clearly is a concern this morning in the conversations taking place on the market.

Today, Speaker McCarthy is heading to Wall Street to discuss the debt ceiling Market Impact.

Both sides have to come up with a way to work with one another, or the markets are in trouble.

Today, the PPI Index is read. "A producer price index is a price index that measures the average changes in prices received by domestic producers for their output. Its importance is being undermined by the steady decline in manufactured goods as a share of spending." Wikipedia

Just in, the PPI is just a little higher than expected. You have to remember. Our markets have recently gone through benchmark revisions. 

These revisions are giving the market indicators room to breathe. It is like raising a debt ceiling on the markets to keep them from looking so bad. 

From early indicators, it looks like they are trying to find a path forward that will allow them to raise the debt ceiling. 

This will give Congress more time to work on currency reforms in the digital and hard currency sectors. 

Currently, the Government is taking a hard look at government spending. In some ways, this is just as much a part of currency reforms as well.

© Goldilocks


CBI. Do you see the new gold bar on their logo to the website?


"The world’s financial heavyweights will gather in Washington this week to reimagine how the world will underwrite the challenges of the 21st century.

Their mission: revamping a nearly 80-year-old system so it can better tackle climate change, debt distress and other pressing problems."

The IMF and World Bank are meeting this week to discuss a path forward with global economic reforms.

All the data is in place, and the ability to make a decision on a path forward is being called forth by countries all over the world.

© Goldilocks

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Iraqi News Highlights Thursday Afternoon 4-13-23


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