Goldilocks "Monitoring of the New Monetary System and more" 6-27-2023

Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

RJ:  Good afternoon Dinar Recaps

Goldilocks posted links and comments today to help understand what is happening to our global financial systems:

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) just released Version 1.0 of its "Asset Management booklet."

It is an updated version of sound risk management that takes place between a client and a banking system.

It goes into details dealing with trust funds that are managed by Fiduciary Representatives taking on clients who have large financial asset accounts.

A Fiduciary Representative minimizes the risk of large losses for their client who possess a large asset portfolio.

© Goldilocks,the%20risk%20of%20large%20losses.

The Global Markets Advisory Committee GMAC has a meeting scheduled for July the 17th to review how the new monetary system and policies are going. This meeting will take place at the New York Stock Exchange.

This committee will focus on topics related to U.S. Treasury market reforms, swap block thresholds, and tokenization of assets. 

These three topics have everything to do with currency exchanges my friends along with other assets. And, these meetings will be taking place on an ongoing basis.

This committee was set up to monitor and assess the needed changes taking place as we transition into our new digital economy.

Many assets are going to be transitioned from traditional banking procedures to upgraded Digital Asset Management protocols.

For the last year and a half, we have been rebuilding a new economic system from the ground up.

These new meetings will represent continued monitoring of the new monetary system.

© Goldilocks



"Russia Is Considering Using Dubai Crude As A Reference To Set Its Oil Prices."

When the U.S. dollar is strong, you need less U.S. dollars to buy a barrel of oil. When the U.S. dollar is weak, the price of oil rises in dollar payments.

The dollar is cratering at this point and about to level off with other Country's currencies. This shift represents a change in monetary policies representing a reset in economic oil/currency values in the East.

This decoupling decision of moving from the dollar to reference rates more comparable to Eastern Countries is a resetting of oil prices within one's own country of interest.

This affects currency valuations, and one of many reasons why we have not seen new price valuations show up on the US Debt Clock in the oil Market section.

Oil prices are currently being reset through this process, and the currency reforms taking place in our banking system and markets will be reset with silver and gold.

© Goldilocks,is%20higher%20in%20dollar%20terms.


Remember, gold, digital assets, and currencies are now tied together.

When the stock market goes to real values, you will see our digital/currencies backed by gold and tokenized with new standards move into real values.

© Goldilocks


Revaluations are a process, and not, the push of a button.

You are in charge of that button, and not, someone else.

You will determine the price you are willing to receive on the assets you hold the day you redeem the assets you have.

Wait for your price.

© Goldilocks


I really enjoy sharing with everyone the changes that are taking place to prepare us for the new economy, but I sometimes forget to share the end result.

Right now, Russia is resetting the price of their oil to reflect current settings in Dubai that will affect their exchange values in their currencies.

The Shanghai Exchange is currently using the Chinese Yuan for digital payments. This is equivalent to our Comex Market in the US.

In other words, currency revaluations in the East are currently being reset through new digital mechanisms and standardized protocols we are about to see open up to us in July under new SOFR settings.

© Goldilocks


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