Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Good afternoon Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks posted comments and news links on the global financial system:


Good morning everyone. The video I am about to share with you comes from a trusted trader I listen to frequently.

I find her very accurate and comprehensive on the various topics that she covers. I think it is important that you know the fundamentals of what is about to happen in the markets, so you can prepare accordingly.

It is one thing for me to tell you the markets are going into transition, and it is quite another to experience them.

Preparation is the key. If you have prepared well, you are going to enjoy the rest of the year as a slow process of change into our new economy.

WOW! The Rest Of 2023 Will Be HORRIBLE For Americans - Lyn Alden


Asia Poised to Drive Global Economic Growth, Boosted by China’s Reopening

It is important to note that the reopening of China to the Global Economy is expected to relieve the pressure on demand for the dollar going forward.

This downward pressure will create a weaker dollar and needed openings for National Currencies in the East to accelerate demand and price for their local currencies.

This is why we are witnessing currency reforms begin to mature around the world in every country. A shift in power and transfer of wealth is happening.

We are coming up on three very important meetings that are offering guidance for the rest of the year and beyond on new trading policies and monetary policies that will guide us.

Yes, we are transitioning into a new digital economy, and we are witnessing the growth of new demands on countries not seen before in a long time.

As our Eastern countries become more Sovereign, this will open doors for their own local currencies to be utilized in trade alongside the Chinese Yuan.

This revaluation of currencies is a process that culminates itself into several triggers required to change our global economy.

A digital reset, a reset in the price of gold, silver, and oil, monetary policy changes, a reset in trading routes around the world, new economic bills becoming law are just a few of the changes taking place.

We have been talking about each of these changes for the last 2 years together, and each of them are coming to a place of implementation in process of developing.

This is why it is so hard to call an RV event based on one or two of these needed transitions listed above. It is important to watch for many and all of the above changes taking place over a brief period of time that leads to what we are looking for going forward.

This event is a process that is bigger than one country or one person.

 Perhaps, it was designed this way to prevent egos from climbing too high and accelerate a level a humility that leads us to a place where our souls can rest in our Creator's ability to transform us into a race of people designed to fit in this new world we can all resonate with on the level of soul.

We Are All Souls in transition, and our ability to feel our way into the heart of our Creator will fill us with enough love to last a lifetime.

© Goldilocks


Michael Burry's Next Big Short: Betting $1.6 Billion Against The U.S. Stock Market

A lot of money is pouring into shorting the market for the next few months. Our transition from a stock to a commodity market supporting stocks will take a toll.

© Goldilocks

MARKET: Deeper Into THE DANGER ZONE. A "PAN-SELLOFF" Is Possible. Mannarino


China’s New Lithium Futures Market Outpacing London Metal Exchange


Mortgage Credit Crunch In The Pipeline - RIA


22 banks face capital shortfall if top 3 borrowers default | The Business Standard


Commercial Real Estate Time Bomb. - by Gregory Mannarino


Events to watch!

📌 BRICS Summit - August 22-24 👉🏻 Link 
(Possible gold standard announced, possible trade currency set and put into action)

📌 Protocol 20 implementation - August 22 👉🏻 Link 
( Full implementation by the 22. Moving liquidity to Stellar via other tokens. Wrapping them in Stellar protocols, and being able to “trade” those assets)

📌 Jackson Hole Fed meeting - August 24-26 👉🏻 Link 
(Titled - "Structural Shifts in the Global Economy”. Discussions, lectures, and possible new monetary policy)

📌 G20 Summit - September 9-10 👉🏻 Link 
(Meeting between the 20 greatest powers in the world. Everything from trade to monetary policy can and is expected to be discussed.)

📌 Voting on Protocol 20 - September TBD 👉🏻 Link  

(TBD - we don’t have a date set in stone yet for voting on the implementation of Protocol 20)

Each one of these events represents a chance for new monetary policy changes. But first, we need to see gold attempt to “break out” of its below 2000 holding pattern.

“When gold is free, so are we”


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Thank you Dinar Recaps


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