Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for July 28, 2023

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for July 28, 2023

RJ:  Good morning Dinar Recaps,

The House Financial Services Committee, and now, the US House Agriculture Committee passes pro-crypto bill.

These two committees had portions to approve this week before they could go before the House and the Senate of the new crypto clarity bill. This bill has currently moved to the House at this point for a vote.

This gives regulators a clear path to transition from seeing digital assets as a security to a commodity-based system.

And now, we have Basel 3 proposals accepted and ready to move forward as of yesterday as well.

Once these two bills become law, you are going to see changes happen in the marketplace come about with tokenized assets bringing everything in the new economy to real values.

© Goldilocks

"How Stablecoins Can Revolutionize America’s Payment System."

Many of the payment systems in the US are considered slow compared to other countries of the world. The efficiencies and speed of stablecoins that represents a country's currency is worth the risk to move forward.

The use of stablecoins would usher in a shared power and influence over the global payment system. The use of technology around the world would incorporate the need and desire for input on our Global Payment Partners going forward.

This shared power will also bring in shared influence and demand for other currencies around the world in digital transactions.

These new demands will bring in new currency values based on these new demands for more currency utilization other countries will bring into the digital asset-based trading system.

This Great Transfer of Power and a Leveling Off of the Playing Field will significantly transform our Global Economy.

It is already underway.

© Goldilocks


It is anybody's guess which will come first. New laws designed to usher in a new economy, or a failing economy that will usher in new laws.

As you can see from these morning articles, we are positioned for a change. Next stop, look for gold, silver, and oil reforms that will move us forward.

© Goldilocks


"The 1,100-page proposal will have a comment period lasting until Nov. 30.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. voted 3 to 2 on Thursday to recommend increased capital requirements and other changes for banks as U.S. regulators react to the regional-bank crisis from earlier this year and implement the international Basel III banking rules created in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis in 2008."


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Thank you Dinar Recaps


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