Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for July 20, 2023

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for July 20, 2023

RJ: Good afternoon Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks posted comments and links on global economics:

ISO 20022.... LET'S DO IT

Iraq is in the process of creating an electronic mechanism that would force the sale of the Iraqi dinar inside the bank system and away from external markets putting pressure on their National Currency to rise outside of their control.

Banks in Iraq who achieve this benchmark will be given preferential treatment inside the Foreign Currency Market.

These banks will be given an opportunity to experience more inflows from Governmental funds to help them achieve this goal.

Once this goal is reached, Iraq will be able to formulate a real value for their currency going forward.

© Goldilocks


The BRICS Nations have been buying massive amounts of gold. This expands the net worth of their currencies as an alternative monetary holding.

This puts more pressure on mining companies around the world to accelerate in their ability to function as an alternative source of income available to the world.

If they are successful in creating these new functions for gold, gold will be seen as an alternative Global Currency.

These new demands would increase the value of gold as well as force a repricing event in Gold we are looking for to liquidate our Global economies.

This repricing event would affect our digital, as well as, paper currencies around the world and give companies more money flow to grow their business ventures.

All roads lead to gold, and gold will set us free.

© Goldilocks


Institutional money is beginning to flow into the crypto space. Companies like BlackRock, Rothschild, Vanguard, and Franklin Templeton have and are beginning to liquidate the digital markets.

These Big Players are capable of moving a market forward, and their visions for a digital economy have placed them into a position that carves out a pathway for their companies to thrive inside a new economic environment.

As we have already pointed out in a previous article, the inclusion of crypto, gold, and the dollar are rapidly becoming inseparable forces of nature that cannot be stopped.

© Goldilocks


Chainlink Launches Cross-Chain Protocol to Bridge Blockchains With Traditional Capital Markets"

New digital protocols allowing crypto networks to cross over into Traditional Capital Markets are forming Bridges between money and the marketplace.

This is why I keep sharing with you that digital-assets, gold, and money will operate as one entity going forward through smart contracts and artificial intelligence.

The tokenization of commodities and assets gives a real value to prices that will secure monetary valuations moving them inside an economy.

This makes a Global Currency Reset more than a possibility. It is inevitable.

As each country formulates digital monetary policies that will meet with recommendations from the G20 meeting in September for the Global Economy, we are being positioned for a standardized process that can give us a path forward.

© Goldilocks


☝️The above process will not take long in a small country like Iraq, and once they have a real value in the microcosm they can take it to the macrocosm.

Currently, they have been using a programmed rate for "in country." The next step for them in determining a real rate for their country is what they are doing right now.

It will lead to the project of deleting the three zeros.

Population of Iraq: 43.53 million (2021)

© Goldilock


Twenty-two nations have formally applied to become members of the BRICS economic bloc.

The list is growing by the day.



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Thank you Dinar Recaps


Iraqi "Unrest" News and more posted by Clare at KTFA 7-20-2023


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