Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for July 17, 2023

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for July 17, 2023

RJ:  Good morning Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks posted comments and links on today's global financial news:

"India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed agreements on trade settlement in national currencies and setting up a real-time link for cross-border transactions as Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Abu Dhabi on Saturday to bolster cooperation in areas such as trade, energy and climate action."

The exchange rates between these two countries will no longer be determined by the use of the dollar determining the values placed between them.

The following will determine their exchange rates going forward:

*Differentials in Inflation
*Differentials in Interest Rates
* Current Account Deficits
* Public Debt
* Terms of Trade
* Strong Economic Performance

Are you beginning to understand the role gold will play in the above economic factors that determine an exchange rate? This is why Central Banks are accumulating so much gold.

Gold expands the net worth of a country's economic status. When we have a repricing event in gold, this will minimize many of the exchange pressures listed above allowing the value of a country's wealth to be revalued on every level.

Let's take a closer look at just one of them that seems to be important to many people. Public Debt. Yes, it is one of the factors that determine a country's exchange rate.

 Now, are you beginning to see why a jubilee is more than possible? In some countries, it is already happening.

© Goldilocks

HindustanTimes LINK


Yesterday, the Central Bank of Iraq gave us two articles dealing with external transfers made on electronic trading platforms.

The Trade Bank of Iraq is involved with this as well as the Iraqi Stock Exchange.

Iraq is currently listing their stock market on an international platform that will include various forms of external transfer possibilities. Many of these external transfers you and I are using already.

Now, can you imagine being able to buy and sell Iraqi stock on an app as a retail investor?

Iraq has been given a month from 7/13/2023 to inform the CBI of their procedures.

© Goldilocks

Navi Blog LINK


Here is an article from last year to give us an idea where our economy is going.

History has proven that a strong dollar hinders the growth of the crypto space.

A weak dollar gives cryptocurrencies space to grow.

Recently, Frank 26 showed us a video of XRP being pegged to the IQD. This is another indicator that Iraq is currently interfacing the IQD to the QFS.

When two currencies are pegged together, they expand market possibilities showing trust in the exchange.

As we have gone over many times in this room, an increase in demand for a currency increases its value.

© Goldilocks

Tradestation LINK.


CFTC Announces Two New Task Forces

"The first, the Cybersecurity and Emerging Technologies Task Force, will focus on cybersecurity and issues associated with emerging technologies including enforcing adequate cybersecurity controls and safeguards, prosecuting technology-related market manipulation and theft of non-public information, exploring the role of technologies like AI and machine learning in regulatory violations, and ensuring proper supervision of emerging technologies use.

The second, the Environmental Fraud Task Force, will tackle fraud and misconduct in regulated derivatives markets and relevant spot markets, including voluntary carbon credit markets and will focus on scrutinizing the claimed environmental benefits of carbon credits and the accuracy of statements regarding ESG products or strategies."


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