Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for August 5, 2023

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for August 5, 2023

Good morning Dinar Recaps,

"Example balance sheet of a central bank. Net equity equals the difference between assets and liabilities. Capital, reserves, and provisions included in net equity are simply referred to as “capital” in this article."

This gives you an idea of why Central Banks hold gold.

During a crisis, the price of gold holds steady or it will go up in value to balance the books.

© Goldilocks

The above is an example of a revaluation account held at the Deutsche Bank.

Take a look at the different accounts. It is not hard to notice that gold is the most held in this particular account.

This goes to show you that the price of gold is what revalues EVERYTHING during times of a banking crisis.

At the present time, we are tokenizing everything. Gold and other real-world assets back the tokens. Tokens are attached to assets giving them real values.

This is why we spent the last year and a half talking about the new monetary system from the ground up as it is being digitized, and now, tokenized.

The new digital economy backed by gold is the bridge to bringing real values to an inflated set of assets on a global scale.

"This new monetary system is commonly known as the Digital Asset-based Trading System."

"All roads lead to gold, and gold will set you free."

© Goldilocks


The Consumer Price Index measures how much households are paying for goods and services. This reading is expected to take place next week.

The cargo shipping industry is giving us clues that goods and services have significantly slowed down. This is an indicator that gives us a clue as to what we may see next week.

In the meantime, we have a market that is seeking direction right now. If the CPI reading next week comes in low, you will see lower readings on the markets unless we have a market intervention with the 1.007 trillion dollar deficit that was just created in borrowing money for such cases that we are seeing now in Q3.

I just want to point out to you that the markets are not as good as they appear and a great deal of intervention is taking place behind the scenes to keep us from seeing real numbers so far.

This is why we may see a rapid change in the markets at any moment.

Investors are catching on and more people are buying gold and other commodities as a result.

© Goldilocks


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Thank you Dinar Recaps


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