Friday Night X22 Reports 2-14-2020

[CB] Panics, Judy Shelton Offered A Glimpse Of Draining The [CB] Swamp - Episode 2097a

X22 Reports:  Feb 14, 2020

Trump economic plan has accelerated, the people are going to receive the benefit and it will take effect this September, timing is everything.

Trump is now taking the educational funds and returning them to the states, this is to allow those closest to the children to make choice on education not government.

The Senate is questioning Judy Shelton and she just let them know that draining the [CB] swamp is not out of the question.

Optics Are Important, Barr’s Delayed Testimony Confirmed, Traps Are Important - Episode 2097b

X22 Reports:  Feb 14, 2020

The [DS]/D's walked right into the latest trap, it was planned perfectly.

Optics are very important, an outside prosecutor is looking into the Flynn case.

Barr testimony delayed to educate the people and to allow for the declass.

The Durham investigation is still ongoing and there are bigger slam dunks coming


What Is A Power Of Attorney?


KTFA Members "News and Views" Friday 2-14-2020