Frank, Walkingstick and KTFA Members Monday PM 3-2-2020


BlueJen:  IMO Frank alluded to a Delay in the last UB2B.

Harb, the Legal Expert has extended the Deadline of Mar 2nd to Mar 8th due to Holidays. Harb also stated Allawi has met the Deadline by Presenting the Cabinet and he has a Legal Right to remain in Office. This "Throwing in of the Towel" is a weak move for someone who has stood against Corruption and also Declared on TV he would Prosecute any Minister who was Corrupt and was Paid to come Against the Cabinet.  Completely un-Trump Clone-like. This is becoming very Theatrical and illogical.

Khoumeni arrives for a Mtg and no one is talking about it....Why? I expected Iran to be given Terms and the remaining Proxies to run back to Iran with their tails between their legs. Instead the Embassy deals with another Missile Attack. Potentially the Citizens are going to escalate and more than likely burn out Halbousi, maybe even Sadr and a few others.

The UN n USA are putting great pressure to Prosecute the Caretaker GOI for Human Right Violations. The GOI looks like Keystone Cops. Meanwhile the Banks continue Training, now Customer Service material.

And so we wait for Monday's UB2B for a Clue about next Sunday's reveal??? 
We're gonna need more Cookies IMO

The Snod:  Several months ago, WS said there was a back-up gov’t in place if necessary.   Iran trumps Trump? Trump and China trumps all.

GodLover: If what you state is accurate as far as WS stating this......then it does give some peace of mind imo. With that said, makes me wonder why the back-up government has yet to be exposed? There has to be an actual reason for this back-up government not being exposed yet...imo.
I have made it known that I feel the need for a seated GOI prior to the MR....per articles that have stated this as well over the last months imo. Not to mention the thought of releasing the MR without a seated GOI seems impractical imo. On that same thinking.....maybe it's not the CBI waiting for the GOI seating....but the back-up government is waiting for the CBI to be ready? imo. Some will agree....some will is what it is, but ultimately we are still hoping & praying we are at the end of this ride, grasping for reasons why it has yet to happen imo.

Walkingstick:  Ftti (For those that inquired) : IMO...Too much, focus ... on Allawi... Keep in mind, whether... Allawi is seated or not..  Iraq, does have ..  a seated and functioning government/cabinet in place.. which, continues to convene and issue directives under Mahdi..... 


GodsServant:  Thank you for your post WS. The existing Govt as I understand it is a Caretaker Govt and cannot pass any new laws. They can only enforce what has been approved.

As Frank said the button was pushed on the 24th IHO and many in here are wondering what was initiated on the 24th. In following the constitution Salih has 7 days to accept MTA's resignation and then 15 days to name the new PM. In the meantime Mahdi is still the PM , and he is suggesting in articles that he can dissolve Parliament.

It appears that the CBI is waiting on Citizens to be satisfied as they remain the largest Bock.

My understanding is Parliament can be dissolved by the PM and President agreeing along with a 1/3 vote from Parliament. IMO MTA was not able to get his vote of confidence even with his independent cabinet.

 IMO we should study the constitution and see what it takes to dissolve Parliament and watch the actions of the incumbents and what they do for the Citizens. Can the CBI move forward, I believe the answer is yes. The question is why haven't they and what stopped them the last two times.

All open for study and comments.   Thank you KTFA

Walkingstick:  Agreed, Mahdi and his cabinet (form) nothing more then a care-taker government... Yet, they are in fact a seated government... Nor, can they now or have they ever had the authority to vote on a bill, to become law ... The PM and his cabinet propose bills, turn, are forwarded to parliament for a vote, which are then voted on... becoming law, or not....

Parliament, on the other hand... is not, part of the executive branch... Any bill that has reached parliament, sitting in parliament (100's ) or was approved prior to Mahdis resignation can be voted on in parliament. ie: 2020 budget..  Parliament must also vote on the acceptance of a cabinet put forward by any PM... 

As a caretaker government Mahdi and his cabinet cannot issue bills to parliament but they can issue directives to other branches of the government. ie: release of funds to citizens, claim a holiday,   etc..These do not require a vote in parliament... 

I agree, and yet the CBI has been prepared for quite some time... An event, Mahdi failed twice in its implementation...

Myself, I put no faith in their abiding by their constitution... They opt to select when to abide by it when it's in ones best interest... In the years since it was voted on, all sitting governments have been in violation.... Article 140, HCL... only 2 of many clear violations....Regards.....

Frank26:  3-2-20. SCANDALOUS

Monday Conference Call: 7 pm est   605-313-5164 PIN: 156996#

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News, Rumors and Opinons Monday Evening 3-2-2020


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