Frank Delta and KTFA Members Tuesday 2-18-2020



Samson:  The central bank determines the percentage of fees charged to banks

18th February, 2020

The Central Bank of Iraq, on Tuesday, directed banks and financial institutions to commit to meeting the commissions prescribed by its transactions

The bank said in a statement received by "Eye of Iraq News", that "all banks and financial institutions have an obligation to fulfill the commissions previously determined by their transactions, which are as follows

1- Purchase commission through points of sale: free of charge

2- Cash withdrawal commission through points of sale (0.006 of the amount) a minimum (2,000 Iraqi dinars), or 6,000 dinars per 1 million Iraqi dinars, and if the amount of 333,000 dinars is withdrawn or less, then the lowest commission applies and amounts to (2,000 Iraqi dinars)

3- Cash withdrawal commission through the ATM: (0.004 of the withdrawn amount) The lowest commission (1,000 Iraqi dinars), i.e. 4,000 Iraqi dinars per 1 million dinars, and in the event of withdrawing an amount of 250,000 Iraqi dinars or less applied The lowest commission is (1,000 Iraqi dinars)    LINK

Samson:  The central bank organizes a lecture in Mosul on financial inclusion

18th February, 2020

The Central Bank of Iraq / the Mosul branch organized a meeting with government
and private banks in Nineveh Governorate and the Association of Private Banks as
well as electronic payment companies on February 10, 2020.

 The meeting included a lecture to promote the concept of financial inclusion, ATM and 
POS deployment mechanisms , updates to localization statistical indicators, RTGS and 
ACH system stats.

 The Central Bank of Iraq information Office



Monday Night KTFA CC 2-17-2020 with Frank26

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Samson:  Deputy: The 2020 budget will be completely changed according to the new government program

11:51 - 02/18/2020
The deputy of the Al-Fath Alliance, Ahmed Al-Kinani, confirmed on Tuesday that the draft budget for 2020 will be changed significantly after the government of Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi obtained confidence, indicating that the next government is determined to provide a government program.

Al-Kanani said in a statement to "Information" that "the 2020 budget has not been approved yet because of the resignation of the government, as well as the political dispute over its details."

Al-Kinani added, "The next government will rearrange and change the draft budget according to its next government program, which parliament will vote on in the coming days."

On the presence of a bloc opposed to the selection of independent ministers in Allawi's government, Al-Kinani indicated that "Allawi will succeed in passing his government in the event of selecting independent ministers without the need for the Kurdistani Democrat or parties from the Union of Forces."   LINK

ScubaSteve70:  All IMO of course...But I am remembering notes taken during last night CC.
1) PM
2) A Rate
3) Budget

Budget needs the rate...So is this why they will have to "rearrange" before voting?

I am loving the enthusiasm that each article is bringing today!!

KTFA, Frank, Tink, Delta, WalkingStick..THANK YOU, I don't know where I would be in this investment if it weren't for your diligence.  I am forever grateful. You will all forever be in my prayers.  Thank you.


Samson:  A Kurdish delegation arrives in Baghdad on an urgent visit to negotiate with Allawi on the new government

18th February, 2020

Former Deputy Prime Minister, Bahaa Al-Araji, called on Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi and the older Kurdish delegation to Baghdad to form a government that can bypass the crisis.

Al-Araji said in a tweet on Twitter, "Today, the Kurdish delegation arrives in Baghdad to negotiate with the designated Prime Minister to determine their participation in the next government."

He added, "We call on both parties to look at the public interest in order to form a government that can overcome the crisis."  LINK

Samson:  11 Shiite ministries, 6 for the Sunnis, and 5 for the Kurds in the government of Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi

18th February, 2020

An informed political source revealed that the new cabinet of Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi will include 11 ministries of Shiites, 6 for the year and 5 for the Kurds.

The source said in a statement to "Al-Ikhbaria", "The Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi has completed his cabinet, and he will send it to Parliament no later than next Thursday."

He explained that "the ministerial cabinet includes 11 ministries for the Shiites, 6 for the year, 5 for the Kurds and one for the minorities, as it includes 5 dual-minister ministers and 5 women."

A well-informed political source said that the announcement of the ministerial cabinet will take place within the next five days.   LINK


Sawco:  Good morning, all...……...If I have learned anything about our study,,, it's that Frank and WS have been spot on, with respect to the articles we read on our forum... By that, I mean many are completely contradictory.....

As Frank and WS have said, "many of what you read coming from Iraq,, is not true, and fake news"....Case in point,,, post 54 says that Allawi will bring his cabinet to parliament tomorrow (Wednesday),, yet post 131 states TWO different comments:  One,, Allawi will bring his cabinet to parliament by Thursday,, and yet later in the same article,, it states, Two: Allawi will bring his cabinet to parliament in the next five days.. Other articles also talk about:  either late this week, or early next week...…….

In conclusion,,, listen to Frank and WS,,, not some of this contradicting news that comes out of Iraq...Much of it comes from Maliki's newspapers (that he owns)………..Of course, all of the above is Blessings family...…….

P.S.  I'm sticking with Frank,,who,, if I understand what he has said,, "look for an RI by the end of this month"... Lord knows I could have misunderstand his thoughts,, but I pray he Is correct...………...Again,,Blessings family...……..

Walkingstick:   All else, aside.. The very reason Iraqis are more dependent on social media versus local media... Knowing, most local media outlets are partisan... Owned and or influenced by influential parties or persons... Regards...


Don961:  Advisor to the Prime Minister: The reform package will employ half a million citizens

Monday 17 February 2020

Baghdad / Farah Al-Khaffaf

 The Prime Minister's advisor for financial affairs, Dr. Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed that the fiscal deficit that will be included in the General Budget Law for the year 2020 will not affect the salaries of employees and retirees, and that the government tends to provide internal sources of revenue, to secure financial allocations for the operation of at least half a million citizens within the package of reforms. 

Saleh said in a special statement to “Al-Sabah”: “According to the budget data, all salaries are insured, and they are within the basic function of the state and its priorities, and that the fiscal deficit within the budget for the year 2020 will not affect salaries Employees and retirees. ” 

The consultant added that "wage salary indicators increased by 10 to 11 trillion dinars, including no less than the operation of half a million citizens, within the package of reforms launched by the government at the end of last year 2019, including operating some contracts, and revoking their contracts, which constituted an addition to the salary budget." 

He referred to "the necessity of returning financial engineering to Iraq to reduce unnecessary expenses," stressing "finding real and actual internal sources to supplement the budget with revenues before resorting to borrowing, especially since the state is in a balanced debt position at the present time, meaning that the space Financial is good. ”

Saleh pointed out, "The presence of vessels evading taxes, as paying the tax, fees and revenues enhances the state budget, and therefore it will go to the society’s livelihood, especially since the employee is an important contributor to the economic cycle through his spending, and this process is called doubling the income in a way that drives the wheel of the economy." 

He explained that "the obligation to pay taxes is called the right to coexistence, which is a free national contribution and not a feudal levy, and that it is fair, simple and payable without exhausting the citizen", urging "the strengthening of financial and collection management to provide resources to meet the expenses, which are resources from the customs Unlimited wallpapers ". 

The advisor stressed the importance of the ability to address corruption and violations, that is, spending without the availability of benefits, and the need to address unnecessary expenditures in the budget and reduce them, especially since there are many gaps in exchange

He urged "the search for real resources that guarantee living for the added employees and securing their salaries, through real directions to maximize internal resources." 

As for what concerns Iraq’s oil, and the efforts of OPEC, which Iraq is one of its founders, to an additional reduction in oil production for producers inside and outside it, Saleh confirmed that it is a common and mutual interest, and that the reduction will be in production and not by the amount of exports, noting that “the reduction contributes to stimulating the raising and improving The price of a barrel of oil while it is in the interest of Iraq, especially since Iraq has committed itself to its share of the previous reduction.     LINK

Samson:  Parliamentary Finance: The next chapter will witness the arrival of the Chinese agreement

10:59 - 02/18/2020

Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, on Tuesday, that the next legislative term will witness the arrival of the Iraqi-Chinese agreement to the House of Representatives, stressing that Parliament had previously asked the government to send a copy of the agreement.

Member of the Committee, Siham Al-Aqili, said in a statement to "Information", that "the House of Representatives asked the government to send a copy of the Chinese agreement in order to present it to the relevant parliamentary committees," noting that "all agreements with any country must be enacted by law by the legislative authority." 

Al-Aqili added, “Such agreements must be regulated by a law issued by the legislature to monitor the implementation of the agreement,” stressing that “the upcoming legislative term will see the arrival of a copy of the agreement signed between Iraq and China to the House of Representatives.”    LINK


Samson:   China exempts 696 US goods from customs duties to support purchases

18th February, 2020

China has decided to exempt 696 American goods from punitive customs duties, in the largest duty exemption to date, as Beijing seeks to implement its obligations in the initial trade agreement with the United States

Tuesday's announcement comes after the first-stage agreement between the two countries came into effect on February 14th and this is the third round of exemptions that China gives to American goods

China has pledged to increase purchases of goods and services from the United States by 200 billion dollars over two years as part of the agreement, and has already abolished some additional fees on US imports after the signing

Among the commodities included in the exemptions are agricultural and energy products such as pork, beef, liquefied natural gas and crude oil, which were subject to additional fees in the midst of the escalation of the commercial dispute between the two countries   LINK



News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday PM 2-18-2020


IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday 2-18-20