Everything Bubble to Finally Burst? Watch These 2 Signs Confirming Huge Crash Has Begun – Harry Dent

Everything Bubble to Finally Burst? Watch These 2 Signs Confirming Huge Crash Has Begun – Harry Dent

Kitco News:  1-18-2024

Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, interviews Harry Dent, founder of HS Dent, who says that the everything bubble could finally burst in 2024, triggering a meltdown in all assets except one.

Dent also explains why we haven’t seen a market selloff in 2023 and gives his projections for this year. He also highlights two signals to watch that would confirm that the massive crash has begun.

00:00 - Intro and U.S. Economic Outlook

 02:16 - Addressing Calls for 2023 Outlook

10:29 - Harry Dent's Contrarian Predictions

 13:41 - The Role of Stimulus in Shaping the Economy

18:55 - 2024 Outlook

26:02 - Bitcoin’s Market Trends and Predictions

 31:52 - Take on Gold and Treasury Bonds

38:15 - Real Estate

47:36 - U.S. Elections and Economic Implications



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