Economic Thoughts from Lynette Zang, David Rosenberg and David Lin 7-19-2023

How Global Central Banks are Handling De-Dollarization Fears

Lynette Zang:  7-18-2023

There was just a major pattern shift in Global Central Banks deciding to move their Gold holdings home as a flight to safety.

And then, in almost perfect harmony, the US Dollar Index falls below a key technical support level, making it even more clear what’s about to unfold.

I remember when the Dollar Index fell in 2007 (also in July) and I called to warn my mother to pull her stocks out. This was the first time I said “something nasty this way comes”.

She pulled half her money out, then called me in February of 2008 asking me to look at her statement saying “There’s got to be something wrong here”. I said no Mom, I warned you, this is an erosion of your portfolio... 96% of Central Banks say their “Safe Heaven Asset” is Gold.

They are getting ready for this, are you? They now only want physical gold in their possession, do you?

Let’s uncover what’s happening with the US Dollar and break down the exact same strategies the banks are using to protect themselves as we speak…coming up!


0:00 De-Dollarization

3:07 Primary Currency Metal

6:15 Spot Gold Market

10:16 USD Index

13:19 US Dollar to Peso

 15:07 Purchasing Power of Consumer Dollar

18:58 Gold Holdings

Stock Market Bubble To ‘Pop In Your Face’ As Recession Draws Nearer

David Lin:  7-19-2023

David Rosenberg, Founder and President of Rosenberg Research, joins David Hay, co-CIO of Evergreen Gavekal, in a discussion on recession indicators, soft landing expectations, and investment implications.

0:00 - Intro

2:00 - GDI and Recession

7:00 - Market reaction

10:00 - Soft landing

16:40 - Can stocks reach new highs?

21:20 - Labor market

24:00 - Stock market bubble

30:00 - Inflation and consumer spending

34:28 - Inflation outlook

37:00 - Peak effect

40:30 - Disinflation

47:00 - Investment implications


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