Don’t Hide Your Emergency Cash in These Spots

Don’t Hide Your Emergency Cash in These Spots

Cynthia Measom   January 23, 2023

To keep from having to go into debt when the unexpected happens, financial experts recommend that you open a savings account and build an emergency fund that can cover three to six months' worth of expenses. While that's all well and good, sometimes you need to have cash within arm's reach.

"It is smart to have a stash of money on hand in case of natural disasters or major power outages when electronic money transfers may not be possible," said Andrew Latham, certified financial planner and content director for SuperMoney. "However, the lion's share of your emergency savings should be in an FDIC-insured savings account earning interest."

If you're hiding emergency cash at home, here are some spots you should avoid.

Buried in Your Yard

"If you want to keep your cash accessible but not in a bank account, you might get tempted to put it in a coffee can or plastic bag and bury it in your yard," said Laura Adams, MBA and personal finance expert with Finder. "That might be the worst place for cash because it could get destroyed, forgotten or stolen. Even if you have home or renters insurance, it never covers lost, damaged or stolen cash."

In a Safe That Isn't Waterproof or Fireproof

"If you want cash on hand, ensure it's in a waterproof and fireproof safe or locked cabinet," Adams said. "Make sure you don't keep all your emergency money at home because a natural disaster such as a fire, flood or windstorm could put you at risk of losing all of it."

Under a Loose Floorboard or Behind a Loose Brick

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