."Distracted By a Lack of Distraction" by Dr. Dinar 2-2-2020

Thank you Dr. Dinar

Distracted By A Lack Of Distraction by Dr. Dinar

Waking up this morning I couldn't help but notice that something was different.

Couldn't quite pin it down but it was just a feeling I had.

A gut feeling that something was out of the norm.

Checked my bank balance and nope, still broke.

So that wasn't it.

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Checked my emails and nothing really stood out as being different.

Yes, there was mention of something called a Palindrome Day. (Link)

My first thought was it had something to do with Drones.

Perhaps Drone Owners and their pals were celebrating the invention of the drone.

Honestly, I'm not really up on the whole drone scene so I didn't pay much attention.

Not at first anyway.

Then after I read up on it a bit, I thought oh, that's kinda cool.

But honestly, after seeing hundreds of those "This will be the last time this will occur for the next 900 years" declarations, only to see yet another one occur the very next month, it really didn't trigger my radar.

Nope. There had to be something else going on here.

Something else that made today different.

That somehow made it special.

Still couldn't put my finger on it.

Finished up reading my emails and going through the rest of my routine.

And a huge part of my daily routine is my morning walk around the block.

Or should I say blocks.

Every day (Well, every day that it's not horribly horrible weather anyway) I cruise the neighborhood to the tune of just over 3 miles.

Sure, it's nothing major but like they say, I'm lapping everyone that's still on the couch.

So at least I'm doing something towards improving my health.

Or at least maintaining the status quo.

I have a daily route, a routine that offers a bit of uphill, mixed with some downhill, lots of flatland, culminating in an uphill grade that gets me back to the front door.

I don't always feel that great when I leave, battling the endless reasons (aka excuses) as to why I shouldn't go.

Too busy.

Too cold out.

Too whatever.

At the end of the day, all of them are excuses.

I know I need to do it and I know that every time I complete the journey, I'm glad I did it.

And today, with the exceptionally glorious weather we've been experiencing, the excuses were in short supply.

Which made it that much easier to grab my phone, earbuds, sunglasses and I was off and walking.

As I mentioned I have a routine route and along the way there are various markers that serve to remind me of where I am in my journey.

I have a good idea of where Mile Marker #1 is.

Where Mile Marker #2 is, and so on.

Not that I'm struggling to reach the finish line at that point but it's nice to know how far I've walked.

Oh, who am I kidding.

By about Mile #2 I'm definitely feelin' it.

Okay, REALLY feelin' it.

So with each step I take, even though I know I'm making progress, I can feel myself breathing harder.

Come to think of it, I can hear myself breathing harder.

Even with my earbuds in, listening to the latest replay of a well known Dinarland conference call, I can still hear my labored breathing.

Heck, at that point, it almost feels like I can hear my hair growing with each inhale and exhale.

Let's just say the last mile or so isn't quite as easy as the first couple miles were.

And lemme tell ya, they weren't anything even close to easy.

For some reason it was just about that time that it dawned on me just how similar my daily walk is to this whole RV/GCR thing.

What we thought was difficult a decade ago, in retrospect, was the easiest it would ever be.

It was all about Iraq.

Only Iraq.

Nothin' but Iraq.

All Iraq. All. The. Time.

No if's, and's, or Zim's.

Although we didn't know it at the time, things were about to get a whole bunch more confusing.

As we continued to trudge along the RV/GCR path, uphill, downhill, along the cliff's edge, we were continually presented with one distraction after another.

Some ready made.

Others, not so much.

Many of these so called distractions seemed to be there for our benefit.

Causing us to ponder the question, "Are we really that important?"

And by "we" I'm referring to us Dinarians.

Could we possibly even be on anybody's radar?

Enough of a blip to which they feel as if they have to constantly keep the confusion coming our way.

Keeping us in constant Mushroom Mode.

Meaning constantly keeping us in the dark, continually feeding us ****.

While on one hand I'd like to think we're that important to this entire endeavor.

However, on the other hand I believe we're just an afterthought.

A result of the internet doing what it does, connecting people on a global scale, all from the comfort of their couch.

I don't believe that we were ever a concern.

We were simply Peasants that morphed into Toothless Crackheads.

Nothing more.

Fortunately we were able to grab our seats on the Insane Train just before it departed the station.

I don't know about you but despite the overwhelming length of this journey, I'm still ecstatic that I purchased my ticket for this ride.

Speaking of ride, as I neared the 2.5 mile marker, I began to daydream about my new ride.

And by new, of course I'm referring to my post GCR dream car.

At this point, anything even close to new would be a dream come true.

I certainly can't afford to purchase anything right now.

Nope, I'm still driving my 30 year old truck.

Thankfully it's still running but I'll be more than happy when the day comes that I can afford an upgrade.

Even if only to make it up grades that much easier, as well as more reliably.

Constantly worrying if every ride will be my last isn't the best way to live.

Yet, at the same time, I still consider myself fortunate to have a vehicle at all.

Many people don't.

And as I made my way closer to the finish line I began to hear an odd noise.

Couldn't tell what it was at first, nor where it was coming from.

What I did know is that the noise was getting louder.

Which meant that whatever it was, it was getting closer.

Before I knew it, the noise came roaring by me.

And as it did, it just as quickly got quieter.

What was this odd flapping noise?

Well, as it turns out, it was a passing car.

Nothing extra odd about that.

But what was different were the two flags, one above each rear side window, flapping away at breakneck speed.

That's it!

It's Sooperbowl Sunday!

To be honest, I'm not much of a football fanatic.

Sure, I'll watch the playoffs and such but that's to be said for baseball as well.

The rest of the season leading up to any sort of playoffs, not so much.

And as the car continued on its journey, flags still flapping away, it dawned on me that this is the first year in I don't know how many years that the Sooperbowl hasn't been mentioned as THE distraction.

The BEST TIME EVER to release the GCR.

How odd is that.

From the first year I got involved in this whole RV thing this Special Sunday was always one of the biggies.

One of those ready made perfect storm days.

The ultimate Distraction Day.

Well, I don't believe it's the perfect distraction day simply because the rest of the world doesn't care about today being special.

Contrary to popular opinion, I also don't believe they need a distraction of any sort prior to releasing the GCR.

I think that people tend to think that the entire world is laser focused on the arrival of the GCR and the crumbling of the global economies world wide.

Again, I disagree.

I think that if you're a currency holder, then of course you've got your eyes peeled, brain laser focused.

Especially if you're in a position anything close to mine, holding on with your last cuticle, hanging somewhere between a wing and a prayer.

Then you're even more focused.

But the other billions of people around the world that don't hold currency?

Not so much.

They have bigger and better things to concern themselves with.

Or so they're being told to think they do anyway.

Thinking back, prior to my first currency purchase, I couldn't have cared less what was going on in the world of global economics.

I'd just lost everything in the market crash and my stress was focused much closer to home.

Or better said, on the loss of my home to be more exact.

And I think that's the way it is today.

If you're not involved with the currencies up close and personal, then you'll never even know anything happened.

In my opinion this will be the biggest non-event to ever not hit the lamestream media.

The GCR will be released, likely in the middle of the night and not even the owls will know it happened.

We will all be notified within a day or two.

Set up our appointments, exchange our currencies, and be on our merry way.

We'll start our new lives, paying it forward, and the rest of the world won't be aware that anything even happened.

There might be a news blurb or two talking about the newly minted dollar bills that they're seeing out there but similar to the release of the new $100 bill, it will be a big whateva.

People will go on living their lives just as they always have, none the wiser.

Only us in the know people will know anything has changed.

As I rounded the corner, driveway in sight, I took pleasure in knowing that my journey was nearly complete.

That I'd just about reached the finish line.

Which also caused me to think about the GCR and how much I hope that we're nearing the finish line.

Already being a month into yet another year that we should never have been starting off broke isn't the greatest feeling, that's for sure.

But at this point all we can do is continue to hang in there and ride this thing out 'til the very end, knowing that with each passing day we're that much closer to seeing our dreams materialize.

This game has to end sometime, hopefully sooner than later.

Hang in there folks, don't let the lack of distraction distract you.

For all we know the rumors of us being closer than close really are real.

We simply have to reach the finish line, making sure to finish strong.


Dr. Dinar

Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor in any way connected with the Sooperbowl crew nor either Team. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this whole RV/GCR thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.


Policy papers: Iraq’s Monetary Policy


Sunday Night X22 Reports 2-2-2020