"Coffee With MarkZ" Thursday Morning Chat 6-15-2023

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ Thursday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: gm to all hope this is blessed day for all

Member: GM I'll have my coffee with a shot of RV please.

Member:  It would be glorious to have that shotgun start today Mark!!! Just a suggestion lol

Member:  The kids in the back seat want to know if were there yet Mark?

MZ: The Iraqi people believe there is a revaluation imminent. Today is definitely not a nothing burger day.

Member: I wonder that the fact that Kurdistan is going to start distributing salaries to its employees on June 18 is significant in the fact that the RV must take place before then?

Member: according to Bruce it's happening. we will see.

Member: Dallas on PPN last was pretty positive about things happening soon.

MZ: MilitiaMan knocked it out of the park again. New video he talks about the fundamentals and all the businesses coming to Iraq…..the agreements and all the treaties they have signed. And China is working in Iraq with some projects….and just how imminent things are.  Be sure to go listen and support him

MZ: From Iraq: “ President of the Republic lands in Geneva” He is sure on a big jet from a third world country with no currency yet.

MZ: ”China deepens  influences  in Iraq  with oil for infrastructure”  Iraq has a ton of oil. This is similar for the “oil for dinar “deal ….China comes in with the know how and helps with infrastructure and gets paid in oil. This is sure brilliance.

MZ: “ US business delegation visits Iraq”  Talks about the security and stability Iraq has

MZ: “ Egypt has applied to join BRICS says Russian envoy”  This is also big news.

Member: “The Asian Clearing Union has announced it will replace SWIFT with Iran’s financial messaging system SEPAM as an alternative in trade exchanges between ACU members starting  next month” 

MZ: Stores like this are important right now….We know that the new BRICS currency will be a global option and will probably control up to 80% of all commodity sales in the nation by this fall. The can is now to big to kick….they may be able to roll it an inch or two…but they cannot kick it down the road anymore. We should be excited about that.

MZ: Let’s talk about rates. We are seeing rates all over the board in Iraq. ….The official rates have not changed yet. Iraqi people are holding onto their dinars……they are getting rid of US dollars and other foreign currencies and hanging onto their dinars.

MZ: After the passed the budget in Iraq they wanted to see the dinar grow stronger. It seems the dinar is substantially stronger than the official CBI rate right now.

MZ: My bankers at redemption centers believe they will be working this weekend. Bond folks still have not gotten paid yet. They are on an hour to hour watch….

Member: Well if everything is released in a “shotgun” start…Bond folks wouldn’t get dollars until everyone does……

Member: There is a rumor that nothing will happen till the third quarter now.

MZ: None of my sources agree with that but, what we do expect in the third quarter is a new full blown commodity based, international currency.  To me this is their way of forcing it to go. I personally believe it will be done before then.

​Member: If the fiscal year for the Gov't starts October 1 (I think it does), then we are already in the 3rd quarter.

Member: THIRD Quarter is just 01 JULY

Member: The 19th is a day of Jubilee in the Christian Calendar!!!

Member: An RV released on Fathers Day would be epic

Member: Wish something real would happen….Anticipation fatigue is real,,,,,,many of us have it.

Member: We know this is frustrating….IMO Mark doesn’t tell us BS. Only what he knows for sure. Calm down, take a big breath. It’s going to happen.

Member: Remember to look for the blessings each day...and you'll find more and more. It works!

Member: ​Dear God please let the RV happen in June 2023.

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Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

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Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

Twitch:   https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

Youtube:     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O-4FhsBoYc


News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday 6-15-2023


Thursday Morning Iraq Economic News Highlights 6-15-23