Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-1-23  

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-1-23  

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday, June 1st  Well, we made it to the month of June -and everybody,  welcome to the Big Call tonight. Everywhere you're listening from whether it's locally here in the US or around the globe. Thanks for tuning in. And we appreciate you tuning in. So we're gonna have a good call tonight. Got some information I can share with you. We're gonna have a nice call tonight. So, here we go. All right, well listen, let's talk about some intel.   Okay.

Now, to be completely candid with you guys, I was disappointed that we didn't get notified today. We had heard from some pretty strong sources that we should get notified today and it didn't happen.

So, here we are June 1st, we made it through the ISO 220 22 which was a 24 hour period to get make sure all the banks came online by midnight last night that they had the they had the Basel lll compliance for all banks. If they were Basel lll compliant, they were good - if they weren't able to step up and make sure they had the right amount of assets on deposit they couldn't comply with the regulations on Basel lll, and they're S-O-L they're gone, their doors would be closed.

And this would be true throughout the world. Banks that didn't, couldn't comply were no longer able to be part of what we're doing, or even – so -- there's probably some shakeout on that now on these banks, and I wondered if maybe that was a reason this didn't go today. Maybe there's ramifications of that, that are taking place that we didn't count on.

But we've got a quantum financial system. We've got an asset backed currency. You know, the USN.

We've got a number of countries that are part of the BRICS nations that are gold backed -  in other words, everything appears to be in place -  Iraq yesterday, was to come out with their gazette version of the budget. And today at nine this morning, they were to come out with a new rate - nine, nine o'clock, Baghdad time.

Well, they did come out with a new rate today. They have it up on the screens and we see it on our bank screens. We got that rate yesterday and again today. And it's moving up and I've already heard of the increase three times so far in two days, and it's continuing to trade up and increase.

Now - The great increase in the dinar rate is going to take place Sunday night when the dinar goes back on the forex and it can be traded up into higher regions. And that's what it's going to do Sunday night at seven o'clock Eastern so that's a good thing.

We know that the let me get this right. There are 10 currencies that are on the bank screens now. The dinar and Iraqi dinar and also the Indonesian Rupiah.

Those two are currently -  now where are the rest? Where are they - so are they going to migrate tonight? Are they going to come on board now? I think they're good going to do that. These aren't back screens. These are front screen teller screens that these are available on now.

The other thing is when we were looking for bondholders, as you remember from I guess Tuesday's call, were to receive their package starting Tuesday night and go for about four more days. They were going to receive their packages really by FedEx which would give them credit debit cards, and also instructions and the ability to have an email come to tell them when they had liquidity.

Well, they started out Tuesday night like we thought at six o'clock and they went for about 42 hours. And then they stopped I don't really know why those stopped  but they did -  Well - they're starting up again  Sunday  - let me make sure I got that right. I believe it's Sunday. They start again Sunday and that would continue on probably for another three or four days that's bond holders.

So where does that put us?

Now we're understanding that we are in a situation where our notifications for tier 4B – and this is coming from Wells Fargo today. Our notifications are pending for Saturday and or Sunday - notifications to us coming out pending Saturday or Sunday.

Now if that's the case, there's a possibility we'd get started over the weekend. Probably a greater possibility of starting exchanges Monday or Tuesday.

You know this has been a trend as you guys know, we seem to be getting things done but they're kind of pushing us one day further back further back. And that's what happened. We thought for sure we'd have this before the first of June and here were the first of June.

So what is going on behind the scenes is a very good question because we know that there's a lot happening. We know that there's a lot going on with certain pickups and drop offs and arrests and all that stuff throughout the country. It's ongoing. It's definitely happening.

We know that military in plainclothes and military uniform started going out a couple of days ago into so called hotspots and that would be in certain parts of the country where they think they need to be there for protection to squash anything that might come up -

but when it comes to our emergency alert system, which is what it's called now, EAS not EBS but EAS Emergency Alert System.

I believe they bring that up they'll probably have it as cover for us going for exchanges. And I don't know if it'll be eight hour segments three times a day 24/7 for 12 days. It's just hard to say how it's gonna come out right now. We've heard that for years, but I don't know if that's what they're really going to do.

And what are they going to have live video stuff and I don't know, they're gonna have video. And I think they've got to sort of really go back and bring us certain things in history that we learned a certain way. Guess what? It wasn't really what happened.

So I think we're gonna get some of that initially, and who knows how deeply they're going to go into what's been happening over years with child trafficking and child endangerment and all of that bad stuff that's been happening for years, so I'm sure there'll be some of that that will come up. And I'm sure they'll bring us people that were involved in that that we had no clue that we're involved in that. And it's gonna be I think, kind of disconcerting that we find all that out.

But what we're interested right now is getting the blessing to manifest to us and getting started on that - and then also are we going to see the increases that we talked about Tuesday night for them in the month of June for increase in Social Security, which could be substantial, and also restitution and reclamation allowance coming forward in either the first and or last week of June. It could be coming both at both times.

Now, in my opinion, it won't come out until we get the RV toll free numbers and get ourselves started. But we're right there. Today's the first and maybe we do get something right away. We'll see. I'm not going to hold my breath for it. But we do believe June will be a very important month for us - For everybody, not just for us.

I'm looking forward to it like you guys in getting started. You know I've been doing the Big Call for 12 years did a call for a year before that as a moderator and been in it for 19 years. I'm looking forward to going to the next dimension with this. I'm looking forward to going into our projects, creating you know,  - think of what is out there for us - think of what our projects are designed to do to up level humanity not only here in the US but around the globe. Give people a chance at New Life.

You know, it's just it's mind boggling to think of what is out there for us to take advantage of and to bring into humanity. It's really going to be good and I'm excited -

So that's what I wanted to bring to you guys tonight. Listen, I'm looking forward to this to this - going as soon as possible. You guys know that for 19 years waiting for for the dinar to go and those are finally on the bank screens and trading.

We're looking forward to this getting these offers soon and we're like I said we are actually we are tentatively to receive those over the weekend, Saturday or Sunday.

Okay, that's pending, pending release of the toll free number seven this Saturday was on the case we kick down we just keep going. Get started with this. I can't think of anything we've got to do right now that haven't already done.

Listen to everybody. That's what I wanted to say tonight. Let's stay in faith over the weekend for this to come. I hope everybody has a great, great weekend. I hope we get some action on those toll free numbers. Let's play the call out --  

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