Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 10-26-23 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 10-26-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight  - It is Thursday, October 26th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for listening wherever you are located all over the globe - And we hope that we're getting this to you in your own language. I didn't get the stats on Tuesday’s  call to know what the numbers were yet and usually do but all I know is we've reached a lot of people  - and last Thursday’s call 182 countries I believe it was 19 point something million listeners  - we’re happy about that. We hope we're getting a big reach tonight – we were kind of kept out of Israel and some of the Middle Eastern countries last Tuesday, obviously with a conflict that's going on in Israel, but let's do this you guys - Let’s get into the Intel side of things,

Let's talk first about Iraq. We were looking to see the Iraqi dinar rates published in the physical printed Gazette, the official record of Iraq, they call it the Gazette. And that was to go in yesterday, or so we thought, but it didn't and we're hearing those should go in either Friday or Saturday. I would expect it to be there, except on Saturday.

That makes sense Friday of their high holy day. I don't know if it would come out tomorrow it's possible. But if it comes out Saturday that will suffice - The rate itself that we heard today on the screens is excellent. Very good. And I told you guys Tuesday - they were supposed to offer us a contract rate on the dinar, which I can't tell you what it is, but you'll be very pleasantly surprised.

 Now - The other thing is we do expect this rate to be an international rate and the dinar to be quite high, quite good - Higher than Dr Shabibi  suggested 10 years ago, actually 11 years ago now, when he mentioned what the value of the dinar could support in the International Chamber of Commerce meeting in 2012 - and just seems like yesterday, but it was 11 years ago. So that's good news.

 it'll be higher than what he suggested. and you guys that have been on the call for a while, know the rate that I'm referring to. So that would be an international rate - the Iraqi dinar  - The new Iraqi dinar has been traded for almost two weeks now on the forex and also on the ATF FX. So it's not like people that are in that business aren't aware of that they are -

And I just think we're gonna be totally amazed by not only that but also the rate of the dong - the rupiah - the Afghani also Bolivar from Venezuela and it's just gonna be --- and the zim itself, it's gonna be a terrific rate. So it should be on par with our dollar  highest or whatever. So that's really good news.

Also  thinking - saying that what we're hearing about the dinar is very positive for us, and we should have that --  See when we say that the rate should be published in the Gazette. I know we've talked about past Saturdays past Wednesdays and Saturdays, and it's held off from being published because they really don't want it out there published like that, until we are ready to go with our exchanges. And I think that's what's interesting about either tomorrow or Saturday. And I think if I were a betting person I'd bet on Saturday.

The other information that's lining up for us - have to say this first, you guys realize that the information that I get at the time appears valid appears true, appears to be the real thing. And then look what happened in the last three days.

We were expecting 800 numbers to come in on Tuesday morning, yesterday morning and this morning.

But since those times we've gotten information that says that that wasn't happening. And we knew it didn't happen because we experienced the fact that it didn't happen. But it just goes to show that we've talked about this being a moving target talked about, you know, things that happened to be time that are not true. There are other variables that play into this. There are other things happening globally, with the political scene with everything else that that certain people in the deep state are trying to do to thwart this - And to keep this from going.

In one analogy that was made yesterday today was about the game of Whack a Mole, where those moments come up to hole and you whack them with that mallet. That's sort of what they're playing a game of Whack a Mole with the deep state. But every time every day doesn't happen and the next day comes guess what - there are fewer and fewer each day interfering because they've been picked up arrested and removed from the premises - how long will they go on? It's hard to say -- Is everything clear and ready to go now? It's hard to say.

I will say this, politically. Johnson was elected Speaker of the House. And I think we went out about it Tuesday. whenever that was, that was a big win. It looks like to be a great guy -  I think that some of the other political shenanigans that are going on could have been what slowed this down.

Obviously, we do have a major conflict going on in Israel. And that is a real thing. It started as a prisoner swap and then cleaning out of tunnels, which we believe there are so many tunnels under Israel that were used for child trafficking. But that is something to be cleansed and that's what they're doing, as well as trying to defend against Hamas and possibly Hezbollah. So that is a real thing.

The money that Janet Yellen, sent over to the Ukraine, in the tune of $57 billion was returned by President Putin of Russia to our good Treasury here - our new treasury, you realize the old Treasury  that we had was using the Fiat and printing money. It was basically operating under the Federal Reserve, which is the good parts of the Fed and rolled into the new US Treasury for the restored Republic. And so those 57 billion were returned to our country, And that's a good thing.

The other piece of it, I think that is important. And some of our intel sources are really kind of dried up. It's really getting so close that certain people have said they can no longer speak to our source or our sources and you know, no longer meet with them speak with them, and that's a good thing, because it tells us how close we are – the bad thing is because then we sometimes lose communication with  bank sources, or redemption center sources,

 and where we stand right now - Or the last communication that we had, which was coming in from an email received at the redemption center was that things are being resituated and re allocated for an all new restart -- I think they are working with our timeline or trying to get everything resituated and funds re allocated for a complete new restart.

Now, the restart was supposed to be the either Friday that's tomorrow, or Saturday. That's the day after tomorrow.

So that's the latest intel that we have pointed to a window of having this done, getting our numbers out, getting our appointments set, going in for exchanges. If everything works out, right, we could be in doing our exchange in my opinion - I think Saturday is looking very positive - Maybe tomorrow, maybe

 I think what's going to happen is what's  happening on the political scene is I think we'll see some political change that we might notice tomorrow with removal of some and reinsertion of another. But let's see how that plays out over the next day or so. The timing I've been told is going towards things happening tomorrow in that regard for the political change to take place. And I look forward to that just like everybody else. I think we can't wait to win.

Also our thoughts and prayers go out to the people in Mexico – Who withstood a very strong force four force five hurricane and people in that area of Mexico and the west coast of the Pacific Coast of Mexico. I'm sure are really inundated with the effects of that hurricane

And I'm sorry that that happened. And I just really found out about it today. I think it made land fall yesterday  - So our thoughts and our prayers are with the people of Mexico, and specifically Acapulco and all the areas surrounding it, that were affected.

I think this you guys we know that this is very close. We know that we thought we would have days ago even months ago - And what I'm trying to do is bring you the most accurate, up to date information that I get. That's what I've given you tonight.

Now I know dates have come and gone. We have to be careful, don't ascribe too closely to those particular dates that we when it comes to restitution and reclamation allowance  - Yes, we did not get that yesterday or the 18th of October. And I got sources looking into seeing whether it's possible that we do still receive it this month.

It's possible but I just don't have that don't have that to give to you. We also did not get an increase in Social Security benefits this month.

So I don't know where that stands right now. So obviously we are looking for this revaluation of currencies which by the way there's another Mea culpa  but I guess you'd say we did get the last Friday.

The bonds were seized in terms of being sold. That would be German bonds and all the various Chinese dragon colored bonds were stopped. I don't get it. All bonds were stopped I know those two types of classifications ceased at midnight, central time last Friday, but the currencies that we thought would stop then we're told they might stop them on Sunday at five o'clock. That didn't happen - currencies are still available.

Now - Here's, here's the situation. The bonafied currency sellers whether it's on eBay, whether they're brick and mortar stores, wherever they are, they will be getting a communication from Treasury and asked when that communication is sent by email to change the values of currencies or the prices of them or remove them for sale in 15 minutes  - manually.

It can't be pre programmed to happen by a computer they have to physically go and manually change their offerings, whether it's removed them from being for sale, or change the price to reflect it.  Now, the currencies that we're talking about are not going to be affordable to buy. They're not  - can you imagine.

Now. They're not going to be for sale, the Zim will be gone -  dinar gone - that are already gone. All these currencies that we're looking at to go way up in value will not likely be available anymore.

So that's what's going to happen. These currency sellers receive emails telling them, they should receive a notification from Treasury in the next several days, four or five days that would ask them to make those changes or remove the currency for sale. So that is how they're gonna be notified. We don't have a fixed absolute time or date right now for that to happen. So we got clarification on that.

 Again, our timing is close on this. Okay. So, that is what I wanted to bring to you guys tonight.

And I just want to thank everybody, for being there with us, especially our international listeners who may be hearing me it should be Renee and Marie, multiple languages around the globe. I mean, we are getting the word and the big call out in sight in almost simultaneous translation in three seconds from the time I speak and it comes to this global community of the big fall in a matter of seconds.

I appreciate everybody listening in on the intel giving me grace for the fact that we've all done everything but call it we cannot call it and then we try to do it. We get stuck. And I just think that our best bet is to stay with a plan A till the numbers come out.

Thank you Sue. glad that you're back. Thank you, Bob. Thank you GCK Jeanne and Pastor Scott content, continued healing to you, as well as Jeanne And for anyone else that's behind the scenes, our sat team or satellite team that's getting the call out globally, thank you guys for putting negative, and thank you for everything that all of your listeners, meant to be called over the last 12 years.

Let's see where we're going to go now the next couple of days.


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