Beware the Advice of the Rich

Beware the Advice of the Rich

Chris Reining

Does it seem like everyone but you is becoming fabulously rich and famous?

It makes for a good story. Someone goes from living out of their car to driving a Ferrari. The problem is when they go on to say their success is a result of their morning routine or this one book they read or some random tactic.

You’ve probably heard business icons or celebrities giving this advice. It typically goes something like: “Look, all you need to do is this one thing, and then you’ll be rich and famous too.”

It’s nice of them to share what worked for them. It’s often useful advice. You can apply the little tip to your life, and see what happens.

But isn’t it like saying if you do a few things Justin Timberlake did to become Justin Timberlake you can be the next Justin Timberlake? (Or LeBron James, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, whoever.)

The point is, if it were possible to rerun history with everything seemingly identical it would generate a different winner each time. Justin Timberlake would become popular in this world, but in another version he’d be a nobody, and someone you’d never heard of would be in his place.

Why? Luck.

Luck is why there’s tons of talented and hardworking people in this world who will never reach the level of success they want, because the level of success they want is maybe half “the things you do” and half luck.

So how do you know which is which. In other words, can you separate work ethic from luck?

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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