Bank Fails, CBDCs, Collectables & US Dollar…Q&A with Lynette Zang & Eric Griffin

Bank Fails, CBDCs, Collectables & US Dollar…Q&A with Lynette Zang & Eric Griffin



1:34 Question 1: What would be helpful is how to survive when banks fail and we have to handle future monthly income?

6:10 Question 2: Say that during hyperinflation I sell a one ounce gold coin and spot was $30,000. If those $30,000 are only worth three cents or less how can we actually change our purchasing power by using gold?

10:46 Question 3: If we store precious metals and they tax us heavily if we sell or convert to cbdc, is it still worth buying the metals?

12:47 Question 4: I listen to you a lot and agree with most of what you say but I don’t understand your theory on the remaining value of the dollar. Being that all things are relevant, why does it matter what the dollar bought many years ago as compared to today. It still buys things. And next year and so on it will still buy things.

15:30 Question 5: When they lop off a zero or two. If I'm making $100,000, I understand that I might go down to making $10,000 or even $1,000 a year. Wouldn't that happen with my dept as well? Wouldn't my mortgage go down correspondingly from say $200,000 down to $20,000 or $2,000?

17:14 Question 6: I have just under $30 k in savings in a U.S bank account. Would you recommend taking most of that in cash when i have about 600 oz silver, or leave it in the bank?

19:23 Question 7: Can you clarify what collectables are?


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