Awake-In-3D: Stiff Drink Time! FDIC Discussses if "The Public" Should Be Informed About Bank Bailins


Stiff Drink Time! FDIC Discusses if “The Public” Should be Informed About Bank Bail-ins

You may need to watch this clip several times. 

Apparently, this is a recent, official FDIC senior management meeting where they discuss whether or not to inform the USA public about the risk of their bank deposits being bailed-in (frozen to protect the banks from insolvency). 

I’ve tried to verify this video’s authenticity, but I couldn’t find evidence that it’s NOT authentic. 

IF it is real, it’s very disturbing. Especially when they chuckle about the public having more confidence in the banking system than they do.

It’s also unsettling that they determine that “institutional and professional depositors” can understand the risks (because they can afford high-paid advisors), but the public should be kept in the dark. 

They all know a financial crash is coming. Unnerving times indeed. 



Many Blessings,



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