Awake-In-3D: Introducing the QFS: Implementing an Asset-backed Currency System


Introducing the QFS: Implementing an Asset-backed Currency System

On October 10, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In GCR Roadmap: Level 3 Events, RV/GCR

Chapter 4 of The End of the Fiat Financial System and the Global Financial Reset – A Complete Guide

The preceding chapters have meticulously established the need for a global financial reset and the advantages of transitioning to tangible asset-backed currencies. In this critical chapter, we shift our focus to the practicalities of implementing such a transformative shift on a global scale with the QFS as the centerpiece.

The adoption of tangible asset-backed currencies requires the development of robust valuation mechanisms utilizing advanced technology, including quantum computing. Unlike fiat currencies, which derive their value from arbitrary government declarations, tangible assets have intrinsic worth that must be accurately determined through the Quantum Financial Network System (the QFS).

We will explore the challenges, implications, and potential strategies for transitioning from fiat currencies to currencies anchored in tangible assets, all while resolutely aiming to ensure maximum personal freedoms, financial privacy, and individual financial sovereignty.

Before I go further, click the button below to review a comprehensive overview

of the QFS from a technical and practical perspective.


 4.1 The Complex Path to Implementation

Transitioning from fiat currencies to tangible asset-backed currencies is a multifaceted endeavor that requires careful consideration of a range of factors.

While the benefits are evident, the path to implementation is laden with complexities. This implementation is purposefully designed to uphold equal opportunity for prosperity among all of humanity.

 4.1.1 International Agreements and Collaboration

One of the foremost challenges is securing international agreements and fostering collaboration among nations within the framework of financial sovereignty.

The transition necessitates a coordinated effort to establish a unified framework for currency valuation, asset management, and global financial stability while safeguarding individual freedoms.

The repurposing of multilateral organizations, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, will play pivotal roles in facilitating the transition while respecting financial privacy.

 4.2 Establishing Currency Valuation Mechanisms – The QFS

The adoption of tangible asset-backed currencies requires the development of robust valuation mechanisms utilizing advanced technology, including quantum computing.

Unlike fiat currencies, which derive their value from arbitrary government declarations, tangible assets have intrinsic worth that must be accurately determined through the Quantum Financial Network System (the QFS).

 4.2.1 Valuing Gold and Other Tangible Assets

Central to this challenge is establishing methods for valuing tangible assets, particularly gold, which is poised to play a pivotal role in the new currency paradigm.

Accurate valuation ensures that currencies maintain stability and confidence within the QFS.

 4.3 Safeguarding Against Manipulation

A tangible asset-backed currency system must incorporate safeguards against manipulation and abuse while respecting financial privacy.

Historical instances of governments manipulating gold reserves for political or economic gain serve as cautionary tales.

 4.3.1 International Oversight and Accountability

To prevent such manipulation and maintain transparency, international oversight and accountability mechanisms should be put in place.

Transparency in asset management and currency issuance will be vital in maintaining trust and confidence within the decentralized ledger system of the QFS.

 4.4 Navigating Economic Disparities

Transitioning to tangible asset-backed currencies, while recognizing individual financial sovereignty, raises concerns about addressing existing economic disparities among nations.

Developed economies with substantial tangible assets may possess inherent advantages, potentially exacerbating global inequality.

Collaborative frameworks between nations, multilateral organizations, and the QFS will be essential in navigating the complexities of the RV/GCR implementation.

 4.4.1 Strategies for Mitigation

Mitigating these disparities will require innovative strategies, such as redistributive mechanisms or concessional lending programs, to ensure equal opportunity for prosperity.

A concerted effort to promote equitable access to tangible assets is essential for a fair transition while respecting financial privacy.

 4.5 The Role of “Repurposed” Multilateral Organizations

The repurposing of multilateral organizations, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, will play pivotal roles in facilitating the transition while respecting financial privacy. Their financial infrastructure, expertise in global finance, and their mandate to promote stability make them natural partners in this endeavor.

 4.5.1 Collaborative Frameworks

Collaborative frameworks between nations, multilateral organizations, and the QFS will be essential in navigating the complexities of implementation.

These entities can provide technical expertise, financial support, and a forum for diplomatic negotiations while upholding individual financial sovereignty and financial privacy.

 4.6 Conclusion

Chapter 4 examined the intricate process of implementing tangible asset-backed currencies on a global scale, emphasizing the importance of personal freedoms, financial privacy, and individual financial sovereignty.

While the advantages are evident, the challenges are formidable.

Securing international agreements, developing robust valuation mechanisms utilizing quantum computing (such as the QFS), safeguarding against manipulation within the decentralized ledger system, addressing economic disparities, and leveraging multilateral organizations are all critical components of a successful transition.

The following chapter will outline and present the potential impacts of this transformative shift on global finance and economies, offering insights into the potential benefits and concerns that may arise while respecting financial privacy and individual financial sovereignty.

An RV/GCR Thesis: The End of the Fiat Currency Debt System and the Financial Reset – A Complete Guide

GO TO CHAPTER 1: The Stage is Set for Our RV/GCR

GO TO CHAPTER 2: The Imperative for a Global Financial Reset (GCR)

GO TO CHAPTER 3: A Currency Revaluation (RV) with Tangible Asset Backing

GO TO CHAPTER 4: How Asset-backed Currencies will be Implemented on the QFS

GO TO THE SUPPLEMENT: A Technical Overview of the Quantum Financial Network System (QFS)

GO TO CHAPTER 5: The Implications and Outcomes of the RV/GCR

My primary thesis is that the Global Fiat Currency Debt System must come to its logical conclusion before Our GCR will be introduced – which includes the release of the “General Redemptions” funding for RV/GCR exchanges.

But how do you track the connected events and progress of the logical conclusion of the Fiat Financial System?

It’s easy when you follow my unique RV/GCR Roadmap right here at GCR Real-Time News


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