Awake-In-3D: Imagining the Greatest RV/GCR Humanitarian Projects on Earth


Imagining the Greatest RV/GCR Humanitarian Projects on Earth

On October 13, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In GCR Roadmap: Level 3 Events, RV/GCR

Perhaps tomorrow’s “ring of fire” solar eclipse nudged me to contemplate our planet, it’s challenges and the largest humanitarian project I could think of.

So I decided to set my mind free from the daily RV/GCR financial news articles and step outside the box of earthly matters for a while.

I’m sure everyone is familiar with the potential for economic and humanitarian projects that arise from the RV/GCR when the great global fiat currency experiment reaches its logical conclusion.

Like many of you, I’ve spent considerable time evaluating and outlining projects I’d like to do when the RV/GCR kicks into gear.

But then my imagination ran wild on what could be the granddaddy of all economic and humanitarian projects.

So I decided to write about it.

Space. The Final Frontier for Humanitarian Projects

As we contemplate the possibilities of the global currency reset (GCR) and currency revaluation (RV), it is invigorating to let our minds wander beyond the confines of our earthly existence and explore the greatest hope for collective humanity’s future – the vast realm of space.

These celestial bodies, brimming with water, precious metals, and vital elements, hold the key to ending wars, eradicating hunger, and providing an abundance of multi-generational, high-paying jobs.

This final frontier holds immense promise, offering a multitude of solutions to humanity’s most pressing challenges and food for thought regarding economic and humanitarian projects.

Within our cosmic neighborhood, unimaginable treasures await, presenting us with an opportunity to unite as a global community and set forth on a transformative journey towards the heavens.

Enabling a World of Abundance and Prosperity

Picture a future where the collective consciousness of our global population turns its gaze skyward.

The riches concealed within the local neighborhood of earth’s orbit possess the power to reshape our world.

Take asteroids for instance.

The economic potential of asteroids alone is staggering, with resources valued in quintillions of U.S. dollars.

Quintillions. Think about that for a moment.

These celestial bodies, brimming with water, precious metals, and vital elements, hold the key to ending wars, eradicating hunger, and providing an abundance of multi-generational, high-paying jobs.

Imagine a time when the scarcity that has plagued us for centuries becomes a distant memory.

With limitless resources at our disposal, we can usher in an era of prosperity and fulfillment for all of humanity.

The off-world availability of clean, affordable energy from space alone would revolutionize industries, propelling us towards a thriving, sustainable future.

“Real” Money and Currencies backed by Celestial Resources

Envision a financial system grounded in tangible cosmic resources, a departure from the current fiat-based currencies.

The notion of “real money” backed by the riches of space introduces a paradigm shift that transcends the limitations of any economic system ever undertaken in recorded history.

With an endless supply of resources at our fingertips, scarcity would be replaced by abundance, providing ample opportunities for growth and development.

The economic potential of space mining, forecasted to reach billions of dollars by 2025, paves the way for a new era of prosperity on an unprecedented scale.

From Lack to Abundance: Charting a Shift in Humanity’s Collective Consciousness

As we set our sights on the cosmic horizon, we tap into a wellspring of inspiration and possibility. Our journey into global prosperity for all requires a shift in our collective consciousness, where borders fade and humanity unites in pursuit of a common goal.

The challenges that have long divided us now become catalysts for collaboration and innovation on a global scale. Economic and humanitarian projects that fuel our innate curiosity and thirst for knowledge have the highest potential to elevate our collective consciousness away from a mindset of lack and into a state of abundance.

Within the Near Reaches of Space Lies a Tapestry of Untapped Human Potential

As we contemplate the economic and humanitarian projects in context of the global currency reset (GCR) and currency revaluation (RV), let us not overlook the final frontier of abundance beyond the skies above us.

By harnessing the resources of asteroids and beyond, we can reshape our world, transcending scarcity and ushering in an era of hope and prosperity.

Together, let us dare to dream, embarking on a transformative journey that unlocks the true potential of humanity—a future where the cosmic expanse becomes a wellspring of abundance and fulfillment for all.

Curious to Learn More? Here’s the Facts

The Riches of Asteroids in the Belt


  • Asteroids, those rocky remnants from the early days of our solar system, hold a treasure trove of valuable resources within their grasp.

  • They contain abundant in water, precious metals like platinum, gold, and rare-earth elements, as well as vital minerals such as iron and nickel.

  • The potential of these resources is immense, offering a solution to our world’s growing demands for sustainable energy, advanced technology, and economic prosperity.


  • The majority of these asteroids can be found in the asteroid belt, a region located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

  • This belt is home to millions of asteroids, ranging in size from small boulders to massive bodies spanning hundreds of kilometers.

  • Additionally, some asteroids have ventured closer to Earth, known as Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs), presenting even more accessible opportunities for exploration and utilization.

Current Exploration Activities

  • Several space agencies and private companies have already embarked on missions to explore and mine asteroids.

  • NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission successfully retrieved a sample from the asteroid Bennu in 2020, providing valuable insights into the composition and potential resources of these celestial bodies.

  • SpaceX, in collaboration with NASA, has also announced plans to launch the DART mission (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) in 2022, which aims to redirect and study the binary asteroid system Didymos.

Economic Value

  • Among the asteroids in the belt, a notable example is the asteroid named Davida. Davida, estimated to be 326 kilometers in diameter, contains vast amounts of water, platinum, and other precious metals.

  • The economic value of Davida alone, if fully exploited, could be astronomical, potentially reaching trillions or even quadrillions of U.S. dollars.

  • The potential wealth locked within this one celestial body alone underscores the immense economic potential that asteroids hold.

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