Awake-In-3D: How to Explain the RV/GCR to Friends and Family (Part 2)


How to Explain the RV/GCR to Friends and Family (Part 2)

On October 6, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In GCR Roadmap: Level 3 Events, RV/GCR

Explaining the Currency Revaluation (RV) and Purchasing Power Parity Among Nations

In Part 1 of this article series, we learned how to rationally frame the GCR by understanding the driving financial forces behind it. Today we will learn about the Currency Revaluation (RV). Here in Part 2 we examine the challenges and shortcomings of the current fiat debt-based currency system.

This forms a rational and plausible case for the Iraqi Dinar (IQD), Vietnamese Dong (VND), along with an additional basket of unfairly depressed currencies that exist in today’s failing fiat currency landscape.

Through a critical analysis, we can logically explain the need for a Currency Revaluation (RV) under within the bigger picture of the Global Currency Reset (GCR).

The Need for Purchasing Power Parity Among Global Currencies


The current fiat debt-based currency system has resulted in significant disparities in global currencies, leading to imbalances in international trade and economic relationships. To address this issue, a currency revaluation (RV) must be implemented as part of a comprehensive global currency reset (GCR), aiming to establish purchasing power parity and promote fair and equitable exchange rates between countries.

These are the key points to make when explaining the Currency Revaluation (RV).

1. Trade Imbalances

Under the current system, countries with stronger currencies enjoy a competitive advantage in international trade, while those with weaker currencies struggle to compete. This imbalance creates economic distortions, perpetuating trade deficits and surpluses that hinder global economic stability. The need for a currency revaluation becomes evident as a means to level the playing field and foster more balanced trade relationships.

2. Unfair Exchange Rates

The existing exchange rates often fail to reflect the true value of goods and services across different countries. This discrepancy leads to mis-pricing and distorts market dynamics, adversely affecting both exporters and importers. By implementing a currency revaluation, exchange rates can be recalibrated to reflect the actual purchasing power of currencies, ensuring fairer trade interactions.

3. Economic Growth and Development

Achieving purchasing power parity through a currency revaluation (RV) can spur economic growth and development, particularly in emerging economies. By aligning exchange rates more closely with the actual economic fundamentals of each country, resources can be allocated more efficiently, investment can be attracted, and domestic industries can thrive. This, in turn, promotes sustainable development and reduces reliance on external debt.

4. Collaboration and Cooperation for a Currency Revaluation (RV)

Implementing a currency revaluation requires international collaboration and cooperation. Through diplomatic negotiations and agreements, countries can work together to establish a framework that ensures a smooth transition and minimizes disruptions. This process fosters greater global cooperation, as nations recognize the shared benefits of achieving purchasing power parity and balanced trade relationships.

By addressing the existing disparities in global currencies through a currency revaluation, we can foster a more equitable and balanced international trade system. This approach promotes fair exchange rates, reduces trade imbalances, and facilitates sustainable economic growth. Moreover, achieving purchasing power parity enhances market efficiency and allows resources to be allocated more effectively, benefiting both advanced and emerging economies alike.

In conclusion, a currency revaluation as part of a comprehensive reset offers a viable solution to address the disparities in global currencies. By achieving purchasing power parity, we can promote fair and equitable exchange rates, reduce trade imbalances, and stimulate sustainable economic growth. Collaboration and cooperation among nations are vital to successfully implement a currency revaluation and foster a more balanced and prosperous global financial landscape.

Coming soon in Part 3: Explaining Debt Jubilees – the elimination of personal and public debt.

My primary belief is that the Global Fiat Currency Debt System must come to its logical conclusion before Our GCR will be introduced – which includes the release of the “General Redemptions” funding for RV/GCR exchanges.

But how do you track the connected events and progress of the logical conclusion of the Fiat Financial System?

It’s easy when you follow my unique RV/GCR Roadmap right here at GCR Real-Time News


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