Awake-In-3D: A Fiat Ponzi Scheme Collapse – Time for “System D”


A Fiat Ponzi Scheme Collapse – Time for “System D”

On September 20, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles

Governments, Debt, and the Looming Collapse

In the shadows of global economies, a perilous game is being played—one fueled by unsustainable debt, interventionist policies, and a financial system built on deceit. This is our current world of the Fiat Ponzi Scheme, where governments worldwide are teetering on the edge of self-destruction.

We should all be consciously aware of the key points that expose the fragility of our economic foundations and prepare for the looming collapse that will give birth to Our GCR and historic prosperity.

Key Aspects of the Fiat Ponzi Scheme

  1. Governments worldwide, including Washington, are on a self-destructive path due to unsustainable debt and interventionist economic policies.

  2. One needs only to study the historical decline of the Roman Empire, burdened with debt and anti prosperity policies, a poignant example of this is today’s Green New Deal in the USA.

  3. In the fiat Ponzi scheme, a constantly depreciating currency, financial deceit and asset value manipulation substitute for sound (asset-backed) money.

  4. Wall Street alone does not have the strength to cause a cataclysmic outcome; it requires the involvement of Washington with its access to a balance sheet running into the tens of trillions.

  5. The central banks and national governments have colluded to fund massive increases in national debt (which just crossed the $33 Trillion level), turning government promises into a gigantic international fiat Ponzi scheme.

  6. Concerns are raised about ultra-high corporate and credit card debt, bank insolvency, and the deep inversion of the spread between two- and ten-year Treasuries.

  7. It is beyond obvious that a massive debt bomb will soon explode, with interest on the U.S. federal debt reaching two trillion dollars annually by the end of next year.

  8. Prosecuting governments for their fiat Ponzi schemes is challenging as most government officials believe in the effectiveness of central banks and the current fiat currency monetary system.

  9. The state monopolizes money, and the introduction of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) will further control the monetary system.

  10. Florida and Indiana have effectively banned CBDCs as money, and other states may follow suit.

  11. The use of cash, barter, and participation in the “shadow economy” can be strategies to oppose CBDCs and maintain economic independence.

  12. System D* (the shadow economy) is growing faster in many countries than the officially recognized gross domestic product and would be the second-largest economy in the world if considered an independent nation.

  13. The future outcome is undecided, but individuals can influence it by adopting a spirit of adaptability and resourcefulness.

*What is System D?

System D, also known as the “shadow economy” or “informal economy,” refers to a vast network of economic activities that exist outside the official channels of government regulation and oversight.

It encompasses a wide range of informal transactions, including unregistered businesses, cash-based transactions, barter exchanges, and other forms of economic activity that operate outside traditional legal frameworks.

System D typically emerges in response to economic challenges, such as high levels of unemployment, excessive regulations, limited access to formal markets, or a lack of trust in the established financial system.

Participants in the shadow economy often seek alternative means of survival and economic exchange, finding ways to meet their needs and generate income outside the bounds of official regulations and taxation.

It is important to note that the shadow economy can vary significantly in size and characteristics across different countries and regions. Estimates suggest that the size of the shadow economy can be substantial, sometimes rivaling or even surpassing the officially recognized Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country.

Fiat Ponzi Scheme Summary

As the cracks in the fiat Ponzi scheme grow wider, it is imperative to recognize the fragility of our economic systems. The unsustainable debt, interventionist policies, and deceitful practices employed by governments worldwide threaten to trigger a catastrophic collapse.

By understanding the key points discussed above, including the fragile foundations of debt and intervention, the substitution of sound money with fiat currency, the role of Wall Street and Washington, the warning signs of debt bombs and inverted curves, and the collusion behind the fiat Ponzi scheme, we can navigate the uncertain future ahead.

It is time to question the status quo and embrace a System D strategy to thrive in a world on the brink of the fiat Ponzi scheme’s unraveling.

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