7 Pursuits that Provide Meaning to All the Others

7 Pursuits that Provide Meaning to All the Others

Written By Joshua Becker ·

Our world tends to focus on external measures of success. I suppose this makes sense, those are the things we see every day.  A quick scan of almost any self-help bookshelf will reveal this tendency to focus on external pursuits. You’ll see books about making money, saving money, working out, getting healthy, productivity, parenting, happiness, advancing in your career, and personal growth. All of which are noble pursuits. In fact, I’ve written about many of them myself.

But it seems to me that a focus on external measures of success without an equal or greater focus on our internal development leads to less than the best (or even potentially dangerous) outcomes.

For example:

— Making money, without generosity, can lead to greed.

— Advancing in a career, without selflessness, can lead to isolation.

— Pursuing fitness, without humility, can lead to arrogance.

— Gaining intelligence, without wisdom and discernment, can result in unethical outcomes.

Without a proper internal compass in place, even the best external pursuits can become shallow and empty. Or in extreme circumstances, harmful to ourselves and others.

For that reason, an intentional pursuit of worthwhile internal characteristics must accompany, or even supersede, our external pursuits. And it would be wise for each of us to put into place practices that allow us to grow in them.

Here are 7 Pursuits That Provide Meaning to All the Others

1. Love

“Don’t try to change people; just love them.” —Anonymous

To love is to experience an affection for another person—to desire the best for them and wish no ill-will upon them.

It is easy, of course, to love those who already love us. But learning to love those who do not love us first is an even greater pursuit.

When we feel genuine love for others, the end result of our external pursuits begin to change. Personal development is not solely about what I can get from it. Instead, personal development is the means through which I bring about my best for others.

2. Wisdom

“Without wisdom, knowledge is more stupid than ignorance.” —Anonymous

Wisdom is the knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment to action. Or, as I have always understood it, Wisdom is knowing how to apply knowledge.

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