21 Small Actions That Will Make You Richer

21 Small Actions That Will Make You Richer

Small Actions to Get Richer

Despite the “success stories” you might see online, the vast majority of wealthy people got to where they are after many years.  But most of us have this idea that getting rich can be easy. “You just need to have the right idea!”    Deep down, we know that it’s not that simple. We also know that consistent action over time can lead to big results. As Warren Buffett said:

“It’s pretty easy to get well-to-do slowly. But it’s not easy to get rich quick.”

Whether you’re training for a marathon or working towards financial independence, your best bet is to aim for consistency. What is consistency when it comes to wealth?

Financial consistency is about moderation and perfect execution of your strategy.

A financially consistent person is dedicated to getting richer just a little bit, year after year. It’s about doing the least amount of saving and investing to grow one’s net worth.

If you are financially consistent, it’s a guarantee you will become wealthier over time. It’s all about how well you execute the little things.

Over the years, I’ve identified many small financial actions that sound obvious but few people execute consistently. Here they are.

Reading books — Not only leaders are readers, but so are many wealthy people. Books usually contain quality information and are crafted with care. You usually learn more from books than from other mediums.

Spending time with smart people — Being around smart people gives you an idea of how they think and operate. That’s inspiring.

Asking questions — Being curious leads to new realizations, which in turn leads to better decisions.

Controlling the urge to buy stuff — If you’re on a quest to accumulate nice things, you will never be satisfied. You will only empty your bank account.

Ignoring fake geniuses — There are many people who pretend they are smart. Not only on social media but also in real life. The ability to distinguish the fake from the real will help you avoid stupid things.

Limiting social media consumption — No matter how great social media can be, too much of it will turn you into a mindless consumer. And consumers don’t get rich.

 To continue reading, please go to the original article here:



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