10 Types of Neighbors That Are Costing You Money

10 Types of Neighbors That Are Costing You Money

By Tim Lemke

I really like my nextdoor neighbor, Dave. He's quiet, friendly, and always willing to lend me his leaf blower. He also keeps his property in good shape Not everyone is so fortunate to have great neighbors like him. And that's a shame, because bad neighbors can not only make your life uncomfortable, they can cost you money. For your sake, I hope that none of your neighbors fit these descriptions.

The Slob

The grass and weeds are up to your knees. The house hasn't been painted in decades. There are rusted out cars on the front yard and trash all over the place. These types of neighbors can make your house less valuable, potentially costing you tens of thousands of dollars when the time comes to sell your home.

The Bad Borrower

It's certainly neighborly to let a person borrow your casserole dish or a pair of hedge clippers from time to time. But it's important to not let the borrowing become too one-sided. It's tough living next door to the people who are always asking for stuff, but rarely offering. It's also problematic when a neighbor returns items in bad condition — or not at all.

The HOA Cop

Many neighborhoods have rules that govern everything from the color of your balcony railing to whether you can hang laundry on a clothesline. Often, these rules are enforced by a homeowner's association or zoning department that can levy fines.

You should always try your best to keep your house and yard up to code, but no one wants a neighbor that rats you out every time your grass gets a millimeter too high or some leaves fill up your gutters, costing you money in the form of fines and repairs.

Mr. and Mrs. Litigious

Everyone has a right to protect themselves if they believe their legal or civil rights have been violated by a neighbor. But no one wants to live next to the person who calls up a lawyer every time a tree branch falls from your yard to theirs.

Unless there's truly illegal activity going on, the best neighbors try to resolve disputes by talking things out first. Maybe your dog chewed up your neighbor's flower beds. Maybe their faulty downspout led to a stream of water flooding into your backyard. Stuff happens, and more often than not these issues can be resolved without much rancor or legal fees involved.

The Party Animal

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