.10 Types of Friends Who Are Costing You Money

10 Types of Friends Who Are Costing You Money

By Tim Lemke

Our friends are some of the most important people in our lives. But have you ever considered the impact they have on your finances?

Some friends can suck money from your wallet, even if they don't intend to. And because they're your friends, you may not even notice.

Consider whether yours fall into any of these categories of friends that cost you money.

1. The Leech

He's more than just cheap. He's a moocher. He's always asking to borrow money. He raids your fridge, and if you go out to eat, he always insists on paying just half the check — even if he ordered more.

He wants you to spot him his share of the monthly rent and promises to pay you back — but you know he won't. He'll even "borrow" books and DVDs that you'll never see again. You need to draw a hard line on what you'll do for this friend. Otherwise, you'll both end up suffering financially.

2. The Big Spender

If you go to a baseball game together, they insist on getting tickets behind home plate instead of in the bleachers. When you suggest a weekend of camping, they push for a week of skiing in Aspen. Perhaps this friend is wealthy and has a good chunk of disposable income.

Or, perhaps they just love to spend and hate to save. Either way, keeping up with their lifestyle is making you go broke. You like this friend because you enjoy his or her company, but you must politely find a way to spend time with them on more frugal terms.

3. The Bad Association

He's always getting in trouble, and you're often dragged in his wake. He's the guy who shows up with weed at parties, or gets into fights at clubs. You can try your best to be on the straight and narrow, but just being around him can put you at risk for legal trouble.

And even if your criminal record stays clean, your social media profile might not. Think you're due for a raise at work? You better hope the boss doesn't see the drunken Instagram pic your friend tagged you in.

4. The Awful Entrepreneur

She always has a new idea for something that will change the world, and all she needs is some money to get it off the ground. Maybe it's a new mobile app to help you brush your teeth, or a new restaurant specializing in gourmet scrambled eggs.

You admire her entrepreneurial spirit, but the truth is that she has neither the business sense nor the dedication to get rich from any of these schemes. It may be tempting to lend money to friends for their business ventures, but don't let your friendship skew your assessment of whether the investment makes good financial sense.

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.5 Friend Types That Can Hurt Your Finances