I’m Comfortably Middle Class: The Best Money Advice I Ever Took

I’m Comfortably Middle Class: The Best Money Advice I Ever Took

Andrew Lisa  Sun, July 21, 2024  GOBankingRates

Financial publications love interviewing billionaires to learn about the money advice that propelled people like Bill Gates, Beyonce, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett to 10-, 11- and 12-figure success.

But how many people do you really know on the Forbes Richest list?

It might be more practical to learn about the advice that helped people with typical backgrounds and average salaries achieve stability and security in America’s ever-shrinking middle class.

GOBankingRates spoke with a business owner who went from financially faltering to fiscally fabulous in just a few years after building her money mindset around a simple yet transformative quartet of financial wisdom that she received when times were tough.

Times are not tough anymore.

 Retirement Planning: Whether you're planning for retirement, dealing with a significant life event or simply looking to make smarter financial decisions, a financial advisor can offer the expertise and guidance you need. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider a financial advisor -- even if you're not wealthy.

There Isn’t a Secret To Achieving Financial Security. There Are 4 Secrets.

Lisa Rehurek is the CEO and founder of The RFP Success Company, which specializes in consulting, training, and support services for medium-sized service-based companies bidding on state, local and education (SLED) requests for proposals (RFPs).

She is, by any reasonable standard, comfortably in the middle class — and she credits her financial security to a four-part piece of money guidance that she had the good sense to follow.

“The best financial advice I ever received as a middle-class person was to always live below my means, automate savings by putting 15% of every paycheck straight into investments and savings, understand needs from wants and cut back on frivolous spending to make money for bigger, more meaningful goals,” Rehurek told GOBankingRates.

When she received these pointers, she was in the best possible place to put them to good use — the bottom.

Sound Advice Turns a Halting Start Into a Trot. Then a Gallop.

TO READ MORE: https://www.yahoo.com/news/finance/news/m-comfortably-middle-class-best-200200410.html  


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