Ladies, I redid sections of the newsletter today. The below steps I THINK will simplify things for you.

Can you try the following when copying the links below

  1. Copy the old EAP links from the black box links

  2. Paste directly into the AWebs Regular Post block, and highlight

    1. Select Bullets from drop down, then bold, then remove the extra blank bullet lines

    2. Highlight all text in the box and select Tahoma 16 Font.

    3. Highlight each set of links to the standard blue (even if they look pasted blue) and each header line “Below are….” in black.

  3. Make sure there is a blank line after the bottom link

  4. If you can…look and see if the new “free” regular post match in the same order as the old EAP posts. Might have to swap around if Karen/Deb posted out of order the freebies

  5. Then do the above 1-3 with the green box new EAP links

Below green box are Early Access posts

Below box are Regular posts

From Denise…

To update Archive calendar on website ( -Archive page), keep two browser tabs open next to each other, the SquareSpace archive page ( and the newsletter hub page ( Hover over each email on the Hub page to get link for SquareSpace.

firebase-messaging-sw.js Power in Box/Jeeng Push notification file

