Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-22-24
We apologize for being late with Bruce's Transcription Notes - Our team member had major surgery and was incapacitated Thursday and Friday - Thank You for understanding
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-22-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight – it is Thursday, August 22nd and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody out there in big call universe for tuning in yet again, as we basically are on our way to finishing out the month of August, which is amazing to me and everybody else - I know you're all shaking our heads. We've got our rally cap on. You know, that's a good thing. If I had a cap on, it would probably be turned backwards. So let's do this as ever. Let's go ahead and pray the call in
Okay, thank you, Bob. I'm going to go ahead and get right into Intel without doing a major shout out to Canada, although I would love to, let's, let's start with, we see I got a little bit tracked. I need my 10 second pause, which I'm not going to take, but I need, I think the first thing that we need to talk about what is showing up on redemption Center's screens
Yesterday, we had nine currencies show up. This morning those nine showed up, and then next thing you know, we've got 12 showing up. And then later in the afternoon, we had 15 currencies showing up. And these were rates with these were currencies with live rates. I mean, that's not called live rates with real, solid rates on the screens.
We apologize for being late with Bruce's Transcription Notes - Our team member had major surgery and was incapacitated Thursday and Friday - Thank You for understanding
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-22-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight – it is Thursday, August 22nd and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody out there in big call universe for tuning in yet again, as we basically are on our way to finishing out the month of August, which is amazing to me and everybody else - I know you're all shaking our heads. We've got our rally cap on. You know, that's a good thing. If I had a cap on, it would probably be turned backwards. So let's do this as ever. Let's go ahead and pray the call in
Okay, thank you, Bob. I'm going to go ahead and get right into Intel without doing a major shout out to Canada, although I would love to, let's, let's start with, we see I got a little bit tracked. I need my 10 second pause, which I'm not going to take, but I need, I think the first thing that we need to talk about what is showing up on redemption Center's screens
Yesterday, we had nine currencies show up. This morning those nine showed up, and then next thing you know, we've got 12 showing up. And then later in the afternoon, we had 15 currencies showing up. And these were rates with these were currencies with live rates. I mean, that's not called live rates with real, solid rates on the screens.
Now we know there are 19 currencies total going up in value, and one of which is the USN is one of the currencies - our United States Note , or some people call it the United States “new” meaning new dollar would be showing up as USN on the bank screens and redemption center screens and on the Forex.
Okay, so we only have 15 currencies as of this afternoon that lit up over there, and that's good. And we'll get the rest of them probably tomorrow, would be my guess, but we don't know that, of course, not tomorrow yet
But what I like is that we heard about a couple of things regarding rates. I mentioned last time that the contract rate on the dinar would be offered to you, and it is just under hundo right now, and it's on its way to that number should be there by the time we go in for changes and our redemption of zim. And really, we've seen increases in the Dong as well, and that's a good thing to see.
And so that's going to be good for all of us. You guys are going to be very happy at the redemption centers with the rates I have to tell you rate - the screen rates at the redemption centers are going to be three times higher than the bank rate on the dinar and twice as high as the screen rate in the bank on the on the Vietnamese Dong.
So you got factors there the other currencies, I can do this much, the other currencies, Bolivar and some of these other currencies are going to all be between four and seven, between 4 and 7 and that's dollars. That's really good. So we're going to be in good shape on all rates. So don't worry about that.
I did want to cover that. Let's see. Let's go into what's happening with the emails. Now, remember, I told you that emails were going out to the redemption center operatives, or I call them leaders, the redemption center, leaders, and remember, there quite a few east of Mississippi, there's a lot West to.
There's quite a few total that these emails are going out to. They have not received the email yet. They don't have the green light at the redemption center. They have not received them yet, but it's anticipated that they will receive those approximately 4:30 tomorrow afternoon after the markets close, it should be pretty close to 430 in the afternoon that those emails are received at the redemption centers.
Now, when do we receive our emails? We don't know that yet. Don't know it could be tomorrow. It could be Saturday or Sunday. It's hard to say. It really is, but we know that bondholders are expecting their email will go out Sunday night, Sunday night, so that a lot of those guys won't get access to this on Monday, or maybe even Tuesday. The bondholders. Okay.
Now, the other thing that is really interesting about us is it looks like our start for notification and exchanges could start over the weekend, with notifications. It could defer to Monday, with exchanges starting either Monday or Tuesday. That's very possible.
However, that what we have really looking forward to in receiving our emails, which will have the toll free number that we call in them, is that we're looking to receive them in conjunction with the Emergency Broadcast System.
And here's how it's expected to work. The EBS, emergency broadcast system is going to be on television now, the EAS emergency alert system, we always get those. Those are what we get on our cell phones - what they’re going to do is alert us on our cell phones to tune into a television to get the EBS announcements.
Now, when are they to start? I'm hearing EBS is to start over the weekend. I don't know if it's Saturday, I don't know what day, if it's Sunday, don't know. But get this, we've been talking about this generally, or other people have for years. Years, we've been looking for EBS announcements.
Okay, they're going to be on for eight hours, three times a day. I don't know if the eight hours is going to remain the same and repeat two more times in 24 hour period, which would be eight times three is 24 that's a day, and it's going to continue like that for 10 days.
Now, that's not darkness, that's 10 days of disclosure, and it could end up being 12 days, but I'm hearing 10 days of disclosure, okay, 24 hours a day, and I'm sure it's good. It could get a little repetitive, but we'll have to see, hopefully and we're able to get a lot out of it. I can only imagine what it might include, but what good things could include?
Could it include announcements about NESARA or GESARA and what that includes like R and R like, debt forgiveness, debt jubilee, the release of our mortgage, our mortgages, in other words, the zeroing out of our mortgages. Could it include the release and the removal of credit card debt.
Both of those are huge factors in our debt jubilee or debt release. I would think that would be part of it - what else could be included?. It could include some of the trafficking information that we know about from the tunnels, the whole adrenaphone problem and so on, it could include a lot. I think they'll throw some sweet in the sour. I think we'll have a mix that I don't know exactly what all we're going to see.
Imagine this is finally going to take place this weekend and go for at least 10 days. What's interesting about that is this is also a cover for us going in and doing our exchanges and our redemption of zim. So it could be very interesting cover for us to do that, so that attention is not on us, but is on the television to watch what is actually being broadcast, as far as PBS is concerned.
Now, what else might be really interesting is we believe this is going to occur on all, or almost all, TV stations. It would be wild this way, mainstream media, main networks and so on, could be using this, this emergency broadcast system, we are maybe going t o be told where to tune to get it.
I don't know if every single station will hold at it or not, but we'll find that out. It's going to be a surprise to me, but it may be that this is going on, and this is not the same as 10 days of darkness. If there's darkness, guess who it's for? That's right, deep state, the Cabal.
Do we lose cell service or electricity or any or radio set. No, no, we don't forget about it. Who loses that is the cabal - Anybody that they're targeting for arrests, yeah, they lose their cell service with their internet - not us – it’s not supposed to happen - we're not going to lose it. I don't care who you are reading online. It's not supposed to be that way for us. Okay,
There's been some other misinformation that's been brought out, but I can't remember what it is right now, other than that, but I think what we're looking for is right there. It's right ahead, and it's possible that we got something tomorrow, but I've been told by several sources, it would be the weekend when this occurs. Well, that, to me, is still Saturday or Sunday, and we should get this in time set appointments, start exchanges, if not over the weekend, then very early next week.
Just gonna have to ride that out and see what happens over the weekend in terms of our emails that come to us. I have heard that the admirals group will start Saturday, Sunday, Monday, which is interesting, because that's the weekend, Saturday, Sunday and Monday would continue it.
I think if we do get started Saturday for us, the redemption centers will be open Sunday, and they'd be open, obviously, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Do this. Let's say you're a dong holder. All you have is dong. If you want to help yourself, you'll get the best rate by setting your appointment using the 800 number and send your appointment to go to the redemption center, because what you get on the dong will be approximately twice as much per dong at the redemption center as it would be at the bank. So I know that for a fact, because we've been seeing what the rates are
Beyond that. You guys, I think that's so interesting that even the redemption centers are waiting, just like we are, they are waiting for emails 4:30 tomorrow to receive those emails that give them the green light to look forward to everything that we're looking forward to with setting appointments - so we could get something as early as tomorrow evening, but I think is going to end up being Saturday or Sunday.
It's just, you know, how this thing changes. Even the intel that I had pursue at five or six o'clock tonight changed, you know, in the last, you know, in an hour or so later, or an hour and a half later. So things like this do change
Now we hope that everything's on track for us to receive these and get these exchanges started and really get them started. And we're supposed to have everything well underway before or by the 28th which is Wednesday,
I think we are in good shape to get that before then. And I don't really believe in the term back walls, that's another term on the big call that's been banned. So just take that for what it is. I think we are supposed to get underway, and all debt forgiveness is supposed to be done by the end of August which is the 31st so we'll see if that's what happens.
That's really the bulk of the information.
Also, let's and pray the call out now. That's really everything I want to share with you guys. Let's pray. So everybody have a great night. We should have a good weekend, a great weekend this weekend. So let's see where and check your emails over the weekend.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-20-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:32:32
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-15-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:14
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:08:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-1-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 51:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-20-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-20-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, August the 20th, and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe, big call universe – we are averaging 17 and a half million listeners for the last five calls. And so we're glad that you're listening, especially if you are out in the international lands that we're reaching three seconds after I speak, then the words are coming out in your own language, all over the globe That’s a real benefit going on for the past year and half and reaching as many as 200 countries with over 17 and a half million listeners. So glad that that's happening.
Thank you SAT team for getting the satellites to operate very well, with the starlink system, and we're just happy to be here. We have a lot of good information tonight. We're getting very close to the end on this. So I'm excited about that.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-20-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, August the 20th, and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe, big call universe – we are averaging 17 and a half million listeners for the last five calls. And so we're glad that you're listening, especially if you are out in the international lands that we're reaching three seconds after I speak, then the words are coming out in your own language, all over the globe That’s a real benefit going on for the past year and half and reaching as many as 200 countries with over 17 and a half million listeners. So glad that that's happening.
Thank you SAT team for getting the satellites to operate very well, with the starlink system, and we're just happy to be here. We have a lot of good information tonight. We're getting very close to the end on this. So I'm excited about that.
All right, let's go into Intel Bob says we are a few minutes after 10 o'clock Eastern. So let's get into it. Well, I want to say this first for Denise up in Canada. Denise hope you're listening and Denise’s question was about Canada. Are we going to be able to respond because she was told, she read something now Canada's out of the loop on 800 number, - it’s really not -- Canada. If you get this and you don’t get a different 800 number, you might get a different 800 number call than those of us here in United States. If that's the case, they will take good care of you – and it will route you to we've got approximately, and I can't say exactly - at one point, I know we had 2000 redemption centers in Canada.
Now, you guys know the best rates even If you're not a zim holder - let's say you only have dinar or dong - you still will get the best rate on either of those currencies, not to mention the zim at the redemption centers.
So if you get the same number that we get in your email, then call the number - whichever it is call, set up your appointment Okay.
HSBC is the lead bank in Canada although, when RBC merge with Scotia bank - Scotia - they are taking the lead, and I know the banker with over 7 redemption centers in Canada , I would say you'll be fine either way, so don't worry about that you will be well taken care of –
(skipped over some non related talk)
All right, The thing about where we are, there's one thing I found out today that is unique and different for us to know, and that is that at midnight tonight, which is not too long from now on, Eastern Time, midnight tonight, all of our accounts in the United States are on the quantum financial system, and in the USN designation for the dollar - our United States, new dollar - our asset backed dollar
When the clock strikes midnight tonight Eastern time, we will all be completely contained. All of our accounts will be contained in quantum financial system, with the USN as our designated currency –
Well, that's good news and that is happening In time for things to happen, possibly tomorrow. That's what else we're hearing from sources. And at least two or three of our better sources are saying that we should get our toll free numbers sent out tomorrow in email
Now, I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself. Remember, last Thursday, I had 30 minutes of straight intel - back to back to back to back that. I hope you guys caught that or caught the replay on last Thursday's call, because there things that were said there that I'm probably not going to talk about tonight.
Alright what are we going to talk about tonight? First of all, the well, let's say this, first of all, okay, there's always redemption center information that we get bits and pieces of -- some of it, just with emails that have gone out. And notice this, the emails that are going out to the redemption center say, New US Treasury slash, wells, Fargo, if it's a combination that's gone from the Treasury to Wells and then on to the redemption center of leaders, “new” –
I Love that I love that it's “New US, Treasury, slash, Wells Fargo”, because that tells us that they're very aware, and they're making us aware, making the redemption center leaders and the operatives that contact the redemption centers of misinformation, and we're Looking to have confirmation of the fact that the leaders or the operatives at all the redemption centers across the United States have been contacted by email with information that would tell them when we are to receive our emails and when we are to be able to set our appointments and start exchanges
Now, we believe that that information has either gone out to the redemption center leaders across the country, remember, we've got, gosh, over 6000 redemption centers in United States,
And either they haven received that or are about to get overnight or tonight, let's say, if not tonight, so they at least wake up to it or go into the redemption centers in the morning with that information - we believe that that information is going to allow us to receive our emails tomorrow.
Now that's only if -- Now that's only if - we can't prove it yet. We don't know it - we believe that's the case and if so we should be able to set our appointments – and here’s the deal -- if we get it before noon, let's say 1030 to noon. If we get it in that timeline, timeframe, we should be able to do it to set a point approximately 3 hours later
We would easily make three or four in the afternoon, if that were the case tomorrow, if it comes out in the afternoon, we probably just set our appointments and start exchanges on Thursday. Charlie Ward's Thursday. We'll see. We don't know that yet. Possible we can get everything we need to start tomorrow, or maybe we get it in time to start on Thursday, but it's a very good there's a very good posability of either of those happening.
We don't have that information yet, specifically one day or the other. We don't have that but we hope to catch that later on tonight. Maybe I'll get it, not in time for the big call.
However, now what else is going on, political change coming. Look for some something very positive that should happen by Friday of this week. Let's see what else? Oh, Jeannie prompts me on R and R and let's talk about it, restitution and reclamation - and I call it allowances, another term for it, but whatever it's R and R and we did get amounts this week - over the weekend that told us the base amount that would be set up by age group.
Not really that important what the base amount is, obviously starts at one level and goes up as you get older, and then the other amount is added to that. Let's call the one thing restitution. Let's call the other reclamation, whatever it truly is called, we will get that total amount which is going to be significant piece of change - even for young people, starting at the age, I believe, 28 and is designated from like 28 to 30 -- 30, to 50 - 50, to 60 – 60 and above,
Here’s how it's going to be successful. Now here's how it's going to work. If you are not in the currencies, and you guys know people that are not in the currencies, but are to be getting R and R, they will get it if they're taking Social Security, they'll get in their bank account where their Social Security is being deposited.
Remember, these are for non currency holders - if they are not on Social Security, let's say they're in the 50s and they're not eligible for Social Security yet they will get their R and R payment deposited into their bank account. And you say, Well, how do they know what account?
Well, I don't know what account and the people they have, the people will get a notification from the bank that you have a deposit, whether it's an email notification, whether it's something that you triggered to notify your phone or deposit that comes in your account, or whether it could be snail mail in some cases.
So that is coming, and that's going to allow people, think about people all over the country that are not in the currencies that we're in, to get money and to receive a pretty good chunk of change in their bank account, and that could happen as early as this week for them, but it should happen for everybody gets that deposit by the end of the month.
What else is supposed to happen by the end of the month, we're going to have our mortgage balances wiped out or zeroed out, and our credit card balances wiped out, mortgages, credit cards. Now here's the thing. When that occurs at first you're supposed to be an NDA, and you don't even discuss that, the mortgage is removed - Your credit card, your credit card balance removed until Thanksgiving.
That's what I've heard as far as being able to talk about it, not to write about it, especially credit card balances, it'd be nice to say, Yeah, my mortgage was such and such, and it's not that's been zeroed out by the bank or the lending institution, but we're not gonna be able to talk about that until Thanksgiving and not, Canadians Thanksgiving in October, either?
Our Thanksgiving is some Thursday in, like the third week in November, maybe the fourth week, I don't know. Anyway, it's, it's, uh, that's what we're supposed to go talk about. It.
Now, what else -- the our currency? The USN did come up. Remember it was off for a while. Remember it wasn't even on the screens. We had 18 currencies on the screen with rates flashing slowly. Sunday, we had all 19 currencies on the bank creenss and redemption center screens that were solid rates, and they were very favorable, believe me, and our USN was on it as of 5pm eastern last Sunday, two days ago, Sunday night. Well, that was very positive. So we know the USM is in play.
All right, let's talk about things regarding rates and something else. Somebody posted something about if you got 2 trillion zim notes, you can get the rate on those. And after that, forget about it. It's something else that's not true. That's a deep state lie - Don't buy it. All of your zim is worth whatever the rate is. And I told you it was on par with the US dollar. And you guys, if you been listening at all – you 't know what on par means, - it means the same as on par with the dollar.
Now, if you only have T notes, or 10 or 50 T notes, you could get offered a much higher rate on the Zim. Just if you have a couple of notes, you've got a lot, you're going to be right there on par with the US dollar and the USN all you will ever need, believe me. Say, believe me when I tell you, that's right,
That's about it. Rate wise, I know this much we saw what the we did get notification on what the dinar and dong were a few days ago - Sunday and on the bank streets and on the redemption center screens are going to be much higher than the bank screens. Just so you know, redemption center screens are significantly higher. Not to mention the fact that, if there's a dinar holder United States and are a US citizen, you will be offered a contract rate.
What is the contract rate? Contract rate is what a barrel of oil in Iraq is selling for , in USN dollars, whatever the per barrel price of oil is that Iraq is selling like to Turkey or other countries, whatever that rate is at the time of our exchange on Zim. That's what we are being offered. That's the contract rate, and it's pretty high. It's just under 90. It's pretty high that could go up. It could go down based on the per barrell price of oil that Iraq is selling the oil for
Okay, now you know we're expecting to get notified tomorrow. If it all pans out, we'll get our emails tomorrow – set our appointments -- start as early as tomorrow or Thursday. So I'm hoping that the emails do come out, that redemption center staff or leaders get the emails they were expecting - they may have already, they might not, and if they do, they should be in that email comes out. When the emails are coming out from a completely different place and we wo;; have an idea of roughly when - not only notify but when we can begin exchanges
. So I don't know that there's a whole lot else that I have beyond that. I think I got everything out I wanted to tell you about—Lets go ahead now and pray the call out
If Register your email on big call universe, we will send an email blast that will have the 800 number in it. And you guys can have that, if you don't have it anywhere else.
I'm not sure in terms of the header line too. It could say something like new US Treasury slash, Wells Fargo. It might be like that, but that's the bill to receive. That's what we receive. I don't know, but I know that you are protected. All of your money right now is a midnight tonight is upon financial system account. And in that it's in the QFs, it is in USN currency, which means asset tax currency. And just we could be very, very happy with what could happen here as early as tomorrow, and quite positive. So let's, let's go ahead now and pray the call out, and then let's pause for the next couple of days,
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-20-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-15-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:14
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:08:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-1-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 51:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-31-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-25-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-15-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-15-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is, let's say, is it Thursday, August 15TH - You believe we're halfway through the month of August in a few hours? That's amazing to me. Time has flown by so fast. Here recently. Okay? So welcome everybody to the big call. Thank you for listening. Thank you for hanging in there with us. And I’ve got lots to share. I hope I remember all of it, because I've got a lot of stuff.
And I'll say now, if you don't have a pad of paper, get a decent pad of paper and a nice writing pen, because you're going to want to jot this stuff down- alright, a lot of different things - I hope I remember them all.
All right, it's about straight up, probably 10 o'clock on the East Coast, yep. So let's do this. Let's ask everybody again to get a pad legal pad if you have a big pad of paper and a good writing pen, because there's several things I'm going to talk about that I'd like you to write down, because I think it's going to be important to retrieve some of this and just go over it in your mind. All right, I got a lot of stuff, so I'm trying to bring it all out.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-15-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is, let's say, is it Thursday, August 15TH - You believe we're halfway through the month of August in a few hours? That's amazing to me. Time has flown by so fast. Here recently. Okay? So welcome everybody to the big call. Thank you for listening. Thank you for hanging in there with us. And I’ve got lots to share. I hope I remember all of it, because I've got a lot of stuff.
And I'll say now, if you don't have a pad of paper, get a decent pad of paper and a nice writing pen, because you're going to want to jot this stuff down- alright, a lot of different things - I hope I remember them all.
All right, it's about straight up, probably 10 o'clock on the East Coast, yep. So let's do this. Let's ask everybody again to get a pad legal pad if you have a big pad of paper and a good writing pen, because there's several things I'm going to talk about that I'd like you to write down, because I think it's going to be important to retrieve some of this and just go over it in your mind. All right, I got a lot of stuff, so I'm trying to bring it all out.
Sometimes Jeannie helps me by prompting a praise report or a prayer request to remember everything I need to talk about. Let's first start talking about restitution and reclamation allowance, and I abbreviated that, as you guys know, to R and R. I've got some new information about it again today.
The R and R is the money that we're going to get back from them, trading our birth certificate, any marriage license that we had, any divorce decree that we may have had, and any death certificate that we might have had that would affect us. It could be parents, it could be spouse, whatever.
There are four areas that were traded as bonds, and we're going to get the money that they earned back. Now. The other thing as part R and R is we're going to get the interest that paid on home mortgages, on credit cards, on any bank loans that we might have taken out, like for a car or a boat or whatever. Now any of that is all refundable to us. So they've amalgamated this amount.
And for some of the older folks, Bob's not quite in that category. I'm getting there. Some of us know people in their 70s and 80s and so on, that will get a pretty big chunk. It'll be a big chunk.
Now here's the thing, it's going to be different for people that are in the currencies like we are, and in the zim, especially for those of us who have zim that are going in to exchange Our currencies and redeem our Zim, we will get our R and R put into our quantum accounts within the quantum financial system, our quantum account –
Now, they should tell us that and tell us how much it's going to be before We take our total from exchanges, and zim redemption and add it to that amount that’s in the quantum account.
And then another, another piece to write down is, when it comes to the quantum account, - it a quantum access card. Let's call it a quantum card that is three times thicker than a credit card and it has three chips in it. Well, no, it's got probably more.
But the quantum card is not something we carry around with us. It's something that we have and we put it in a very safe place where you live, you got to find a safe place to store this card, and you only use it when moving funds from your quantum account into your primary or secondary banks.
Okay, so it's from one way withdrawal, if you will, from your quantum account into your banks, whether it's Wells Fargo, whether it's Chase, whether it's Bank America or what, you can move it, as I understand, it, into accounts in three different banks.
So whatever your top three banks are that you plan to use, you should be able to use the quantum access card to move funds into that and that's the only reason you use it, you don't charge anything on it, you don't carry it around and spend you don't go to restaurants, none of that.
This is not a credit debit card. No, this is only for moving funds from your quantum account. Guess what? You don't ever know this card. It's way too valuable.
All right, now let's talk about access to your quantum account, so you and I that have zim, we will get an amount from our R and R deposit that will go into our quantum account, and hopefully we find out how much that is before they throw the proceeds from our currencies and our zim redemption in the mix. Okay, we got to find out what it is before we add the other to it.
Now here's the other thing, to access your quantum account. They'll probably use a biometric fingerprint or thumbprint reader, where you're going to have a username, write that down, biometric finger or thumbprint, username, that's the second thing you need, and you'll need a password, so you're going to need to write that down, and write down all passwords and all of this stuff. Redemption center when you get this okay, because you're gonna have to construct that password when you get in there.
Also, there’s five out of five aspects, one, biometric fingerprint two, your username, three, your password, four, a five digit number that can be ascribed to you as an ID number, five digits, okay, and the last thing would be an email address.
All five of those need to be entered, my understanding to be entered to access your quantum accounts. Remember, the quantum account is essentially held in the quantum financial system computers and essentially backed by the US Treasury, the new US Treasury.
All right, so hopefully you wrote down those five steps. I'll go over them in case you got a biometric fingerprint, whichever is username, password, five digit ID number that is ID to you and your email. And by the way, if if you need to create which, I think you might have to create a new email for this, if you do create a new one, Gmail is a safe method of email.
Now it's over the last year or two instance shown to be very safe. So your preference on that? All right, all right, you've got that down.
Now we know when the R and R is going to happen for us that are exchanging. What about non exchange? Non exchange - Remember this, this R and R is receivable for anyone 28 years of age and older, that's a US citizen. What if you're a green card holder? Your green card holder, you need to have your green card at least 18 months to receive your R and R 18 month minimum. Okay, so we're assuming that you're a citizen or you have a green card that makes you eligible. Let's say you're younger.
Let's say you're 50 or 55 okay, you still will get that, but since you're not exchanging currency, you're going to have it direct deposited into your bank account, your existing bank account.
You're too young to Social Security, so they don't have your Social Security bank account, but they have it a bank account. They know what your bank account is by the last four digits of your social security number, which we all had to use a social security number to open a bank account. They have that, well, they'll do a direct deposit. And I believe it's going to start - Doesn't mean it'll all happen, but it'll start on Monday the 19th, which is this Monday the 19th of August.
And it could take up to seven days for that R and R deposit to show up. How are you going to know when it's in there? When you get a notification from that you have a deposit - Either it's going to be an online notification, an email or it could even be a phone call, in some cases, -- email, phone call or an online notification that you had a deposit.
And guess what? Guys, for the older folks, it's going to be substantial, both in their 30s and 50s. It'll still be a good deposit.
The idea of it paying out over two years, three years, I think all of that went away. But if you're younger, I remember this, if you're under 35 I believe you're going to sign something that says you won't quit your current job for at least 10 years, or you'll stay employed at least 30 hours a week. 30 hours is considered part time, so at least 30 hrs a week - or at least 10 years, okay,
Retirement age 60 / 62 65 considered maybe you retired, maybe you're still working, maybe you're not.
I know guys that are 83 years old still go into the office, are still working, and they don't really want to retire, because when a lot of people are older and they retire, they die. There's just no motivation to go on. They die. Or they play golf, they've had enough golf, and then they die.
So we don't want anybody that's older to die. We want to get them into a med bed and get their youth restored, and that's what we're all about doing.
All right, let's see. I covered R and R quantum card about the needs that is Monday. So what we're hearing is that the NESARA / GESARA is supposed to be announced starting the 19th of August, that's this coming Monday, NESARA and GESARA be announced.
We're hearing that it's either going to be by Chief Justice, not chief justice, but Justice Clarence Thomas from the Supreme Court, or by General Mike Flynn, we heard it would be announced to us by one or two of those guys.
All right. All right, let's talk about let's see what else, okay, all right, what about the new USN currency, or USN or US new notes, meaning our United States Treasury note is the physical put it in your pocket money. But the USN is the designation for the screen that is used for trading forex and on banks.
So the USN is supposed to be announced or not announced. It may not even be announced, but it's supposed to be coming out around Monday. Okay? Around Monday
Now, I hope it gets announced as an asset backed currency. It may not be announced as a gold backed currency, even though it is partially backed by gold, majority backed by gold. Look forward to that. Starting this Monday,
NESARA and GESARA – the R and R is part of NESARA for us. That's part of it. So we should be getting some kind of NESARA announcement starting Monday.
Let's talk about the med beds - if you are a zim holder, and you have a dire health need, and you have projects you are moving up to the front of the line because med beds are supposed to roll out, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, the 19th, 20th or 21st of August.
So we're looking good on that to happen in the first three days of next week, and they are going to give precedence to those of dire need who are Zim holders. So that's really big and very important for us.
Let’s talk about when you go in for your exchange appointments change currency and or to redeem zim - You mention to them that you have a need for the med bed. In my case, it's pretty obvious, but it may not be obvious - You may have medical issues or something that you're gonna have to bring up to them in person, and they will, they will enter some keystrokes to say that you are a med bed candidate, candidate, okay, this is something that we need to be aware of whether it's for us or our spouse, or whether it's for somebody that might be of dire need, but realize that those that are zim holders and because they want us to be around for 100 200 plus years to see fruition come through for our projects and want to see if We can be there a couple 100 more years, and we're going to get age regress approximately forty years from where you are, okay?
So if Bob is 68 he would go back to 28 when he goes in, and so on. So this is really important step that we're going to make to get age regressed as we move into more of a youthful time now, we retain the wisdom that we've gained over 60 or 70 or eighty years. We retain that, but we're going to be biologically younger, physically younger.
Biologically, we've got a new age. We're still 65 568, 70, whatever it is, but we will feel and look much younger. 40 years younger. All right, so that's a terrific blessing, right there.
Now, what else is happening as far as us the new currencies? The USN is supposed to be out on forex and tradable on bank screens starting Sunday night. Now nobody's going to see it Sunday night unless they're in the bank, but starting Sunday night, we're going to see the USN on forex and in the bank screens, which would be they would see it Monday, this coming Sunday and Monday.
When do we get notified? The latest information has been all over the place and all over the place, but I can tell you the latest information that I believe is reliable is saying we will receive notifications sometime Tuesday - this coming Tuesday, all right, so let's say the 19th is Monday - That would be the 20th, okay? And that would be great.
We should get notified by the Wells Fargo emails coming out of Atlanta servers. We should be getting that on Tuesday. Then we probably will be setting our appointments, more than likely, for Wednesday, with some possibility of Tuesday afternoon, evening, some possibility of that.
There's about one more thing I think I wanted to cover that is, once we're notified with that, we set our appointments, and we can go in for our appointment three hours after our appointment time is set. So let's say we were able to get notification at noon, for example, only for example, we would be able to exchange beginning at 3p
Now, the only other thing that I think that's important here is that redemption centers are getting - Redemption centers leaders will be emailed the information as to when they're coming out. They'll get that information. The head person will get that information on Sunday afternoon. He or she will send that out either Monday morning, Monday afternoon or Monday evening – but the instructions should say, should say but I don’t know for a fact that the latest information says that we will get our notifications, our emails on Tuesday, alright
And that would be Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. That would be what 20th 21st, 22, I believe is Tuesday. No, it's not hold on Monday, 19th, so Tuesday would be the 20th. That's right, I got to keep this calendar in my head, you guys. And that's where it is to my head only
And our new USA coming out. I think if I was clear enough and bringing all this to you, and you were good at taking notes , if you want to go back over and listen to the replay to get these dates what we're talking about, you can do that.
I'm not sure about Social Security increases. I've heard that we're going to get an 80% increase in Social Security, and I'm not sure if it doesn't start around the 20th or 21st of this month.
And I hate to say some people that are right there on the edge of that Wednesday could get it or maybe not this month. For next month, we'll see. Let's see how they do it. These are already halfway through the month, first two weeks, first Wednesdays will not see it, but the third and fourth Wednesday recipients of Social Security may see the increase.
May see it this month, and it should be about an 80% increase over what you're currently receiving. And there's nothing you have to do for that, and you'll just receive it in your bank account, or you normally receive your Social Security.
All right, guys, I don't know that there's anything else that I received that I need to cover.
I can't think of anything I didn't cover that I meant to cover. All right, let's do this. Let's go ahead and pray the call out. We'll go stop the recording.
Well, everybody, have a great weekend to Monday. Now, bless you all. Let's turn off the recording.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-15-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:14
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:08:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-1-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 51:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-31-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-25-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-18-24 REPLAY LINK Recorded Call not available
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-11-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-9-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-4-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-13-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-13-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Music, welcome everybody the big call. It is Tuesday, August the 13th, and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody out there in big call universe for tuning in, whether you're local inside the US or whether you're outside the continental US and on international soils. We welcome you and appreciate you, and thank you for coming in and listening
Let's talk now. Thank you Bob, by the way, thank you Bob so much. That was great. Let's talk about, yeah, let's talk about the Intel. Let's see where we are now, guys, I know that my Intel has not been exactly accurate, because it changes every time you think we're there, you get something else that says we're not. And I'm sorry, because I hate bringing it out intel this not accurate or doesn't come to pass.
So I know this is a moving target. I know that things tend to change, but hopefully, one of these days, we'll get it right and we'll all be exchanging and we'll be happy.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-13-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Music, welcome everybody the big call. It is Tuesday, August the 13th, and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody out there in big call universe for tuning in, whether you're local inside the US or whether you're outside the continental US and on international soils. We welcome you and appreciate you, and thank you for coming in and listening
Let's talk now. Thank you Bob, by the way, thank you Bob so much. That was great. Let's talk about, yeah, let's talk about the Intel. Let's see where we are now, guys, I know that my Intel has not been exactly accurate, because it changes every time you think we're there, you get something else that says we're not. And I'm sorry, because I hate bringing it out intel this not accurate or doesn't come to pass.
So I know this is a moving target. I know that things tend to change, but hopefully, one of these days, we'll get it right and we'll all be exchanging and we'll be happy.
So from the latest info that we received last night was that that we are in basically a seven day window, and boy, I hear that. I go, Oh my gosh, that's too, long a window, too big. I don't want to be in a seven day window. And this is from CW, and we got it last night that said Wednesday to Wednesday.
We should get notified - and start exchanging that's tomorrow, through which when it's tomorrow, 14th to the 21st in that range, we should be getting our numbers and getting exchanges started.
Well, today, there was a conference call between some of the pay masters, some of the higher up people at wells with the Central Bank of Iraq, the CBI, and this call was supposed to go two and a half hours, and it went five and a half hours, so it was long, and they were talking about techniques and exchange protocols for the banks.
Now I don't know if it affected redemption centers, is that specifically the banks will let it sit at that. They were referring to our banks here in the US, not banks in Iraq. So what's happened? What's to bring you up to speed --
What's happened recently is the currencies, the 19 currencies that were coming up on the screen at redemption centers and at banks were coming up with either partial meeting six currencies and then 12 of the 19. We finally got all 19 to come up, but then they were coming up with a slow blinking mode.
That's okay. They could make out the currencies, they could make out the rates, but they were blinking slowly, and that was as of yesterday. Now, the weird thing is that even though that was going on, one of the currencies dropped out. So instead of 19, we're seeing 18 currencies on the screens.
Anybody guess which currency was not was no longer on the screen? That’s right - our currency, the US N, The USD had gone away and the USN and replaced it, but the US N was off the screen temporarily. Now, why would that be? Would it be that they're getting ready to introduce the USN, or United States node, or United States new however you want to look at it, then it's referring to the United States Treasury note that is no longer a Federal Reserve note because the Fed is dead and the remnant revenue says absorbed into US Treasury a while back. Same thing's true with the IRS. It was absorbed the rent of it was absorbed into the US Treasury.
So what that is saying is that the USN would need to go back up on the screen and would need to have a rate attached to it, and we believe that once that occurs, that's a pretty good indicator that we're about ready to start
Now, I think that the USN, if I remember right, is part of NESARA. Okay, let's talk about, I know I'm kinda bouncing around here, but stay with me. What else is part of NESARA? That's right, debt forgiveness. Let's talk about that. It actually started Sunday afternoon, Sunday the 11th of August, okay?
And so it started with, you guys haven't heard me say this yet, because I got this between the last call and tonight. It started with, or it is starting with zeroing out of all mortgages - Oh, I'm hearing some amens out there.
I'm hearing some hallelujahs, because our mortgages are supposed to be zeroed out over a 10 day process that, if my math is right and you count the days out, the 11th, which is Sunday, should it should be terminated? by around - By around the 20th of this month,
We don't know if that means we're going to get our letters by then from our lending institutions, or the letters will follow this 10 day period - that I don't know yet - probably find out after the call, but there's a 10 day period of debt forgiveness when mortgages will be zeroed out.
Now, there may be some stipulations to that that might prevent the very newest mortgage, but I don't even know that. I don't even know. Let's just go with mortgages will be zeroed out. That's a big help.
Now, what else, as far as debt forgiveness, did I hear somebody say, credit cards? Right, right You are Andrew. That starts around the 21st through the 31st which is the last day of August. That means all credit card debt will be wiped out. That's amazing. And don't everybody go and load up your credit cards right now. Don't even think about it.
But that is a real welcome thing. Those two things, that's mortgages and credit cards will be wiped out and zeroed out by the by the end of August, which is August 31 so that's going to be a real bonus for us. That's a huge, huge part of debt forgiveness for NESARA, kicking in and taking effect.
Now, we haven't heard of any debt forgiveness coming out yet. We don't have any evidence of it yet - at this time, but stay tuned , maybe I will get some of that. We know Farm claims started being paid out somewhere around the eighth of August, I believe.
And we've got, I mentioned on last Thursday’s call , so that we had proof of three farmers that were paid. The first one was 360,000 not 300,000 but 360,000 The second was 410,000 and the third one we heard was 525,000 - and these are farm claims to the farmers, and we understood that the black farmers were paid out first. Okay, so that's what we've heard.
And of course, I can't prove that right now, but that's what we've heard happened, which is great news.
Now let's go beyond that. I've given you a window. As we come back to the RV, I've given you a window of Wednesday to Wednesday by CW. Now what's interesting about that is we're hearing some things that are putting our day for exchanges to start Monday, the 19th, this coming Monday.
Now we've also heard from another call tonight that was with the financial advisors, bankers and so on, that there was a consensus on this call that we would be notified over the weekend and then start exchanges on Monday. So the 19th is Monday. It is halfway between kind of plus or minus between Wednesday and Wednesday, and it's very possible that that's what we end up with.
A few other people were saying we should get notified today and start tomorrow. I had that from a source that was speaking to a US Treasury source in Europe, and that's what they said, that we would get notified today and start exchanges tomorrow, but I don't know that we say that that's the case. I don't think that's happening somehow that did not occur.
So even my own Intel is slightly conflicted, but the consensus is looking for us getting notified this weekend and then exchanging on Monday. Let’s Hope that is true.
Let's hope that is exactly what's happening. And you guys have the the debt forgiveness portion, which is was started Sunday and goes through the end of the month with credit card debts being wiped out.
I think those two aspects mortgages, home mortgages and credit card debt is a lot - that is an answer to prayer, and that is wonderful to see that taking place.
Now. I think our USN is part of NESARA. I don't know if they'll announce it. I'm being told they won't. Bothers me. I would like to have it announced added asset backed and or gold backed currency, because it is and we're gonna have our US, TN, United States, trade notes and are in the banks. They're in the redemption centers. We're supposed to get some of it - when we go in for our appointments to exchange.
So that's been in place for a long time, I'm going to say months, and possibly over a year. Now that money, the new printed currency that we have are holding money that go down our wallets versus is already in place. So that's good. What else is going on? You know, guys, I think that's the majority of it.
So let's do this. Think I've loaded you guys up with good intel I think that's all I need to tell you guys tonight. This thing is right here, right there, where we can go anytime, yes, and we'll see if the Wednesday window holds up, or if we get surprised, and maybe it goes soon, but really, Wednesdays as soon as we'll get anything right now. So let's do this. Let's go ahead and pray the call out right now,
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:14
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:08:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-1-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 51:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-31-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-25-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-18-24 REPLAY LINK Recorded Call not available
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-11-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-9-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-4-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-8-24
Sorry for the late posting - Recaps team member had power outage due to storm - thank you for understanding
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-8-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - it is Thursday, August the 8th, and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for listening wherever you're tuned in, all around the globe, big call universe. Thank you. And boy, we're gonna have a great week. It looks like still, it's not the weekend, a great weekend.
What else is happening? When it comes to Intel, I have to tell you where we are and maybe where we're not. We did hear obviously, you guys know I was big on today being the number eight, China's favorite, number 8 8 24, and we did have some things that got started today, like bond holders getting paid out of Reno. And we know that pay masters and bond holders were flying into Reno, 3 flights in and 3 flights out - private jets 3 in and 3 out Reno Nevada - so that’s underway -
And I cannot speak to CMKX directly as fas as who has been paid and who has not been paid so be patient about that - it hasn’t happened for everybody yet – 0bviously – but I did get confirmation that over 1500 farm claims have been paid out as of 8 am this morning. You say well I’m not a farmer and I don’t have a farm claim -- I get that – I get it – but the fact that that many have been paid at 8 am that this morning is a good thing
Sorry for the late posting - Recaps team member had power outage due to storm - thank you for understanding
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-8-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - it is Thursday, August the 8th, and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for listening wherever you're tuned in, all around the globe, big call universe. Thank you. And boy, we're gonna have a great week. It looks like still, it's not the weekend, a great weekend.
What else is happening? When it comes to Intel, I have to tell you where we are and maybe where we're not. We did hear obviously, you guys know I was big on today being the number eight, China's favorite, number 8 8 24, and we did have some things that got started today, like bond holders getting paid out of Reno. And we know that pay masters and bond holders were flying into Reno, 3 flights in and 3 flights out - private jets 3 in and 3 out Reno Nevada - so that’s underway -
And I cannot speak to CMKX directly as fas as who has been paid and who has not been paid so be patient about that - it hasn’t happened for everybody yet – 0bviously – but I did get confirmation that over 1500 farm claims have been paid out as of 8 am this morning. You say well I’m not a farmer and I don’t have a farm claim -- I get that – I get it – but the fact that that many have been paid at 8 am that this morning is a good thing
And the other thing we heard three specific people that we know, were paid out 300,000 - one 410,000 and one paid 525,000 -- Now those are for farm claims, and so those are continuing - I think we had over 1500 paid out this morning - bond owners under way - what about prosperity packages? We did confirm they did have their meeting last Saturday s. They did decide - that was almost a week, not quite as what five days ago –
They did decide to use hand to hand delivery. Of those I know there's not direct deposit, not on top of the redemption center meeting / exchange - but rather they are going to come to your house Now I hope they will call before they show up. They're not arresting us. They're giving us a pretty sizable check, understanding its minimum 10 million if you're in prosperity. And those of you who are know who you are. So that’s a really good thing.
And also, people that we do deliveries are federalized National Guard - Federalized National Guard that has been contracted to do that delivery for us. So we think there'll be three members. One will stay with the vehicle. Two will come to the door, and that will be a real blessing when those come.
Now, those deliveries are supposed to have started either this evening or tomorrow morning, and that'll be really cool as they start tomorrow morning. Let's go beyond that. Let's see what else we know.
We know that today the redemption center stuff went in at noon - but they did not get the green light from Treasury yet - to send out the emails to all the staff and all of the principles, primarily the principals in all of the redemption centers, and the person that we know has jurisdiction over 2821 redemption centers that are located east of the Mississippi River. So we still don't have that happening yet. They could very well happen either tomorrow or Saturday.
Now the latest information that we received this evening - It was an hour or two before the call tonight was saying that we would get that start for tier 4B - that's the internet group - also included, I would have to say, would probably be tier 4A the Admiral’s groups.
And we thought at last count, the 22 of those groups. So those groups will probably be notified around the same time that we get notified. They could get it sooner, though. They might get a little sooner, but those are coming out, and we're hearing the last piece of information was that we should get those Saturday morning, or we'll say Saturday at least by noon.
So if we don't get them tomorrow, which is possible - One piece of information says 24 hours, we put it in tomorrow. And another said 24 - 48 hours, which would put it by Saturday around noon. So be aware that that's more than likely going to be the case, and open Saturday up for exchanges to occur that afternoon / evening.
So also we can get that and we and Sunday, redemption centers will be open, and so on and so on. We would be able to exchange and redeem our zim and bonds, if you have bonds, sheet bonds, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and so on, all the way through the week.
So when it comes to what you guys might be seeing, I can tell you that the Zim rate is extremely high, and we're going to be given a very strong rate on the dinar. Don't have the Dong yet, but it's coming. And the banks and redemption center screens this afternoon, by five o'clock today, were populating.
So they weren't solid. They were flashing so fast you could make out the value of the currency, but all 19 currencies that are going up in value for us will be solid either tomorrow or probably Saturday, either one. So don't worry about that. But they could not read the rate because they were populating and blinking, flashing – so fast. They call them flashing because they are so fast,
All right, so that's happening that shows that the rates are trading and they're still trading until Friday. Certainly the 4x is trading till Friday at five o'clock, and that'll be good, and then they'll continue to the Forex on Sunday, at 5pm -
Lets see - anything else ? I want to I want to say everything is moving behind the scenes. I'm sure there's stuff happening on the political front. I don't have anything to mention about that right now. I don't know about, well, I know that we're looking at doing some --- uhhh I can’t even mention that –
We're looking at getting things well underway for us, but I can't tell you when NESARA and GESARA will actually start. I believe NESARA will start with a new rate for our USN dollar, I don’t know how we should have that if it's even going to be announced, if at all -- I think we've heard that it's just going to come out, and we get it. We know it. We get it to banks. We get at the end, and we realize our new currency is asset backed, and we just run with it.
Our fiat money here in the states will be good for a few more months, even after the gold back dollar comes out. Because as the gold dollar is phased in and we get that at the banks or ATMs, the old fiat currency will go away and we'll use it, or we'll turn it in and exchange it.
I wouldn't collect $50,000 in fiat currency on your mattress or in coffee can and bury them in the yard, because eventually the currency will be worthless even here in the United States, you want to be very careful not to do that. I know some people that are kind of like that. They don't trust the banks, and they want to just have their money. Well, you better be aware that our new money is changing.
Our new money is coming out as an asset backed USN for us note or United States new - Look at it either way - USN and it's still the US dollar, but it's not USD, it's USN designated on the screens.
Okay, so what everybody needs to do is pay attention between now and the weekend to emails coming in, and I would say there's a pretty good chance we're going to get them Saturday before lunch. I don't about tomorrow - it was in play big time, but the latest information took tomorrow out of play and brought Saturday into play. So I'm going to go with that for right now and that’s the last I can say about it.
I think that’s everything -- I want to make one little caveat. There are two things. One - I meant to mention this on Tuesday night, there is an email going out or around that is suggesting that President Trump was arrested or President Trump was shot, executed or something - And there have been a couple of them out there from the deep state - they’re lies, and there's an attachment when you open those up, there's a virus, a really dangerous virus that will totally corrupt your computer system or your phone. So do not open it.
If you get something that says President Trump or Trump arrested, just ignore it and pass it on. Don't open it because it's got a norovirus in it, if you will.
The other thing point I wanted to make is be careful what you guys are reading online. There's some things coming out talking about this being capped, or that being capped, or you're only going to get so much for zim, or you're only going to be able to max out to this. None of that's true. It's all a lie.
There's no limit on the amount of zim, and the rate is going to be incredible. And I'll just say it this way, remember when we talked about this and zim was on par with the dollar ? It will be higher. Just saying –
Now, stay away from some of these sites, even the sites that you would think would be okay have been warned, warned and you don't want to be taking part in those. I know it's something I used to look at everything I can find online, too. But your best bet is to kind of minimize what you're reading right now because there’s a lot of deep state stuff that's trying to take you out of the benefit of this blessing. All right?
All right – enough said - Now, let's go ahead and pray the call out - first before we do. I want to thank Bob and I want to thank Sue - GCK Jeannie, also Pastor Scott and the satellite team, or sat team as I call them getting the call out to virtually every country in the world, almost and to anywhere from 15 to 20 - 20 plus million listeners. And that's a beautiful, beautiful job that they've done to do that.
So I'm very, very pleased that they have done that - I want to thank big call universe, the listeners, for listening to the call for the last 13 years. And obviously some of you, many of you, have listened from the first call and haven't missed a single call, which is really amazing. Let's do this, guys, let's just stay in faith and watch what happens over the next couple of days, and then we'll be ready to set our appointments go in exchange and redeem our zim. Let’s do that and let’s pray the call out
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:08:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-1-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 51:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-31-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-25-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-18-24 REPLAY LINK Recorded Call not available
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-11-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-9-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-4-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-6-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-6-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call. It is Tuesday, August 6th and you're listening to the big call from all over, big call universe, wherever you tuned in. I'm glad that you're here.
All right, let's talk about where we stand right now in terms of the Intel segment, we know that things are happening even in Iraq. For example, today, we found out that the head of the Central Bank of Iraq, Iraq, a l a K, Alak - resigned today, and we're not quite sure why, but I've got some idea why he might have resigned.
I know that we were, we kind of had yesterday - Oh guys, we could go, but there's one more thing, one more thing. And I thought, Oh no, what is it? Well, from last night until, let's call it late this afternoon, or not even late, until this afternoon, we had an issue, between Iraq the administration, and that ended up Being a result of them being the administration wanting to have a lower price for contract price of Iraqi oil that was to be sold - by Iraq which, which the price was, well, let's just say it was well into the higher Numbers and the contract rate would have been higher for us, and it was lowered by about 20% to meet the request.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-6-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call. It is Tuesday, August 6th and you're listening to the big call from all over, big call universe, wherever you tuned in. I'm glad that you're here.
All right, let's talk about where we stand right now in terms of the Intel segment, we know that things are happening even in Iraq. For example, today, we found out that the head of the Central Bank of Iraq, Iraq, a l a K, Alak - resigned today, and we're not quite sure why, but I've got some idea why he might have resigned.
I know that we were, we kind of had yesterday - Oh guys, we could go, but there's one more thing, one more thing. And I thought, Oh no, what is it? Well, from last night until, let's call it late this afternoon, or not even late, until this afternoon, we had an issue, between Iraq the administration, and that ended up Being a result of them being the administration wanting to have a lower price for contract price of Iraqi oil that was to be sold - by Iraq which, which the price was, well, let's just say it was well into the higher Numbers and the contract rate would have been higher for us, and it was lowered by about 20% to meet the request.
Well, let's just call it the deep state. So that probably occurred as a temporary fix, but it should have solved the problem between the Iraq and and the administration - so that was something we were anticipating happening, and it did happen, to the point where now I think things can move forward
Now, in addition to that, we had situation where -- a situation that was based on electrical storms and severe thunderstorms in the area that were coming up from Hurricane Debby – from the Florida coast – the Gulf, and came across Panama, Florida and Georgia.
And then, skirting the Carolina, South Carolina got really whacked . And also, I think North Carolina, along the coast is also feeling that, and I don't know where that hurricane is now the Outer Bands turned off electricity, shut down electricity in South Carolina to where one of the banks of wells, Fargo Bank, could not be connected to the Wells Fargo redemption center, so we had disconnection between those two facilities such that they couldn't communicate rates and screens were down, electricity was down, and I think it electricity came back up late this afternoon, but it did not allow them to get codes entered that they wanted to get entered so they see what was going on with the screen rates.
Now here's situation that was happening – day before yesterday would have been what Sunday, we had six currencies on the screens lit up with hard rates. In other words, not gray scale, not flickering rate with hard rates. And then yesterday we had six more currencies on the screens with hard rates, so we went to six to 12 currencies that were visible, and that went up
And then - at the redemption center - Actually, this was at the bank, at the lone starville Bank, a code was entered that was that was suggested to be entered by corporate this code was entered, and then all of a sudden, the screens went dark
I could have told you that news screens would go dark when they sent them that information said, go ahead and enter these codes, because they didn’t want anybody to remember those grades or to talk about that or look at it again. They did not want that to happen
So then today - We were told they put in the safe codes because they made the screens dark, they would have the screens up at between 930 10 this morning and see the remaining seven currencies that will go up in value, because we have a total of 19 -- 12 and seven is 19.
So those would have populated. We would have seen those but as a result of the power outage, the bank was not able to connect with the with the redemption center. I think they just needed the quantum computer to be completely interactive there. So we don't know what happened with those last 7 currencies.
We think they probably came up, but we just didn't see what they were. We didn't see, we didn't get the words of that happening. So tomorrow is a new day – they will probably try tomorrow and hopefully those will come up - Today is the sixth tomorrow is the seventh, which is Wednesday, Thursday is the eighth.
All know whose favorite number 8 is. We know China’s favorite number is eight, the number of new beginnings of financial prosperity. It would not surprise me if our start day is Thursday and maybe we get notified tomorrow.
We hope we have heard that we will or that we get notified overnight tonight, but I think it's very possible we get notified set appointments, and maybe we start on Thursday. I'm just saying 8 - 8 - 24, What's two x four? 8 8 8 , right? B I don’t know – Just saying ……
Saying it could be, that's what China and the elders want to do. As far as our start, it may be, we just don't know at this point, whether that's going to come into play or not. It would not surprise me, though, so if I get started, today didn't happen.
Tomorrow is in play. But we haven't heard anybody come in and say that would happen. None of our sources have gotten back to us to say that tomorrow is in play for numbers to come out and for us to serve appointments.
That is very interesting. We know that things are being done behind the scenes or a lot. There's a lot of things happening. We're told to sort of hang in there, stand by it's coming. We've heard all those things before. We've heard them all before. Now it's just a matter of us having faith, believing into this taking place, and just getting the result that we're looking for. So other than that, there's nothing major that I can think of that we have to talk about
All right, let's do this, you guys. I think we are at the point this was ready to go.
We had the one more thing yesterday that I believe they solved today. At least, I've heard that that was solved. Other than that, we did hear that. Let me get the dates right on this. I believe it was Saturday. We actually had the Saturday.
Saturday, we had the RV started, if you will, at 8am the morning with the payout of the CM KX adjudicated settlement, and also with the farm claims, and that night, at 8pm we heard that prosperity packages together.
Now I think they might have queued us up for that. They have not gone out. They were deciding on Friday, on Saturday, whether those were to go out by direct deposit or hand to hand delivery to the house, to the door to you. And I don't know if they made that decision.
I've been told they have and I've been told they have it. So whichever it is. We don't know which one it is, but if you're in a prosperity package, I'm sure you'll find out. So you're not officially please that we're going to take it and pile it on at the redemption center after exchanging currencies and redeeming Zim.
But now I'm not sure that they're going that route. They might do a direct deposit into into our bank accounts, or they could still do a hand to hand delivery to us, and we'll find out, but we don't know the answer yet would be, we thought it might start today. We thought it could have started yesterday, but it hadn't started yet. So that's prosperity packages.
So let's pray the call out. Let's look forward to an exciting week. After all, it is Tuesday, let’s see what the rest of the week has for us, and let's just believe for God to bless us in this way.
All right, everybody, thank you so much for listening. Thank you Sue, thank you Bob, thank you GCK and Pastor Scott, good to have you back. Thank you Pastor as well as Jeannie, thank you for your continued support. And we look forward to this going so let's get this thing, and let's look forward to receiving it in Jesus. name, amen, and amen. And I will turn off the recording. And we will go from there
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-1-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 51:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-31-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-25-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-18-24 REPLAY LINK Recorded Call not available
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-11-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-9-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-4-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-2-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-27-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-1-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-1-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, August 1st and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody. Thanks for listening wherever you are in what we call big call universe, which is all around this beautiful globe and maybe beyond, probably so. So, thanks for tuning in everybody.
Looking forward to having a good call. Bob took a vacation break, so he will be back on Monday, and because he missed this call he might have missed our last call, I would think so. So, we'll see how it goes. But obviously we miss Bob not being here, but Sue and I are going to do the best we can to bring everything to you. So let's do this before we get too far along. Let's go ahead and pray the call in.
All right, let's just do this. I'm going to segue right into my own Intel segment. So this will be good, Sue. You don't happen to have a time hack? Do you just for fun? Yep, 9:53 Oh, thank you Sue.
Okay, where are we with our intel? We have heard and are confirming this that there was a celebration dinner slash party last night in Reno with bank managers in the area and intake managers. Those are the people that took in the currencies in Reno for the various groups.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-1-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, August 1st and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody. Thanks for listening wherever you are in what we call big call universe, which is all around this beautiful globe and maybe beyond, probably so. So, thanks for tuning in everybody.
Looking forward to having a good call. Bob took a vacation break, so he will be back on Monday, and because he missed this call he might have missed our last call, I would think so. So, we'll see how it goes. But obviously we miss Bob not being here, but Sue and I are going to do the best we can to bring everything to you. So let's do this before we get too far along. Let's go ahead and pray the call in.
All right, let's just do this. I'm going to segue right into my own Intel segment. So this will be good, Sue. You don't happen to have a time hack? Do you just for fun? Yep, 9:53 Oh, thank you Sue.
Okay, where are we with our intel? We have heard and are confirming this that there was a celebration dinner slash party last night in Reno with bank managers in the area and intake managers. Those are the people that took in the currencies in Reno for the various groups.
We know the admirals group or groups plural, and there may be others too that might have attended- So bank managers, intake managers, were there for the celebration dinner slash party last night, that would have been Wednesday night. Now the Intel does not need to be super long.
You guys are looking for when and if this is going to happen - I am going to cut right to it -
The Intel that we received, and I had several confirmations today – was all pointing to this going either tomorrow for us by notifications - I'm talking about notifications either tomorrow which is Friday and or Saturday, I don’t know how to answer would work - but tomorrow I'm going to say or Saturday it is definitely in play.
So one of those two days, maybe both, maybe it is a process of being notified both days. So be prepared for that - We did get a green light from Treasury to one of our intel providers. And I think we're looking very good from that perspective.
We know that our people that we talked to at the redemption center went in today and stayed until four o'clock when the markets closed, but the rates were all showing grayscale, meaning they were not solid, visible rates on the screens at the redemption centers and at the banks a gray scale.
We got to get off gray scales. Which we believe will be tomorrow - We'll get some solid new rates out, and that way, that way, I think our notifications can come out after that. I have also heard that we would get notifications after markets closed tomorrow at four Eastern, four o'clock Eastern. And I think that's possible too, but it's also possible as we get these during the day and we set our appointments, and maybe we start Friday which is tomorrow - or we start on Saturday
I lnow this much - they will go through the weekend - meaning Sunday will be a day that redemption centers will be open, just so you know, it will they will be open on Sunday.
Could go possibly tomorrow, possibly Saturday, quite likely Sunday, you know, including Sunday, and all the way through beyond that. Today is the first we kind of thought we'd get notified today. I believe we were pushed today. Maybe its actually tomorrow we get notified
Also being at the end of the week - If they decide to release this to us after the markets close at four, there would be no ramifications on it, or there would be no real ramifications on the forex, which closes down around five o'clock on Friday and opens back up at five o'clock on Sunday evening.
So what they do is they reconcile all of the trades that have been done on Forex accounts over the weekend, they reconcile those and then they are ready for business opening back up on Sunday, five Eastern.
So the 48 hour period of 5pm to 5pm Friday to 5pm Sunday, in which case the Forex is down to reconcile all accounts. So I think we're hearing, we're hearing some really good things about political change happening in about four or five days that'll be welcome.
And also we're hearing there are a lot of tests going on right now in terms of the EBS, the Emergency Broadcast System, sort of fine tuning certain aspects of that. EBS and these announcements, that's where they show up. An emergency is usually on your phone, an emergency wireless system. EWS, I don't know not sure when that turns if that's on phone or on I don't know. I don't know where it is -
But I think it we could be in the heat of it over the weekend and beyond. That's this coming weekend. We always think of the weekend starting, but either Friday or Saturday, Sunday. Weekend is probably Saturday, Sunday and and you know what the bank said and is going to do on Friday is reconcile their books on Friday.
So that not a big deal either way for us, but I think we have pretty good shot at getting notified tomorrow, and if not tomorrow and or Saturday, you'll be looking at your emails every once in a while, and we'll see when they come in.
All right, all right, everybody, I'm jacked up excited about this coming either to us, either tomorrow, Friday or Saturday. Tomorrow is Friday, tomorrow or Saturday.
So let's go ahead and pray the call out, and let's see when this comes about to us.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-1-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 51:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-25-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-18-24 REPLAY LINK Recorded Call not available
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-11-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-9-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-4-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-2-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-27-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-30-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-30-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, July 30th and you're listening to the big call. Glad everybody could join us. We're starting a little bit late tonight. I had a call that I was expecting a little earlier, that came in late, and it's good, because we got some good last minute intel that I'll share in my Intel segment. So – glad everybody could join --
Let's talk about let's talk about where we are on an Intel point of view. I told you guys I was late to the call getting some last minute intel that fortunately came in, but I was a little bit late getting on the call, like 10 minutes late to get there. But it's okay, it’s good.
So what’s been happening - we have been looking forward, I believe on Tuesday night, I knew we were getting close to the end of t he month, and when that happens, like it did this week, because we're so close to the end of the month. Tomorrow's the last day of the month, 31st Wednesday.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-30-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, July 30th and you're listening to the big call. Glad everybody could join us. We're starting a little bit late tonight. I had a call that I was expecting a little earlier, that came in late, and it's good, because we got some good last minute intel that I'll share in my Intel segment. So – glad everybody could join --
Let's talk about let's talk about where we are on an Intel point of view. I told you guys I was late to the call getting some last minute intel that fortunately came in, but I was a little bit late getting on the call, like 10 minutes late to get there. But it's okay, it’s good.
So what’s been happening - we have been looking forward, I believe on Tuesday night, I knew we were getting close to the end of t he month, and when that happens, like it did this week, because we're so close to the end of the month. Tomorrow's the last day of the month, 31st Wednesday.
I said - Okay, here we go. More than likely going to get notifications and possibly start on the first of August. Well, that is pretty much what we're getting right now.
The the thing that there's sort of the last minute, I don't know how last minute was. It was something that was holding this up, evidently, there were five small banks in Iraq that were still exchanging with Iran in USD fiat currency. You guys know that the Fiat dollar is basically dead everywhere except here in United States.
Canada's not using it, Mexico's not using it, Vietnam is not using it, and Iraq is not supposed to be using it. So as the Fiat dollar, our current Fiat dollar is being taken to an absolute minimum, they're collecting and trying to eliminate banks that are using it - and there were five small banks in Iraq that we're doing this trading , initially with Iran and the Treasury consolidated those five banks into one entity and took took it over, so to speak, so that wouldn't happen anymore. That was an issue that was solved in the last couple of days. So that's fairly recent
The other information is that today, some of the bankers and some of the paymasters are tied in with Wells Fargo and HSBC and Bank of America were working together – the information consolidated and working to basically get everything finished.
For example, a meeting today supposed to go three and a half hours with five and a half hours, and that was some of the information that I got late, and it just looks like everything was this has been a situation the last couple of days where we should have had, you know, results, and that we heard,
What day was it? Friday night - And I think even last night, Monday, they were setting up, late to get everything lined up, everything ready to go, so that this could happen. Now, well, it ends up - see where we going with this one -. It ends up that the meetings have finally come to an end.
There are emails that have gone out to some of the pay masters that are involved in bonds and paying out their bond holders that they're working with, and we know that, you know, they're waiting for four emails to come out, one from Wells, one from Bank of America, one from HSBC and an email from Treasury.
Well, the last day or so they got the emails from each bank, but not from Treasury. And so the one from Treasury was to give the so called green light to let us know when we're not well. It's so strange because we had confirmation on bank emails, and that was all good, but where is the Treasury email?
Well, we finally got confirmation that the Treasury email did come out of prescribed time about three hours later tonight, and the whole thing is okay, we've got that now. We understood that some of the paymasters were going to be able to receive that email, be able to key in their passcode and ID, and then they would be able to fund their bondholders monies, because we knew the money was moving around and was ready to be utilized and moved into these accounts.
And it was money moving in to the banks for our accounts, for exchanges, for 4b so where that went was all four emails were finally received, but when certain paymasters entered their passcode and Id ends up spinning icon on their screen. In other words, you never notice how sometimes the computer just or YouTube just seems to just pause, and you kind of go, what? Why isn't it rolling? Why isn't it why are we playing? Why isn't this YouTube playing and it's just giving you this rolling circle of nothingness?
Well, that is where we are right now, and the paymasters were told - just leave it on - Don't monkey with it. Leave it alone and let it resolve in the morning. This is the theory. It should resolve in the morning.
Now why am I bringing all this minutia up, because when that does happen - that is our green light. Now we can say that we have the green light from Treasury, but until that information gets loaded in so those funds can go to bond holders accounts. Now we need for this to go, and we are kind of the most important part of all this happening, because when we get started, okay, when we might have to take That's wait one second - Might have to take this one second. - I'll complete that fundamental. Hold on. - let me finish that thought, you guys, as I get my brain right.
Okay, so when they get this icon, let's call it spinning circle to clear - it's going to be good, because it's going to tell us that we have the green light and we're ready to move forward –
What we’re hearing from these pain masters. Is everything is complete – everything is ready with Iraq - they hot the problem solved that I mentioned – and it’s ready to move – we’re ready to move forward.
We're being told we should either get notified tomorrow, which is the last day of the month, Wednesday - start exchanges on Thursday the first of August or they'll get notified Thursday morning and get started Thursday – either way we win.
But this is interesting, that that we're getting down to the wire - we've got good information that's saying that it's ready to go – the green light has been sent Treasury, and now we just need for the paymasters to move funds.
And I remember the thought I had – here’s the thought - by us going in for our exchanges and our and our redemption of Zim - we are hydrating the banks. When we exchange and put money into these accounts that we are opening – not the quantum account, but the Wells Fargo primary account, I thought, right, when we do that, we're beginning to hydrate the banks because some of the banks are essentially – almost bankrupt.
They don't have the funds - we're going to rehydrate those banks. And remember the people that are redeeming us and exchanging our currencies, they also pick up point zero two percent - .025% of the transaction, the bank also picks up point zero two five percent - .025% - that actually turns into some real money. That little tiny percentage of 25 hundredths of a percent will turn into real money.
So by us doing that in especially with Zim, in other currencies as well with Zim, it will really begin to stabilize the banks. And that's a very, very positive aspect for us - to see that going there.
Now, what else is going on again? Looks like we should get notified tomorrow and if not, we should get notified Thursday morning and start Thursday so be prepared for that.
This should be a really good end of the week, first, first part of August. I told you guys, we should have R and R, restitution and reclamation allowance in the first week of August, and that is going to be great. So and that applies to people that are 28 years of age and olde – Now if you are already getting Social Security, or you're 60 and older, 62 and over, getting social security in the same bank account where your Social Security is being direct deposited. Okay, so that's something to look for in the first week of August.
So I don't think there's a whole lot else that we need to talk about. You know they plan to offer us the contract rate on the dinar that we have if you are a US citizen. Okay And that's really a very good thing
So let's do this. Let's pray the call out and see. Let's see when the emails hit, whether it's tomorrow, whether it's Thursday, either way we win. Let's pray the call out,
Thank you Sue and Bob - and we will be in touch with you by email after this goes, everybody, have a great night, a great weekend, and let's keep an eye on our emails. God bless you.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-25-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-18-24 REPLAY LINK Recorded Call not available
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-11-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-9-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-4-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-2-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-27-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-25-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-25-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, July 25th and you're tuned into the big call. Thank you big call universe for getting the call out to so many around the globe. We appreciate that, and we appreciate big call tuning in. So before we get started, we always pray the call in. So let me do that.
So let's do this. Let's go into Intel and see where we are now. And I think you'll find that we're in a pretty good place. So the Intel segment doesn't need to be very long tonight. You notice the last couple they've been relatively short, because we are so close to receiving the notifications that we really don't have a whole lot else to talk about. So let's talk about what we have.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-25-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, July 25th and you're tuned into the big call. Thank you big call universe for getting the call out to so many around the globe. We appreciate that, and we appreciate big call tuning in. So before we get started, we always pray the call in. So let me do that.
So let's do this. Let's go into Intel and see where we are now. And I think you'll find that we're in a pretty good place. So the Intel segment doesn't need to be very long tonight. You notice the last couple they've been relatively short, because we are so close to receiving the notifications that we really don't have a whole lot else to talk about. So let's talk about what we have.
First of all, the story is that we've had, like Bob said, there's quite a bit happening in the way of political activity, as you guys know, every everything from the Republican National Convention to the rally where President Trump had an attempted assassination to how Gods hand protected him - its just amazing - there’s a lot more chatter out about the Head of State service. She resigned. Biden got out of the presidential race coming up. There's all kinds of news events that are taking place daily.
I'm aware that we are about to come into the emergency broadcast system or the emergency alert system, and possibly the emergency wireless system EWS - all those things are scheduled, along with, we believe the with NESARA and GESARA, very shortly, maybe this week, I don't know, maybe this Weekend
So here's where we stand right now, we did get pushed another day. We got pushed from today to tomorrow, but we know that redemption centers are going to be open on Sunday. It looks very possible that we get notified tomorrow, begin exchanges Saturday and go through the weekend and through next week.
What we're hearing is one of our sources, which is at the redemption one of the redemption centers that we talked to, essentially, is saying that they are expecting emails from the new US Treasury, not to clarify that our new US Treasury - also another separate email from Wells Fargo, another separate email from HSBC, another separate email from Bank of America, four distinct emails all to arrive at approximately between 11:00 am and 11:15 am Eastern Daylight Time.
Now what I'm being told is it's quite possible that we in tier 4B and this may also be true for tier 4A, which is what we call the admirals groups, would receive those emails at approximately the Same time tomorrow. So I think there's a very good possibility we will get this tomorrow before lunch.
Now here's the way we're being told. It's working. They want us to get this and set our appointments and get started with our exchanges before the Olympics get underway -- My understanding, from what I heard, is that at 7pm eastern tomorrow night, that's when the Olympics opening ceremonies are to begin in Paris or in and about Paris France.
Okay, so whenever that starts, they would like that the Olympics, the start of them to be underway as a cover for us, a deflection, to deflect the attention away from us and what we're doing.
So don't be surprised if you do get notification and set up an appointment in the afternoon, evening tomorrow, if that's the case, so that we're able to go Friday afternoon, Friday evening.
And since redemption centers will be open Sunday, you'll have the opportunity to go, possibly Friday, evening, Saturday, Sunday, Monday – Tuesday , etc. Now that, of course, presumes that we have the notifications tomorrow - May not be exactly around lunchtime, but it could very well be, and so you'll just have to see how that come in for us.
However, I say this, you know, it may be that we get the notifications then, and if so great, if not we look at them, whatever it is that we are supposed to get them.
Now I think we are very close. Like I said, there's a good opportunity for us to receive some more information politically coming up. There's just a lot going on. There's a lot happening. You can tell, you can tell is a lot happening. So let's do this. Let's go ahead, pray out the call, and I want to thank everybody to make this call possible.
Thank the satellite team for connecting us around the globe. We never know exactly how many people we reach until a day or so afterwards, but you know, it's into the 10s of millions of people very happy that that is the case. I want to thank not only the SAT team, but all of the people that have been listening to the big call for the last 14 years.
So Thanks, Sue and Bob, Michael Lopez, as well as GCK, great creative Kendall, also Jeannie - Pastor Scott, continue healing for you. And I just look forward to us getting to the other side and getting these projects started, getting everything that is in your dreams started.
Well, everybody have a great weekend and let’s see how things progress for us.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-25-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-18-24 REPLAY LINK Recorded Call not available
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-11-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-9-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-4-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-2-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-27-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, July 23 and you're listening to the big call. Thanks. Everybody was out there. Tuned in, and I have a maya cupa - an apology to make - I screwed up trying to turn off the recording on Thursday night's call, and many of you who tried to tune into it or listen to the replay were denied, denied.
I eight, and I'm sorry about that, I really am, because it was a good call, and I wanted it to get out there. And unfortunately I misdialed something on ending the recording, and it was it was gone. Gone into the Ethernet - so many of you probably tuned in on Friday to the little Intel update that I recorded to give you some idea at least of what the Intel was from the call Thursday night, but here we are on a Tuesday.
Didn't expect to be on a call tonight, but here we are. So we're doing it, and looking forward to you guys getting the most you can glean from this call.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, July 23 and you're listening to the big call. Thanks. Everybody was out there. Tuned in, and I have a maya cupa - an apology to make - I screwed up trying to turn off the recording on Thursday night's call, and many of you who tried to tune into it or listen to the replay were denied, denied.
I eight, and I'm sorry about that, I really am, because it was a good call, and I wanted it to get out there. And unfortunately I misdialed something on ending the recording, and it was it was gone. Gone into the Ethernet - so many of you probably tuned in on Friday to the little Intel update that I recorded to give you some idea at least of what the Intel was from the call Thursday night, but here we are on a Tuesday.
Didn't expect to be on a call tonight, but here we are. So we're doing it, and looking forward to you guys getting the most you can glean from this call.
Okay, little after ten - let's go into where we are intel wise -. This is going to be an interesting week for us. There's a lot happening all around us, we know that - politically, if you're paying attention at all, wow, we have had quite a week haven’t we – so far I mean - we have for days, and it's not going to get any easier.
In fact, don't be surprised if the Early broadcast system, the EBS, the emergency alert system, the Emergency Alert System and the EWS, emergency warning system come up and get utilized, starting tomorrow or Thursday, and there's been discussion as to, you guys have no idea there's so much going on right now globally, the arrest globally, I think they did get finished – I think two days ago, but there's still activity in Canada, the US, and hopefully that is about over.
It was supposed to be by now, but this is a time when things are coming together for us. To give you an example, yesterday, talking to the redemption center and bank people. The Bank screens were not showing rates, but the redemption center is showing blinking rates
Today it was the opposite – Bank screens were showing blinking rates and redemption centers were blank. Then later in the afternoon today, the redemption centers, which is what we're most concerned with, are showing solid rates, but in grayscale and in grayscale, you can't quite make out what those rates are, but my understanding is that by one morning, at 9:30am Eastern Daylight Time, we will have solid rates on the screens - at 930 in the morning,
We're also hearing that staff is being sent in as early as 10am and also at 2pm to cover the day. And it should be that we get notified tomorrow and start exchanges tomorrow. Now that is what we're hearing. I should start Wednesday and go through Thurs – Fri – and Saturday.
Haven't heard about Sunday yet. We're hearing that we're supposed to be notified by those emails with the 800 number included, so that we canI hope everything goes welmay I ask what he charged to do all of that?
call and set our appointment and then go in for our exchanges, if not tomorrow, then Thursday.
I'm pretty sure we're going to start or we should start tomorrow. So that's obviously this going finally, is what we're all looking forward to receiving. Don't be surprised. And by the way, when you get the emergency broadcast system in order to submit EWS and all that that is designed to cover for us. So I’m excited that is about to occur. I think you guys have seen some political change already.
There may be more political change happening soon. So I'm just looking forward to getting started on what I guess we expect in the way of notifications of setting our appointments and so on.
As far as anything else goes, remember, the Dinar has a so called contract rate. They are supposed to offer that here in the United States to US citizens, I can't tell you exactly what it is but it is very high, and I look forward to that. And obviously Zim holders are going to be given priority and precedent going in your Zim holder, you do get priority as far as the med beds are concerned, because they do want those of us who will be around to do our projects for many, many, many years to have a shot at that by living much longer than our normal lifespan.
So don't be surprised by that fact. You should be aware and look forward to going into the Med Beds to to gain that longevity so you can complete your projects into the future. Okay? That’s kind of important
I'll tell you guys, we have waited a long time for this, and the information that I got is, you know, this afternoon to say when these are going, it's very positive, and I believe we're finally at that point where it can start. So we shall see.
Now, I don't know. Really we don't have when these emails are going to come out to us, when our notification holders are supposed to be notified tomorrow and access funds tomorrow or Thursday. We're trying to go pretty much in tandem with the bondholders. I believe, changes tomorrow.
It's possible we would get notified and not start. I believe they want us to start, and then call out set appointment and start, hopefully tomorrow. Okay, so that's what I wanted to share tonight.
All right, so that's what we're going to say tonight. Let's go ahead and pray the call out, and I'll do my best to retain the recording tonight.
So everybody we will be talking by email. So thanks everybody so much for listening. We appreciate you, and we look forward to being in touch with you when we do our projects and take these so thank you so much everybody for listening.
And also, thank you everybody else listening this big call universe. Thank you. And so we'll be in touch, and to time with you. Especially in getting some of our projects, initiated, but for right now, everybody just enjoy the weekend. And before you look for your emails in morning, I would say, all right. All right, thank you, everybody. Good night. God bless you.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-23-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-18-24 REPLAY LINK Recorded Call not available
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-11-24 REPLAY LINK 1:11:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-9-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-4-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-2-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-27-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-16-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-16-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call. It is Tuesday, July 16th and you're listening to the big call- Thanks everybody for tuning in - the SAT team for connecting us around the globe with millions of listeners, that have been targeted specifically as currency holders - We know that actually the call is targeted to - nobody else has that but we have it – and I’m glad we do - Thank you, everybody that is listening with Big Call Universe Thank you Sue and Bob for being here to co-host with me
And let's go into the Intel - Talk about what's going on. Where we are, well, we're looking very, very strong right now. The sources we've talked to are talking about this going by the 18th, which is Thursday, today is Tuesday.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-16-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call. It is Tuesday, July 16th and you're listening to the big call- Thanks everybody for tuning in - the SAT team for connecting us around the globe with millions of listeners, that have been targeted specifically as currency holders - We know that actually the call is targeted to - nobody else has that but we have it – and I’m glad we do - Thank you, everybody that is listening with Big Call Universe Thank you Sue and Bob for being here to co-host with me
And let's go into the Intel - Talk about what's going on. Where we are, well, we're looking very, very strong right now. The sources we've talked to are talking about this going by the 18th, which is Thursday, today is Tuesday.
That means we should get notified between now and Thursday, we know quadrillions of dollars have been moving around as of probably before today, but we know today. We know that bond holders are to receive emails tomorrow that would give them access to their accounts on Thursday, the 18th we know that we should receive our email either over night or in the morning tomorrow, or sometime tomorrow, in which case we respond - we set up our appointments and we start exchanges either tomorrow or either on Thursday.
So this is really a great opportunity for us right now it’s terrific. Let's see what else we’ve got relevant - we have strong contacts, two contacts that are Iraqi citizens, that are in touch with high up people in Iraq, and they are telling us that the visit that the budget and rate of the Iraqi dinar will be published in tomorrow's Gazette, which is Wednesday, the normal published day in Iraq, we are expecting to see that published tomorrow.
So this is the time which is very serious for us to look for our emails tomorrow and be prepared to set your appointment to start Thursday. That seems to be the case – and look the 18th Is a date that has been decided on to have this start by.
It's also the date that NESARA is theoretically designed to begin – and for Jeannie and everybody else. If you're a zim holder, then you should be receiving your restitution and reclamation allowance, which we call R&R. You should receive that at the time of your exchange and redemption of zim - so that is a bonus for us.
Now let's say you're not a currency owner. You should receive your R&R by the end of July. So we, who are zim holders have a little advantage there to get it at the time of our exchange - That's really good news.
I cannot speak to the increase in Social Security - we’re over halfway through the month, so I don't know if that's something that we're looking at this month or next month – later could be increased, I’m really not that concerned - but it'll come when it comes, but we have to be concerned with is getting the toll free number, setting the appointment and going in for our exchange.
Now let's talk about zim holders. Zim holders, as you can imagine, because of the denomination - the currency itself of high priority. In fact, Zim holders, who have projects – who plan to be around for a while have priority on going in the med beds – Now - those with dire need, I'm one of them, will also have priority going into med beds - and not too long after the exchange appointment. So I'm very excited about that, and looking forward to that, and I think you should be also.
So – rates have been going back up, they were fluttering. They were not solid the last couple of days, Bank screens yesterday, at 9am rates were fluctuating. At 1pm at the redemption centers, they were fluctuating. And I recommend that everybody go and do the exchanges as soon as they can - however, for those that may not have Zim, if you're a Dong and dinar holder –
The dinar should offer us a contract rate which is going up from where it was a week ago – and It's extremely high – higher than we thought was possible, but this is an opportunity for you to get a maximum that President Trump wanted us to get with that exchange.
Keep that in mind, and as far as dong goes, they are supposed to bring that rate up higher as well. Not as high as the dinar but it would be very strong rate.
Do I believe this could be our last call? Yes, I don't normally say that, but I believe this is it, if our intel is proven correct with the thinking is tomorrow is a day we should be notified, and then Thursday is the day we should be exchanging and redeeming our zim.
All right, so that said, let's go ahead and pray the call out and look forward to a wonderful day tomorrow, even better day on Thursday when we start exchanges.
We're just going to say that’s it for our call. Okay, and so that's what I wanted to say tonight
Let's just thank Sue and everybody. Thank you satellite team for getting out and Lord God, thank you for giving us grace, giving us the faith, the measure of faith. Thank you for that.
Just let's just move forward tomorrow. Let's see where this goes and everybody have a great day tomorrow in Jesus name Amen.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-11-24 REPLAY LINK 1:11:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-9-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-4-24 REPLAY LINK NO CALL
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-2-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-27-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:30