Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-28-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-28-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight – it is Thursday, March 28th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in again, everybody around the globe - wherever you're tuned in from and listening to us. We appreciate that. We appreciate everything that everyone is doing, to keep this call going and Sue wanted me to let you know that I'm a little under the weather have been for, I guess, three weeks or so. And it's due to side effects from a certain drug that I'm trying out and it isn't really working out - so hang in there with me tonight. I'm a little low energy, but I'll do my best. We're gonna try to shorten the call a little bit. And then I'll get you the information you need in the Intel segment. so that's all teed up, ready to go. So thanks everybody for bearing with us tonight.
Thank you, Bob. appreciate that so much. Let's get into the intel. This is short and sweet. We got a lot of information this afternoon to tell us where we are. And that's what we all want to know. First of all, all sanctions with a one of our US banks were dropped by Iraq. We dropped sanctions. On Iraq I think about three or four days ago, those were dropped. Everything's clear from that point of view.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-28-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight – it is Thursday, March 28th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in again, everybody around the globe - wherever you're tuned in from and listening to us. We appreciate that. We appreciate everything that everyone is doing, to keep this call going and Sue wanted me to let you know that I'm a little under the weather have been for, I guess, three weeks or so. And it's due to side effects from a certain drug that I'm trying out and it isn't really working out - so hang in there with me tonight. I'm a little low energy, but I'll do my best. We're gonna try to shorten the call a little bit. And then I'll get you the information you need in the Intel segment. so that's all teed up, ready to go. So thanks everybody for bearing with us tonight.
Thank you, Bob. appreciate that so much. Let's get into the intel. This is short and sweet. We got a lot of information this afternoon to tell us where we are. And that's what we all want to know. First of all, all sanctions with a one of our US banks were dropped by Iraq. We dropped sanctions. On Iraq I think about three or four days ago, those were dropped. Everything's clear from that point of view.
Iraq has a new rate on their CBI rate, and it's very good and they should be bringing out the international rate on the Iraqi Dinar on Sunday - Easter Sunday so that's a good thing to look forward to.
Remember we told you super whales had received their emails last Friday – they did get access – some of them had access to their funds already – the total number of regular bondholders - will not be complete until noon Easter Sunday - and we are getting that from our contact at Santander Bank and so that’s good
Remember, we are to go right on the heels, of the tier three bondholders - so nothing's going to happen for us this weekend.
We know redemption center staff is starting to go in on Monday to take appointments for us. And on Tuesday, bigger staff is going in and we expect that to be our day to start exchanges. So we're looking to get notified Monday, set appointments. Monday and start on Tuesday with our exchanges
So they have pushed us all the way to April 1st and 2nd . That appears to be where we are - start of the new quarter past Easter. So resurrection day will be a day we can celebrate that and not get involved with anything else other than Resurrection Day this weekend. So that's what we're looking at right now is no change.- In what well we did think we were gonna get this before Easter.
We were told they were gonna do it. Get it done, but we have to wait the regular tier three bond holders to complete and we're told they're gonna complete by around noon on Easter Sunday. So we're just looking forward to getting notified Monday - and starting on Tuesday. That's it.
That appears to be where we are right now. And we'll have new rates out that Iraq is going to put out their international rate on their dinar on Sunday on Easter Sunday.
Oh here's another thing. The Rodriguez Trust the one that has a depth that it seems like it's unlimited depth that is being released Easter Sunday - along with the St. Germain trust. St Germain is going to fund GESARA that global effort - and the Rodriguez trust is going to fund North and South America.
Okay, that's what that's gonna do - and both of those are being released on Sunday. So there'll be plenty of money - Money coming out from that, that we will take advantage of - and we'll be able to receive as part of our exchanges - so I think that is what everybody wanted to know.
Rates are going to be great. Don't worry about that. Just for those of you who are dinar holders, Iraqi dinar, we're supposed to be given the contract rate on dinar which is tied to price of oil per barrel.
Now, they didn't say whether it's North Sea Brent crude, or whether it's West Texas Intermediate crude, but either one is going to be a winner. So if you want to track that to see what that rates going to be, go ahead I believe it is tied to North Sea Brent crude.
At least the last time we checked on it, that's what it was supposed to be tied to and that's what the the Iraqi dinar for the contract rate for only those who go to the redemption centers would be able to get and they're supposed to offer it to us. That's good. We don't have to ask for it - they should offer it. That's kinda neat .
Let's see better. Other than that. Things are moving along very well for us. Iraq - the stage is clear. We're all set to get that thing moving. Now - finally, it seems like everything is in place
We don't expect any more false flags. And I think we're all set to start. also R & R is supposed to kick in the first week of April.
Let's hope that comes in an increase in Social Security is supposed to start in April. So those are two really good things we are looking for - of course, as well as of course, the 800 numbers coming for us on April 1 - So let's see what that looks like.
Let's set appointments and let's start exchanges on the 1st so we can go in the redemption centers starting the 2nd .
The public has obviously been moved back at least to the probably 8th or 9th of April. People that don't use the toll free number and aren’t aware of the big call for some reason. I don't know how that can happen, but that's what it is. And so called public will start about the week after we start our exchanges. All right.
I want everybody to have a wonderful Easter weekend - resurrection day - Sunday, have a wonderful time celebrating. And this is a big time for us, and we look forward everything. going right afterwards. Literally the day after when we get our numbers - so stay tuned for that. I'm excited about this thing moving forward and going in that direction.
Anyway guys, my I'm really not quite there as you guys can tell the last few weeks. not quite all there.. All right, that's it for tonight, I'm gonna pray us out -
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-28-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-21-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:01:31
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:11
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:08
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:01:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-5-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-29-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-27-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:21:31
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-22-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-20-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-15-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:29:29
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-26-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-26-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday March 26th and you're listening to the big call. I had to think about that. Get that date right. Thanks for coming in and listening tonight - Tuning in everywhere all over the globe. And I know last week, Tuesday for example we had 18.4 million listeners - that was international listeners. Thanks for listening again - maybe we'll top that tonight - maybe we won't. The point is you're here - we're looking forward to getting the information out to you.
We're gonna have a great call tonight. I'm excited about the intel segment, excited to hear what Sue has to say and what Bob has to bring tonight, but before we get too deeply into the call. Let's go ahead and pray it in as we do on every call.
As we move into Intel tonight - I think we're going to be pleasantly surprised by what should be happening this Easter week. You know, this week, Holy Week, really, from last Sunday to this Sunday for most believers, that's when we celebrate. So here's what we're hearing.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-26-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday March 26th and you're listening to the big call. I had to think about that. Get that date right. Thanks for coming in and listening tonight - Tuning in everywhere all over the globe. And I know last week, Tuesday for example we had 18.4 million listeners - that was international listeners. Thanks for listening again - maybe we'll top that tonight - maybe we won't. The point is you're here - we're looking forward to getting the information out to you.
We're gonna have a great call tonight. I'm excited about the intel segment, excited to hear what Sue has to say and what Bob has to bring tonight, but before we get too deeply into the call. Let's go ahead and pray it in as we do on every call.
As we move into Intel tonight - I think we're going to be pleasantly surprised by what should be happening this Easter week. You know, this week, Holy Week, really, from last Sunday to this Sunday for most believers, that's when we celebrate. So here's what we're hearing.
First of all, you know, the St. Germain trust is opening on Easter Sunday and that will go to all kinds of global efforts. That is primarily going to be supporting GESARA globally. But that's a good thing - that's happening.
Let's track back to see where we have come from in the last few months and where we are now. Remember the - what we used to call “super whales”. These are really large bondholders that actually finished everything they needed to do about three months ago, but they don't have access to their funds yet until we go.
So they're sort of in limbo, waiting for that “go ahead” that we're looking for. So that portion is done. And then we went into what we call the whales. These are tier three bond holders that are also quite large bondholders, they finished up last Friday.
So they finish those guys up and they also are waiting for a “go” from their paymasters in the form of email which should be coming out pretty soon, and they will have access to their funds.
And then there's the regular bondholders - those guys and women are looking to get started - Basically, they are going to be finished up tomorrow afternoon, and the paymasters of the bondholders that we've talked to you today – Said they were doubling up on the emails to go out to those bondholders, some of which we know personally - and that's going to happen for them so that they can finish approximately between three and four o'clock Eastern tomorrow.
That should be complete. And then we who are tier 4 A&B – the Internet Group. Admiral’s groups, Admiral’s groups plural. And we are the internet group tier 4 B, we are to be notified on the heels of the regular bondholders being completed.
So it looks like that should be for us between let's call it around 3:30 / 4 PM tomorrow, all the way to Thursday morning - this week for notifications that we would get the emails that would contain the toll free number.
That's what we're looking to have happen for us. I'm gonna say from tomorrow, mid to late afternoon, all the way to Thursday morning.
And what's really cool about this is we would set our appointments and we would start exchanges on Charlie Ward's Thursday, I call it that because Charlie's always said it was gonna happen on Thursday. we just don't know which one.
So we're just having fun with that. But Thursday is looking very good for us - and what I hope happens is that we do get the emails - we do get started this week before Good Friday
I don't know what they're gonna do about Easter Sunday. Nobody could tell me whether we're going to redemption centers open on Sunday, or not, but I know we should be starting Thursday, we should be going through Friday, should be going through Saturday, and we'll see what they do about Easter Sunday.
Certainly it will be proceed through them whether they go Sunday or not. Certainly they'll continue on through Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and so on.
So the idea is that we do get started this week before the end of the month and that's a very positive thing. I'm looking forward to this going immediately and I'm looking forward to getting notified tomorrow afternoon, quite possibly setting appointments, or if we don't get them tomorrow -we should get them in the morning on Thursday. Okay, so that is really good news.
I am trying to think if there's anything else that's pertinent to our start. I just think that we've all waited a long time for this. It's taking a lot of faith to stand to stay in there and believe for this to come through for us. It looks like we're fighting over faith and we're going to be rewarded this week.
The Deep State tried to thwart this by having a Chinese cargo barge run into the Francis Scott Key Ridge at 130 in the morning, this morning, which is over near I guess the harbor of Baltimore. And so for those that live in that area that did take out that bridge. So sorry about that, but they didn't get away with it. They're gonna be caught for that and I'm sure they already are And now it's a matter of just the US doing the right thing to repair that and get that fixed
We're so far along on this that whatever the deep state tries to do, will not prevail against it. And we're looking forward to going - going ahead with everything that we've got. I don't have any updated political news. I think that some things would be happening here very soon about political change. can't wait for that to happen. There we go. So I think we just need to get this done and hang in there -
I think I told you guys the first week of April, we're expecting the R & R to kick in restitution reclamation allowance. That'll be big and lump sum for Seniors 62 and older especially those social security, And then we're also looking forward to increase social security In April. A nice increase when we get that we don't really need it that much if we have currencies but it's good to know that it's there.
I imagine there’s a few other things that I'm not remembering to bring out right now but the main thing is we get this
Remember, you do want to get a master trust put together with an attorney or through Wells Fargo's attorneys try to set that up for yourself - Within 10 days of the exchange starting that'll be really good.
I want everybody to enjoy this celebration of resurrection day, The celebration that goes along with Easter. and remember, this is a great time of year - I’m seeing a lot of things happening in April. Don't be set too far apart by everything that's going to be happening.
We think that USN is going to actually be out around the 15th of April. So we'll see what else will happen then - I hope NESARA is brought out between now and then it'll tell us everything that's going to change as far as our taxation and the end of income taxes that we've been paying all of that supposed to be out too.
So a lot of stuff getting ready to happen. but let's do this. I think that's everything you guys need to know – brand new rates are coming out that we're going to hear about - you won’t hear them – We’ll hear about them on Dong and Dinar around three in the afternoon tomorrow – supposed to hear that that sort of a couple of our bond paymasters, we'll get that information out of Reno. And other than that, we're just moving on. We're gonna have a really good celebration Sunday, but I think we look forward to everything going the way that we know it should .
And I just think we've got a lot of people to thank for listening to the big call and you guys know who they are on big call universe - our satellite team - who is getting the call out to so many listeners thank you guys for doing that. And thank you everybody that is behind the scenes, in terms of intel providers and so on in t he big call and so on. Thank you Sue and Bob don't forget that of course. GCK and Larry of course and just everybody who's connected to the big call – Jeannie – Pastor Scott Thank you for your steadfast participation of giving us information on Tuesday and Thursday nights.
And I just think we're just looking forward to this going so much. I know we all are. I think that's what we want to talk about tonight. I'm excited about this week guys - We need this to happen we’ve prayed for it to happen. Now let’s go ahead and pray the call out.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-26-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-21-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:01:31
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:11
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:08
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:01:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-5-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-29-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-27-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:21:31
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-22-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-20-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-15-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:29:29
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-21-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-21-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome Welcome everybody to the big call tonight- it is Thursday, March 21st and you're listening to the big call. We appreciate everybody tuning in yet again and listening to us -
And we hope you have a really good call tonight I have some very special information to give in my Intel segment. be sure to stick around for that. Otherwise let's get the call start with an opening prayer
Okay, let's do it. Let's get it Intel. I don't think this needs to be a long diatribe. I think we can get this out fairly quickly. And I'm glad to say I got nice update this evening before the call - which is always cool when I get something really I think it's gonna be super good.
For the Last couple of days we have heard that we would get this blessing the RV started an exchange started between now and Sunday. This Sunday - Palm Sunday - Well if that has to happen - we take today out of the mix – if we haven’t been notified on Thursday - that’s looking pretty good for Friday and Saturday - . That's looking pretty good. And that does look really good. And here's why.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-21-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight- it is Thursday, March 21st and you're listening to the big call. We appreciate everybody tuning in yet again and listening to us -
And we hope you have a really good call tonight I have some very special information to give in my Intel segment. be sure to stick around for that. Otherwise let's get the call start with an opening prayer
Okay, let's do it. Let's get it Intel. I don't think this needs to be a long diatribe. I think we can get this out fairly quickly. And I'm glad to say I got nice update this evening before the call - which is always cool when I get something really I think it's gonna be super good.
For the Last couple of days we have heard that we would get this blessing the RV started an exchange started between now and Sunday. This Sunday - Palm Sunday - Well if that has to happen - we take today out of the mix – if we haven’t been notified on Thursday - that’s looking pretty good for Friday and Saturday - . That's looking pretty good. And that does look really good. And here's why.
We received some information later this afternoon that President Trump is going to be making two major announcements – This was actually a Twitter feed – was we call now “X”
A video that he did - at the top it says he – Pres Trump - will be making two major announcements tomorrow, which is Friday. at 11 o'clock. And what we don't know is what timezone was really referring to.
It might be safe to say it probably would be 11 AM Eastern Daylight Time. But it wasn't designated. but I'm gonna suggest it might have been tomorrow 11 o'clock. we're getting two major announcements .
And this is on all forms of social media. This would be your Britebart True social, Everything that you can think of Normally, I'm sure it's on “X” which is Twitter where x is any other - any other social platforms it was said to be on all social media platforms – tomorrow at 11 - And maybe one TV network
We know that they have singled out CNN -networks that have new investors is supposed to be able to tell us more truthful news. We'll see if they do it. And it may be offered on CNN. We don't have that officially. But the President was referring to all forms on social media coming out tomorrow at noon - now at 11 o'clock Eastern. we think it's Eastern.
Stay tuned for that, Guys. see what he has to say 2 major announcements. I don't know what they are. I'm not even going to speculate. let's let the President bring them.
But here's the important part – When the President puts those out tomorrow, and we don't know how long it's gonna take. We don’t know what it is. but whenever they're over, everything gets released.
That's the trigger. to release the emails to us. Emails to bondholders to give them access to funds. All of that gets released after the announcements are made. And I think it’s pretty much right after the announcements were made.
Now, if that's the case, and we get this by lunchtime or early afternoon, We should be able to exchange within 3 hours of that - you set your appointments up. call set your appointments, using the number that comes in the email. you set your appointment and you are up and running. Maybe you get exchanged Friday. Afternoon/ evening.
I believe that's what they want to have happen. That runs through Saturday, Friday, Saturday, Friday works tomorrow. through Saturday, Sunday, believe it or not, yep. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday everything.
Okay, so here's that the public is supposed to – NOT the Internet Group,-- that we are – the public that is not following the big call that doesn't use a toll free number. It just gets awakened somehow to this. The public is supposed to start on April 2.
Which it might calendar thing is right wouldn't that be Tuesday, April 2. I don't have a true calendar. I have to put it in my head and try to remember - but if Easter Sunday is March 31, Monday would be the first of April – the second It would be Tuesday, right?
So that's what we're looking at for the public. So we would get a head start on the public of what's at nine days or so – something like that - But we'll see how that shakes out. But I'm encouraged by it very much so - I'm going to try to tune in to whatever I can tune in to find the announcements. - the two major announcements that President Trump is going to make tomorrow. It could be very interesting.
And the other piece I want to bring to you is remember how we've been told that bond holders and us would get access to 1% of our funds. We said the first 12 to 15 days for us -- bond holders for 90 days. Well, they read they changed they in a conference call meeting with HSBC - treasury and Wells and the redemption centers and the leaders of the banks.
They changed it all yesterday. Just when you think you've got it down. They made a change and this change is a good change for us. For the 1% will be increased. I'm not supposed to say what it goes to, but it'll be a nice increase what you have access to – immediately - on day one.
And it should only be for a limited time - not 10 – 15 days. Not 120 days or 90 days, but a nice limit of time. Oh let's call it a month or so and then you get access to all of it.
Same thing for bondholders as us. And really - this - this shotgun start should be that they get their access to funds. We get our access to funds within 24 hours of each other. So there's not a huge head start release the jump we get close to the same time within 24 hours of each other
Now the super whales - they were funded out about three months ago. Super whales, but they haven't been able to get access to their funds till we get access to funds. So there's no head start there.
They're just wrapping up the whales that started Sunday and Monday getting their emails and getting everything done. And just now wrapping those up today and probably tomorrow.
Yeah, no Headstart, no advantage. They'll go in the mid afternoon one week and we get to the redemption centers but we got our access on day one. When we do our exchanges and we get our Zim redeemed and they know pretty much who everybody is that's going in. That's good.
And we know that Wells Fargo is the lead bank in the United States. HSBC is the lead bank internationally and there are other banks which is San Tander Bank for Latin America. But that's why the call was between HSBC - Wells and the Treasury yesterday.
So all I can say is use it – kinda like dance with the one who brung you it is the expression.
So Wells Fargo has the setup and overseeing all redemption centers in United States. And we should take advantage of that - initially at least - set our accounts up with Wells. I plan to do that with all my projects, you guys know I've got four LLCs and I'll have one master trust account as my primary Wells.
And then I'll set up more LLC accounts in the next couple of days after we go for the projects themselves.
So - I'm very excited about this. I'm looking forward to this going as you guys are, but this last piece of information should it come true is going to be our start of everything we've all been waiting for. That we prayed about that we hope for and waited for with expectation and I'm looking forward to it just like you guys are.
And so let's see what we've got to fix to do all of us do that again are our any personal debt knocked out. We got to get you know any move that you're planning that that plan. If you needed to buy a car or a new car, or a new home or move, whatever all of that stuff, but you're not entitled to a week or two of vacation, you know, but we'll be trying to get things started from my point of view with the advisory group, and then create leadership teams.
All right. So this is what I wanted to bring to you guys tonight. I appreciate you. Thank you for listening for over 12 years where two months and change in our 13th year on the baseball and I appreciate every one of you that have listened Thank you sat team satellite deep for getting this call out internationally to so many listeners, the globe. Thank you for that so much
Thank you, Bob, For everything that you're doing and manage the calls, that you're a portion of it and then thank you for everything that you're doing to handle requests and praise reports that everything has been a really great thing I felt, guys. Let's hope this is the last official call. So, that we take, we need tomorrow, and we take it run with it. And then, we don't even look back and just go forward. So let's pray the call out.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-21-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:01:31
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:11
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:08
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:01:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-5-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-29-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-27-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:21:31
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-22-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-20-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-15-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:29:29
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-19-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-19-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, March 19TH and you're listening to the Big Call – appreciate everybody tuned in wherever you’re located all over the globe - We appreciate our SAT team getting the call out to man, let's say Tuesday night a week ago we were at 17.2 million listeners. So we hope we're at that level or higher tonight. And, well, we're excited to be here. let's do this - let's pray the call in.
Well, it's time to talk about Intel. – It’s time to talk about where we are - We're in a really good place. I've got a few things to cover. Let's cover this first, when we talked about getting the exchange complete – the zim, other currencies if you have them completed.
You'll have access - this is new information, you'll have access to 1% of your total that you can move from your quantum account to your Wells Fargo primary account, let's say - 1% of the total for the first 12 to 15 days. After 12 - 15 days, you'll be able to get access to all of it.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-19-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, March 19TH and you're listening to the Big Call – appreciate everybody tuned in wherever you’re located all over the globe - We appreciate our SAT team getting the call out to man, let's say Tuesday night a week ago we were at 17.2 million listeners. So we hope we're at that level or higher tonight. And, well, we're excited to be here. let's do this - let's pray the call in.
Well, it's time to talk about Intel. – It’s time to talk about where we are - We're in a really good place. I've got a few things to cover. Let's cover this first, when we talked about getting the exchange complete – the zim, other currencies if you have them completed.
You'll have access - this is new information, you'll have access to 1% of your total that you can move from your quantum account to your Wells Fargo primary account, let's say - 1% of the total for the first 12 to 15 days. After 12 - 15 days, you'll be able to get access to all of it.
I'm not gonna sit here - zim is still a bunch of money - even if you only have a few notes - 1% is like extra money, even if you only have a few notes. So that's new.
Now let's go to bondholders - bond holders can get access to 1% of their funds also, but that has to last for 90 days - after ninety days, I say the 91st day bondholders get access to all of it. So you guys understand the distinction I am making here.
Zim holders - currency holders. Generally speaking, if you only have currency and no zim, you're fine. You're not going to be restricted by this. But if you're a Zim holder, you get access to 1% So the first 12 to 15 days. Let's go two weeks. After that, you get access to the remaining 99 percent of your exchange or your redemption of zim .
Okay, let's get that out of the way.
The other thing is, as of 9am, this morning, Tuesday morning, all of our 23 countries are going up in value. All of their currencies are going up in value. All of them made it known that their currency - be like this is true with the Iraqi dinar – and all other 22 countries that are going up in value plus the dinar – they made that available made it known internationally.
So the people out there there are into currency to the current speed on the various countries all of them as of nine am this morning. Their rates were made known internationally.
Now today the rates were on the screens and trading upward. They were blinking and trading about every seven or nine minutes - you got a new rate but it is blinking -
Then right after business hours in the banks closed today, screens went dark - We believe they're going to come up with all new rates tomorrow.
Okay. Now here's the timing mechanism of where we are now. Bondholders in tier three are some of them been notified already - but not all – and we believe they will be notified Further and start exchanges we believe - I mean have access to their funds, most likely Thursday.
Now we in teir four B - the Internet Group is the largest group by far - are supposed to be notified depending on the timezone - this is where it gets a little tricky, either around 12:30 Maybe central tomorrow or 1:30 pm Eastern tomorrow - Our notifications are supposed to come out - Let's call it after lunch tomorrow - early afternoon we’re supposed to get notified. Then we set our appointments and as we get to Charlie Wards Thursday, exchange on Thursday.
So notifications tomorrow afternoon. Eastern time let's call it 1:30 - 2 o'clock and it may be in the same time in every time so you guys you know I've had that theory. They bought that theory they agree that's what it's going to be so whatever it is, Let's call it after lunch whenever it comes out - We set our appointments and then we exchange starting on Thursday. That says as it is right now.
Okay, lets hope nothing changes, and that's exactly what happens.
Now here's an interesting thing that we received from one of our sources about the r&r, the restitution and I call it reclamation allowance. They've actually got another name for it. But I'm going with r&r The new name is still got the R so we're taking on r&r The r&r should occur either - this is what we've been told - Either tomorrow, which is Wednesday, or Thursday – Now my theory is it will be Thursday because of the two days tomorrow or Thursday……..
First of all, if we're going in setting appointments and exchanging our currencies thursday, what would happen if that people that are not in the currencies, especially 62 and older, they're on Social Security are going to get their r&r lump sum deposit -- one lump sum deposit - if you're 60 and older, and if you're on Social Security, you get it in your bank account where you normally receive your social.
You get it direct deposited as a lump sum into that account. So we can be looking for that tomorrow or Thursday. If you're older and you're on social 62 and older. It'll be a lump sum, it'll be a pretty big chunk of money.
That's gonna blow people away. Plus, let's say you're not in the currency and all of a sudden you've got 10s of millions of dollars or more in your Social Security account. – it was unannounced – you had no clue about this - But you get this in your account. You go oh my gosh, what is this. Wow. Okay, and then peep so that sort of cover if you will, for everybody getting money. And if you're younger than 62 - It's tiered downward to where the youngest people would get it over three years, the middle tier of age gets it over two years
And then the older people that are - say, I don't know where the breakdown is guys. I'm gonna say 50 to 61 – maybe the uppermost tier to get to over 1 year to get paid this money out from their restitution reclamation. They get that paid out over one year's time. The middle tier might be over two years and the youngest tier three years .
And this is with agreement, a signed agreement that you would keep your job or if you don't have a job – get a job - and this would continue to pay out over that period of time.
Now, let's talk about the increase in Social Security that I do not believe is happening this month. For any of us - I don't see that increase happening -, but it does happen – let’s say it's in April. It's going to take Social Security people in the 4400 $4,900 month range - somewhere in that range - a 4400 to $4900 a month. That's a nice livable wage for social security
If you're in middle America, obviously if you're in New York, or LA it's not as big a deal, but it is in the heartland of America –
So I'm trying to think if there's anything else that matters to us right now. that's important for us to set the exchange up under your master trust.
If you don't, they would like to have a trust in 10 days or less. That up it's for your own asset protection Need to get that going
I would say --- obviously the bankers have trust capabilities at Wells Fargo. and that's certainly an option unless you already have an attorney specializing in asset protection And creating that for you. So be aware of that.
Otherwise it looks like we’re going to get a shotgun start on bondholders and us - we should be getting notified tomorrow. We should be exchanging on Thursday, you know, right on through the end of the month, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, all the way through Sunday everything.
So that's what I wanted to say that a few guys and that's really, really where I am on this. And I believe its good news -, the R & R is good , and the idea of maybe getting notified tomorrow then going from there is really very, very good - So lets see how this thing comes together for us. Let's see how it manifests, and we look forward to getting this started this week. Let's just pray the call out.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:11
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:08
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:01:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-5-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-29-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-27-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:21:31
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-22-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-20-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-15-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:29:29
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-8-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:10:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-14-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-14-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight – it is Thursday, March 14th and you’re listening to the big call – thanks everybody for tuning in, all over the globe where ever you’re receiving this call - Tuesday night we had 17.2 million listeners and that was apart from free conference call. That's on our global markets let's call it - and so we're welcoming you come in again and be part of our call. Thanks for being here so much. We appreciate you. and we appreciate everything that everybody is doing by lending their support on the call by listening over these 12 years we're in our 13th year. So, thank you so much.
Now, let us segue over to the Intel or show tonight's call.
I think I can do this in 10 minutes or so, maybe you guys know that. We've heard some things that were about to happen and they didn't happen. We've heard many times that we're looking for some political change to take place. We're looking for something to come from the Supreme Court - about Brunson or about any other case, right. Well, our guys, our Supreme Military sources are telling us that we should have the Supreme Court decision , finally, four years later, we should have that tomorrow. By or before noon - that would be Eastern Time
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-14-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight – it is Thursday, March 14th and you’re listening to the big call – thanks everybody for tuning in, all over the globe where ever you’re receiving this call - Tuesday night we had 17.2 million listeners and that was apart from free conference call. That's on our global markets let's call it - and so we're welcoming you come in again and be part of our call. Thanks for being here so much. We appreciate you. and we appreciate everything that everybody is doing by lending their support on the call by listening over these 12 years we're in our 13th year. So, thank you so much.
Now, let us segue over to the Intel or show tonight's call.
I think I can do this in 10 minutes or so, maybe you guys know that. We've heard some things that were about to happen and they didn't happen. We've heard many times that we're looking for some political change to take place. We're looking for something to come from the Supreme Court - about Brunson or about any other case, right. Well, our guys, our Supreme Military sources are telling us that we should have the Supreme Court decision , finally, four years later, we should have that tomorrow. By or before noon - that would be Eastern Time
I'm looking forward to that – a lot of things I think are triggered by that. So I'm hoping that is exactly what happens – that around or about or before noon – we get that result. I don't know where it’s coming out – I don’t know if main stream media will cover it – or if they would only cover it with military assistance – meaning helping the networks to find their way to announce the news properly - We will see what happens
But contingent on that happening -- Now. we'll get on that tomorrow. – We have our notifications to come out Friday afternoon. That's tomorrow afternoon. Or Saturday morning.
I think either one will allow us to set appointments for Saturday - whether we get it tomorrow afternoon - I can’t tell you when – after the news would come out - when we found out about the elections, I don't know but the moral things guys - If it comes out Saturday morning - certainly that's a winner too.
We should get we should get our appointments set – and once we set our appointments – we would be able to start three hours later, for our exchanges.
So the idea of Saturday or Saturday afternoon is looking very strong right now – When the Supreme court decision comes down to depend on when we get the numbers to come out –like it’s right after. One or two - Whatever time tomorrow they come - maybe four – maybe when the markets close - before the market don't even talk about - they’ve been talking about for a while now – either way it is a win - I would love for us to get in there -
Remember as I don't know if I told you but I remember a few weeks ago would we heard that we would have Pres Trump back between the 14th and the 16th of March and tomorrow is the 15th - Saturday is the 16th - Maybe that's what it happens maybe that's when we get it –
Other things that I'd like to mention to you. I talked to you about trying to have trust set up if you can – prior to your exchange if you can't, they want you to do it within 10 days of your exchange.
Now some of you guys are a lot more techy than I am but I did hear today that a friend that had two tablets a phone once he did a restart on those on those devices. We've got a message that sounded like it was coming from the star link satellite system
Okay, it was like UA1, something like that – UA1 star -- And it said 6.0 which means getting a six mag or six megahertz signal on Starling. Now we talked about it being 10 Mag, at some point it will probably accelerate up to 10 mg but right now it's just so the 6.0 of six megahertz. And that's better than five.
So if you want to do a restart on your devices and see if in fact you're connected already to the Starlink system, That would be what you would do and look to get a message that would let you know that what I just explained.
Let's go beyond that. Let's see.
Otherwise, we know that oh - this is big - last Monday and I think I covered this on Tuesday's call - But last Monday - everything that was going on with the Federal Reserve was completely halted. There's no more fiat currency being used anywhere on the globe except here in the US.
We're gonna have our Fiat dollars that we have in our wallet now, good until July 4. So we can use the Fiat and the new USTN currency consecutively as they pull the fiat money out of the economy here, there'll be issuing more and more of the USTN currency for us to seek to use. So that's going to end by Fourth of July.
So in the meantime, we believe that we're going to have the USTN issue here in the US by the end of the month by the end which is what another couple of weeks or so away. And then we'll be on that using that along with USD fiat money for a while and then we will get rid of the Fiat as you spend it, or as you exchange it to asset backed currency, the US TN physical currency.
All of our accounts that we have now are mirrored even though they're in USD, they're mirrored on the quantum financial system. So that's good news.
We got some quick information today that the -- course the Fed is dead, that's gone - The IRS is almost dead. It's getting there. And I think it's pretty much gone away. We're not going to hold any more federal income taxes or we're not gonna have any more corporate income taxes. They're all it's all gonna be a consumption tax I told you as part of NESARA which NESARA is probably starting to come into play - soon after this weekend. I think maybe we even start with something this weekend – it’s possible.
Will these announcements - Will they come out using the using the various security systems that we have in place - will they come out with those? It’s possible.
I have not heard definitively or not whether that's going to happen, whether it's going to be broadcast, or whether it's going to be brought out - how it's going to be brought out - we just don't know – just gonna have to kind of stay tuned and see what happens on that.
Will they use the, what do you call it, the broadcast system. where they use really use the texting that we get on our phones, our emergency broadcast emergency wireless systems, or will they use emergency alert system EAS ? They could use all three they might not use them. They could use emergency broadcast system to bring it out, but just have to watch it see what it looks like.
I think that's everything that I needed to say about this. the biggest point is to keep an eye on the Supreme Court decision tomorrow by or before noon tomorrow. That's going to be huge. and it's gonna be interesting to see how the country responds to it. A lot of people are gonna be happy and some people might not be happy. Let's see what actually occurs.
So I think that'll that will trigger our numbers coming out - At least that's what I've been told. And we should get then tomorrow afternoon or Saturday morning. So let's see what happens with that.
Okay, based on this information that I've had, whether it whether it does come true or not. Let's believe for it to be true. Let us have faith that the Intel is true. And let's believe for it to be a real thing. And that this ride that we're on. I feel like we're making the final turn on the track. We're getting ready - We're in the homestretch before we cross the finish line, let's just have faith for it. And let's go ahead and thank everybody that listened to the call tonight - all of you in big call universe.
And Thank you Sue, for everything that you've been doing what you've done for nine and a half years now and you as well Bob, everything that you've done to help us all to handle the bumper music before the call – and to bring up the call itself. Everything that you've done has been marvelous - Bringing information that's vital to us to our health and well being every Tuesday and Thursday night, as well as your commentary along with mine on the teaching that Sue's done.
So quite a bit that Bob has done and Sue has done to keep this call what it is now - and Sat team , this getting the call out last Tuesday night to 17. 2 million listeners around the globe - So thank you again, for everything that you're doing - all of our intel sources behind the scenes - thank you guys - And women - doing what you've done to provide valuable information that we can share on the big call. So let's pray the call out, and we'll keep an eye on what happens tomorrow.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:08
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:01:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-5-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-29-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-27-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:21:31
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-22-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-20-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-15-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:29:29
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-8-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:10:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-12-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-12-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight - It's Tuesday, March 12th and you’re listening to the big call - Thanks for tuning in wherever you are listening from, you could be all over this beautiful globe of ours. And like I said last time, I think we've been averaging between 14 and 16 million listeners on the big call globally. That's our international group. That doesn't include our United States crowd. That's getting it differently than we're sending it out, globally. But thanks for listening, everybody. Let's do this.
Let's do this you guys. Let's get into sort of the Intel portion of the call tonight.
We had information over the last several days and specifically yesterday – let’s start with the Admiral – Admiral Bob of the Admiral’s group that was told by the Treasury he had the green line at noon yesterday to get the notifications to the admirals groups members last night into today.
And then we had word that we from the same source in tier 4B - the Internet group would get notified today and start tomorrow. Well, there was a hiccup in the system we found out this afternoon.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-12-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight - It's Tuesday, March 12th and you’re listening to the big call - Thanks for tuning in wherever you are listening from, you could be all over this beautiful globe of ours. And like I said last time, I think we've been averaging between 14 and 16 million listeners on the big call globally. That's our international group. That doesn't include our United States crowd. That's getting it differently than we're sending it out, globally. But thanks for listening, everybody. Let's do this.
Let's do this you guys. Let's get into sort of the Intel portion of the call tonight.
We had information over the last several days and specifically yesterday – let’s start with the Admiral – Admiral Bob of the Admiral’s group that was told by the Treasury he had the green line at noon yesterday to get the notifications to the admirals groups members last night into today.
And then we had word that we from the same source in tier 4B - the Internet group would get notified today and start tomorrow. Well, there was a hiccup in the system we found out this afternoon.
There was some cleanup that needed to be done. And it appears that it was a as a result that the Federal Reserve which has been absorbed into the treasury along with the IRS was absorbed in the treasury, - There was a situation where IRS was trying to find a way to tax the admirals groups and the intermediaries, who are the introducers of the bonds from the bond seller to the buyer. They are called - kinda like a facilitator, , that they call them intermediaries.
So they were trying to get in the middle of that and that needed to be shut down, which it was. Don't worry about the tax thing. It's not going to happen. So don't worry about that.
This is really good news. But it took the paperwork getting completed by the Treasury that this was no longer a concern and fed is dead. Basically there is no federal reserve - the function of the Federal Reserve you know was to make loans to the banks so that they could get money get currency to operate with.
Well, that stopped Monday. That was yesterday. Wasn’t it - Yesterday there were no more loans to be made to the banks. And that was because the USD is basically phased out all around the globe, and including with our Federal Reserve. So the good news is – we’ll get back to our timeline - The good news is we got stopped out by maybe a half a day to a day
And we're expecting -- this information came from another source later this afternoon - That said we expect to receive our notifications from 8pm Tonight, Eastern Time. So that's Eastern Daylight Time and it's a little after 10 o'clock now. So anytime from now, let's say to noon tomorrow - we should be notified according to one of our sources - should receive our notifications, which will be the emails from Wells Fargo servers out of Atlanta.
That will tell us that we have our numbers and give us our toll free numbers to set our appointment and then the additional good news is add further to that. A second transmission from this source said that we should be exchanging still tomorrow.
So let's say we get our notifications in the morning tomorrow or overnight tonight, or some combination and we get those and we set appointments. We should be able to exchange tomorrow afternoon, evening. Okay?
And we're not stretched out necessarily at this point beyond tomorrow. So that's really good news that took care of this problem. – That took care of the issue that was with the Federal Reserve and IRS
And So beyond that – that timing and that timeline I wanted to say something about Trusts.
There are people that selling trusts are trying to get certain people with amount of Zim to buy a trust and all that good stuff. Be very careful about that. Before you do that. I want to say this though.
The people I'm gonna say this is Treasury This is the Wells Fargo banks. They want us to have a trust within 10 days of the exchange. Many of us already have a master trust that we're going to use for our primary Wells account for the exchange. And some of us have LLC that we set up for a project like I've done but they just would like you to have a trust within 10 days after you exchange.
So get with if you have an attorney, a trust attorney that can do that or if you don't you get with Wells Fargo their wealth managers, I think they call them premier bankers, Premier bankers and just get they should be able to do the Trust for you or turn you to somebody in the wealth management division of Wells that will be able to create a trust or several for you.
There are companies that are still out of Wyoming - that does multiple trusts and they have a package of those trusts. That's a possibility. You know, you can do whatever you need to do but I think the main reason is so that when you walk out of the redemption center, and you’re a millionaire to quite brillionaire - You're coming out of there –
Basically, you need the asset protection that the trust will afford you - you need to get started with your asset protection with trust and have that all set up with you. Make sure you have good trustees that you can work with yourself being one and you want spouse whatever your deal is, being a trustee that just work with the attorneys to create that trust. Soon after you exchange.
That way you'll have some asset protection – none of us in this game should have or will other than a living will. That's for medical reasons. but a will you know you have no protection, your whole financial history everything that you've got is seen by everyone.
It’s a public type thing and there's no reason to have probate when it comes to your things. If anything should happen to you. You want to make sure that you have your assets lined up with that asset protection so that it remains private and remains just between you and your heirs. That's it.
So be -- I haven't really talked to anything about this yet. But it is important I think to get that and maybe Wells is the place to start unless you have a trust attorney. I'm fortunate to have a trust attorney. I've already done that work. But you know, that's really what we want to do.
Okay, other things that are happening around the globe as of Monday, which was yesterday and think of it as Sunday and Sunday night - is our time -- in China there's no more fiat currency being used we are primarily talking USD - our Fiat dollar, no more fiat currency, no more fiat currency in Vietnam.
No more fiat currency used in North and South Korea, also in the Middle East, with Iraq with Iran, with Libya, Syria, and a number of other Middle Eastern countries. They've all gone to their own asset backed currencies or gold back and in the situation of the BRICS, and in situation of of Iraq and Iran.
The Iraqi Dinar and Iranian rial are gold backed and so you know, we're a little late to the game because we've allowed some of our banks to hold this up to push this back. and we're just I don't know why but we had about 21 We have about 23 banks, that I think that is plus all of their branches that needed to close their doors yesterday because they're incapable of getting loans from the Federal Reserve it's dead. It's gone. The Fed is dead.
So I think that's a good thing for us. And we with our exchanges, because remember the banks that work with us like Wells Fargo, they picked up 0.025 - .025% of our exchanges, they pick up that - it doesn't come out of our side of exchange don't worry about that. And the person that exchanges you picks up .025% So it turns into real money after a while especially when you're redeeming zim.
Alright, so suffice to say that we with our exchanges, are rehydrating the banks with USN - okay, and getting their balance sheets back up. That's why they can't wait to exchange currencies and take the zim in as a redeemed asset.
And that's really very important that we're actually helping the banking system to get rehydrated and get their balance sheets like they should be.
Otherwise, I'm actually very, I think, I think the admirals groups and us in tier 4B or the internet groups are looking to be notified probably at about the same time. It's possible that the admiral groups go first. And maybe they get notified overnight tonight. That's just a theory I have - late tonight. or overnight, and maybe we'll pick it up in the morning. but you know, if the one source is correct, we should get this by noon tomorrow. so let's see what happens with that -
If that is the case. We probably will not have any more calls. This will be our last call. So let's hope that's the case. I think I am as ready as you guys are to make this see that happen
And we'll have more to say about that later. But that's the way that we'll be able to communicate with you when we stop doing calls which should be tonight doing these calls on the airways that we're doing
So that's what I wanted to bring to you guys tonight. I'm excited about everything happening and going down now. So let's pray the call out and see what happens between now and noon tomorrow. Eastern Daylight Time
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-12-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:01:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-5-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-29-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-27-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:21:31
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-22-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-20-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-15-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:29:29
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-8-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:10:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-7-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-7-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - It is Thursday March 7th and you’re listening to the big call - thanks for tuning in yet again, on a Tuesday or a Thursday night, this is Thursday. So we're glad you're here. And we're glad that we're getting the call out via the Sat team to the Starlink satellite system to piggyback and get it out to the world. But thank you for that. Appreciate it. Before we go to a teaching that Sue has prepared for us tonight, which is very exciting let's go ahead and pray the call in
So let's do this since it’s time for Intel - Let's recap a little bit, but not too long – I’m not going to go long - it’s short if not really, okay, we heard this morning, one of our sources called from Iraq. One of our Iraqi sources called - and I got this information about noon or so my time that Iraq was said that they were going to try to get this out to us. – meaning get the RV out over the weekend,
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-7-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - It is Thursday March 7th and you’re listening to the big call - thanks for tuning in yet again, on a Tuesday or a Thursday night, this is Thursday. So we're glad you're here. And we're glad that we're getting the call out via the Sat team to the Starlink satellite system to piggyback and get it out to the world. But thank you for that. Appreciate it. Before we go to a teaching that Sue has prepared for us tonight, which is very exciting let's go ahead and pray the call in
So let's do this since it’s time for Intel - Let's recap a little bit, but not too long – I’m not going to go long - it’s short if not really, okay, we heard this morning, one of our sources called from Iraq. One of our Iraqi sources called - and I got this information about noon or so my time that Iraq was said that they were going to try to get this out to us. – meaning get the RV out over the weekend,
They were going to do their best to push this out and get this out. Now - What's interesting about that was we had heard yesterday that if we did not get an email that gave us the green light, that email would have come from Treasury to Wells Fargo, corporate York and then down the redemption centers.
And if they if they looking for that happen yesterday, between 10 and 11 in the morning, I think we got an email later than that about 3:30 in the afternoon that was talking about you know, if they get the email that they're looking for from corporate that we would be getting started. Well, we didn't get it yesterday. We did not get it today.
But we did get information from the two sources that are totally unrelated. That said that we would be or the hearing was the scenario that you know the State of the Union address is on now. It started approximately 9pm. eastern standard time tonight – And one hour after the start of that speech -everything would be released and that would include bond holders - That would include all of tier three, admiral’s group - and us –
We would get the funds moved into the accounts that we needed to be and everything would be released – is how it was put - Everything would be released an hour after the start.
So that would be approximately “Now” - around 10 o'clock Eastern. So --- that's a really good thing and we don't know exactly – when our notifications would come - They could come over night - they might come tomorrow morning. I don't know when they're gonna come we haven't been able to ascertain that - everybody's pretty quiet.
A lot of people are under NDA gag orders and so we're just gonna let this one happen. But you know what is interesting about this International Women's Day is on the Eighth of March. That's tomorrow Friday the “8th” Who else likes the number “8” . Oh, that's right, China.
That's right. I didn't even realize it till I realized today was the seventh and what I heard, this thing would probably start around 10 o'clock tonight, which is one hour after this speech was to start tonight - and then we would get notified. I'm saying it could be overnight could be wake up tomorrow, maybe tomorrow, but we're supposed to and then get started with appointments, setting our appointments and possibly exchanges tomorrow.
I would look for that – I think that is very possible and what we do know that rates are going up on the screens. we know that these currencies are being traded on forex, we know that everything's pretty much running right along.
And we fully expect this to manifest over the weekend. So let's see what the weekend really is. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, but we did hear that – what I just said - they're supposed to initiate one hour after the start of the speech. so let's call that approximately 10 o clock - Eastern Standard Time and let's see how it comes in.
So that's really what I want to say. . So thank you so much for thanks, everybody for listening tonight. I appreciate all of you - and we will be in touch with you through the email. If we do any additional calls or podcasts that will send you as a link with your email. That's right now what I'm going to try to just believe that this is coming from, and bring it in, and then we'll see. We'll be in touch with you in a couple of weeks once things are changes are done and we can just move forward. So let's do this let's pray the call out …….
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-7-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-5-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-29-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-27-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:21:31
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-22-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-20-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-15-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:29:29
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-8-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:10:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-5-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-5-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, March 5th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all around the globe. And one of your hosts is kind of getting it together. And the rest are ready to go. So, without further ado, welcome - thank you for tuning into the big call. We're looking forward to starting the call like we do every call by opening up with prayer. And then we go to a teaching which Sue has created for us, which will be great for us all. And then we take off and go on to other topics on the call
All right. Anything else Bob last minute. Okay, Bob, thank you so much. Okay, we're right on time, guys. Moving right on through. Let me tell you where we stand on our intel. We got some cool information today. And let me tell you what it is.
Well, let me just say this there was a mini sting operation last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
And I say that because bankers were told on a conference call last Wednesday that there were not to be any early exchanges. No early exchanges for certain all these banks. And I think some tried to jump the line.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-5-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, March 5th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all around the globe. And one of your hosts is kind of getting it together. And the rest are ready to go. So, without further ado, welcome - thank you for tuning into the big call. We're looking forward to starting the call like we do every call by opening up with prayer. And then we go to a teaching which Sue has created for us, which will be great for us all. And then we take off and go on to other topics on the call
All right. Anything else Bob last minute. Okay, Bob, thank you so much. Okay, we're right on time, guys. Moving right on through. Let me tell you where we stand on our intel. We got some cool information today. And let me tell you what it is.
Well, let me just say this there was a mini sting operation last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
And I say that because bankers were told on a conference call last Wednesday that there were not to be any early exchanges. No early exchanges for certain all these banks. And I think some tried to jump the line.
And they were caught for doing that and they cleaned up. Basically, some of the banks that needed to be cleaned up at redemption centers and banks, and they took care of that.
Then they moved on to Okay, where do we stand now? As far as our start,
We got some information yesterday, well, actually, day before yesterday, which would have been what, Monday – no check that - Sunday, that we were looking to get the numbers to come out and get a green light from the Treasury. Either in an email this morning between 10 and 11 - Yesterday rather, yesterday, or between 10 and 11 today (Tuesday)
Well, we didn't get green light yesterday. So we kind of wrote that off As far as a start date. And then today, We didn't see an email between 10 and 11 - and we're talking about to the redemption centers. Let me clarify that - redemption centers were looking to get that - And so what they ended up with was we did get an email, and about 20 to 3 (2:40) Eastern time this afternoon.
And that was indicating that we were within 24 hours within 24 hours of being notified and getting green light from Treasury to trigger our notifications and set our appointments. When we think they'll come tomorrow. We should set our appointments. if it's early enough if we get the 800 numbers early enough in the day we quite possibly could exchange tomorrow afternoon, evening.
If we get the notification later in the day, we could set appointments and begin an exchanges on Thursday.
So either way it's a win, but we're looking very, very good for this going tomorrow. That's the information that I'm getting from and we had it confirmed from two separate unrelated redemption centers at the same information
Now - I feel really good about where we stand right now with that. We know that the dinar and the other currencies have been coming in on the forex and trading upward in the bank screens reflect that.
They reflect the fact that the currencies are trading up and still blinking - on the screen, which means they're not set. They're not stable, but they're continually moving upward in value. And they're blinking.
So what I think is people say well, why isn't ready to go They said it's already They say we're good to go. What are we waiting on? I think they're just waiting for the currencies to hit the values that they want them to hit before we get started. And it would appear that they are moving in that direction .
So you know, you're going to be rewarded for your patience you'll be rewarded for using the redemption centers to redeem your Zim and exchange your currencies. And I believe that if the information holds true, we should get our notifications tomorrow. So I'm excited about that.
And, you know, all I can say is that we waited a long time for this to manifest and hopefully we won't be disappointed it will be rewarded for our patience tomorrow. So I'm excited about where we are, where we're going with this. And I really think that we're in really good shape right now.
Now let's see what else I can say about this. Now, I know I probably had some other things I wanted to mention - but realistically, this is the main thing that we're all interested in- is going
When it comes to R&R - restitution and reclamation allowance - That is supposed to kick in about a week after the USN – USTN is released - and the latest dates we had on that were supposed to be between the 14th and 15th of March. That’s not to far away and also understand that that is supposed to occur when the redemption centers are about to close - or are closing - well for them to close they need to be open.
They need to be open not only exchanging our currencies but also redeeming our Zim – they are most concerned about the redemption of our zim in the redemption centers although we will do both. Obviously all currencies will be exchanged and all bonds will be exchanged, if you will or redeemed will be redeemed and our zim will be redeemed. But they will move very quickly to set up appointments for all zim holders.
Now there's one other piece that I think I should bring up about that I was just reminded of and that is if you let's say the numbers were to come out tomorrow, and you set your appointment within four or five days of the numbers coming out then you would be able to exchange up to 20 t0 25 days later access things later.
In other words, if people are in the hospital and need time to get healed and come out if they happen to be on a cruise, or on something where they're just not able to come in – they’re out of the country, whatever it is not able to come in this week, let's say - but if they are able to set her appointments, they could set their appointments for a day 20 or 25 days into the future.
All right, so that's new today. I just got that today.
Most important thing though, is to with your toll free number, go ahead call the call center and be connected to if you're Zim holder to the redemption center in your zip code that you indicate when you make your call. And basically you should be talking with someone redemption center that will quite possibly be helping you do your exchange in your Zim redemption, Whenever that appointment is set. So I know that redemption people are ready. We're ready.
Banks are ready in the sense that they're going to be doing currencies and not doing zin – at least not here in the US. Wells Fargo is the lead bank HSBC is the secondary bank because they're handling everything globally. And then Chase would be in 3rd position.
And why is Chase in number one position right now? Because of the 11 banks that they have in Iraq. And because of the fact they'll have 15 banks in Iraq by the end of this week.
So that's pretty cool they’re in position, but obviously Wells with the Zim will supersede them into the number one position and HSBC will take the number two position because of all the international exchanges that they will do and they will do them internationally.
And I believe Banco Santander Santander in Latin America will also be able to do zim in Central and South America and possibly Mexico as well. But I know that HSBC is also a large international bank that will be handling everything in their locations.
So – I’ll say this Med Beds are just around the corner – they’re not far – we will let them know if we need a Med Bed or in dire need of it -
We will let them know if we get better we are in dire need at the moment the redemption center when we make or when we go in for our for our appointment, and then they'll be able to get that information entered on the computer and we will be looking good. We're going in fairly shortly after our appointments maybe a week or so we should be able to start going into those appointments after we exchange. So that's what I wanted to say with you guys tonight.
It could be that we get our notifications around lunchtime tomorrow - Around noon little after. we'll see what happens that’s kinda what is anticipated based on emails, - maybe the emails come in to the redemption centers tomorrow between 10 & 11 We should be in good shape to get notified around lunchtime. Alright, and we'll take it from there. And let's just look forward to this.
I'm ready for it as all of you are. And let's just look forward to a real beautiful thing happening here for us.This is going to be an incredible blessing. Alright, so I'm not going to go in anything else right now, let’s just move it, and let's just go ahead and pray to call out,
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-5-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-22-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-27-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:21:31
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-22-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-15-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:29:29
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-8-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:10:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-25-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-30-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-29-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-29-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recap
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - it is Thursday, February 29th Leap Year, leap day - I'm getting choked up. And you're all very welcome to be here on the big call. Thanks for tuning in. We look forward to having a really good call tonight. Really good. I'm gonna do my Ed Sullivan right after turbo GGO an aerial photos of Kate Smith. So hang in there, Everybody. come on over, and we'll be right with you – a realllly good show – laughing Oh. okay. I haven't done I haven't done Sullivan in a long time. I will. forget about it. Ha ha ha
All right, so we're gonna have a really good time tonight. Thank you Stat team ha ha to all the people around the world and going, What is that guy doing, what is he saying?? I don't understand. I don't understand, because they're broadcasting this call throughout the globe in as many languages as there are countries. And so we appreciate that and see if I can get in my serious mode for a minute.
Let's talk about the Intel. Let's first talk about what occurred Tuesday night. I was not aware of this by the time the big call was on - that sometime Tuesday night in Reno. There was a meeting with six people, three of whom, we know, one was admiral – we know his name but we won't say it. The admiral - one was with a treasury representative of the United States and one other was, Judy Shelton.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-29-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recap
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - it is Thursday, February 29th Leap Year, leap day - I'm getting choked up. And you're all very welcome to be here on the big call. Thanks for tuning in. We look forward to having a really good call tonight. Really good. I'm gonna do my Ed Sullivan right after turbo GGO an aerial photos of Kate Smith. So hang in there, Everybody. come on over, and we'll be right with you – a realllly good show – laughing Oh. okay. I haven't done I haven't done Sullivan in a long time. I will. forget about it. Ha ha ha
All right, so we're gonna have a really good time tonight. Thank you Stat team ha ha to all the people around the world and going, What is that guy doing, what is he saying?? I don't understand. I don't understand, because they're broadcasting this call throughout the globe in as many languages as there are countries. And so we appreciate that and see if I can get in my serious mode for a minute.
Let's talk about the Intel. Let's first talk about what occurred Tuesday night. I was not aware of this by the time the big call was on - that sometime Tuesday night in Reno. There was a meeting with six people, three of whom, we know, one was admiral – we know his name but we won't say it. The admiral - one was with a treasury representative of the United States and one other was, Judy Shelton.
And she was there to talk about the USN asset backed US backed currency, our new currency and our USTN the physical currency. And there were three other representatives, three other people there. We're not quite sure who they were. But it was held in Reno. They basically gave the admiral the green light to begin at a preselected time - I don't know what the time is - to notify the participants of his multiple groups.- A lot of people in those groups a lot of them -
So even have not occurred today as we thought - Stay tuned - I’m sure they know exactly when they're supposed to notify their participants in the admirals group . So that's in play.
And remember, we've said Wells Fargo tier 4A the limit here for a which we categorize for the admiral to be in that group, and tier 4B the Internet Group, or a and b, there's no A B for Wells Fargo it’s just tier 4. So when we go they should go in they go, we should go. It's all kind of connected like that –
Alright, so let's move forward to yesterday. That was Tuesday. Yesterday was Wednesday. And I told you guys on Tuesday night, that there was a conference call that was going to take place between Wells Fargo corporate and that's approximately noon Eastern, so no later than 2:30 in the afternoon. It was a cut off time. So it's gonna go two hours to two and a half hours yesterday.
The call took place and it was it was good, because we got some revelatory information after the call. And it was going to include all banks and that we're going to call it all banks that were Basel three compliant by that time, and it was a leader of two members from each bank and two members from each redemption center.
Or to be participants on this video call. Some would get the videos some would get audio only. But there was a call that took place - and one series of things that came out of that call, were the fact that Wells Fargo is promoting the fact that they are with the redemption centers - the go to location - because they have everyone trained in helping us to make a nice smooth transition from taking our currencies and exchanging them for the new USN designated currency - our new dollar.
Or to be participants on this video call. Some would get the videos some would get audio only. But there was a call that took place in the series of things that came out of that call, or the fact that Wells Fargo is promoting the fact that they are with the redemption centers go to location because they have everyone trained in helping us to make a nice smooth transition from taking our currencies and exchanging them for the new US in designated currency, our new dollar
They're also talking about even at the redemption center. If you went in and you had Fiat dollars, they would easily be - this is how it's worded. This is how it was worded – they would be able to exchange your Fiat dollars. Meaning USD, that gold backed, USN
And it was worded as gold backed that we talked in terms of asset back because in our case, we have a majority of our USN and backed by gold. -but they're not going to supposedly - they're not going to say that we're back on the gold standard. But they are going to talk in terms of our new dollar is asset backed
We talked about the quantum financial system and they will be helping us to make our exchange and Zim redemption deposits into the quantum financial system, which is connected to the starlink system, and the fintec system. everything's all interconnected. So we'll have that in that very secure system. and then we can move money - so I told you we could move up to a billion dollars on day one of the exchange, into our primary wells account.
We will get the Titanium quantum card is three times the thickness of a normal credit card, which has those three chips - one will keep your information about your biometric fingerprint or second chip is opposed to cover the username and password in the third Chip, I believe is going to contain the amounts that you have in that quantum account. I think it's going to be like account of balance. Okay.
We'll use that quantum card to move funds from your quantum account into your primary Wells Fargo account. And Wells is just saying that they are ready to facilitate the exchange for us and the redemption of zim. And the fact that they are also in this in this call. What was transmitted was that the there would be a contract rate. I think the contract rate really only applies to the dinar and it's quite healthy, really very strong. And then the other currencies, they use the term of special rates, which means I think they're going to be a little bit flexible on some of the other currencies, not all but some - But also, it's going to be great for us.So that’s exciting that as part of what was said
The other major thing that was not just for that call was that we should receive our notifications between tomorrow and Monday and exchanges between tomorrow - sometime - doesn't mean tomorrow - sometime between tomorrow and Monday
We shouldn't have our numbers in the form of those emails that are going out or notifications by email -they have the 800 number and call center appointment and we should have our exchanges started by Monday. I'll go into detail on that just a little bit. That's really exciting. That was a highlight that came off of that off of that conference call.
Now, the other thing that's very valuable is that we heard today from one of our very strong Iraqi sources that the Central Bank of Iraq sent - that they actually called one of our Iraqi American contacts.
They actually called where they sent them texts on their phone, giving them the new revalued rate on our dinar in country rate. This is coming from the Central Bank of Iraq. the CBI has a new rate they sent to all Iraqi Americans they had on record the new rate – and it is a good in country rate. Nothing like the rate that we're going to go here.
In fact, the rate that was on the front screen of the bank not even redemption center. The front screen of the bank was approximately four times higher than the in country rate in Iraq .
So it was very strong and good to have - and we don't really do rates - But I'll give you just an example that was given today at 5:08pm. Eastern Standard Time.
So that was really very helpful to get that to get that rate – So Iraq has revalued they have an in country rate and tomorrow they start paying all salaries in Iraq at the newly revalued in country rate on the IQD
So that is huge. And by the way, that's a first. That hasn't happened before. At this newrate. And so it's all good. It's very good. We're excited about this. So that came today, let's see what else came.
Today let's see what else came. We had another one of our sources in Iraq as well that called and said actually by text that said that we would we would be receiving our notifications in tier 4 – tier 4B is how we have it broken down that we will be notified with these emails either tomorrow, which is Friday, the first of March or Saturday the second of March we would receive notifications either Friday or Saturday.
Now, if that's the case, if we do get it tomorrow, I'm not saying we will but if we do, give it a 5050 chance Friday or Saturday. We get it tomorrow. we would set our appointments and exchange starting Saturday. If we get them Saturday, we will set appointments Saturday start exchanges on Saturday.
Okay, and then we would go an exchange right through the weekend Sunday. You can set appointments for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and so on. Probably go for approximately two weeks, 14 to 15 days, especially in the high demographic areas where the population is more dense and where more people like Florida and Texas as California as well.
So we'll see But that is going to be what we have heard about they've been saying for something I don't know that they have actually printed - they have not put a rate for the Iraqi dinar in the Gazette So it could go in - I haven't heard this but if it didn't go tomorrow or Saturday I wouldn't say ahead of it. My day is probably Saturday. That's the normal print day was the official publication of the Gazette
So we shallan see on that So we're into the new month starting tomorrow. this could really kick off with a bang - I told you guys that restitution and reclamation allowance -. We start in March approximately a week after the USN comes out.
Increasing social security takes place in March and should take place at the regular first, second, third of fourth Wednesday With the increase So we look forward to that
Beyond that. I don’t know that there's anything else major - there's one little thing - you can - when you get your debit credit card from your Wells Fargo account, provided you exchange with them. And you wi ll if you go to a redemption center, and you will get higher rates, but you're not going to get a contract rate. For example, at a bank, we only would get that at the redemption center - and the screen rates on the front and back at the redemption center are higher.
But not going to worry about banks. That are not Basel three compliant. They will have to be compliant worldwide. They'll have to be compliant by the 12th of March. but it does not stop us from exchanging in a couple of days . So we'll see what happens. But on your credit debit card with Wells Fargo, You don't have to put it in your name. you know where your name shows on the top of the card
And really as a security feature. If you have an LLC already set up or your trust already set up to put your deposit into for your primary account. which the card would be attached to - you could use the name of your trust or the name of your LLC on the top of the card so that your name is your actual name. first and last name does not appear on the top of the card.
And then when it comes to your signature. Make your signature as you normally would, or make it illegible whatever you just make your signature. And that's what we show up on the backside of the card. That's not your quantum card. This is your credit debit card that you get from Wells Fargo attached to the primary account. Okay, just a little heads up on that.
Let's see if there's anything else - This is something that I think we all are ready for this to take place. Now listen, we know what information has shifted - We know that things have morphed into March right now. This is really coming down to the proverbial wire. I think we're lined up and ready to start.
But don't expect anything to take this thing and delay it. We really think we're finally at the point where this can move forward - And every indication is that it's a go - we're getting out of Iraq - we finally finally - we find out today that we have the newly revalued dinar rate in country. - And it happened in 5:08pm today. – Eastern Time - and we got confirmation directly from our Iraqi American contacts at 5:08pm. Eastern time today. That's a first -- so we're all excited and ready to go.
I just want to pray the call out and say thank you everybody for listening internationally - Thank you Sat team for putting out the call piggybacking on the starlink satellite system. Thank you for just everything that everyone has done, that Bob has done, Sue has done for the big call and everybody that you know, Pastor Scott, your helpfulness and Jeannie your helpfulness on every Tuesday and Thursday nights
And thank you for GCK in the background has done all the hard work and graphics and thank you, listeners, all of you Millions 10s of millions of you that are getting the call or hearing the call alive and those of you who are catching it on the replay either through the link or through the replay number. and thank you guys for being faithful to listen to us for. We're in our 13th year we're two months in to our 13th year. Good night everybody –
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-22-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-27-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:21:31
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-22-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-15-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:29:29
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-8-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:10:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-25-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-30-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-27-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-27-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recap
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, February 27TH and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody all around the globe, wherever you are, Thank you Sat team for making the show available to as many as 198 or 199 countries all around the globe, we're very thankful for that. So, before we get started on the call, we like to pray the call in.
I don't know how many more calls we're gonna have – we may have a call Thursday we may not – we’ll see - but I can tell you as we jump into the Intel portion of the call - Oh boy, I got some intel 10 minutes before the big call started tonight. But I think we'll clarify our position right now and where we are and where we're going with this.
First of all, when we go back, we always like to retract a little bit just like Bob said - You know, it's five days between Thursday nights call and Tuesday, and a lot of stuff can transition in those 5 days.
We don't always bring it all up. But we know for example, that the banks were clearing their books. Banks were clearing their books of their USD in the banks that started Saturday afternoon and then went through Sunday and supposedly finish yesterday late afternoon.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-27-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recap
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, February 27TH and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody all around the globe, wherever you are, Thank you Sat team for making the show available to as many as 198 or 199 countries all around the globe, we're very thankful for that. So, before we get started on the call, we like to pray the call in.
I don't know how many more calls we're gonna have – we may have a call Thursday we may not – we’ll see - but I can tell you as we jump into the Intel portion of the call - Oh boy, I got some intel 10 minutes before the big call started tonight. But I think we'll clarify our position right now and where we are and where we're going with this.
First of all, when we go back, we always like to retract a little bit just like Bob said - You know, it's five days between Thursday nights call and Tuesday, and a lot of stuff can transition in those 5 days.
We don't always bring it all up. But we know for example, that the banks were clearing their books. Banks were clearing their books of their USD in the banks that started Saturday afternoon and then went through Sunday and supposedly finish yesterday late afternoon.
The clearing of the books is in preparation for the USN to go in. Now all of our accounts have been mirrored on the quantum financial system, meaning they see them there - they're there. Everything's cool. and we will transition to the US N designation on our accounts. And it's no big deal. You go from USD to the USN? Well actually it is a big deal because we're going to an asset backed currency.
And I don't know when they're going to announce that it should be a part of NESARA – which this should transition and take place. From Friday – rather Thursday 29th into Friday, the first of March.
Okay, so, however that happens when we get an announcement on it. We don't get to whatever happens on that USN. that's when we're supposed to see something. And also, what we have heard is that the USTN which is our physical, new money - United States Treasury note - that USTN is supposed to be We've heard in the ATM machines on Thursday the 29th. Now, we'll see if that happens - here in the US. We'll see if that happens.
That would be a major change to see the new money in the ATMs. We'll see what happens guys this. this information is what I've received over the last couple of days. And as you guys know, this target sometimes moves on us, and sometimes we get a change in dates for things that happen. All right.
For example - We heard there was supposed to be a major announcement made today - it looks like it's been deferred to tomorrow afternoon. We'll see what how that looks what that looks like.
We know they're in preparation for our new money USTN our new digital designation of USN on our accounts. And I think we should get something on that - Certainly by the weekend, and what we're hearing is that everything is supposed to be visible for us and everything is supposed to roll out to us on Friday, the first of March.
Now that means we could get our notifications Thursday, which is the 29th of February.
But it looks like we're going to get started with the rollout of everything coming in to the bondholders receive their funds for us to get our exchanges and redemption of Zim started on the first of March
Now we had heard Wednesday to Thursday, Wednesday, notifications, Thursday started exchanges. I think we got pushed another day. I think -- we'll see. So this is kind of a one day at a time timeframe that we're in right now. Watch, Watch what actually happens.
Speaking of which there is a two hour conference call scheduled between all the banks and redemption centers across the country.
It may include Canada, and it may include Mexico. I'm not sure of that - I should have gotten a better definition on it. but this call was supposed to start probably around noon tomorrow, which is Wednesday. and it should conclude before 2:30 In the afternoon. I don't know if that means there's an announcement coming out at 2:30.
I don't know if you know what is referring to, but we probably won't know anything more about that until tomorrow afternoon. And we're not going to have a call obviously until Thursday, if we have a call Thursday. So we will see what happens with that information
Let's go over to Iraq.
Iraq, we're hearing is going to start paying all of their salaries in the country on the first of March, which is Friday. They're high holy day - that that's when they're gonna set all that out march 1. Alright, so that's something we know that's good.
And like I said, the latest timeframe that changed 10 minutes before they call started tonight. Information I got said it look like we're gonna get our notifications maybe Thursday, but start exchange on first of March, which is Friday
And we just we just know some of the limited schedules that have that some of the smaller redemption centers that don't have that many zim holders are scheduled for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, skipped Sunday, resume Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. That's only six days.
Now, obviously that also is subject to change - all the redemption centers in larger markets - This was a small market I’m referring to - or do but in larger markets, especially in Florida. and Texas. and which are the bigger Zim holder states – California
But those states probably in most of the larger markets like like Orlando, like Miami, Tampa some of these other places are going to have they're going to have I mean Orlando and Tampa are gonna have 24 hour a day exchange centers open 24 -- 24/7 for at least two weeks, maybe two weeks. I can get a lot of people if you have 30 minute appointments, and you go around the clock.
So that's a little different, that and Texas – Houston - in Dallas Fort Worth area are also set up for 24 hour redemption centers. So those are the anomalies. There may be some other areas of the country that will also see extended hours till 11 - 11 30 at night, starting maybe at seven, six and seven in the morning. You know, it's hard to say they're all going to be a little bit different - but I'm glad that that they looked at that and I'm curious, obviously I'm very curious about this conference call tomorrow.
And I know one little subject that they're going to talk about is Zimbabwe – don’t know what it is. Maybe it's just a refresher. So everybody knows the importance of the zim -, how valuable it really is. I have a I have an idea what I think its about but I'm not going to talk about it. I
think it's really going to be amazing. And we've heard again and again. The rates on these currencies have been and are going to blow us away really good that we're excited about that.
Let's see what else I want to talk about. Oh, by the way, I think our start exchanges should be Friday the first, but the R&R we talked about that moving - yes it's also moved into at least the second week of March.
That sounds about right. proximately the second week in March, The R&R is a big deal and it's really a big deal for a lot of people that really weren't part of the exchanges or the zim or the redemption of Zim.
The other thing is the increase in Social Security passed in a bill in Congress was passed in $2,041 with increases to social security and that would be 2041 - on top of what you're getting now.
So that could be significant. And it's supposed to not to exceed, I think it was $4,955 something in that range. But that's a significant amount to have a $2,041 increase in Social Security starting in the month of March.
Now that's the latest information on it. That's as of yesterday. Let's see if that holds up. Let's see if it starts on our regular Social Security Wednesday's first, second, third and fourth week of the month is when they, when they hit. But really the r&r is gonna help a lot of people .
That's gonna be pretty amazing. I can't talk about the numbers on that. because it's really, First of all, they've changed. They have a way of changing that formula every time we turn around. So I'm just gonna say it's gonna be really good.
Now, it's not gonna mean as much to those of us who have currencies and they're going through and redemption, but think of the people that are not in this and don't have a currency and what they might be looking at. It's going to be pretty strong. let me tell you, very strong.
So we have that to look forward to. - which is great not only for ourselves, but for the people that don't that don't have foreign currencies to exchange.
Everything is moving in the right direction. I really hoped that we could get notifications today or tomorrow. it looks like more like Thursday right now. That’s the latest
And it looks like they couldn't manifest for us on Friday. Well to get notified Thursday, The last day of this month. and 29th and set appointments for Friday the first of March.
So that is really all the information that I can think of right now that we needed to talk about tonight. I think you guys understand that this thing by now has morphed and changed and and move from one day to the next and I’m not trying to give you a feeling of oh, every, every time we talk it’s tomorrow –
I'm not trying to do that. I didn't do that last Thursday with you. Because we thought things were going to manifest for us in the last two or three days of this month. And based on what happens in this conference call tomorrow – we’ll see
Let's say NESARA is supposed to start on around the first of March, and that I mean - some kind of announcement about it. Now maybe we got the announcement before the first. Maybe that's announcement tomorrow. Maybe the USN is announced tomorrow. Maybe the new currency the USTN is announced tomorrow maybe not - I don't know
they're supposed to be a major announcement made today and that was pushed - So maybe everything I don't know guys this is just getting harder and harder to know when we're going to get those announcements. But the NESARA is so big - That includes so many parts.
They've got to get started on that and let us know what the heck is going on with it. Because in the NESARA and GESARA are supposed to start at approximately the same time. And I think they will.
I think it's great that Iraq is paying all of their salary salaries. Starting Friday, March 1. Okay, good. Let's see if we get to do something like that here. But we'll see what happens.
And this is a question mark. So you don't put any money out until till Monday. The fourth, but let's see if it happens. Let's see if we get notifications Thursday. or we go If we go Friday.
And there'll be super surprised if we don't get notified till Friday.
I think we're planning to do it Thursday. But you know what? They could do it Friday. We'll get started Friday. So let's see what happens guys. This is a this is always something that we just don't I don't really want to tell. but it's amazing. like I say what I can onthe big. nobody stops me. nobody wants me to stop – just doing what I'm doing.
And by the certain people are recommending that you go to a certain bank. I think that might be because they have a tie in with that bank - I'd recommend that you use the 800 number that comes to you and your email and that you call your appointment for the redemption center that's closest to you by using your zip code there then when you're making the phone call
The reason is because the highest rates on all currencies and the zim will be at the redemption centers. not at the banks – cause I know we've got the rates that the bank screens are showing - front and back - and we get the rates on the redemption center screens –
if you will do your self justice - and they are only redeeming the zim at the redemption center - So if you're Zim holder, that's a no brainer. And even after the redemption close anybody that has any Zim that was caught, Let's say a monsoon somewhere they didn't know this was going on. They they only have one bank that they can go to and that's Wells Fargo. That's after the redemption centers are closed - centers are going to be opened in most cases, at least 12 to 14 days.
Short because they don't have any zim holders to speak of not many in their area. They don't have that many and I'm excited and I'm so excited about getting this thing started. Like you guys are
I know you are already started. Hopefully everything comes through on Thursday with with our emails and then we go into their appointments starting Friday the first of March. Keep an eye out - I can't say for sure that USTN currency then there's the ATM’s. on Thursday.. Maybe it'll transition on the first we'll see
We are supposed to get the transition to the new US N on the first of March. The other thing we're supposed to get is certain banks and there are some - none of our tier one bank that we know this does not apply to Wells Fargo. Chase – Citi - Bank of America - truist - bank Banco Santander, or Santander Bank.
Those tier one banks are totally Basel three compliant and ready to go. There are some that call themselves tier one might be tier one or tier two banks - they're not Basel three compliant yet, but they're they have until the first march 1 Friday. to get there.
They're not there. By Friday, the first they probably will shutter their doors. - so they better get their act together and get us to Basel three compliant now.
So that's what I wanted to bring to you guys tonight.
Thank you for listening and thank you sat team for getting the call out to so many countries as you have
been thinking that that thing And Thank you Sue and Bob my co hosts on the big call - gosh nine and a half years now for Bob. And over nine years I think for Sue. And so it's really been great, and you know guys I don't know. I don't know if we're gonna have a call Thursday or not - I don't know. But if this is our last call - Thank you for listening. We'll take you over the threshold. And we'll be in touch with you on the projects that were talked about .
After this -whatever it starts, guys, wherever it goes. Maybe we'll be here Thursday night we call maybe we will we're just going to have to wait But I appreciate all we need and appreciate everybody that has to bid for some of us 13 years now. Some of you caught me as a moderator on another call. I started 13 years ago. So you know, thank you so much, everybody for listening. Let's pray the call out before I come up with something else to say,jus.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-27-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:21:31
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-22-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-15-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:29:29
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-8-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:10:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-25-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-30-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-25-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:09
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-23-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-18-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:15:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-22-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-22-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recap
Welcome everybody is a big call tonight. It is Thursday, February 22. and you're listening to the big call, possibly all around the globe. And welcome everybody - Before we go into the call, let's go ahead and pray it in
Thanks so much, Bob. Appreciate that. Very much. All right, good. Well, okay. I'm going to try to create a timeline because that's how I like to think about all the Intel flows.
To get started with First of all, I haven't mentioned this in a long time, but I'll mention it tonight.
This is a non taxable event. These exchanges that we're doing and the redemption of zim they're not taxable to you.
There was a question about that. There's no need to create any kind of tax shelter or anything like that. You'll be able to meet with your financial people, Premier bankers with Wells Fargo, and anybody else that you feel like you want to meet with about your finances after this.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-22-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recap
Welcome everybody is a big call tonight. It is Thursday, February 22. and you're listening to the big call, possibly all around the globe. And welcome everybody - Before we go into the call, let's go ahead and pray it in
Thanks so much, Bob. Appreciate that. Very much. All right, good. Well, okay. I'm going to try to create a timeline because that's how I like to think about all the Intel flows.
To get started with First of all, I haven't mentioned this in a long time, but I'll mention it tonight.
This is a non taxable event. These exchanges that we're doing and the redemption of zim they're not taxable to you.
There was a question about that. There's no need to create any kind of tax shelter or anything like that. You'll be able to meet with your financial people, Premier bankers with Wells Fargo, and anybody else that you feel like you want to meet with about your finances after this.
But it's a completely different animal. It was designed to be tax free, and let's talk about that for just a second. We're not going to have under NESARA which I’ll get to the timing of that soon - we're going to have with NESARA a complete change in our tax system.
There'll be no more federal income taxes.
Now, I'm not sure they'll be corporate income taxes, but I can't say that for sure. I know personally, federal income taxes are going away. The state income tax will change in certain states and their states they don't have any income taxes. There's like eight states that don't have any of that so far. A lot of things are going to that but the point is we're gonna go to a consumption tax for items that are new, but not used items. And also items that are essential, like food, food may still get taxed.
Although I didn't think that prescriptions won't. There's a lot of things that that we'll learn when we get this new NESARA law implemented in in our country but don't worry about the tax side of it. We'll see what happens with 2023 and for income taxes.
I don't know that they'll be some we'll just have to find out. I can't give you the advice on that. Nor would I try to but beware that tax change is going to go to a consumption tax of about 14 or 15 % for for items we purchase.
The tax will begin boarded in the cost of goods and then you'll you'll know it but you won't see it as a tax. It'll be in in bordered in the cost of the items that we buy. Okay, that's going to be great deal. okay.
Like the VAT tax in Europe - value added tax similar. it's not called the VAT, but here we're going to call it a consumption tax. and we'll see what happens on that and that's, that's coming up pretty soon.
The other thing is the timeline that we create. We've been told to keep an eye on this weekend. Well, let's talk about today Thursday, the 22nd today and tomorrow, watch to see what the stock market does specifically in the areas of the Big Pharma - and insurance companies and a few other segments will probably have taken a pretty good hit today. and tomorrow. That's what we're hearing.
I don't think it's gonna be a so called crash. but I think you'll see some dips in the market today and tomorrow. Obviously today is over and I don't know what the numbers are, but something to keep an eye on.
Now, as far as coming to the weekend, Saturday and Sunday, we're finding out that if you're trying to use an ATM machine, or if you're trying to do a bank wire, what is happening starting It looks like it's starting Saturday and should go Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
We've got the banks will be going through a clearing process of clearing of the books clearing up the book – this is, the US D our fiat currency going away and being replaced by the USN and the USTN physical money that we put in our wallets and purses.
Okay. So what's gonna happen is they're switching off ATMs and doing bank wire transitions. Well, we understand I don't know if it's going to be complete or partial or how it's going to roll out but it is going to be happening Saturday and Sunday.
If you need to go to the bank to get to use the ATM tomorrow be the day to do it.
So that rolls into really the last three days of the month. That brings us up to Tuesday, which is the 27th is the day that we are supposed to receive our notifications.
Yep a week from today. starting after about three in the afternoon, Eastern Time, is what we're hearing from three separate sources.
Now if that's correct, then our call on next Tuesday, which would be our next big call is probably not going to happen. We get notified after three o'clock Eastern time. On Tuesday. We set our appointments for Wednesday, a start of the 28th.
Then last day of the month is the 29th and we'll go right on through the end of the month. and we will have our new USTN physical currency out by the 29th. if not a day or two sooner, That 27 – 28 - 29 is going to be a real interesting period for us to be notified on the afternoon of the 27 which is Tuesday, start exchanges on Wednesday, the 28th, and carry right on through and add the new USTN currency out and discuss, they will not say that we're back on the gold standard
They don't think it's necessary to announce that. But we are supposed to get some NESARA information announced to us starting last three days that would be actually from the 27th maybe all the way 28th 29th into the first of March.
And I really believe we're going to see the USN introduced to us, the USTN currency introduced between Friday the 29th and the first of March. In that time, we should be getting an introduction of it.
Now let's go talk about the what are we talking about now we've got the idea of the issue are we talking about now?
Alright – The R & R we’ve talked about – several months now - the restitutional and reclamational allowance is supposed to start a week after the USN is introduced. Let's say that would be approximately the sixth starting the second week in March. Its not going to be the last week of this month as we were told - you know, a few days ago, but it is supposed to take place approximately one week after the USN is introduced or USTN is introduced which again is around the 29th the let's call that 29th
And the first of March and talk about this happening approximately a week later RNR the increases in Social Security from what I understand will take place in March and R & R take place in March and maybe it starts that second week in March.
Don't hold me to it because that could change. it could be later in the month but as it is the information we got tonight from several sources strong they expect it to come out. So the banks that have not been Basel three compliant are being made to be Basel three compliant
And regarding the cell phone disruption this morning started around 4am This morning, throughout different states of the country. There were seven states that were not banks are not Basel three compliant. - And they should have been but forces inthose states. Were just not getting it done and keeping it from getting done
Well you know what I say about cleanup on aisle three – four and five - Yeah. this morning that’s probably still going on.
And you don't really want yeah - but they've done it in some cases, as you guys should know. There's any disruption and internet and cell service has usually take place in order to facilitate the cleanup of isles 3 – 4 – 5 - I can tell you most of the disruption was in the Northeast Anywhere from Virginia – Maryland - Delaware about and on up – about 7 or 8 states - so that's good news, that that is happening.
So the banks will all be compliant by this weekend, or they will not be open for business. And they're doing what they can to get those banks compliant that have failed to get compliant under Basel three - because they have been held back by political forces in those states And I think you guys know what I mean. So, that it was very interesting to find out about that today
Beyond that ……I think that’s all of the information I needed to get to you guys today. I'm excited. I'm excited about the fact we have a really good timeline - it does get us started before the end of the month.
And there's a lot to look forward to, you know, obviously, at the redemption centers, and also make sure that you know, and by the way, we don't really do rates but we know on the bank screens which we've got rates on front screens and back screens at the banks we also have raised on the front and back of the redemption centers.
Redemption center rates will be higher. There's no reason to go to a to a bank when you can set an appointment and go to the redemption center. and Zim holders have to go to redemption centers.
That's a must, must do. And we're looking forward to getting all this stuff going. And because we're going into redemption centers to redeem the zim and other bonds if you have a sheet bonds or box of bonds when you go in there you will be hydrating the banks with new USN - that's where the newness will come in of the new USN.
So all of our funds right now are safe and mirrored in the quantum financial system. All accounts are solid no money is going away. Anything you have digitally we'll just switch over to a USN designation starting Monday or Tuesday.
So we're going to be doing the banks are doing this clearing of the banks now. The clearing of the bank accounts is all being transferred, cleared. Clearing the books is what they're calling it, clearing of the books and that means the old fiat money is going away. and the new USN is coming in. and we're covered completely in the quantum financial system.
All right. so let's do this. let's pray the call out. Let's have a great weekend. Let's look forward to what's coming our way Tuesday. and when we get to exchange this coming Wednesday. All right, so let's pray the call out …….
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-22-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-15-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:29:29
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-13-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:05:25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-8-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:10:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-6-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-25-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:04:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-30-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-25-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:09
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-23-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-18-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:15:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-16-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-11-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:17:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-9-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:04