Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-11-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-11-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, January 11th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in. Hopefully the SAT team is actively connecting the call around the globe as we speak. And thank you, Sat team for that and thank you for everybody for tuning in and listening to the big call tonight.
This time you guys is really an interesting time for us. We are right in the hat/ the throes of the final days of this as I mentioned on Tuesday.
What we're finding now is that some of the sources that we've had have just clammed up – they’re under new NDAs they've got gag orders - you know, in some cases they're being listened to - so they're not really forthcoming with Intel. They really aren’t.
That's good and bad. The good side, the bad side, we don’t get as much intel as we'd like - to know exactly what's happening. The bad side. That's the bad.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-11-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, January 11th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in. Hopefully the SAT team is actively connecting the call around the globe as we speak. And thank you, Sat team for that and thank you for everybody for tuning in and listening to the big call tonight.
This time you guys is really an interesting time for us. We are right in the hat/ the throes of the final days of this as I mentioned on Tuesday.
What we're finding now is that some of the sources that we've had have just clammed up – they’re under new NDAs they've got gag orders - you know, in some cases they're being listened to - so they're not really forthcoming with Intel. They really aren’t.
That's good and bad. The good side, the bad side, we don’t get as much intel as we'd like - to know exactly what's happening. The bad side. That's the bad.
The good side is. It shows that we're so close to this going because they don't want certain leaks to come out of certain portions of this exchange procedure and everything and they just want to have it quiet. That's a good sign. Believe it or not, it's a good sign.
Fortunately, I do have a little bit of new Intel for you. Right, I'll just gonna boil it down here in a few minutes to talk to you guys Tuesday about where we believe we are in this process.
We had a major let's just call it internet guru. I don't like that term, internet person - say that we were going to get this -meaning our notifications between Wednesday and Friday. That's tomorrow. Now I don't know that that's going to quite hold up.
And here's why. We did find out that the super whales and the whales, which would be in tier three these would be major huge bondholders - These guys have been finally completed and they expect to be notified over the weekend - that notification would give them the timing for their access to their funds.
Okay. The other thing is what we're hearing from a major paymaster with Wells and this is not just him, but other people are saying that they are working now for the next 24 to 48 hours. And I think that would be through Saturday. In other words, Friday and Saturday - They're working to get the intermediary groups paid.
And they have a whole plan for that. They could get it done in 24 hours. It could be 48 hours. So I'm gonna say it could extend out to and through Saturday.
The same individual is also saying that we should receive our notifications within the next four days. But that would take us from Friday, Saturday, Sunday, to Monday, Martin Luther King Day.
Now, if it go - remember that it could be within four days, not just four days away, but within the next four days starting tomorrow, Thursday, Friday. Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Now, they may take this to the very end.
You guys know that Monday is a bank holiday and a federal holiday - Martin Luther King Day. Banks will be closed - we talked about redemption centers possibly being open when banks are closed. And that is possible. However, it's not likely to be the case.
So we have a four day period here let's say that we could get something to happen within it. But being that Monday, the 15th is a federal holiday. Maybe notifications come out within this time, but maybe we don't exchange until Tuesday.
I'm just bringing out the reality of it. I haven't been told that. But I think it's conceivable that we go all the way through Monday and don't have it yet. Or we could get it tomorrow or we can get it Saturday. Just stay open - There's something happening for us over the next four days.
bondholders should be receiving their notifications by email over the weekend. We could get our notifications over the weekend. It just depends on how closely they want to keep the shotgun start. Is it a true shotgun start where we all get notified at the same time? Is there a 12 to 14 hour period where, let's say tier three gets notified of their liquidity and then we don't for those 12 hours.
Yeah, that could be the case.
Jeanie mentioned something in her prayer request synopsis that talked about R&R – still planning to happen in the month of January and it should be - I said this before - it should come a week after we start exchanges – R&R to come out as restitution reclamation allowance a week after we start our exchanges. Okay, so that's going to take place in that timeframe.
The increasing social security. I don't know that anybody has seen it yet this month, but it's supposed to be this month. Let's just wait and see what happens on that.
Today was supposed to be the day that we had a NESARA announcement to come out. Don't believe that has taken place? If it did, it could be a soft announcement, like just GESARA was last week. A soft announcement was made about GESARA globally. Well, who was an aide to I don't know what made me, but I understand that took place. Fine. Good.
Now, SR has a lot of different components.
But we thought we might get one of those today, at least one start of a description of the announcements of NESARA today, to my knowledge, didn't happen.
So we'll see when that does happen. Political change? We'll see.
There’s quite a bit guys that needs to come out. That hasn't come out yet.
All I can tell you is there are there is a lot of cleanup and pickup throughout the world going on continually now.
They're making great headway with it. As I mentioned Tuesday night, I think we're moving very well in that direction.
They're doing really great with drew that But it's not over. So I'm gonna recommend everybody. plan on having a great weekend. Keep an eye on emails.
When this does come in and we get our toll free numbers we will post them on big call And then we do get them. We'll also send out an email blast with people that registered on the call They would like notified of numbers. We'll send that out and that will go out and of course when I get it, I will tell it I don't know that we'll get it before Tuesday or not, but we should but anyway, it'll be out one within 10 minutes of any of us getting it.
It'll probably make it on the blogs or make it online so people will see it. but just make sure it's the same thing that you see on big call or that you get in an email from us from our servers. but the Wells Fargo servers you know are supposed to click in, with the emails going out, out of Atlanta. And this should be coming in, and we should be getting those theoretically the latest is that four days.
So “within” is the operative word for the so we'll see where this goes. We'll see what happens. We are very close to it - I believe that’s everything I'm gonna cover tonight. There's not a whole lot out there. Most of what's out there on the blog came from my call last Tuesday night that I've heard about but that's okay.
We're looking to get -- started - Excuse me. Tuesday morning was that the Iraqi Dinar would be on the Forex Tuesday morning . I have not -- Tuesday, Wednesday, Tuesday or Wednesday morning. I have not been able to confirm that it is absolutely being traded on the Forex yet.
It may be holding it back from the US from us seeing it until we get to go ahead. The only way I can think of there. But the good news is that when things get super quiet that means we're super close.
All right. so that's what I'm gonna say tonight. Everybody I want everybody to have a great weekend. Enjoy Martin Luther King Day – Monday - Let's see what happens for us Over the next four days
All right, everybody. Have a great weekend. Let's go ahead and pray the call out
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-11-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:17:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-9-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:04
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-4-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:20:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-2-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-28-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 53:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-26-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-21-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-19-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-14-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57::00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-12-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-9-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-9-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody does a big call tonight is Tuesday, January 9, and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in, wherever you are all over the globe, where the Sat team may be reaching you by satellite to your email that you're clicking on and listening to the big call - in real time with automatic translation in three seconds after I say it, it comes to you in your own language all across the globe. Pretty cool. So we're happy for that. Thank you Sat team for hooking us up.
All right let's talk about where the Intel takes us today and where it puts us. I'm going to start with Let's start with Iraq.
We had not had the Iraqi dinar in its new version as the new Iraqi dinar with the new rate on the Forex. I thought it would come up Sunday when Forex came back up at five o'clock Eastern, but it did not. And the thinking was, it would come up from people that we've talked to in Iraq, we would actually be on the Forex this morning. Tuesday morning.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-9-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody does a big call tonight is Tuesday, January 9, and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in, wherever you are all over the globe, where the Sat team may be reaching you by satellite to your email that you're clicking on and listening to the big call - in real time with automatic translation in three seconds after I say it, it comes to you in your own language all across the globe. Pretty cool. So we're happy for that. Thank you Sat team for hooking us up.
All right let's talk about where the Intel takes us today and where it puts us. I'm going to start with Let's start with Iraq.
We had not had the Iraqi dinar in its new version as the new Iraqi dinar with the new rate on the Forex. I thought it would come up Sunday when Forex came back up at five o'clock Eastern, but it did not. And the thinking was, it would come up from people that we've talked to in Iraq, we would actually be on the Forex this morning. Tuesday morning.
Now I haven't been able to confirm that yet. But it should have been up on the Forex tradable as a legitimate currency instead of an exotic currency, a real real bonafide currency.
So we'll see what happens on that. But in that regard, you guys remember long time ago, I think it's been at least two years ago. We talked about the Iraqi Stock Exchange and ISX and its connection to the NASDAQ.
And by the way to trade Iraqi stocks or stocks on the ISX would be to do through its sister exchange here in the States, which is the NASDAQ – now the theory is because I haven't been able to prove it for me, but that Iraqi dinar is tradable in some form or fashion on the ISX, which now makes it tradable on the NASDAQ. But I'm not sure in what sense I'm not sure in what capacity that is unless it's just the trade of of stocks that are on the Iraqi stock exchange.
So that has been happening. I believe. I don't know exactly when that started. But I believe it's been that way for a few days anyway. And now we'll have to see. See this a big deal about whether the dinar made its way to the to the Forex is which is the foreign currency exchange system, which creates quite a bit of currency every day.
It was sort of in the vicinity $4 billion a day maybe that's a low number, but it seems like that made it known worldwide globally by people in the financial trade or trade business. So we'll see if we get proof that did happen? But I think it probably did. Because tomorrow, which is Wednesday the 10th of January, tomorrow, the all the banks around the globe are supposed to be fully interconnected and using the quantum financial system, including us in this country, our accounts that have been mirrored on the QFS would essentially be fully integrated on the QFS as of some tomorrow.
So that's a big thing that's happening globally On the 10th which is tomorrow.
Then we look at okay, that's good. What about the 11th ? That is Thursday? Well, Thursday, we're supposed to have announcement or announcements made regarding NESARA and possibly GESARA, but in this country, we primarily concerned with NESARA to be made on Thursday to bring I don't know how deep they're going to be. I don't know when you know just exactly how deep how many things. we could talk about five or six different things about NESARA right now, and just barely be scratching the surface.
If you guys know more about it than everybody else does it’s going to include, you know, our restitution reclamation allowance, it would include new gold backed / asset currencies. Here GESARA with include the rest of the globe on that. and it's going to include, you know, the fact that we're no longer supposed to be paying federal income tax – that’s going to be gone under NESARA - the sort of quite a few things you guys remember – the flat tax 14 / 15 % on new items collected at the state level - and they split with fed gov – to help support state interests and projects - so that’s a new thing – to change our tax structure like that – and get the information are supposed to be going away from merritime law - to constitutional law, or common law.
That's another part of it. I mean, there's so many aspects of this, that we might get a few announcements Thursday.
And I don't know exactly who's gonna make them. Do we get the political change we thought about on Thursday, I've heard that possible. Do we have the overturn of the elections of 2020 By then, I've heard that's possible. So who knows? You know, guys, we have had some dates come and go. No, there's no question about it. We've had things happen. We've had things that are moving us toward this goal, you know, for a while now, and even the fact that our redemption centers and banks actually have the new USN currency.
And also, the new USN money has been transported to the redemption centers for us. We all know these - Well, these things have happened what else happened? yesterday morning the Redemption Center leaders and bank managers, at least in one area of the country - want to say it's multiplied all throughout the country -of the US went in to put in their individual access codes and submit those to Treasury. And that was yesterday around let's say 1130 noon, on the east coast.
I think they did it that way so the oldest banks across the country and redemption centers remember, everybody we have over 10,000 Redemption centers - maybe more - than like 11,000 redemption centers in the United States.
So that the the leaders of those redemption centers, the bank managers all put in their access codes. And now all they were waiting for is some form of return that gives them the green light from Treasury to proceed - and for the Treasury to give the Wells Fargo servers the green light to send out the emails for us in tier 4B and also tier 4A to receive the toll free number to call and set appointments at the Center for this and begin our exchanges and redemption of zim
So -- that happened yesterday morning - now they know in other words the redemption center leaders and the bank managers throughout the country essentially are done getting their part of this equation Finished. Now it's up to Treasury when they want to give it to get it to get the green light placed for everything to begin and for us to get our numbers coming out – by email to us and we can take that and set our appointments begin exchanges.
So that's where we are in the proximity we go on to bondholders, bondholders have received word that they have received - Some of them have emails going and whether they have access to funds. And some of them are still waiting on emails to let them know that. I think some of them have their emails and the majority of it, bondholders would probably get their emails overnight tonight or tomorrow to give them access to their accounts. Remember the bondholders and get access to 10% of their total in their bond accounts - And then they'll have the remaining 90% accessible, I believe in 90 days. That's how it's been set up for the bond holders.
So when are we going to be notified?
I think let me put it this way, the bond holders could get their emails tonight or tomorrow. When I talk about shotgun start - I'm talking about tier 3 - when I mentioned the bondholders - we’re in tier 4B was what the admirals groups and some of the others are in 4A -
but I believe what's going to happen is once the bondholders received those emails to give them access to funds – if we are in a shotgun start - what they said could take 12 to 14 hours for the rest of them to get what tier three already received. And that was their email notifications. So we figured 12-14 hours after bondholders are notified, we could get notified. So we'll see how that works out for us. But I think that's how close we are –
Now with what's going on with the Q FS tomorrow and what's going on Thursday with the NESARA announcements we are expecting I mean, it looks like we're right smack dab in the middle of it - looks like we are right there.
Now - Remember this is the information that I'm getting. I'm not changing that. I'm bringing it out to you as my best recollection is that I've received it. So obviously, we want I keep telling to I said you know it's we don't need any new Intel. We just need the intel that we're going to come true because I've told you guys a lot of things over the last 12 years now we are in our the start of our 13th year - start with for the year that have come true. But the one thing we all want, is what's the timing for us?
You know, what's our date and we have to start – obviously I know that – you know that - , I know that everybody does. That's true. And that's the thing we haven’t had accurate predictions of for the last 12 years, but we are every every day every week - We are closer, closer and closer, and things are happening so that I know about him. or tell you about we're not behind the scenes. For example, we got word from some of our military contacts stats, that there is a major concentration on international arrests.
And there has been a major deal for arrests to take place in United States and So called clean up on aisle three by Oh four, five, etc. is ongoing. It's ongoing and internationally – It’s on like crazy, like regardless. So they’re not putting up with a whole lot resistance either by the way. So, have we gone far enough. For this could start for us. Do we have enough arrest. Let's call it in the bag.
Yeah, we're at 83 – 85 % Maybe in fact, in the United States and probably 55 – 60% internationally. But that's enough for us to move forward. With what we understand is our timing for the release – the green light – to be turned on by treasury.
For the admiral to get the funding. He's already funded the accounts, - the understanding is they just need to notify the account holders that they have access to their funds, much like the bondholders need to be able to they are accounts and they need to be notified the bank and have access to those funds.
So that in a nutshell is where we are in this plan, as far as I can tell. That is roughly especially Wednesday and Thursday. There are some things that are talked about and talked about the 17th which is a week from tomorrow regarding the USN being made known as our new currency. And that's possible.
Are there other announcements that are gonna come out here, they're related to other things like the Epstein papers, and that whole deal. That is a major major deal that's going to put out for now and this summer, but I don't know how much but when it does come out, you'll read a lot of everything that I wanted to say.
Alright, so that's what I wanted to say. talking about tonight was great on the call, and then we'll go and we'll see what develops over the next couple of days.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-9-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:04
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-4-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:20:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-2-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-28-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 53:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-26-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-21-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-19-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-14-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57::00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-12-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-4-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-4-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - it is Thursday, January 4th and you're listening to the big call. And we're happy you're here. Thanks for tuning in. And welcome big call universe - we don't know how haven't heard a couple of weeks, how many countries how many individuals we're getting out to, but it could be a good number a big number. So congratulations to the Sat team for getting them on to it.
And let's go right into where we are now in the Intel world.
I've got little information to bring you. Let's talk with with you, first of all about where Iraq is. Now Iraq has been paying out their citizens on backpay - military pay - I think they're probably still continuing to pay the HCL money to their citizens - a hydrocarbon law – which is profits from oil and gas exploration that's under the oil and gas law.
That was settled finally - I think to a certain percentage was going to Kurdistan and all that they've been the biggest point of discussion - they’re paying their military basically they're catching up and giving everybody their pay, in a lot of different ways that you know, people are getting basically three or four different payments per month. So that's good thing.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-4-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - it is Thursday, January 4th and you're listening to the big call. And we're happy you're here. Thanks for tuning in. And welcome big call universe - we don't know how haven't heard a couple of weeks, how many countries how many individuals we're getting out to, but it could be a good number a big number. So congratulations to the Sat team for getting them on to it.
And let's go right into where we are now in the Intel world.
I've got little information to bring you. Let's talk with with you, first of all about where Iraq is. Now Iraq has been paying out their citizens on backpay - military pay - I think they're probably still continuing to pay the HCL money to their citizens - a hydrocarbon law – which is profits from oil and gas exploration that's under the oil and gas law.
That was settled finally - I think to a certain percentage was going to Kurdistan and all that they've been the biggest point of discussion - they’re paying their military basically they're catching up and giving everybody their pay, in a lot of different ways that you know, people are getting basically three or four different payments per month. So that's good thing.
The other thing about Iraq is they have not yet had the Iraqi dinar on the Forex. We thought that it had been but misinformed - but it's not yet on the Forex - but it's supposed to start being on forex Sunday. They said this weekend, but we know that the Forex itself is down from Friday to 5pm Sunday.
They may put the rate up, but it was show up Sunday 5pm Eastern time - That's when It would show up. And of course Sunday is the first in Iraq is saying makes perfect sense. So that's good.
Now, the bank screens – I believe I told you guys Tuesday night - bank screens are going solid rates on front and back screens and are showing on our redemption center screens - on the back screen, solid - but the front screens are still flashing – as of yesterday, I have heard if they are still flashing today, but I would believe they would still be doing that.
Now, what's interesting about that is that the theory is that when those front screens stop blinking and go solid on these rates, that it would be “go time” - that we would get the green light. So I have a feeling they'll be blinking up until the Treasury says go –
Now we're getting a couple of different things from three different Intel sources.
Two of them are pretty much lining up with this can go any time between now and Monday, meaning we would get our notifications anytime between let's call it tomorrow, Friday, and Monday.
And that's what two sources are saying - and our final source that we heard from this afternoon, was saying that we would actually later this afternoon saying that all releases Start this weekend .
All releases - Bondholders - releases for our groups tier 4 A and B - the intermediaries - they haven't been paid yet – like farm claims and ranch claims and fines and penalties - adjudicated settlements CMK X etc, etc.
So, those intermediaries we rarely talk about but their data is usually included in the intermediaries, but we did believe prosperity packages would happen after we got started. Who knows, it'll come out whenever they come out.
But what's interesting about that is if all releases happen this weekend, does that mean we get notified Saturday, or is it possible we get notified this coming Sunday and start Monday?.
Remember the other sources were talking about us doing anytime between now which will now Friday – tomorrow - from now through Monday, anytime between - now let's call it in Monday. Well - because – has anybody seen the calendar? Monday - January -- oh oh – the 8th -- you guys know how I feel about China and the number 8 -
just saying -- could that be the day we get notified for the day we start exchanges, hard to say - we're gonna be if everything gets released over the weekend. Maybe that brings Monday into play for exchanges to start - So let's keep an eye on it. We’ll see if that’s the case or not. But I think that's good news. And these are pretty top sources too that’s giving this information
So the other thing that's good for us. – We did get update today on reclamation, restitution allowance, R & R. The R&R we said was gonna start on Friday in some way.- tomorrow – the 5th
The latest information that we got today about r&r was that it would start one week after the redemptions - after we got appointments - our numbers for our exchanges.
So a week after - week after is when it would start - Just fine - definitely that's cool.
And that'll be a good significant bunch of money for especially 62 and older. And the older you are, the more you paid - in the more loans - the more taxes you paid - or interest probably paid on loans, etc, etc. So that's gonna be good – especially for a lot of people when they're not even involved in currencies - because they'll be getting pretty nice chunk as a lump sum if you are 62 and older.
Now, the r&r starts, this is another update started starts at the age of 42. So from 42 to 61 should get their R & R paid out two or three years, but it's paid out every month. paid out monthly over 2-3 years.
That's the latest that we've heard about it. None of this, as far as I know, is written is ????????. It really isn't. But we'll have to see how payout takes place. and what actually occurs. but it'll be significant, especially if you're toward the older end of 60 – 61 in that range. but even 42 year old 40 Fewer than get will get something And I understand that they have monthly So I don't know guesstimate how much better to just wait and see what it is - But social security increase starts in January – so we will see how that goes -
The bond holders did receive - some of them received email yesterday morning that told them they would have access to funds in the next four or five days. And I did not get date on that my gut was it would probably be Tuesday that they would have access - maybe it's Monday, but I felt like it would probably be Tuesday for bondholders but not all bond holders received them yet to tell them what they have access to their funds, but they will get access to 10 percent of their total with this first email being sent
I Take that as that has to hold them over for ninety days and then after 90 days have access to the remaining 90% I believe that's the case, so we're going to have something similar But we're not tied to a percentage or tied to more or less. How many billion do you need for the first 90 days? And how much do you want to move from your quantum account into a primary or secondary accouns with Wells?
I think as long as you can show, sort of how you use funds, you shouldn’t have any trouble moving some funds from your QFS account your quantum financial account to primary or secondary accounts. you shouldn’t have any trouble – I know it seems like a long time ago since I talked about the quantum accounts but I think you guys get the concept.
Probably half a dozen times at least but the idea is your exchange proceeds from your currencies and your zim go into a quantum account - and that that account is NOT an interest bearing account. It’s too big to begin with, what you'll do is move some funds on day one we're going to exchange into the primary Wells account – and that amount would earn interest -
The last time we talked I believe it was 6.45 % annual percentage - yearly – and that could change – it’s been lower than that – We're interesting numbers probably four or 5% Annual Percentage yearly. Why? And that will change
By the way, the conference call - that was Tuesday morning includes all of North America which is Canada, US and Mexico is North America - This one was 18,000 people on this call. Took 37 minutes for everybody to log in - and The call went almost 3 hours - So I don't know Still though they don’t want us to know - what everything they talked about
We thought they were deciding on whether to go Wednesday, Thursday - Friday for a release time. came to find out yesterday. not really the case. They did not give everybody who were on the call. All banks all redemption, and the banks, it was the managers of the banks and the owners of the banks presidents of the banks - and included all staff for redemption centers, leaders and staff members 18,000 people - It's a pretty good conference call. So they had that -
But what did they discuss? I don’t know - what all they discuss.
But I know they were trying to discuss roughly when it was gonna come out, but they still don't have fixed dates. And that's why I was thrilled to get information that says this would happen over this weekend. So that's very good news for us. I'm excited about that. And that would include bondholders and us in tier three and tier four for a tier 4A and tier 4B -
Beyond that -- Let's see if there's anything else to describe to you. So that's pretty much what I will share with you guys today. I'm looking forward to the exchanges. I'm looking forward to the R&R I am looking forward to an increase in Social Security. And we'll see what we have to talk about but that you know this is gonna be a big month. We're going to have announcements.
Wire before the 11th which is a week from tonight. Well, let's see how this comes about. You know, we've had political change talked about a long time we've been pushed, you know, on it several times. So, hang in there and say this and look forward to it. I'm looking for and I really want everybody to enjoy here and have a beautiful wonderful joyous 2024
We appreciate everybody that stayed with us all Right, But let's let's just all say positive belief for this to happen. According to this intel. Everybody have a great night
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-4-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:20:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-2-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-28-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 53:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-26-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-21-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-19-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-14-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57::00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-12-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-7-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 22:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-5-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:28:18
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-2-24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-2-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight, it is Tuesday January 2, 2024. I didn't think we were gonna get here. Didn't think we're gonna have a new call in our 13th year of the big call. And - but here we are. So, you know things come every day to me that surprised me a little bit - and that's one thing that is a surprise. Yes, I was told I wouldn't - that Thursday would be my last call – didn’t expected me to have to do a call tonight. I get I get it - but I've been told that probably five or six times now
So, I have to take that with a grain of salt and say let's just see what happens. We have to lift this manifest in our lives - let this come through. And I'll address that a little bit more in the Intel segments.
All right, so hang in there. Welcome and Happy New Year to everybody within the sound of my voice - big call universe, Happy New Year and hopefully everybody had a decent New Years and a decent Christmas - it wasn't as good as we thought it would be. That's for sure. But I hope you guys have the endurance in the faith with this and stay in the game. And, you know, hang in there with us because that's what we're gonna do we're gonna hang in there until this thing manifests
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-2-24
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight, it is Tuesday January 2, 2024. I didn't think we were gonna get here. Didn't think we're gonna have a new call in our 13th year of the big call. And - but here we are. So, you know things come every day to me that surprised me a little bit - and that's one thing that is a surprise. Yes, I was told I wouldn't - that Thursday would be my last call – didn’t expected me to have to do a call tonight. I get I get it - but I've been told that probably five or six times now
So, I have to take that with a grain of salt and say let's just see what happens. We have to lift this manifest in our lives - let this come through. And I'll address that a little bit more in the Intel segments.
All right, so hang in there. Welcome and Happy New Year to everybody within the sound of my voice - big call universe, Happy New Year and hopefully everybody had a decent New Years and a decent Christmas - it wasn't as good as we thought it would be. That's for sure. But I hope you guys have the endurance in the faith with this and stay in the game. And, you know, hang in there with us because that's what we're gonna do we're gonna hang in there until this thing manifests
All right, guys, let's talk about it. I told you briefly that you know, things obviously change, sometimes from hour to hour - Sometimes day to day. We had the anticipation even on Thursday's call when I get an Intel call in the middle of Sue’s segment, which is what happened - and I took it and then adjusted my Intel to say we should be notified on either Monday, the first or today.
It was like Monday or Today, I think by noon, at least that's what I had by Saturday and Sunday, but neither one happened – so we kind of go what happened? What exactly transpired or what didn't transpire so that didn't happen? And the only thing we got, this was last night by 11 o'clock I got a call that said the Treasury, US Treasury was going to send out an email to all banks and redemption centers - all banks and redemption centers at 10am Eastern – this morning .
I have to assume that happened. However, we don't know what was in the email. We never got a report back from anybody that said what the email said. I would be guessing if I tried to tell you all I believe is that it probably dealt with the setting of our appointments and maybe the start of our exchanges.
Now, since 11’oclock last night, we've got little bits and pieces of things. We've had a little bit of clarification. There was some chatter out there. about the world court and maybe the language of the RV needed to be put into common law from the other type of law even under But we did find out today that anything regarding the language was all done by New Year's Eve. That part was handled.
That part was handled – that part is done - when we talk to people like the southeastern regional manager of Wells Fargo and certain other people they say everything is done. everything's done.
We don't know why it hasn't happened. And when you get that from your top banking sources, that you really haven't heard what that email was - it tends to make us believe - Yes, we're super close, but we still don't know exactly when it's gonna go.
So I think another - another piece of information I got was from a bond paymaster that has connections with Miami, Reno - Geneva - and he said, regarding the bondholders that they expect them to have access to liquidity tomorrow and or Thursday.
So tomorrow, and Thursday - And the same paymaster says he expected tier 4B to also be receiving their notifications in that same timeframe.
So - where I hate the idea of telling you guys probably tomorrow or next day - you know, I don't like saying that. but if that's what I'm getting from some of the higher more credible sources, then I have to go with it now and let you know that.
So it could very well be that instead of today – we get notified tomorrow and exchange on Thursday. I have to consider that a possibility. I don't think we're expecting to wait on other things to manifest.
Even though there are things happening politically there are things happening - I can't even tell you everything that is happening, things that are happening out there. And the other thing we did here was that we expect the announcement like NESARA and GESARA - our new USN currency gold backed, et cetera. Et cetera, all these little announcements that we're looking for. We're expecting them to happen on January 11 or before -- on the 11th of January or before.
Well, this is before and I think we will get some of those between now and the 11th. And possibly, we'll we'll do a grand finale of a major announcement on the 11th. But I and I've asked this question of my sources, and they're indicating that no, we don't have to wait until the 11th to go that everything is ready to go Now.
We just have to get the green light from Treasury to get started and get these numbers out to us.
So I wouldn't be surprised if they came out tomorrow. And I wouldn't be surprised if we just set appointments tomorrow and started Thursday. So you know, this is one of these where I don't have them telling me that exactly. But that seems to be the direction we're going in. We know every day that goes by which is one day closer and the fact we didn't get notified today and get our toll free numbers and set our appointments - It indicates that we're close - But are we waiting on anything else to happen?
That's the big question. That's what I'm not getting. The fact that we may have to wait on anything else to happen because several sources are telling me that everything is done.
Now one bank is not even involved in the zim, just involved in the other currencies, is suggesting Wednesday or Thursday for our exchanges. They may be right on the money Wednesday or Thursday. As soon as you guys all I can tell you is we didn't get it by the end of last year. We didn't get it before Christmas.
But I believe they want to get this done and out to us.
Trying to think what else relevant? Oh yeah, let's bring up Iraq. Now Iraq has already been doing exchanges at their new rate in the country of Iraq. They were told that on the first which was yesterday first of January, the US D or Fiat dollar is dead. It is no longer usable – it’s gone - they want them to completely transition to the new lower denominations of the Iraqi dinar and those are in the ATMs. They're in banks and in shops in Iraq. They're in the businesses and shops. They have a lower denomination center using them now.
The other thing that has not yet been released and this is where the ban - the ban on pulling out the Iraqi dinar rate internationally. We still seem to control that here from the States.
But we are hearing that that ban is supposed to come off tomorrow and which is great. That's Wednesday. Wednesday in Iraq.
So I think that's a really good sign. If that ban comes off and the dinar is rate is known internationally, and I think everything should be ready to go for us. We know that there are nine currencies. - Of all those currencies we talked about in the first basket there are nine that RE GOING UP in value.
And I can name them we know what they are OKAY - Most of you have some of you have more than others. They that is really good you know - I'll just run them down - obviously the Iraqi dinar - the Zimbabwe dollar – zim - The Indonesian rupiah - the Israeli shekels is one of them - the Afghani – obviously the Vietnam Dong of course - Venezuelan bolivar - there are probably forgetting one or two that are if I did seven or eight or nine total that are going up in value.
The rest of the currencies - take the whole rest of them, Half of them approximately will stay the same - other half will go down slightly in value. So that's where we are on that -
So they are changing and how they are doing things a little bit, but I think it's all gonna come down very well for us. We need to get the toll free numbers to Set our appointments - and then we'll be off to the races - really looking very close.
So if you can hang in there a little bit longer – I hope - I think all of you can if you choose to, We might be right there. Right next to where we’re about to start
Now, I would say – look at the intel - okay - I see what you're saying, maybe this thing is close - Okay, that’s good – great – maybe we’re going soon - ok great –
In the meantime – you stay with your plan A, your current job – you continue to work with that - you can know that this plan B might be a blessing when it comes in - it will come in
I don't think it's going to be too much longer. I really don't. Well let's wait to see what happens. That's sort of where we are. We need to do that. And stay in faith for it . Continue thinking positively about believing in this happening for us, because it will happen and there's probably a bunch of things I'm not mentioning that we've talked about this but I'm still excited by what happened by now but it hasn't so I wouldn't do stay with it and allow it to come in to us and allow us to be right to redeem our zim and exchange.So in the meantime do that say with your plan a continue to just be in faith for this
.So let's do this. Let's go ahead and pray the call out. Let's see what if something manifests to us tomorrow. We'll see what happens.
Well, God bless you guys. Have a great one. we'll see what happens in the next few days. Obviously, if we don't have numbers, by Thursday, we'll have a call. All right. God bless you guys have a wonderful night. Amen. And amen.
Well, God bless you guys. Have a great one. we'll see what happens in the next few days. Obviously, if we don't have numbers, by Thursday, we'll have a call. All right. God bless you guys have a wonderful night. Amen. And amen. Amen and Amen.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-2-24 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-28-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 53:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-26-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-21-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-19-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-14-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57::00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-12-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-7-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 22:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-5-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:28:18
*Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-30-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:20:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-28-23
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-28-23
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody the big call tonight it is Thursday, December 28th and you're listening to the big call. Thank you wherever you're tuned in from wherever you are, possibly out in as many as 200 countries in big call universe. And kudos to the SAT team, the satellite team that is getting this call transmitted out, tracking it, sending it out to my goodness with as many as what 24 to 28 million listeners on the big call internationally globally, not including free conference call.
So, hopefully tonight is that night, because I've been told by one of our intel sources that this should be Bruce's last big call. This should be the finale. So we'll just see. Well, what Wait, wait and see about this. But anyway, I'm feeling pretty good about it. But let's do this. So anything else before the Intel Bob? No, that's it for tonight. Oh, thank you. All right, great.
All right. Well, hopefully we'll finish up a little early tonight. I've got a little bit of Intel to give you. And let's start with what Jeanne mentioned earlier tonight, when she was talking about R&R, which is my short term for restitution and reclamation allowance. The R&R those funds that we'll be getting back will start at the end the first week of January.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-28-23
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody the big call tonight it is Thursday, December 28th and you're listening to the big call. Thank you wherever you're tuned in from wherever you are, possibly out in as many as 200 countries in big call universe. And kudos to the SAT team, the satellite team that is getting this call transmitted out, tracking it, sending it out to my goodness with as many as what 24 to 28 million listeners on the big call internationally globally, not including free conference call.
So, hopefully tonight is that night, because I've been told by one of our intel sources that this should be Bruce's last big call. This should be the finale. So we'll just see. Well, what Wait, wait and see about this. But anyway, I'm feeling pretty good about it. But let's do this. So anything else before the Intel Bob? No, that's it for tonight. Oh, thank you. All right, great.
All right. Well, hopefully we'll finish up a little early tonight. I've got a little bit of Intel to give you. And let's start with what Jeanne mentioned earlier tonight, when she was talking about R&R, which is my short term for restitution and reclamation allowance. The R&R those funds that we'll be getting back will start at the end the first week of January.
Previously, I said January 5, but it could be what six or seven? Toward the end of the first week of January is when that starts. And I don't know if it happens for everybody on the same day, or it takes several days would be my guess, several days of tranches to your personal accounts. So I look forward to start at the end of the first week in January that are in our restitution and reclamation allowance.
Now she also mentioned increases in Social Security. For those who are taking Social Security, starting at the age of 62. If you've elected to take it early, or whatever you're taking it if you're taking it, you will get an increase in January, and it's going to be significant.
Some people will be bumping up against five 5000 or $5,200. I think that's the top some of us will be bumping up against maybe 4000 a month Social Security but it's not going to be a whole lot a whole lot after we exchanged but it's nice to know that it's coming.
Alright, let's get back to what we're hearing from our sources. We have sources from the redemption center that we heard from today. That said, from what the redemption centers and there are over 10,000 redemption centers in the continental United States - over 10,000 - last count was something order of 10,200 that maybe more like 10,800 or whatever it is, they are ready for us.
And what's interesting to me, is that the number of let's just call them Treasury marshals – they are really, really working for the Treasury as a marshal In the redemption centers, and they are flying in and being driven to locations. Today, all over the country. This is where you're going to have no less than five, and no more than six - some threshold between five and six, US Treasury marshals at each redemption center - doing shifts - probably two shifts may be three shifts in some areas that will stay open later.
And remember I told you guys that we heard that, at least, at least some redemption Centers In Miami and Orlando will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week 24/7 - Now the same is true in Dallas, and in Houston, Texas. I don't know of any other parts of the country that will have that. But they will have some redemption centers. I don't know if it's everyone or just a few in those cities that will be able to 24/7 So obviously if you had six US Treasury marshals you would possibly spread those out over three shifts, 3 / 8 hour shifts, or whatever they do it - right - however they'll do it –
But the interesting thing was I didn't anticipate that. But that is additional that is something new, and we know people that are actually taking these US Treasury marshals up at the airport and taking them to the respective redemption centers. That's a real thing. That's been happening for days and especially having a big time starting today.
Well, what is that saying about our start? This same redemption center leader is saying there's a strong possibility that we could get notified tomorrow and exchange, starting on Saturday.
Still in this side of 2023, right. Tomorrow's Friday, the 29th and we could start exchanging on the 30th which would be Saturday.
That opinion was also shared by a Wells Fargo bond paymaster who has connections in Miami and also in Zurich and who knows however many other areas with the same almost the same language was shared by this paymaster that there's a good possibility a strong possibility that we would get notified tomorrow and start exchanges on Saturday.
Now those are two separate sources, getting pretty much the same information. Now I'm gonna cut to the last two sources that received a an email from the US Treasury today. That was met with my super Intel source about this and what was told to him was that the Friday Saturday could be applying to the bondholders in tier three and not to us, but rather than we would look yier 4B, we would look to receive emails on let's get the dates right to be on the first of January and then set our appointments on the first set the appointments for the second, which is second of January, I believe is Tuesday.
So that was the Monday - receiving notifications and Tuesday going in for our exchanges and redemptions of zim -in the beginning of 2024 - for you and I both like to have it tomorrow and Saturday – But the other two intel sources which are both very strong are talking about the first and second of January - Notified on the first - New Year's Day - starting on the next day, which is the second of January.
Remember what also happens over New Year's Eve night - that night - is the new USN currency goes into the ATMs - that night - so that on New Year's Day that new USN currency - our new currency is available at the ATMs On Monday, which is a bank holiday
So the first opportunity to get in the banks meaning for us to go into the banks, if we were so inclined would be on Tuesday the second -
Now according to these other individuals released sometime and then set appointmens for Tuesday - I like Friday/Saturday better guys. you know I do. I like Friday, Saturday a lot better. But let's just see what happens. This is one of those we got to wait and see what happens. We got to see what happens tomorrow and Saturday. And if we don't get anything we are pretty, pretty much assured starting Monday, and go on Tuesday for our exchanges.
And since we'd be going for our exchanges, there would not be a big call Tuesday night - unless we do a celebration call or something - In that case, we might just record it.
So we'll see – we’ll see what happens. But I want to say this has really been quite a 12 year stint and you realize that you realize what 28th 12 years ago is when we started the big call - if we cross over past midnight tonight, which we will we would have started a 13 year we would have just started a 13th year of the big call. But I don't think we're gonna get there. I'm going to say that’s cool we're not going to get there. we're not going to get to year 13 because we shouldn't have to do any more so just plan something else for your Tuesday and Thursday nights.
All right now that's what I wanted to say tonight. you've got the Intel you know what we're looking at. So let's pray the call out.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-28-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 53:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-26-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-21-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-19-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-14-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57::00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-12-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-7-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 22:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-5-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:28:18
*Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-30-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:20:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-26-23
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-21-23
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the day after Christmas - Welcome to the Big call. Welcome to boxing day as it were celebrated in the UK we're thrilled to be here after Christmas So welcome everybody. Today is Tuesday, December 26 are in fact listening to the big call. We're glad you're here. Thanks for coming in and everyone and let's go ahead and rate the call and then
If we get into where we're supposed to be on Intel, I can tell you this much. We thought we wou ld get our notifications mid morning today. This came from some pretty strong sources and we have, we did not receive it today. But I think I know why. It's not just because of boxing day, although that might have been a little bit of a factor. But I think it's more based on the fact that we did get rates on the bank screens that were not on the bank screens yet.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-26-23
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the day after Christmas - Welcome to the Big call. Welcome to boxing day as it were celebrated in the UK we're thrilled to be here after Christmas So welcome everybody. Today is Tuesday, December 26 are in fact listening to the big call. We're glad you're here. Thanks for coming in and everyone and let's go ahead and rate the call and then
If we get into where we're supposed to be on Intel, I can tell you this much. We thought we wou ld get our notifications mid morning today. This came from some pretty strong sources and we have, we did not receive it today. But I think I know why. It's not just because of boxing day, although that might have been a little bit of a factor. But I think it's more based on the fact that we did get rates on the bank screens that were not on the bank screens yet.
In fact, last Friday, after the last big call we did Thursday night, I found that the Iraqi dinar was on the redemption centers, screens not on the bank screens, not on the Forex - now the forex shuts down between 5 pm Friday, all the way to 5 pm Sunday. Eastern time – and open back up Sunday - Christmas Eve at five o'clock and we got some pretty good response that that had happened.
But some of the other rates are also going to show up and be traded on the forex starting at five o'clock on Sunday. And that's what's happened to get us to where we are today. Because right now, today, we had screen rates at the banks. We didn't get the rates at the redemption centers today, but we did get the rates at the bank. and of all of those currencies that are going up in value - Most of them are in a range - Very nice range.
And they'll settle in between four and seven. Four and seven is where they're going to settle in. Now the dinar is much higher, and even on even on the bank screens, it's much higher and the Dong may be maybe higher as well as some of the general currencies like the Indonesian rupiah - the Afgahni - the Venezuelan Bolivar - I believe the shekel was really shackled.
And there are a number of other currencies that will fall in the four seven range because that's populating now. – with blinking lights on the bank screens today. Not all the rates have populated - they’re trading up for filling in the blinking. But it all shows that I believe that's why we didn't get started yet. I believe they're looking for these rates to come up and trade up and settle in a little bit more
Now we heard from our bond paymasters, one of the bond paymasters, we spoke earlier today said that he expects the bond notifications to the bond holders to give them access to their funds – would come out overnight tonight. it might show up tomorrow.
We've also heard from let's call it US Treasury Marshal that we expect tomorrow to be significant. We talked to him earlier today and I lunchtime. He was indicating that we should have the. we should have this RV happening within about 24 hours - instead of today is pointing more towards tomorrow. At least for our notifications.
That's a good thing. Because we went most of the day without knowing quite what was happening because we had our indication was looking really good and we get notified before lunch today. And that did not happen. But tomorrow many different matter entirely. I'm hoping it is I don't know you guys are too –
We did not get As you know we did not get this before Christmas as was the desire. It just didn't happen. And it looks like we should be in a position to get this Any day. now. Could you tomorrow could be Thursday, I believe, tomorrow is looking very good for us.
Beyond that, everything for the shotgun start. We are hearing very good things about the start being moral for not only us but also the intermediaries, those fines interest and penalties. The adjudicated settlements like CMK X, all of that stuff. The farm claims – Indian claims, ranch claims - all of that stuff is supposed to come out within 12 hours of each other - meaning with us – bond holders tier three – admirals groups - for a US into tier 4B - all of that it's about within about 12 hours of each other.
So we don't know what's going to happen. Firstly, maybe overnight tonight, with bondholders getting emails access to funds, and that's what I believe will take place.
The other thing is Christmas and Easter time - the Saint Germain trust they're supposed to open and that happened we heard about this yesterday - Christmas Day - that the St. Germain trust would open and that funding for St. Germain would go out internationally, not to the central banks because they're all done away with but replaced the central banks and all those international countries is their own treasuries or their own main treasury bank -. But the Federal Reserve is basically dead - the remnant of the Fed has been led into the US Treasury. And so, what we have coming to us was the Rodrigues trust -bottomless trust that pours out and was pouring into our US Treasury.
And so that's a good sign. That was few days ago, that took place probably Friday, Saturday, and that may be may have occurred, those tranches from those trusts may have already heard we have those already. But now we're looking for The green light, essentially, things that green light from the Treasury That says go to everything from the admirals’ groups - to intermediaries - to prosperity packages to us into tier 4B.
So I think that is what treasury was just waiting for all those rates wobbly - And for the blinking rates to stop blinking for everything to be a go.
Now, I think I've mentioned last Thursday, but you know when you need to get our new USN physical currency in the ATMs, New Year's Eve night, or New Year's Eve - andis supposed to be in the ATM’s, ready to go for New Year's Day. That's our new currency.
And we're supposed to have it in the banks, rich people, everyday people going into the banks. They'll be able to pick it up on January 2. Okay, we should be Tuesday right? To get at least one today.
So we're not as concerned about that. Because we're concerned about getting the actual redemption center started for us. Redemption center appointments started by the 800 number, which is going to be kicked off with the emails from the Wells Fargo servers to us.
And I know that Saturday and Sunday that was Sunday, which was Christmas Eve. The redemptions?
We were going to the servers and tested emails for them to get ready to be loaded again and released. So that has already happened.
And now as a matter of going through it, once the Treasury gives the green light to start - then we're underway. That's pretty much where we stand right now.
Rates populating up on the bank screens - We know they should be on the redemption center screens, right so the back strings are going to be good, but redemption center. rates will be better for us. President Trump set that up for that to happen. That will be pace moving forward so that's all I had to say tonight,
Yep let's just see if tomorrow works out to be what we were getting from the US Treasury Marshal Today. They suggested that we would get it within 24 hours is what he anticipated and that within itself around lunchtime today. So let's say it's going to pray the call out and see what develops overnight, and tomorrow.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-26-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:09:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-21-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-19-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-14-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57::00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-12-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-7-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 22:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-5-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:28:18
*Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-30-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:20:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-21-23
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-21-23
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call. It is Thursday December 21st. It's the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. And as we move from today on we gain one minute of daylight every day. Hopefully Bob will let me know when daylight savings time starts this next year 2024.
All right, so welcome everybody all over the globe. I didn’t get the numbers to see how far we went out last Tuesday and the previous Thursday. I might still get them while I'm on the call. But right now I don't happen to know how many people we actually reached – but we are reaching around the globe and trying to hit around 200 countries in the last week or so. So we'll see what we get on that. In the meantime, welcome, everyone, to the big call. And thank you for listening. No we didn’t expect to be doing a call tonight but we are and and so far, it's not a celebration call but a pre celebration call. So thank you for tuning in. Thank you for listening. Let's pray the call in
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-21-23
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call. It is Thursday December 21st. It's the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. And as we move from today on we gain one minute of daylight every day. Hopefully Bob will let me know when daylight savings time starts this next year 2024.
All right, so welcome everybody all over the globe. I didn’t get the numbers to see how far we went out last Tuesday and the previous Thursday. I might still get them while I'm on the call. But right now I don't happen to know how many people we actually reached – but we are reaching around the globe and trying to hit around 200 countries in the last week or so. So we'll see what we get on that. In the meantime, welcome, everyone, to the big call. And thank you for listening. No we didn’t expect to be doing a call tonight but we are and and so far, it's not a celebration call but a pre celebration call. So thank you for tuning in. Thank you for listening. Let's pray the call in
Let's do this. Let's go into the intel and let’s talk about it – see where we are -- first of all we were told a couple of weeks ago that we are expecting to receive this RV - our blessing - before Christmas and as far as we know, that is still the plan – and I know we only have three exchange days before Christmas – Friday - Saturday and Sunday. And yes if we get started Friday or Saturday, we will go through on Sunday, - I don’t believe it will start on Sunday - but I believe we could start tomorrow or Saturday
And I will tell you why I say that - the intel segment does not need to be really long tonight -
It's as simple as this - there was a conference call this morning at nine o'clock until 9:45 am Eastern time - and it was between we believe it was Treasury - although that was not confirmed. But I believe it was with Treasury and with the leaders of the redemption centers. We have over 7000 redemption centers in the US.
And this call was a 45 minute call. So it wasn't super long. But the outcome of the call was this - there was a 98% chance of us going in before Christmas - 98% chance that this will go and that would be between now and Christmas or before Christmas which would be Sunday.
Today's Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. We've got three days of possible exchange right now - Before Christmas.
Would they use Friday, Saturday, Sunday? Certainly. Absolutely. They could Another source when I asked the posed that question , Could we be exchanging before Christmas? He did say yes.
So this is something that we need to hold by faith and believe for but that I believe it is definitely possible. And it is definitely something that we want to happen
We know that the increase in Social Security will start in January - we know that the restitution and reclamational allowance will start after January 5 Or on the fifth and beyond that in the month of January.
So that's something we can also look forward to. But really we're looking forward to getting these exchanges done.
And if it holds up, get them done before Christmas. Praise God. That's what will be our benefit. We’ll enjoy that.
We really thought based on the Intel we had. we were pointing to today being a bang up day - And we should have at least gotten notified and maybe started exchanges but we didn't today So, I'm going by the redemption center leader that we talked to very briefly That said there's a 98% chance of us exchanging before Christmas. So let's take that and let's hope that the 98% becomes 100% For us
Beyond that – there are some political things that are still going on - don’t worry about what you heard about in Colorado – it’s a non point – it’s not a real thing - it has no weight what so ever – don’t worry about it
So – that’s what I wanted to bring tonight – is to keep hope alive – lets continue to believe for this to manifest
Awfully tight. It's awfully close to three days to exchange before Christmas. But the best information we had so far, and it was late this afternoon when we got it Was it that's when That's when 98% Wanting to be able to call was with whether it was treasury or whether it was only with Wells. – I believe it was the Treasury - was voting treasury was giving a 98% chance of going before Christmas. Let's hold on that -
Let’s believe for that. But that's why I wanted to mention tonight. Remember the sale on boomers is buy one get one free on 10 different products. So check that out. And everybody have and plan to have a wonderful Christmas, and next to that a, very beautiful and safe year
That's why I wanted to bring to you tonight. Thank you guys for listening, all over the globe. Big Call Universe we refer to you. Thank you for that. And let's go ahead and pray the call out now,
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-21-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-19-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-14-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57::00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-12-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-7-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 22:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-5-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:28:18
*Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-30-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:20:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-28-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-19-23
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-19-23
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, December 19th and you're listening to the big call. Christmas is six days away. Wow. Welcome everybody tonight to the call. We're excited to be here to share with you what information and intel we have.
And hopefully, you guys are all getting prepared for quite a bit to happen this week - still this week. So, without further ado, let's go ahead and pray the call in.
Let's just go into the Intel for right now, where we are because we did get some attention in the last several days. That is pointing to a Tuesday / Wednesday start. We did not get a notification today. However, this information from this afternoon is talking about us getting notified late tonight. Which I'm going to scrub that as overnight tonight - Or by around 11 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Now if we get notified overnight with emails, my gut is in the early morning or before 11 Tomorrow, then guess what?
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-19-23
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, December 19th and you're listening to the big call. Christmas is six days away. Wow. Welcome everybody tonight to the call. We're excited to be here to share with you what information and intel we have.
And hopefully, you guys are all getting prepared for quite a bit to happen this week - still this week. So, without further ado, let's go ahead and pray the call in.
Let's just go into the Intel for right now, where we are because we did get some attention in the last several days. That is pointing to a Tuesday / Wednesday start. We did not get a notification today. However, this information from this afternoon is talking about us getting notified late tonight. Which I'm going to scrub that as overnight tonight - Or by around 11 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Now if we get notified overnight with emails, my gut is in the early morning or before 11 Tomorrow, then guess what?
We hope that the redemption centers are fully staffed so that we can call the call center with the 800 number that will be in our email and then we can set our appointments quite possibly start tomorrow afternoon. Think that's very much in play. And if we didn't get to start tomorrow for some reason, Thursday would obviously be in play. They want this blessing to go to come to us before Christmas this year. 2023 Christmas. That's the goal. That's the plan.
And I believe even though we're only six days from Christmas I believe we still we'll get this done this week and get the toll free numbers out to us which will be an 800 number I guess. And then we've all set our appointment and then about two hours later, the first appointments will be available - 30 minute appointments with 10 minutes after each appointment has the time to reset computers, reset delarue machines and get for the next person to come in.
They want to be in and out of there like yesterday, especially Zim holders, Zim holders have priority. When you call in and I don't know exactly how it's gonna work if it's automated to an extent. And then you get turned over to a live person. I believe that will be the case. They'll connect you - redirect your call redemption center that you've indicated by your zip code. Once your zip code is known they know Okay, let's see where this person wants to do his or her redemption of zim and exchange of currencies.
Okay, so everything is set to go. Redemption centers are fully trained and ready, they've been making. Let me tell you what they've been doing in the last few days. Why? Like Saturday/ Sunday.
They've been moving our new USN into place at both redemption centers and banks.
Now here's how it's gonna work.
Our new USN currency – our folding new money that replaces the USD will actually go into the ATMs on New Year's Eve night.
Let's call it New Year's Eve because that's what it is. While we're watching Dick Clark's New Year's Eve or celebrating with a loved one or whatever you're celebrating New years this year - It could be way different for them to have ever celebrated before.
While that's happening the new USN will be going into the ATMs so that when you leave switching on and off and on change the software - software will take care of it. So when you go if you were to go, and I'm not suggesting that we do this, but if you were to go and get some cash out of the ATM on New Year's Day when the banks are closed, it should be there ready for you to get the new USN currency.
Otherwise, you have to wait to go into the bank on the second of January and that will be in the banks will be open after the first of January which is New Year's Day which is a holiday. So the money will be transitioning. Starting New Year's Day and the ATMs and on the second of January in the banks.
Now, we plan to go running into the banks to get cash after the first year, no I don't think so. We're going to get up to $3,000 at the redemption centers when we go in for our redemption of Zim and currency exchanges.
But they will possibly give us a mix of USD and USN notes a mix of mixture a combination of the old money and the new and the new money is going to be available as I said but the old US demons we have right now in our pockets or whatever will no longer be used after the 20th of February.
So we get to the 20th of February to get rid of all that USD when you've got on your mattress or in cans out in the yard or wherever you stored in USD currency - spend it - deposit it - get rid of it by the 20th of February because just the new money will be gone combination of USD and USN at the redemption center if we want some cash, don't get it if you don't want any of us getting more than that - if you're if you liked to have a little cash around gp ead and get some – up tp about 3,000 - now they want us to read more than 3000 bucks because they don't want us to get picked off – or hijacked - or whatever -you know by having cash. Too much cash.
You will have a debit card in your exchange a quantum card which you don't use for anything but moving funds from the quantum financial system accounts into your primary or secondary Wells account.
That's your that's your wrap up. The USN has been traded globally for over two weeks now.
It's been traded it's out there okay. This is a digital format of the US in digital.
Let's see a question about Iraq. What kind of elections? I believe it was yesterday. And they have counted their votes. It's it's a three day process in Iraq. For elections. It's not a three year process like It is in the US with stolen elections and so on. But we'll cover that later.
What else is important right now is the timing of when we're supposed to go. I told you guys to be late, which should be I’m guessing overnight tonight. Or wake up to in the morning or get it by 11ish tomorrow before lunchtime. That's the latest information we have is to get it done. And then we started shooting on Wednesday because to what we talked about the past one of our Social Security contacts that works in a department the same day to where they're tired to having the wool pulled over their eyes.
So remember the information we had about October November December on for Social Security freezes and R & R. Well guess what? January is when the Social Security increase those 62 and older that are taking Social Security but if you're taking it now at age 62 and older, you'll get an increase somewhere in the vicinity of about three or $4,000 increase of what you're currently getting. It'd be good, very top Social Security recipients will be bumping 5000 - 5200 a month.
The very top that's the oldest people, ones that made the most pay them again, etc. All right. That's nice. We won't put it down. But here's the real news.
The Restitutional and reclamation allowance as additional reclamation allowance – R & R I call it the short the R & R is to start on the fifth of January. It doesn't mean it's going to be on the fifth or every but it's going to start around the fifth and it goes through various days throughout January for 62 and older. If you're getting Social Security will be a lump sum payment that made into your let's call it social security bank accounts where you're getting direct deposit, or your social, just get this R & R in say the same account.
Okay, wherever you're getting that now, if you're taking social and you're 62 and older, wherever you're getting that deposit that is first Wednesday. second Wednesday Thursday Wednesday. Wednesday, you're increasing in Social Security will happen on your moral Social Security day. But in our in our will be on off days it will not occur on or social security payment day.
And this will be a single lump sum payment for 62 owners. and it could be exchanges if you're a zim holder it's gonna seem like very small but if you're not, it's going to be a significant amount, especially if you're older.
You're 75 or 80 or eight less, you're almost the middle age at 85. You could get a whopping chunk, The nice and nice deposit in RNR. Now, if you're younger, it starts at the age of 30 a 32. Let's call it 61. that age group we believe is being handled. that may be in two different parts of the amount they’re due over two years - H 30 to 58 /50 61.
I don't know. No Contact wasn't absolute about it - The latest thing that we have is we're expecting those young people 30 To 50 to 61 to get paid to them over two years time, but paid out every month would be what payments of the amount that they're due over two years and with the requisite that they don't quit their current job. If they have a job and if they don't have a job that they get a job.
They won't be hard to find jobs. Believe me we've got a lot of need for people that will work with us on our projects that will do a number of cool work opportunities so if you're young, you’re listening to this call - think in terms of continued working. But this would be a nice piece of change to get every month for two years. Really nice.
And of course the older you are, the higher it is the younger you are the lower it is. Okay. And of course if you're 62 and older you're gonna get a one payment lump sum starting the week of let's call it January 5. and beyond in January should be paid fully in January.
So this is going to be quite a 2024 New Year.
Alright, so we know roughly when we're expecting to be notified.
We know when we expect to start exchanges. We know it's going to be before Christmas, but that's what we've been told which is 6 days away. We probably will skip over Christmas Day as far as redemption centers. I would think they'll take that day off, and I think they'll probably stay open the 26 – 27 – 28 – 29 or 30th and possibly 31st of December until maybe six or eight o'clock in the night.
Probably won't be open to 10 o’clock. but probably stay open till five or six, seven o'clock.
And then if they need If they need to which some areas will not be that long. some demographics will only be about five or six days to the open and redemption center zone.
Some areas why like Houston, Dallas, I'm gonna throw in Fort Worth but I don't know. Houston, Dallas, Miami, Orlando, Florida will have redemption centers they'll be open 24/7 around the clock that many Zim holders in Florida, that many in Texas, that they want to make sure those guys get in there - ASAP
They really do want to get them in right away.
And that's going to be good.
Doesn't mean you have to go to those centers. Don't get me wrong. There are over 7000 redemption centers throughout the United States. And I'm meaning mainly continental US.
They'll have some in Alaska, they'll have some in Hawaii. Don't worry, they'll have something there for you to do
And then of course most of us are in the upper and lower 48 states and there are redemption centers about 12 or 1300 in Canada. Oh, don't worry Canada
Your lead bank in Canada, HSBC, our bank - Stay side here is Wells Fargo. They will be the top dog - in Canada it will be HSBC working with Scotia Bank to merge with Royal Bank of Canada.
In Mexico and Latin America. You have Banco Santander, (????? Spelling) which is a tier one bank. They are top bank and also HSBC if they apply if they're if they're there - generally speaking internationally HSBC is going to be your bank internationally
I cannot say that you guys that are in other parts of the world that are hearing this call are going to be using the 800 number.
Because you're going to need to use your redemption centers as they apply or HSBC, or the larger major currency banks who like ANZ Bank, Australia, New Zealand bank and Australia downunder just gonna have to tune into those.
I don't even think our 800 number call centers are going to know which banks to recommend outside of United States and Canada - I don't know that they would know that. And I don't know that except to say what I just told you. So we have to go with that.
The best rates are available only at bonafide redemption centers in the United States for United States citizens. Highest rates are on redemption center screens NOT on the bank screens – I have told you this two or three times already. Just have to tell you again so you would know - that I think we're ready for the most part.
Is this our last call question mark? I hope so. No offense - but I really hope we get these numbers. We get started on exchanges. tomorrow or Thursday. Hopefully tomorrow. afternoon. And we basically are getting ready for Christmas. And then to do to get ready.
Let's see. There was one other question. Yes, there was one of the questions that was brought up in the earlier part of the call.
And it was about traveling with currency – Now - Some of you are driving. Some of you are flying. Our hope is that we get exchanged before you travel for Christmas. Some of you guys I know are traveling now or tomorrow maybe heading out – hey you may be flying in. Whatever it is Christmas is actually on Monday Christmas Eve is Sunday.
A lot of families are having their celebrations Sunday and some are doing individual celebrations with other families on Monday. So what I highly recommend is that you plan on doing you exchanges before you hit the road or before you fly. It is not supposed to be a problem to fly with currency but let me tell you, if you flew with a duffel bag of currency, even if it's fully legit, even it if it's new Iraqi dinar or even if it's Zim or if it's whatever it is, Venezuelan Bolivar whatever it is, you know Vietnamese Dong whatever it is, I would probably advise against this flying with a duffle bag of anything except dirty clothes
But really, really, I'm believing and hoping that we have these exchanges done before Christmas. It's theoretically - when the value of all the currencies change, and you have it in your possession you're traveling with way more than $10,000 US worth of currency - I think TSA is aware that people have currency and are going to be exchanging but I would personally wouldn’t risk it flying with it -If it's larger than an envelope that envelope you put inside - You know your carry on - I certainly don't think that I would work necessarily.
Anyway, guys, let's just believe and get this thing done. And then you travel for Christmas because you don't really want to travel and exchange in a foreign country that you're not familiar with. It's up to you guys. It's totally up to you. You have to make that decision based on the best information and I'm hoping that we get what we're looking for tomorrow by around 11 o'clock in the morning with numbers and get this change and it's only 30 minutes out of your life. Get it done.
Get on get on a plane after you have your debit / credit card. You've got new accounts with Wells. You've got your sat phone, Q-phone - your two phone if you've been programmed, whatever you want to do that Christmas present yourself and then read through the two pages of perks that the banks want to give us - just remember, your best rates are gonna be on the redemption center screens using 800 Number, period end of story
So listen guys that’s what I wanted to share with you - lets look forward to the next couple of days - have a wonderful Merry Christmas, and maybe the best Christmas we’ve ever had - as well as the bestr opportunity for a really joyous 2024 new year.
So lets pray the call out - Thank you everybody - Have a great weekend
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-19-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-14-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57::00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-12-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-7-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 22:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-5-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:28:18
*Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-30-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:20:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-28-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-14-23
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-14-23
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It's Thursday, December 14th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in. Again, thank you sat team for getting all out all around the globe.
People are getting it and hearing it in their own language in about three seconds after I say it so that's really terrific technology. Thank you sat team for putting that together - getting it out there for everybody. Everybody else that's hearing me in English on free conference call - Welcome. Thank you for coming in again.
Let's go into some intel. Let's see what we have tonight. Now I received some information yesterday from a trusted source that gave us kind of a window that took us all the way to Sunday.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-14-23
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It's Thursday, December 14th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in. Again, thank you sat team for getting all out all around the globe.
People are getting it and hearing it in their own language in about three seconds after I say it so that's really terrific technology. Thank you sat team for putting that together - getting it out there for everybody. Everybody else that's hearing me in English on free conference call - Welcome. Thank you for coming in again.
Let's go into some intel. Let's see what we have tonight. Now I received some information yesterday from a trusted source that gave us kind of a window that took us all the way to Sunday.
Between anytime - you can go anytime between now and Sunday, which is the 17th - I thought all right. Okay, good. Then we get something else today that extends it for a couple of days. There's no it's more likely to be between now and Tuesday the 19th.
I thought all right. Okay, two days we can live with two days. All right. Then on this call tonight, which was good intel from a very trusted source and a treasury representative. We're talking we're really looking at us to be notified on Monday.
Which is the 18th and exchange on the 19th if I have my dates right. Monday into Tuesday is what looks like is going to happen to tier 4B - that's us. The Internet Group – the bond holders - I said 16,000 can see the funds in their account, but they don't have access to it yet.
It looks like they will gain access to those funds Sunday and Monday - and bondholders will be paid out all the way through and through and beyond Christmas. It ought to be close They ought to be done pretty much by Christmas. We - that start let's say - Monday with notifications - Tuesday with exchanges. - I think we will go through Christmas.
I believe the redemption centers will take Christmas day off, which is the date which is Monday the 25th and I believe they'll leapfrog over it and they'll continue on 26 all the way through the end of the month.
That's what I forecast will happen with the redemption centers. But they did say they intend to get the started before Christmas and it looks like that's what is going to happen.
We just need to let those email notifications from Fargo servers come into us with the toll free number and that this point we're hearing that will happen on Monday.
And today's Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, four days away. We should get her notifications and then set appointments and start on Tuesday. That is the plan as it has been laid out to me.
So you have basically that's what we're looking for. When are we going to start? When are the numbers going to come out? When are we going to center appointments and when are we going to start exchanges that covers the majority of everything that we are looking forward to hearing.
And when you have a window that is three or four days and you have another window, extending it two more days and now you have basically the time given for expecting it through the redemption centers. And I think we're good to go
Now realize this. The Redemption center rates on their screens will be the best rates available they will be the best rates if you try to just say well, I'm just gonna go to this small mom and pop bank - You're not gonna get the big rates. You're not gonna get the rates that President Trump wants us to have
So even if you're only a dinar or dong holder, you don't have zim still call the toll free number because the races you'll get on those currencies will be the highest as well. And there's a vast difference between the redemption center screen rates and that of the banks. Even the tier one banks are not a match up.
They just aren’t - our guys at the redemption centers see all the rates on all screens. And they know what the bank rates are. They know what all the rates are and we get a review of those from time to time just to keep us up to speed.
So what you want to do is you want to get the best available rates. We know we've got new NDAs probably two page I think two page NDAs there is that 55 page booklet of who not to give money to if you do you're most likely have your funds seizes - the funds will be frozen and quite possibly seized - they're going to tell you who don't you give it to who not to give it to so you better take a good look at that booklet before you start giving money away
Today is Thursday. We're looking to get notified Monday should be our last call, as far as we can tell. And don't be dissuaded by certain things that you might read online.
Because I can tell you this is pretty solid. Now did we think it was going to happen by now? By today or by the 15th? Yeah, we did.
But I know that they're still in the midst of doing cleanup, and getting everything ready. They're even through the point now where they're going through redemption center staff to make sure they're all playing, doing the right thing. And they have had some hiccups in that area yesterday. So they're ready for us I believe. I believe political change is coming. Possibly by the weekend. We’ll see and stay in prayer for that -
Otherwise, I'm gonna say Merry Christmas everybody. And we will definitely catch you on the other side.
So we're going to be in touch with you able to do so if we have your email address. We will let you know when we have a podcast, a special call to update you on our projects, how you can participate. What that's going to look like.
Let's do get through Christmas and New Year's holiday and through Hanukkah. And let's get through the other side and we will be in touch with you. That's what I have to say tonight. everybody. Thank you for listening Let's go ahead and pray the call out.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-14-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 57::00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-12-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-7-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 22:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-5-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:28:18
*Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-30-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:20:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-28-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-21-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:11
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-16-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:08:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-14-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:15:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-9-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:26
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-12-23
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-12-23
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, December 12th and you're listening to the big call. I'm glad to be back physically and every other way on the big call tonight, looking forward to having a nice short call tonight. Nice short call. And so let's do this. As you guys know, we welcome everybody for wherever they are around the globe. There's a pretty good chance out today of getting the call out all around the globe thank you to our Starlite Team - as our team that is working with the satellites, the starlink satellite system. Thank you, sat team for helping us to do that to get the word out.
All right, that sounds good, Bob, thanks so much for that look alright let's cut to Intel. Today is the 12 days we're only 13 days or less than two weeks away from Christmas. Now they had said that we should have this blessing, prior to Christmas.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-12-23
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, December 12th and you're listening to the big call. I'm glad to be back physically and every other way on the big call tonight, looking forward to having a nice short call tonight. Nice short call. And so let's do this. As you guys know, we welcome everybody for wherever they are around the globe. There's a pretty good chance out today of getting the call out all around the globe thank you to our Starlite Team - as our team that is working with the satellites, the starlink satellite system. Thank you, sat team for helping us to do that to get the word out.
All right, that sounds good, Bob, thanks so much for that look alright let's cut to Intel. Today is the 12 days we're only 13 days or less than two weeks away from Christmas. Now they had said that we should have this blessing, prior to Christmas.
I believe they are Right I believe that's going to happen sooner than Christmas. Everything that we're getting yesterday and today is pointing toward this happening - Very soon, based on what information we got yesterday from Treasury to the redemption centers - we have schedules for the next eight or nine days in most jurisdictions. Some will go longer some will go actually shorter because there's not as many zim holders in certain parts of the country as there are in others - that's gonna be the criteria for keeping the centers open for as long as they need to
When the redemption of the zim is complete – they think they know who has the zim -- they believe they know who has all the currencies, except what they don't know is who gave them to other people that they're not sure of - they'll find that stragglers come in with one or two notes to exchange .
We're hearing is pointing toward like the very last steps being taken place now at redemption centers for identification of staff people with their pictures and their biometric fingerprints and the new NDA and all of that stuff. All that has been happening for the last two days and should complete It should be completed. Anytime now.
If that's the case, which we believe it will be - If that's the case, we should have our notifications coming out sometime tomorrow, sometime Wednesday, with the likelihood of setting appointments Thursday is very high,
I don’t know that we would start as early as tomorrow evening for exchanges – but I know that its likely that we would set appointments at least and start on Thursday – Thursday is the 14th and there’s been an effort to try to get all of this done on or by the 15th of December –
So we are right at the precipice of this happening and I think everything for the most part – I know we had a lot of the bad guys picked up that they wanted to have out that two days ago at least maybe three we were at 83% of who they wanted to have removed – so they probably still continuing to do that – and should do that a little bit longer –
Bondholders That’s over 16,000 bondholders that could see money in their account, are waiting for the final email, or text – or phone call to come to them – and say they have access to it -
They probably won't have access to either tomorrow or Thursday - one of those is my guess probably is Thursday - they have been waiting just like we have -
I know that things have moved for the admiral’s group forward since last week, almost a week of super whales were paid out. Whales were paid out – now may have held down to the rank and file the normal accounts in the admirals group – not quite sure what the protocols to be it should be really, running pretty closely really to what we are getting for us
I don’t think they are going to be that much ahead of us if at all. And we've got quite a few people still in tier four A – I mean tier 4 B - even though these are for be excuse me, the Internet Group even though we did clean up some people that needed to be clarified or removed from the group. Everything's moving forward though.
And I think we're looking at getting this done and having a wonderful Christmas moving into the new year with Prosperity. And I can’t tell you guys remake what we thought was a deadline on restitution reclamation allowance I was so called R & R or at least for the seniors the 62 and older. We were told to be between 7th and 13th .
I think that's cutting it a little close. Because Tomorrow is the 13th . So I'm not sure of that - so that's what we're going to try to find out before the call - but I could not to get that information clarified. So we just have to look at that and when it does.
But I think we're going to see blessing manifests here very shortly and I'm looking forward to that as you all are.
And I want to say I hope that everyone is prepared to move forward with the projects that they've that they worked on - the presentations that they've created, taking them to the redemption centers, I believe we will have all new non disclosure agreements, I believe they are going to be two pages and we'll see what happens with that.
I did hear we would be able to move a pretty significant amount of funds into our primary bank accounts from our quantum accounts, but I think we had, I believe we have some restriction of 1.6 billion into each LLC or structured structure that was tied to our bank account. And now I think they put that over to about 2 billion.
So if you had one or two LLC, you could move 4 billion into those two LLC accounts, the LLCs are named as the account for the bank and you can have multiple obviously multiple accounts for your different projects – I told you I already had four different LLCs already created for four different bank accounts for Wells. I'm going to use that. See how Wells Fargo does and we'll see I mean they're looking to get us in and out guys in 30 minutes or 30 Minutes or Less appointment, take 10 minutes to re group and refresh and do all that and then start another 30 minutes and get another person in. And so on - there could be two or three people at one time. But depending on the redemption center or demographic depending on how many staff people they have.
You could have three or four people working with your with you and getting your situation taken care of at one time. Three to four people probably do it and then you'd have a very short time. Five to eight minutes and I'm thinking probably closer to five minutes. If we're down to 30 minutes total to express your presentation is short, sweet way outline form so that you can get across the ideas that you have for the projects. That you want to do.
That is not five minutes per project that's five minutes total, for everything that you plan to do.
If you have five projects, you're gonna have maybe one day each, and I think we can do it. I know we can do it and obviously you know there's a lot to in 30 minutes, setting up one or two new bank accounts, your credit debit cards, getting your quantum card put together where you know how to use it, to move funds into your into your Wells Fargo primary account.
There's not a whole lot of time for you know, fuzzy type behavior here. It's gonna be you know, in and out, boom, you're done. You're out. I'm gonna give you a Q- phone if you‘re a Zim holder and if not forget it. Zim holders get priority. And then you take some cash if you want to – the new USD is supposed to be there in packets, probably a $500 a packet - Maybe it's more like 2500 but I don't think they want to spend a whole lot of cash, but just get a little cash looking at the notes and get out of there – celebrate it - don't make a big hoopla Don't be buying rounds of drinks at the bar. Be subtle about it -
Don't do any of that stuff guys. It's only gonna get the questions thrown up is who's that guy? Is that woman? Oh, she must be money. You don’t want them to know that -
Well, you want to keep this on the down low. Really do
I don't think it's wise to to even when you’re tipping - it should reasonably - be a good tipper. But don't be crazy about it. You can figure out ways to safely donate money, give to charitable causes. give to people one on one. All that you'll figure that out - You know after talking with your attorney, after talking with your family office, if they do get one created for you Wells Fargo, give that some thought that's really important.
But don't try to be a big shot. On day one or two after this goes. It Just won’t go well for you if you do -remember, you're going to be under a non disclosure agreement (NDA) at least 30 days if you’re a good person - 90 - 120 days if they don't suspect that you'll even keep your mouth shut. So whatever period of time you're in an NDA is considered your private personal business. Nobody needs to know that you are in what you've been driving and all that good stuff. They don't even know that.
Just saying that was the one that brought you there. All right now, that's really short and sweet, because I can bring it tonight. I really think if everything went according to plan tonight, we should be looking at numbers tomorrow – don’t know when – morning or afternoon - or whatever it is we will set an appointment. We'll go most likely Thursday. If we get them tomorrow
But that's what I wanted to say tonight - Let’s go ahead and pray the call out and we will go from there this is basically - this SHOULD - all things being equal – this should be our last call you guys - and the next communication you hear from us would be possibly a call that is pre recorded. Put on a link that you could click on it and play at home because I do not plan to do any more public calls.
Okay, this should be it for us - If we don't talk to you on the big call, between now and Christmas let me say Merry Christmas - Happy Hanukah to all of you, out there in big call universe. Thank you for listening Thank you for good stewards with this blessing.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-12-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:02:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-7-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 22:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-5-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:28:18
*Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-30-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:20:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-28-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-21-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:11
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-16-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:08:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-14-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:15:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-9-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:26
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-7-23
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-7-23
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody. Tonight. It is Thursday, December 7th and you're listening to the Big Call and you're listening to my voice cracking as I'm not feeling very well right now.
In fact, I'm not feeling well enough to where I'm going to go first with Intel after Sue does her teaching And I need to get some rest. Sorry I have to sound like this and hopefully I don't cough in the middle of my intel. But let's do this let's pray the call in. So let's do the Intel segment now. Then you can go into yours and Bob can go into his whichever way you guys want to do it. Okay the intel that we received today is as follows.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-7-23
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody. Tonight. It is Thursday, December 7th and you're listening to the Big Call and you're listening to my voice cracking as I'm not feeling very well right now.
In fact, I'm not feeling well enough to where I'm going to go first with Intel after Sue does her teaching And I need to get some rest. Sorry I have to sound like this and hopefully I don't cough in the middle of my intel. But let's do this let's pray the call in. So let's do the Intel segment now. Then you can go into yours and Bob can go into his whichever way you guys want to do it. Okay the intel that we received today is as follows.
We checked with one of the bondholders and he is saying okay, they get they have the funds in the Super Whales and the Whales with the big guys in tier 3. Those guys have the funds in their account. They can see it in their account but they have not had access to it yet - They're looking to get their money and receive notification by email that they can go ahead and spend those funds.
The regular bond holders let's say are not Whales but Super Whales were told today - that they're going to try to push it through at 2am in the morning, Tomorrow morning.
And evidently they had planned to do it this morning at 2am in the morning and were not able to get it done. I don't know why it just didn't go,
Now what we are looking for so called, final green light - from Treasury, so that they can move through and we're waiting for the final green light from the Treasury. To get this done - we're waiting for the final green light from the Treasury. And we hope that tomorrow which is December the eighth very important day - We hope that that gets it done for all of us -
Lets see – what else --- what we're waiting for is the release of all the funds and that's what gives us the opportunity to go in set our appointments – get the emails that we're looking for and we're looking to get those and set our appointments and start ourt exchanges and redemption of Zim.
So if that happens at 2am tomorrow morning on the eighth – its a day that the China likes because they love the number 8 - that is a day that we would love too should it happen.
That's the final release is what we're looking to have happen. That's where we are at this point.
Today we had we saw that the Bank of Japan the National Bank of Japan which is there, which is their Central Bank crashed today.
About nine other central banks all central banks will crash. If they haven't already they will crash in the next few days. And that would include Germany, France - all the central banks in Europe because these banks were Rothschild banks.
So they're going to wipe all of those -out eliminate those just like our Federal Reserve is our central bank. And that is on its way out. Or it has been reported absorbed into our treasury, the US and the US Treasury.
So this is something that's happening right now, this week. And now do we have to wait for that to occur? Before we go, it’s hard to say – I don’t know that exactly but - this is something that is definitely happening. Some people were putting up with this has to happen on or before the 14th of December. Because on the 15th traditionally - Really, and it may not happen that way this year. But Banker's in Europe go on a one month holiday from the 15th of December to the 15th of January.
It's been a tradition for a long, long time every year. This year, it could change what they do and it could - we will have to wait and see what happens
I’m trying to think if there's anything else that needed to be said right now but I think that’s the majority of what I heard today – I think that’s it so - could tomorrow be the day.
It is quite possible that tomorrow is our big we've always liked the 8th but we've been wrong so many times - because it hasn't been ready. We think the quantum financial system every thing is lined up – perfect time to do it - every single day it but we'll have to see whether that goes through or not tomorrow at 2 am - Bond holders - and for any kind of shotgun start. – it should happen for us
I’m excited about that - there’s just not that much else that I'm getting that is out there right now – that I’m hearing anyway.
So I'm gonna turn it over to Sue to do her teaching. We'll see where this goes I’m going to tune out -
BREAK IN FROM BRUCE: Hey Guys can I jump in for a minute
Ijust got a call from one of my major handlers - We got a text saying - it is finally over. We are going to receive our emails tomorrow. Oh it's done. Its done - It's blankity blank done .
Repeat it one more time. Repeat it one more time. We're getting notifications tomorrow - Don't look for them at 2 am – you might wake up to them. That is what he said - So when it's done it's done it is blankity blank done. Alright guys, thank you,
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-7-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 22:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-5-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:28:18
*Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-30-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:20:30
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-28-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:03:33
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-21-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:11
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-16-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:08:40
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-14-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:15:45
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-9-23 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:16:26