Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-7-23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-7-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to tonight's big call from wherever you're listening, welcome. We're glad you're here.  Today it is Tuesday, February 7TH and you are listening live to the big call or you may be listening through the big call replay on our replay link or numbers. Anyway that you're here. Glad to have you in. And let's look forward to a great call tonight.

We might have 12 minutes of intel - Let me first talk about one thing that a listener and a friend of Sue's has indicated not sure about how we can keep our quantum account private and out of the eyes of bankers.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-7-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to tonight's big call from wherever you're listening, welcome. We're glad you're here.  Today it is Tuesday, February 7TH and you are listening live to the big call or you may be listening through the big call replay on our replay link or numbers. Anyway that you're here. Glad to have you in. And let's look forward to a great call tonight.

We might have 12 minutes of intel - Let me first talk about one thing that a listener and a friend of Sue's has indicated not sure about how we can keep our quantum account private and out of the eyes of bankers.

Now that's a very serious issue, but it's also one that's easily rectified. The Quantum accounts, remember are the accounts that we send all of the monies from our exchanges to - at the time of our exchange and redemption of Zim, they all get deposited into the quantum access count – let’s call it Quantum account.

Now you say, Well, how do you move funds, you're gonna get a quantum access card I call it a quantum access card that is three times the thickness of a normal credit or debit card. Really thick, it's got three chips in it, and that is that is made of titanium. That is the card that you will use to move funds from your quantum account to your primary wells account. And you could theoretically move it to other accounts if you wanted to do it that way.

But who gets to see the quantum account?

Only you can see the quantum account. You are the only one who has eyes for the quantum account - Not your banker, not your premium banker, not your teller, nobody but you unless you want someone else to see it.  Right now - My case - right now - my attorney could see it with me.

So that's the exception to the rule. This is going to be designed so that you - That's right, you can move funds from your quantum account to your primary wells account - And you'll have I believe it's two passwords - And you'll have this card and it should have a biometric fingerprint, I think still, which would be a finger or thumb print.  That that is recorded in one of those chips –

In other words, this is designed for your private use. Now once you move funds into that primary account, now you can move the funds to the secondary accounts that you might have set up or to other banks if you want to use other banks. But the quantum account is only for your eyes for your eyes only.

Okay its designed to be that way, so that the bankers don't have they really don't know how much you have – now on the day of the exchange in the redemption centers all the only people that the staff or other NDAs they're not going to retain you or anything else after - after they're gone, you're gone.

It's all something that is going to be entered into that account. But in the accounts, yes, you can have a printed out for you I am going to have a paper with it on there. But that's okay.

Beyond that. It's a matter of moving funds. We talked about on Thursday call into your secondary - first your primary account with Wells and then from there maybe on day two or day three, moving funds into your secondary accounts or accounts.

I told you guys, I've got four LLC’s I'm going to have four LLC sub or secondary accounts. And I'm going to money from the primary wells into four secondary Well’s accounts. And that's the whole thing for the first 90 days. After that it’s open season

And we can move money more readily, as much as we need into any account. But understand the quantum account and the quantum account access card is for you. Only - you and your spouse if that applies. Okay, if that's what you're looking at a joint account - So don't worry about that. I wanted to get that and make that very clear

Intel wise    we'll see what happens after this so called state of the union address and I if it occurs - or occured at nine o'clock Eastern and what I have heard from one of our top international sources directly connected to - already connected to the release of the GESARA information is that after the speech overnight, I'm gonna say or by morning - This is when we're noticed the notifications for tier 4B are supposed to come out.

Now it may also be that we get notified as well as the bondholders get notified tonight late tonight or overnight by morning, however you want to look at it .

The other thing that we heard was yes, we did not get notified today.  Yes, we have no bananas

We did not get notified today, but we believe that tomorrow in the calendar Wednesday, February the 8th - day and wonder Who in the world likes that number a lot.  That's right, our friend the Chinese elders.

So could it be that tomorrow - everything gets released which would be our emails are tier 4 B. That would be everything that we've been looking for, quite possibly the CMK X,  the adjudicated settlements –I’ts fines and penalties, prosperity packages, Indian claims farm claims, etc.

I believe all of that could be triggered tomorrow.  We'll see. We'll look forward to it. And we’ll expect it

And   beyond that information, everything we had heard earlier today was pointing toward Wednesday the eighth.

Now, we don't know if they're going to do everything tomorrow, because they give us numbers and have a set appointments for Thursday. And I set a point for tomorrow.

I don't know. I'm hoping we get it in the morning and we can set appointments and start our exchanges. Even tomorrow, Wednesday. But if it's Thursday, that's alright too. We can live with that.

Point is we're looking for these things to occur after the speech tonight, and we'll see what that really looks like what that really looks like when we get ready to open our emails and see what see how we can set those up.

I'll tell you this much - Let me get my calendar right here. Today's Tuesday. Yesterday at 10am. Eastern Standard Time. The schedules are to go out for between 12 and 15 days depending on the demographics of the redemption centers. So those went out today at 10am in the morning and last night. Check that Sunday night at 10pm.

All the countries around the globe with banks Basel IV compliant or to have their asset backed currencies. primarily, gold backed the precious metals backed and have  those currencies out as of Sunday night 10pm Eastern and that was so they could begin to be traded internationally, globally.

And they didn't put those out or have those available  to our knowledge it was just going to be a go around. We just go around oh here's one other things I learned yesterday.

The so called SWIFT system has been in boarded inside the financial system.

So yes, it will be used   our information changed    And is not dead. Certain countries will use it for international wires.

But it is in the confines of the quantum financial system, which sees every transaction monitors every transaction.   So that’s a Positive thing even though will obviously have other ways but there were two or three things about the SWIFT system and decided to keep it integrated and make it under the auspices of the quantum financial system.  All right, so that's really good.

There's a video that was out yesterday was not able to be copied and pasted and sent out but we understand that President Trump in a very celebratory mode, talking about the gold back currency, we have the gold back currency again. So I believe our USN and USTN are obviously their gold back and ready to be used

Now here's the thing, ATM machines since Saturday, we're not taking currency for deposit on deposit, and they weren't spitting out currency as early as yesterday, maybe sooner they were not working to where they would put out a US D fiat currency. I think the decision from USD fiat currency to our asset backed gold backed currency and what are they going to transition and make those machines work with that again, I don’t know but it ought to be pretty soon - if I were a betting person, I would say depending on what we get for information tomorrow, it probably would be tomorrow. But there would be news with the USTN  should be - and we’ll see how that comes up. If it come out on Wednesday the 8th

All right. So that's really what I wanted to talk to you guys tonight in the way of Intel – I think I brought everything  I meant to tonight

I’m excited about the possibility of seeing what we might what we might wake up to or get tomorrow and be able to hopefully get notified - set our appointments and get started l. At Least the information is pointing that way -

One other piece - one other thing – Iraq – there was a post we got tonight – I can’t remember who originated it to us, but it had Iraq saying that their newly revalued currency and that the rate was  in code but obviously we could decode it and it was really good and should be out tomorrow morning Iraq time

Now if that happens  they put it out  in the morning, and that I can understand and not some stupid program rate, that it would  actually be, something that would be usable, and it's very important for us.

Remember the international rate that you may see is not necessarily what we’re going to have on the front screens at the banks, we ‘ve already seen some of those rates and much higher and are going to be very good for us ok don’t worry about that.

Just make sure your presentations are where you want them to be - get everything together to get your 2 forms of photo ID if you have them -  get your one or two bills  for the house that you have – meaning phone bill  - gas bill  - electric bill  - something like that to show your physical address – bring those – I would say probably pass port -  driver’s license – would be great  - have that available

Add that and I think you'll be okay. You'll be fine. Take good precaution. When it comes to setting y our appointment - Make sure it's a time that you make - make sure you get there no more than 10 minutes ahead of time - they don't want a bunch of early birds sitting around in the parking lot – they are not going to like that and they will send you home - remember  just one minute early that is all  you want to be – nothing wrong with being on time - If you're late - back of the line. Nope sorry

This will take you a while to set a new appointment that’s why you want to be punctual but no more than 10 minutes early period. All right.

I’m excited Let's, get this thing done. Let's have a great weekend. We got Valentine's Day coming up on the 14th There's a lot of cool things happening.

All right. thanks, everybody for listening. appreciate it.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-7-23  REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:16:16

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-2-23   REPLAY LINK     Intel Begins:  1:16:06

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-31-23   REPLAY LINK     Intel Begins:  1:23:23

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-2-23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-2-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, February the second and thanks for joining us tonight. Here we are Thursday night.  We've got a lot of things to talk about. I know Sue is gonna bring a lot of cool stuff. And I know Bob will have some great information and I will do the best I can on the minimal intel that I have tonight. I'll just say it like that. But we're looking forward to it..

Okay, let's segue over to the Intel segment you guys. I don't think it's going to be very long. Because what we got today was kind of limited.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-2-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, February the second and thanks for joining us tonight. Here we are Thursday night.  We've got a lot of things to talk about. I know Sue is gonna bring a lot of cool stuff. And I know Bob will have some great information and I will do the best I can on the minimal intel that I have tonight. I'll just say it like that. But we're looking forward to it..

Okay, let's segue over to the Intel segment you guys. I don't think it's going to be very long. Because what we got today was kind of limited.

We know and have known for a while that our bank personnel for the most part, for the most part are clammed shut. They have either NDA or gag orders - and do you realize that the redemption center staff are wearing a tracking bracelet.

Oh sure they track their GPS in their phone. But you could leave your phone and be somewhere else. Well, they're being tracked, some of it for their own security, but they're having to wear these bracelets you can't take off - they'd be taken off and It won't come back on. It's, you know -- Anyway, it's something that keeps the redemption center staff from communicating. So we don't have a whole lot to share on that.

What we did get today was that some of the whales of the bond holders were receiving notifications to get in touch with certain banks. So they got their emails this morning. And since nine or 930, some of the redemption centers or rather the banks, that are most of them that are attached to redemption centers, not all - got information suggesting that they would have access to their funds, and so on and so forth.

So it was like what we've been waiting for - sort of has occurred, but the mid level bondholders that we interact with, are waiting until I believe it's tomorrow morning to get notified.

Now - this whole thing about bond holders getting notified or a shotgun start or a modified shotgun start or 12 hours later. It's it may be working like that. We had heard that certain bond holders would get notified sometime after sunset yesterday. And we should be notified if we were 12 hours later by this morning. Well, they didn't get notified. We didn't get notified this morning either –

So - a little disappointed that we didn't hear that get those emails this morning. We thought we would –just didn’t happen - but we could be that close to where they can come tomorrow or Saturday. We just don't know.

We know that Iraq did their thing with their reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar yesterday, officially. And then today, it revalued and it's got a rate on the screen and it's going up. We heard some outrageous contract rates for the dinar which is a real thing.

Pretty amazing.  So that’s not going to be Issue at all. Oh, and there's no contract for dong – just so you know - but there is on the dinar - and is higher than we had been told it would be. Good. So where we stand right now - is things are so quiet - We don't know whether tomorrow is going to be a big day for us or not.

Charlie Ward was supposed to announce GESARA today out of South Africa. I don’t know if he did not – I can’t get a confirmation. But I don't know. Maybe he did. Maybe he didn’t. We had heard that NESARA was announced here - And maybe we'll do something on that. But this was the day that both of those were to be announced - NESARA and GESARA - Along with the RV the revaluation of these currencies.

We know more and more countries are being accepted into the BRICS nations, including Germany with last one that we heard about. We heard that Nigeria and a number of other countries in Africa that are part of the BRICS United States is supposedly a part of the BRICS nations. I think two or three weeks ago, we made we heard about that but Israel made in a lot of Egypt made it in - there are a lot of countries that are in there now - and I'm sure more will be added you know, because the interesting thing is Germany, I think was that in the last day or so - and if Germany did that, that's the beginning of the end of the euro.

Because all those countries are going to Europe are going back to an asset backed currency -we all know that. Do you remember in the old days when you had Swiss francs you still do - but you had German, Deutsche Marks you know you had French francs - Australian Austrian what it is right now, right Austria shilling.

Basically all these countries are going back to their own currencies again. And the Euro is going to be dead and gone - I mean Britain, Great Britain is on the pound sterling and their currency is backed by silver. And that in their pound sterling makes sense right?

So this whole thing is taking shape and coming to the point where we are in this month of February, we're supposed to be in GESARA, and seeing some of the evidence of that which should include, you know, a year of jubilee of debt relief for us.

I've talked to you about restitutional allowance. That's coming for seniors of 62 and older, and other age groups will be helped on that as well. I think universal basic income. so there's quite a bit that is supposed to kick off in the second or third week of February. So we'll see how that manifests.

Political change should be happening this month. Maybe not quite as quickly as I thought, but I've heard two different things. One about this weekend, a couple of weeks from now. We'll see how that comes together.

Guys we are just at a point where they do not want us to know the timing of when this is going to be released. And so they're listening to all of our calls, recording our calls. And I don't know if that's NSA, but they've always been listening to the live calls.

Doesn't bother me. It's just at the point right now where the information few and far between we heard out of Iraq today. Excuse me that Iraq is expecting something major In the next two days.

Well they've already RV’d - they've already -- what would it be? I don't know. It could be the announcement of their new dinar, which could be a global thing. Maybe that's what it is.

I don't know - there's so many little bits and pieces out there. - and there's some things I can't talk about, unfortunately. So all I can say is stay tuned in and hang in there - because I think our redemption draweth nigh -- the redemption of our zim and our other currency exchanges as well

I'm still excited. I'm a little disappointed that we didn't get what we thought we'd get today, to be completely candid with you. However, I know that if bond holders have been notified - and then more will be tomorrow, we should be right behind them. We should be right there - maybe we actually get notified when they do -- that is possible.

So let's just kind of stay tuned, and keep an eye on your email and see what happens between now and next Tuesday. We may be in the clear and you'll be getting our number and the number out to you through the emails that we're going to send out from big call You know, I have to believe we're very, very close. And we've heard that for different people. But you know, that means different things to different people.

I'm hoping we get some action here the next couple days. So that's what I’m going to report and say is happening. I wish I could give you guys more, but things are really getting quiet. It's tough. It's tough to get what we even have now. So things are happening. Things are moving - and a lot of activity, behind the scenes - a lot of things geopolitically around the globe. So that's all good.

Let's just stay with it. And just keep the faith. Use your faith. And let's enjoy the moment that the thing is very, very close. All right, let's pray the call out – First I want to thank everybody that's listening, no matter where you are around the globe. Thanks for listening. Thank you Sue, for everything that you bought and thank you, Bob, for everything that you're bringing every Tuesday and Thursday night - and thank you everybody out there in Big Ccall universe for listening and tuning in, and being expecting / expectant for what we're about to receive.

And let's just stay tuned for what's happening. I think there's a lot happening. And I think we could get surprised. Maybe they will surprise us in the next day or so. Let's hope so. But in the meantime let's pray the call out, and we'll do that now --


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-2-23   REPLAY LINK     Intel Begins:  1:16:06

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-31-23   REPLAY LINK     Intel Begins:  1:23:23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-26-23   REPLAY LINK     Intel Begins:  1:04:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-24-23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-24-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, January 24. And you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in, wherever you are. If you're live great if you're listening to a replay, a replay link to either way, we're glad that you're listening, and welcome all from all over the globe.

All right, well, Intel wise guys, we're at a good place. I will say this, banks, redemption centers have really sort of closed down their apertures and they're really talking to us. We got a message here and a message there so tonight is a day or night where we don't have a whole lot to share  - But I'll come at it from a perspective of where the world is in terms of the countries that have their currencies, ready to be asset backed if they're not already.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-24-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, January 24. And you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in, wherever you are. If you're live great if you're listening to a replay, a replay link to either way, we're glad that you're listening, and welcome all from all over the globe.

All right, well, Intel wise guys, we're at a good place. I will say this, banks, redemption centers have really sort of closed down their apertures and they're really talking to us. We got a message here and a message there so tonight is a day or night where we don't have a whole lot to share  - But I'll come at it from a perspective of where the world is in terms of the countries that have their currencies, ready to be asset backed if they're not already.

Because remember, the BRICS nations we have 30 - 35 countries as part of that So far if not more that are asset backed we the United States as an asset backed currency, we know the USN and we are part of the BRICS nations. BRICS is Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa were the original five countries to make up the BRICs - and now you've got quite a few other countries that have glommed on, and are considered asset backed primarily precious metals, obviously primarily gold.

Now, we are in that position ourselves - and we are printing our new currency and three locations, and we are they're going hard at it. We've had some currency already printed, but the latest currency for us - We had the hundreds and the 50s already in the redemption centers and major tier 1 banks where they did unwrap those or unseal them as shrink wrapped and have those kind of ready to go in the in the drawers and the teller drawers in the vaults.

But there are the other denominations our currency 20’s - 10s and 5’s. I can't speak to the 1’s but I know 20’s 10’s and 5’s are new, and those were unwrapped on Sunday believe – Sunday in the redemption centers and they were also unwrapped and put into drawers so we are going to have the new USN or as I call it, United States Treasury note currency is our folding money.

We'll have access to that at the redemption center to get a few 1000 - They don't want us to have more than say $6,500 of that. I don't need to take more than that. I would probably take less - at the time of the redemption, and get that, but they will issue us the new currency - not a bundle of old fiat currency and new like we were misinformed before.   We're gonna get the new stuff okay, which is cool.

But it should be introduced in the next couple of days. At tier one bank, not every bank will get it immediately right away. but most banks will get it And they'll introduce it at the bank level and we'll have it at the redemption center.

So what is happening globally is the countries who are Basel four compliant.   B E A S E L - pronounced Basel as in Basel, Switzerland.

If you are Basel four compliant and your banks are compliant - that's when your currency can get revalued and those currencies can be put out, as currencies can be declared as asset backed or precious. metals backed.

For the most part that's the case that is happening now - So that we are so called deadlines scheduled to do that is guess what? A week from today? The 31st of January.

So they have one more week to get their act together and have all those countries that are ready, not every country will be ready to go and is ready, but those that are Basel four compliant, will be ready to go, and as a result, Iraq for example, which is one of those currencies that's already there, has been there. We've held them back. They've held us back and all that held them back.

Now. They're all set and ready to go. Their currency will actually be traded on Sunday. Their first business day is Sunday, this coming Sunday. Okay, so that's gonna take place for Iraq - good for us.

The other thing that is going to happen on Sunday is the Forex is going to be open for trading all of these. Now the Forex doesn't trade every currency. I'm sure there's some screens that will trade the smaller countries currencies. Usually you've got about eight currencies, maybe 10 that are prominent enough to be traded in pairs, on the Forex Okay, so that's going to take place also starting Sunday.

Now, you say well gee, we have to wait until Sunday to get started. And the answer I’m getting is no. We don't have to wait until Sunday. What we do is we have our bond paymaster information, telling us that bond holders should receive their notifications by email Tomorrow morning around 7am Eastern time tomorrow.

Now some of them could wake up to it. Some of them could get a little later. but overall the bondholders are supposed to have notifications go out around 7am Tomorrow.

Now, we've talked about a shotgun start. We've talked about a modified shotgun start. I believe we're in the modified category where we could go with our notifications up to 12 hours after the bondholders get their notifications. It might be sooner, It could be at the same time - but our contact is getting from Geneva Switzerland that that we should get it tomorrow some time.

We don't know when - I'm not going to predict the time. I'm just going to say if it comes in tomorrow - at any time we get notified -We are off to the races - we're good to go. We'll set our appointments we’ll start our exchanges – possibly tomorrow – but I’m hoping to say most likely Thursday and that's okay, that's good. I think any of us would take that right now.

Can we get this done this week? Yes, I believe we can. And I'm looking forward to that. I really am –

So Iraq is good to go and they have a rate that is commensurate or higher than what Dr. Shabibi predicted 10 years ago at the International Chamber of Commerce meeting in Washington DC, of which our friend – Blue Star - asked him the all important question as to what he believed the Iraqi dinar could support as a rate, and he gave us that rate I talked to you guys about it for years on the big call, we are at or above that rate now.

Let's see. if there's anything else that's really urgent.

I think everything went swimmingly in Davos, another town a ski resort in Switzerland. And when I say swimmingly, I think it went well to the benefit of those who are aware of what was actually going on. What would be the end result of that meeting. So that was positive.

Let's see anything. You know, guys when I get down to the point where we're looking at, when are we going to get notified - and when are we going to start exchanges - When I get down to that point - there's not a whole lot else seems to matter to me. That's what we're gunning for - that's what we're looking for.

Many of you guys, even today are about rate and date, rate and date, rate and date. Well, maybe this isn't too different than that. You know, I'm looking at notifications and start exchanges, notifications, toll free number, make the phone call set the appointment. They'll be more than 10 minutes early to the appointment, and then boom, get in there.

Do your eight minute presentation if you are a zim holder about what it is you want to do to help heal humanity, what you want to bring to regenerate humanity and regenerate all of these different projects. We've talked about regenerative farming, regenerative architecture, regenerative housing, you name it, you could almost throw regenerative in place of sustainable - because it will just mean quote, sustaining something for the long term. But we want to change things and renew things and regenerate things like farming / agriculture - that is going to be so cool.

And I don't know that there's anything else that we need to wait for. you know, I'm told we don't have to wait for the various currencies around the world to become an asset pack for us to do our exchanges are good.

So, you know we finally did everything we needed to do with the USN I think it's just a matter of us letting this come to us. Also, there you know guys we keep talking about the possibility of change. We talked about the possibility of Gosh, other geopolitical type things happening, getting out the word using the center 12 days of disclosure. Yep, looking at that, and waiting for that to manifest and I think it's gonna happen, but it's going to happen on so many mainstream channels and it may be on all channels.

We'll see - we'll just have to see what happens. There's a lot of stuff in the wings that we need to watch for. But I feel like we're at a really good turnaround point right now in our year of 2023 to make this thing happen, and to get all our projects underway.

Now hopefully  we get notified tomorrow. We won't have their big call on like we're doing now, but we will be in touch with you.

So that's really all I wanted to bring to you guys tonight.

I feel like finally, it appears we're at let's see what happens in the Bible wars and hopefully, and then let's see what happens after we get our free number. Okay. All right. Have a good night and let’s pray the call out.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-24-23   REPLAY LINK     Intel Begins:  1:10:50

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-19-23   REPLAY LINK     Intel Begins:  1:18:38

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-19-23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-19-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody around the globe to the Big Call. It is Thursday, January 19th and you're tuned in and listening to the big call. Thanks everybody, wherever you are tuning into whether it's live or the replay - replay number - replay link or if you happen to be getting the simultaneous translation software working to you, which we are last count was up to 11 - 11.2 and above million people globally in 68 different languages - I never find out that until after the call like on Friday, I might find out tomorrow about tonight's call. So wherever you are, thank you for listening. We welcome you - we're glad that you're with us

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-19-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody around the globe to the Big Call. It is Thursday, January 19th and you're tuned in and listening to the big call. Thanks everybody, wherever you are tuning into whether it's live or the replay - replay number - replay link or if you happen to be getting the simultaneous translation software working to you, which we are last count was up to 11 - 11.2 and above million people globally in 68 different languages - I never find out that until after the call like on Friday, I might find out tomorrow about tonight's call. So wherever you are, thank you for listening. We welcome you - we're glad that you're with us

Alright, let's get into the Intel - this was really crazy - today we got lots of different pieces of really good stuff. And I'm going to try to construct it in a way that not only can you retain it, but when it gets when the points of this intel get picked up and put out that hopefully they're put out accurately. Okay, that's what we're hoping for. So let's see if I can bring it to you accurately

First of all, what is going on with our financial system?

I think I mentioned to you on Tuesday that we were undergoing some things with the currencies the finances around the world face various currencies are transforming from non asset backed or Fiat based currencies to asset based currencies around the globe, not just us, but others as well.

And we have transitioned our USD fiat currency, with nothing really backing it to an asset backed currency that is primarily backed by precious metals - The most precious of which is, or the largest contingent is gold. So it's gold, silver, palladium, platinum, et cetera, et cetera. But that is happening in the United States right now.

And we only have another, oh, let's say 12 to 14 hours to go before that will be complete here in the United States, all of our banking institutions, all of our corporations, businesses, source, everything is making a transition from Fiat to an asset backed currency.

Now when will the new folding money currency or US Treasury notes - USTN call them forever? When will they come out?

I think we're supposed to have those when we go in for our exchanges. But we also know that they're going to be using here in the US both fiat currency like we have now and the new money that we're expecting to see.

And they're going to use both of those in parallel in the United States, and they will be pulling out the fiat currency from the stores and into the banks. But I don't know when that's going to take place. In other words, we had heard that it would only go through the month of January, and by February, we'd be completely done with the Fiat dollar here in the US.

I don't know that's a little tight. That may be a little too tight. What's today Today's the 19th that would give us what 12 days or so left to pull that fiat currency out. I'm not sure that gives us enough time. We had heard that the end of January got pushed to February 4th or 5th and then that date might get pushed. I'm talking about pulling fiat currency out of the system here in the US. Okay, that's all that's referring to.

Alright, so maybe that's when it is. Maybe it's pushed a little further. I don't know haven't heard the latest update on that - bottom line, we are transitioning this thing now. Right now, with all of our accounts, our bank accounts, at our banks are transitioning to the USN or the gold back for assets back currency digitally.

So our accounts, whatever you have at your bank is protected by the quantum financial system - the Starlink satellite system which is connected to it, and the fact that we have asset backed currency in digital form backing, your deposits, whatever you've got on deposit at the bank. That's great news.

In relation to that. Remember, we had like the government trying to pass some continuing resolution to fund the government blah, blah, blah, for another trillion or billion or whatever dollars? Remember, they've been talking about that? Guess what? It ain't happening?

Because they're not printing anymore. fiat currency, we finally got all of those printing presses stopped. And so now we have three, three brand new printing presses printing our new currency, that I know where those are, but that's they're very secure. And so there's no more fiat money being printed.

That's the good news. So the US a corporation or USA Inc, Incorporated, is (copoot ?). And this is the final straw. They're not going to have any more Fiat. money printed to operate. the old Corporation. the USA Inc. is on it's on its way on, on its way out completely. So that's really good news.

Now here's something else that's interesting to me. I heard today and I don't have all the good details on this. But I heard that the New York Stock Exchange will be changing either the name or the structure of it - because it's going to be included in input into the quantum financial system.

And the stock New York Stock Exchange. I have to assume the NASDAQ also but I haven't heard specifically. But I have heard that the New York Stock Exchange has companies on it that were involved with child trafficking.

I could throw some names out here, but I'm not going to do that. I'm just gonna say these companies will be delisted from the New York Stock Exchange - pulled out, as if they never existed on the exchange, and I think they're going to change the New York Stock Exchange name, or, or whatever, to show the changes that they're making.

The same thing could be said maybe of the NASDAQ. I can't speak to that but I can tell you there's several companies that we would all recognize that are involved and have been involved in child trafficking - they're gone    Let's see what else I think that's fascinating.

All right, let's talk about where the bondholders are.

First of all, there are bondholders that don't even fit into tier 2 or tier 3. They're right in the middle of 2 and 3.  Most of the bondholders you guys, remember are tier 3, but the so called Super whales - wow that's got to be a big player - Super whales find themselves between tier two and tier three. Those super whales started being paid out and given access to funds, yesterday - Wednesday at 2:30pm Eastern Standard Time.

Now they started getting their emails, they started getting paid out. That continued on through the night last night. And it's continuing now - that will probably continue on for a little while. I don't know how long it's gonna take to pay those guys out. Now the good news is we don't have to wait on that- we don't have to wait on the Super whales to be paid out.

The latest thing that we have is that the bondholders in tier three and US currency holders primarily in Zim holders - In tier 4B are to be notified either tomorrow or Saturday.

And right now, the money seems to be on Friday to be notified if that's the case, then we could start exchanges possibly as early as tomorrow or Saturday. That's the good news about where we stand right now.

So why didn't I say this on Tuesday night's call because I knew when I heard that the financial system was being transitioned from fiat currency to gold back or asset backed currency over the next but I happen to be about two days - Today and tomorrow till about noon. I think by noon tomorrow, the transition will be complete.

Well how in the world was this thing going to go and us get notified prior to the switch over to the essentially the gold standard? Because that's really they're not going to call it that. But that's what it is.

You know, the new USN the new USTN currency - they you know that this is part of NESARA - NESARA started essentially today and GESARA today and tonight into tomorrow and will complete by the first of February. And I think that these are all of the things that are coming out for us here in the United States with NESARA and the rest of the world internationally as GESARA will be put into force by the first of February.

That's really good news. And we don't know exactly what the specifics are, of how Soon everything will be brought out to us. You know, we've got debt relief. We've got even universal basic income coming. I don't know exactly what age groups or how much that that's going to be coming.

And we've got just a lot you know, the retribution funds or that we're calling it for birth certificate trading and death certificate trading and marriage license and divorce decree. You know, all of that we're tradeable as bonds.

All of those were tradable. We're gonna get back to us personally the money that was made on those trades – on us - you've been traded on and you don't even know it. Gonna be wild, you guys. This is going to really be something.

Now. We understand that there might be an announcement made tomorrow the 20th of January, about the solvency of the United States government, because people may be unsure what's going on because we did not create a way for a continuing resolution to continue the fiat currency for the United States Corporation, which is a fictitious corporation that was based in Puerto Rico. So that is dead and gone.

The Restored Republic of the United States is what is essentially superseding that government and taking over and hopefully we see some - some really interesting news on political change that is imminent - regarding that.

We do have we believe President Trump and others going to be using Facebook and Twitter, Friday or Saturday to bring out some information that's going to be interesting. And we understand that one of the major media companies like CNN, if you could believe this - has enough of a change in ownership, to be able to bring out the information that we're looking for In so many areas of disclosure, and I don't have to say that we're gonna get the 12 days of disclosure, right, tomorrow or Saturday, but it's possible, we go to that, hey, you know what, that's going to be about right, that would take us through the end of the month with it.

So we're close. We're very close to getting this

I'm excited because what I've been told in some of that could not be repeated, but it's very, very exciting. And it looks like we're finally there. The fact that they transitioned from Fiat, to asset based currency asset backed currency is a very positive thing for us.

That's exactly where we wanted to go. And we needed to go there before we got notified I had said one last thing. I hope it's the last thing that we needed to have happen. And it happened yesterday, and today. And it should finish up by probably between 10 and noon tomorrow Eastern time. That's what it should be wrapped up.

So we are looking to get notified Friday or Saturday, and then we'll start exchanging go right on through - go right on through Sunday. And just go straight on through the end of the month, and maybe beyond the end of the month. Most of the redemption centers are staffed to go between 10 and 12 days, depending on their demographics, depending on you know, just how many Zim holders are in the area.

And so I wanted to let you guys know, to use your toll free number when you get that and I can't believe that people out there still don't believe that you're going to get a toll free number but you are -You're gonna get that in your email. So be looking for your emails. Early as I guess it's sometime tomorrow. We will see

Now if you're registered as your emails registered on big call then you'll get an email from us with the toll free number in there a lot of people I'm sure when it comes out. They will be putting it out in some of the dinar sites and some of the currency sites that we've had for years and probably show up in blogs, all of that.  We should post it we will post that toll free number on our website.

If you don't have a presentation, absolutely designed perfectly. Sue has the technology and she has the ability to help with those as a world class formula by sending out six different emails to you which gives

Things are looking very strong for us right now. Finally, we've got our fiat currency in the United States being replaced by a gold backed currency and it may finally get acknowledge as part of NESARA, that is part and parcel of NESARA to have our gold back asset backed currency and I don't know if they're gonna announce it or not you guys. They're really funny about for some reason using the term gold back.

But yet it is 90 some % gold backed and the other is other assets and precious metals. So they're calling it precious metals backed. All right, that's fine. That's cool. If you want to call it that. Alright, so that's all good.

I'm excited because I think we're finally at the last turnstile this thing that we're we're coming down the homestretch coming down the homestretch and we're getting ready to let her fly. So I'm excited about that it'd be thankful to everybody that's tuned in tonight - whether you're live or on Memorex, thank you for listening. And thank you for being part of the Big Call universe and thank you for everybody that's contributed to the call. We really appreciate you. We thank you for that. And we're excited to get this thing going. Believe me I am for 18 years of being involved in this I'm ready to go. I'm sure you guys are too.   Okay, thanks everybody for listening. Let's pray the call out together.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-19-23   REPLAY LINK     Intel Begins:  1:18:38

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-17-23   REPLAY LINK     Intel Begins:  1:08:50

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-17-23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-17-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the Big Call - it is Tuesday January 17th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in tonight.  I hope everybody had a wonderful holiday yesterday - Martin Luther King Day. Hope everybody - I watched the parade on TV. I didn't go downtown for that parade, but I did watch it. And that was pretty cool, motivating. Cool.

And so thanks everybody for being here for us tonight and with us, all over the country. You know, whether you're watching live whether you're listening live or other or whether you're listening on replay numbers or replay link or whether you're one of 11 million people plus that might be getting our call tonight, translated simultaneously in your language all over the globe, 68 languages is what we had Thursday night and we were hit there with a computer glitch so instead of 12 million, they're probably about   I believe that number was, was 10.8 million people got the big call just on that format, not including the conference calls and replays that we do on it - So I'm happy about that.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-17-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the Big Call - it is Tuesday January 17th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in tonight.  I hope everybody had a wonderful holiday yesterday - Martin Luther King Day. Hope everybody - I watched the parade on TV. I didn't go downtown for that parade, but I did watch it. And that was pretty cool, motivating. Cool.

And so thanks everybody for being here for us tonight and with us, all over the country. You know, whether you're watching live whether you're listening live or other or whether you're listening on replay numbers or replay link or whether you're one of 11 million people plus that might be getting our call tonight, translated simultaneously in your language all over the globe, 68 languages is what we had Thursday night and we were hit there with a computer glitch so instead of 12 million, they're probably about   I believe that number was, was 10.8 million people got the big call just on that format, not including the conference calls and replays that we do on it - So I'm happy about that.

Alright, so let's get into the Intel side of things and let me bring to you guys – let me regroup - What we're about to experience in approximately the next 36 hours. I don't know if it'll start at midnight tonight or just about but it's to go from midnight tonight till about Thursday morning.

And this is what's what we're going to have happen is all of the currencies around the globe that are fiat base like our USD dollar okay, which was just backed by the full faith and credit of the US government, still the strongest currency in the world, even though nothing really was backing it – nothing of value. And that's why we're going to an asset backed dollar called the USN –

and then what we're going to see is a decline in the value of fiat currencies globally – taking place over the next approximately 36 hours, and this is sort of a readjustment  - the markets - like commodity markets, the stock markets - are aware of this change – and they are positioning and position to take advantage of the change-over tables from USD to a gold backed US dollar.

So this is this is sort of a currency realignment, a currency adjustment of fiat currencies around the globe, basically losing value and are replaced by asset backed currencies, all countries.

I don't know if they will the major This is the major adjustment, but as far as it affecting the markets - I've never believed for a minute that we have a stock market crash or commodity market crash - we’re going to see some realignments  - you might see some adjustments - you might see some dips but it's nothing to me that won’t come back especially if you had an asset backed currency which was 90 some odd percent backed by gold like we used to have in the old days.

Wouldn’t you feel confident about your dollar if it was gold backed? Or asset backed?  You sure would, especially if you were to compare it with nothing other than the full faith and credit of the US government which just mean basically sort of the ability to print paper.

So I think we're in for a real treat here in the next couple of days - I believe we're looking at those occasions coming out. Certainly in the next couple days, maybe more. We should be moving into the position of setting appointments and getting our exchanges started

Now let's talk about redemption centers -

We know today, redemption center staff went in at 8 am all the way till 10:15 tonight and it was in case this thing went today - and in case we had toll free numbers to use to call in to set our appointments and my understanding is that redemption centers – and this may vary a little bit over demographics - but overall - starting tomorrow.

We'll have very similar schedules, of around 8 in the morning  till about 10 at night, maybe some even later than 10 - but that this will occur around the country in all of the redemption centers for a period of at least 10 - 12 days.

Now some areas It is expect some zim holders within a certain period of time. Some other ones have more, some have less. So they've all tailored their schedule, to go 9 - 10 - 11 maybe even 12 days straight – in a row - So that is in the works - that is the plan we got verified yesterday. That is something to look forward to

Now, along the lines of that of the redemption centers being scheduled like that for the next 10 -11 12 days - is the concept of having not just for regional call centers, but eight regional call centers.

Now these call centers are scattered through the United States. So they're probably spread out a little bit and then maybe by time zone - where you might have to on the east coast - to central - to the to the pacific, I don't know that but I was believing that it's probably something like where how they are set up probably the call centers are in the area that might be more heavily populated.

Okay, so what is the plan? The plan is for us to receive emails from Wells Fargo that will have -  my understanding is a 800 number – meaning “one” - multiple but just one number that you call them -based on your calling you go to that regional call center with the 800 number. So when you get there, these are actually digital call centers - That were actually open yesterday from 11am.

Now I don't know that they did anything yesterday because we didn't have the number to call. I don't think they're doing tests because already did just in these, but they're there and I invision us using a keypad to dial in the number and get a recording – get a computer that says you know if you’re a zim holder, maybe press this -   if you have ready dinar press that – in other words – it might be coded, where we have a certain code attributed to currency.

I don't know this but I'm anticipating something like that. And at some point in the discussion, you'll enter the ZIP Code of either where you live, where you work, or where you want to do your exchange, If you know the zip code for that area.

So you enter that information, the computer talks back to you and I understand, could do one of two things - they could direct you directly to the call server that does that kind of direct routing through the call center and they talk to them And you know, find out when your appointment is where it is all that good stuff directly or you will be given a number to call.

And you could even in your email - be given the 800 number to call at a certain time. I don't absolutely know that they may do that. to connect  you to the redemption center that will do the

That's what to look at. Now obviously you want to have your pad and your pen ready to go to write down anything they mentioned to you on that you need to remember –

Now one little side note here, There will be toll free numbers – they will come by email - if anybody doesn't know that by now and are saying something different they really don't understand what the heck's going on.

The other thing is, you should get not get to your appointment, no more than 10 minutes early – they don’t everyone stacked in the parking lot - that is something important to know

And the other thing is - is regarding NDA - non disclosure agreements -  If you're a zim holder, or you're gonna redeem sheet bonds, like yellow dragon - Red Dragon - railroad bonds, whatever it is whatever sheet bonds you have to redeem you will sign a NDA.

If you have currency only - dinar – dong – what ever you’ve got  you don’t have to sign a NDA  for those currencies – just for zim and for bonds, and zim are a form of bonds as it is talked about the last couple of calls as bearer bonds.

So the other thing that's interesting about where we stand now is to know is we just heard today North Korea and Iran made their way into the BRICS nation's banking.

Okay, United States was already a member - well remember a couple of weeks ago, I think Venezuela as well has made their way in - Israel made their way in. I think most of the countries have positioned themselves that want to be a part of the BRICs. And that's good. It's good that North Korea and Iran made it and of course Iraq within a long time ago, and everything really is set this this large.

Monetary let's call it adjustment period. That should start tonight, maybe at midnight and go through Thursday morning - that adjustment is taking place - And that should be everything that we know that has to be done. Before we go and maybe we go while that is taking place.

So it's hard to say whether tomorrow is in play or maybe just the toll free number to set appointments. We don’t know - it could be that we get our appointment set and we go in and do our exchcanges and redeem our zim starting tomorrow or Thursday but it's looking pretty good for one of those two days for our start.

That's kind of the latest information that we were able to get from our better sources. Most of the banks are very quiet right now. They're not really pulling anything specific and we're just hushed up as you can expect. No news is good news. So that's really where we stand on that

So I'm excited about it, guys. I'm very excited. Listen, my last call at least a half a dozen times, maybe more. And we've been faked out I don't know that there's anything else that really needs to be said.

We're gonna we're gonna want to enjoy this a little bit. When it comes out. We're gonna want to take our time together,

With that, I think that's everything I wanted to bring tonight is very close. With a lot of what happens I feel we're finally there. So let's see if we would have a call on Thursday – We may Not


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-17-23   REPLAY LINK     Intel Begins:  1:08:50


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-12-23   REPLAY LINK     Intel Begins:  1:20:40

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-10-23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-10-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It is Tuesday January 10th and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – Thanks for listening everybody wherever you are located around the globe – We had a pretty good reach on Thursday night – our call went out to 9 Million people in many, many languages – we really appreciate the team that put that together for us – and that is not including the free conference call people that called in live or listened on the replay link  - I think that is a record for us – I don’t think we have had 10 Million – or close to 10 Million people listening to our call – so that was really cool to hear that -

Well, let's talk a little bit about where we find ourselves now, because this is really coming down at crunch time.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-10-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It is Tuesday January 10th and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – Thanks for listening everybody wherever you are located around the globe – We had a pretty good reach on Thursday night – our call went out to 9 Million people in many, many languages – we really appreciate the team that put that together for us – and that is not including the free conference call people that called in live or listened on the replay link  - I think that is a record for us – I don’t think we have had 10 Million – or close to 10 Million people listening to our call – so that was really cool to hear that -

Well, let's talk a little bit about where we find ourselves now, because this is really coming down at crunch time.

And the reason I say that is because we got some information late last night, too, I don't know it's in the, you know, 10 or 11 o'clock timeframe came in and it was really cool because we had just let you know, it had been very quiet yesterday until late last night - and Sunday was relatively very quiet. Saturday we had a little bit - Sunday quiet - yesterday quiet without what the world is going on. Where is everybody?

Well, most everybody is under gag orders. NDA, they're not allowed to talk. They’re zipper lipped, whatever you want to say. They just – we are really just so close, that they don't want certain people talking.

And I mean, it's tight. It's really tight now. But we were able to get some information late last night. That came out of the Treasury that pointed to this starting this afternoon with notifications -

Now - We didn't get absolute clarification on which notifications - whether it was for us or bondholders. We determined a little later today that it looked like it was probably referring more to bondholders than to us because another piece of information that came in from a very trusted source was talking about -talked about Wednesday, or Thursday - that's tomorrow or Thursday, with bond funds moving this afternoon. overnight tonight  and tomorrow morning which would obviously be going into these bond sellers accounts.

And then once those bond sellers get emails notifying them of that, and they get an access code they can enter in and so on. They should have access to funds tomorrow or Thursday.

Now we've talked about being on a shotgun start with the bondholders, which are tier 3, we're tier 4B, as the Internet Group, and we believe we're going to get started about the same time as they received their email notifications, so their email notifications will notify them that they have access to funds in their accounts.  And then our notifications will be telling us we can call with an 800 toll free number and set up or exchange appointments.

So even though it's close to a shotgun start, they're getting access to funds and should have access to be able to spend while we're setting our appointments to go in and exchange and redeem our zim 

Okay, so it's close. It might even be off for 12 hours. it could be that bondholders get a 12 hour head start on us. It shouldn't be dramatic if it's really a shotgun start. So we'll see - but funds are definitely moving into these accounts.

We talked about that. And now we're looking for the Green light for the Wells Fargo servers to discharge their emails to us. so that we can call and set appointments using 4 regional call centers in mainstream mainland United States - we do that we'll be able to set our appointments and go.

Now while I'm on this topic - There's been questions about what about Canada? What about Mexico without other countries around the globe?

All right. Everybody is not going to have the redemption centers like we have them in the United States.

They'll be similar, very similar in Canada - And I cannot say whether we got redemption centers in Mexico, I should know that. But let me tell you what I do know

Canada definitely has at least 1100 - 1200 redemption centers. We've got over 7000 maybe even more than that in the United States.

And Canada is using Scotia Bank HSBC is really the lead bank in Canada. And I think the redemption centers are working through those to two banks.

And in Mexico and Latin America, because Mexico is still considered North America even though it's a Spanish speaking country.  Mexico and Central and South America have Banco Santander or Santander Bank which is a tier one bank - and will do Zim redemption, by the way.

The Banco Santander will be the bank from Mexico and Latin America if you have one near you. Now, we've told people they can use the toll free number if they're registered on big call universe with their email – they will get an emailing that will have their toll free number in it.

As soon as we get that put out we can be pretty quickly. Once we get the numbers we'll send those right out. So if you're in some of the other countries but you're registered on big call universe with your email, then you see and you may have to try to use that toll free number I know it's not always - doesn't work the same - need a toll free notice from outside the country.

You may have to add - you may have to call with a country code and they have to figure out - you guys that are outside the US calling the United States know that - you already know this. It’s been so long since I've done that again, I can't even answer the question.

But here's the thing, if the redemption Center / call centers do not direct you to a city and state or province for example, in Canada, where you are, like anywhere out in, let's say that you're you're out and you're dealing with Calgary okay?

Or you're dealing with you know another in western you might in Kamloops for all I know, you know, wherever you are just give them give them the town in the province. You know maybe you're in Alberta, British Columbia. You know, wherever you are, let them know where you are. And maybe they can give you a direct location that you can go do your exchange and set that up. But in general, HSBC, in Canada and most of the world. HSBC is the lead back outside of United States

In the United States lead bank is Wells Fargo, but in Canada it’s HSBC - also though Scotia Bank and there may be a couple of other banks involved with exchanges like Mexico, obviously, on close on time they're in Latin America. And if you're in Europe  I'm gonna say HSBC would be the first place to check for your major, major banks. Right we'll have to see how that shakes out for European friends. Okay.

Yeah, this is a worldwide event. And don't think that the rates that we're gonna get in the United States are the same for everybody -they're not going to be the same - our screen rate that we have here and the contract rate is for US citizens.

So it's not going to be something that even though you're listening to the big call and you might be in France, or you could be in Germany, you could be in Italy, or wherever you are, you know, your rates are gonna vary from us, here in the United States, just the way the way it is. They set that up and so another is not gonna even matter. The zim is gonna be worth a lot. regardless of what country you're, you're changing or redeeming this in.

So I wanted to get that out, say that.

The other one that we are getting very, very close, things are closing down. It's harder and harder to get strong information. The bank have pretty much shut us out, but I will say this - there have been occasions where even last Saturday – today is Tuesday - or last Saturday, dinar was being changed but only one note - when that was in the in the north central part of the United States.

One note whether it was enough to create emergency funds or healing funds, that was not at a high screen rate. It is starter rate at a rate that we're gonna get at the redemption centers it's not the rate that contract rate on the dinar.

So it's, it's something that a few people have done, and they've worked with their banker. But even in that case, the individual did not get access to all of that money – just access to just a small portion of it. So that was something that was done, I think, in an emergency situation.

Based on the Intel we received today and last night, it looks like we should get started In the next two days. Thursday, Wednesday, or Thursday. It could very well be that we get notified tomorrow and start on Thursday. That's what I hoped is going to happen. we could get started tomorrow. It’s possible

But there is something about that. Now there's one other thing that's very interesting. You guys remember we talked about the retribution funds, coming from birth certificates and marriage licenses, and so on that traded as bonds on us in the United States.

You know that I've talked about seniors age 61 and above, In the first getting a first tranche of those loans and getting that back and how it would happen - A pretty good chunk of change once a year for 11 years.

All right that timing for that, which is part of NESARA is supposed to kick in between the 16th and the 20th of January this month. 16th is Monday

So that's next that's next Monday. Now, the 16th and 20th Okay, we thought that, oh, at least a week or so maybe longer I brought that on the big call. But in talking with one of our strong sources - He indicated that the date of the 17th - `18th - and 19th are going to be very important to us - and that it would be something major happening.  17th 18th and 19th Okay.

But I believe if my math is right, that would be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week.

So, could that be the dates that the retribution funds are rolled out as part of NESARA?  Is it is it NESARA being implemented or enacted here? Is it a political change that's taking place? What is it - we don't know?  But I know that the 17th  18th and 19th falls right in the middle of the 16th to the 20th.

So I'm just wondering if that might be what we're looking for, is that retribution funds, which is really a payback for those and there's more to it, you know, there's a lot more to NESARA than we can talk about on this call. There's a lot more to it and I hope that we get It brought out in ways that we can understand - and soon! I mean really soon - within this week or next week – we should have NESARA brought out - with announcements - we should have our new USTN folding money currency out.

We should have a discussion about the fact that we had a gold or an asset backed dollar now. With the US D the fiat currency is on its way out. And the USN asset backed currency primarily with gold as an asset is on its way in And we're changing it already trading it digitally. It's been traded for a couple of months at least digitally. So we'll see how all this shakes out.

I think this month is and you know, we're 1/3 way through the month. I think this month is going to bring us a lot of good things like getting our exchanges done, but now if you're looking forward to moving with your redemption center appointment, make sure that you have if you're Zim holder, make sure that you have projects lined out that you can present at the redemption center in your five to eight minute time segment

So that's what I wanted to bring to you guys. I think we're super close.  And let's look forward to what -should be a great rest of our week that we should be getting some good word here in the next day or two.

All right, thanks everybody so much for listening  to the Big Call - welcome everybody that might be hearing us all over the globe in your own language. If that's the case, like we had on last Thursday night where we had reached 9 million people with our new format in their own language - that's wonderful. and I hope you're a part of that.

So let's go ahead and pray the call out. Stay tuned, see what happens in the next couple of days,  and we’ll talk to you when we talk to you -


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-10 -23 REPLAY LINK     Intel Begins:  1:08:08

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-5-23   REPLAY LINK     Intel Begins:  1:24:54

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-5-23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-5-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday January 5th and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for tuning in whether you’re live or listening in from the replay links – We’re excited to be back – we’re here again and we’re going to be here till this thing goes – and I’ll give you the update on that when we get into my intel segment -

Okay, here we go.  What I'm what I was getting and this is since Tuesday's call.  We had some interesting information that came in about where we stand from several sources.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-5-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday January 5th and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for tuning in whether you’re live or listening in from the replay links – We’re excited to be back – we’re here again and we’re going to be here till this thing goes – and I’ll give you the update on that when we get into my intel segment -

Okay, here we go.  What I'm what I was getting and this is since Tuesday's call.  We had some interesting information that came in about where we stand from several sources.

Now, we have bank sources, several of them that we did get information from, we have high up military sources, they gave us information. So let's start there. I know you guys want to know the date of when we're going. I want to know too. But this is what we're hearing --

Bondholders - And I know you're tired of hearing about bondholders if you don't have bonds, but it's important that we know when the bondholders are actually going to be paid because it should trigger virtually a shotgun start with us.

It could be within hours of when we get notified - tomorrow, Friday is supposed to be the first of four days, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday that bondholders do receive their emails with access codes to access the funds that are in their accounts.

Now when will they have access and liquidity when will they be able to access those funds? It sounds like probably Monday or Tuesday, even though they're getting their emails in their account, or they're about to be put into their accounts. Some have them in there and can see them. Some probably are waiting for them to show up in their accounts. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

Okay, but that's for the bondholders. Now, what we're hearing about is that we will get our start – let me get it to you to different areas here. One of our top military sources gave us the concept that the notifications or tier 4B are going to be in the system attending “p e n d i ng” pending on Sunday at noon.

So that doesn't mean they're going to be released then - But they're pending in pending status, Sunday, noon, Eastern Time. When do they get released? When will the notifications come to us? Probably Monday.

Now depending on what time they come if it's early Monday morning, we got a good shot of getting our exchanges started Monday evening, afternoon, evening, Monday. If it's later in the day, on Monday that we get our notifications guess what we're automatically defaulted to Tuesday, for our start of exchanges.

Okay, but that's the gist of where we are. There's some other things that are happening - kind of behind the scenes. We've got  the politically we talked about the Brunson case, the Brunson case is supposed to be air quotes heard tomorrow on January 6  - January 6 It's supposed to be heard, even though we believe that the verdict or the decision has already been made by the Supreme Court.

So either you're either way, what we're being told from our legal sources is that that Brunson decision would be brought out at 10am in the morning on Monday. So Monday morning 10am Is when Brunson should be the decision on Brunson by a Supreme Court should be aired And I'm saying that because that decision has been videotaped and will be brought out in should be broadcast -  The broadcast. I hope, not narrowcast, but broadcast using the main media stations, we'll see.

We'll see how it's brought out and when it's brought out, that's the best information we have so far on that case. And that's going to change a lot of things that are currently in place. And we're not going to go into what those are. But that'll be a good thing for us to get back to now.

So, guys, you realize, obviously by now, this has been a moving target - military information, and I've been told this by some of the guys that we talked to can change in five minutes  - What I've got right now could change in 10 minutes from now.

We hope that the intel that we're getting now and we've got it from several sources, we've got it from sources with from Wells Fargo, Citibank, we've got it saying that we're going to start these exchanges on Tuesday.

And that's what I believe. I believe we will get started and there's quite a bit that's going to come out once we get started, either starting Monday or Tuesday. So that's what I'm looking forward to. This is like a weekend for me starting after this call, but I still get information. I just didn't relay it to you until we have our call. But I think we can be excited. I think we can be ready to go. We can pray this in.

We can work on our own emotional intelligence and our own spiritual intelligence. And we can look forward to doing things beautifully. Not only for ourselves and families, but for other people, not only in the US, but around the world, as well.

So I'm excited about where this is going. I hope this is the end of the ride. This is the start of our 12th year in a big call. So I told you we take it all the way over the threshold and we are like, everybody stay in faith for this to come. And I think we're gonna see this result. Hopefully we see the results the beginning of next week, the beginning of next week. All right. Let's pray- Let's pray the call out.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-5-23 REPLAY LINK     Intel Begins:  1:24:54


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-3-23 REPLAY LINK     Intel Begins:  1:11:21

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-3-23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-3-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the Big Call tonight. It is Tuesday, January 3RD Happy New Year everybody. Welcome to the Big call, wherever you are located. Thank you for tuning in. If it’s on the replay numbers or the replay link or whether you happen to be one of many people that could be listening with a simultaneous language translation in your own native tongue as we did last Thursday to 5.5 million people in 116 different languages.

So we don't normally know the outreach of the call until the next day or so. But if this is reaching you, welcome regardless of whether you're listening in English or in another language. We welcome you to the Big Call.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 1-3-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the Big Call tonight. It is Tuesday, January 3RD Happy New Year everybody. Welcome to the Big call, wherever you are located. Thank you for tuning in. If it’s on the replay numbers or the replay link or whether you happen to be one of many people that could be listening with a simultaneous language translation in your own native tongue as we did last Thursday to 5.5 million people in 116 different languages.

So we don't normally know the outreach of the call until the next day or so. But if this is reaching you, welcome regardless of whether you're listening in English or in another language. We welcome you to the Big Call.

Now as we start the new year, let's make 2023 a year of health - obviously a year of wealth and a year of well- being - and I think that's what we're often starting off on - you realize this is our second call in our 12th year of the Big Call and so you know what? I didn't think we'd go this far. But here we are. So let's, let's bring out the intel that we have.

Now when I give you guys stuff - It's based on the best information that we can source at that time.

You know that certain things tend to come up and they tend to push us back. We have a moving target all that good stuff. Right. Well, let me let you know what is happening now. And this is as of late as Gosh, I'm gonna say 7pm Eastern tonight.  I received information and let's go into that.

What has been happening is - let's talk first of all about the banking system. Now there are several levels of Basel compliance based on the Basel protocols, B - a - s e - l - Basel, Switzerland, okay. That's how it's pronounced in German - Basel. ( Bah - zul )

So, these protocols have different levels based on liquidity in the banks. They started having the liquidity to back up their deposits, or the monies on deposit with the bank.

Well, there's Basel lll, we all hit Basel lV is where most of our banks have made that level. But there are several - and I'm going to say we are up to approximately 5000 banks in the United States that did not meet Basel lV  protocol by the 1st  - 2 days ago -  they had until Sunday to reach Basel lV compliannce

All right - now, some of the banks or tier three and tier four size banks mom and pops, possibly savings and loans, possibly branches, and we knew a long time ago, that even with Chase Bank, that they were going to let about 42 to 45% of their branches go because they would no longer be needed in our current future.

Okay, so many banks and this would be true of all the big banks are consolidating, and removing and letting certain leases on properties and bank buildings go –

Well, the theory was it's not just the theory. What happened on Sunday - If the bank could not meet those protocols, they would be shuttered meaning doors close, locked, and electricity cut off. That was to take place, Sunday or Monday because Monday, as you guys know, was a federal holiday. As we were observing the New Year Day as a holiday, so yesterday was New Year's Day observed in United States.

Now, today is our first day that the banks have reopened. But we should have proximately 5000 that didn't. it could be branches. tier 3 and tier 4 banks, they could be a variety.

That's okay. And I think within North America, which would include Canada, to the north and Mexico, to our south, considered North America, we could have a number closer to 7000 but maybe another 2000 in Canada and Mexico that did not comply with Basel lV compliance.  Okay now, that's all cool. that's all good.

What else? So we did hear from one of our bondholders paymasters was said that we should expect the bondholders to receive their email tomorrow, that would give them access to funds on Thursday. Now it may not be true of everybody, but I'll explain that in a minute. But that's certainly just one bond holder that we heard from a couple hours before the call started tonight.

All right, when we go back and see what has to happen, we know that there are is what I call cleanup on aisle three, cleanup on aisle three, four or five, etc. Okay, we're referring to arrest and that is ongoing but there were several high value targets that needed to be picked up. And all the just a few dozen have been completely picked up by now. That should continue. There's the plan to move and relocate these in the next day or so. But my understanding tonight is this will not slow us down from our start. The vast majority of the people that needed to be removed have been so far.

All right now cut to where we are.

One of our sources is very close to the Treasury and has strong contacts there and is saying that we should be getting the following starting at noon, Eastern standard time tomorrow. This would include our notifications for tier 4B also includes the fines - interest and penalties, adjudicated settlements like CMK X - Farm Claims - Indian claims - prosperity packages.

All should start and roll out over a 30 hour period beginning at noon - Eastern time tomorrow.

Now if you do the simple math, noon plus 30 hours would finish up at six o'clock pm eastern time Thursday. So noon tomorrow, Wednesday - Is 6pm Thursday is our 30 hour rollout window for what is going to be in affect was going to be a shotgun start.

If nothing happens to change that - That's what we're looking at. And we could have our numbers tomorrow. We could have our appointments made tomorrow. And we could exchange starting more than likely Thursdays for the start of our exchanges and the redemption of our zim bearer bonds

And okay, so that is the gist of where we are - everything. Picture all of those eight horses that I just mentioned about - those things in the starting gate and the starting gate opens at noon tomorrow. And then those rollouts in whatever time they're designated to roll out - It may be simultaneous or it may be staggered somewhat.   But we're looking for a lot of things to take place. And that's really good.

Another thing that we're looking for is Supreme Court to announce their decision about Brunson and the date that we have heard would be utilized for that would be January 6, which is Friday.

Now should that happen - that result of Brunson should completely reverse the 2020 election and the 2022 midterms and negate them.

Should that come out? We still don't know exactly why it hasn't come out before. But I know certain of our sources that leave one was Charlie Ward was talking about January 6, for that Supreme Court decision to be brought out. So We’ll see how that happens , and looking forward to that.

I'm sure there's more - I'll tell you something else too we talked I think either last Thursday, we talked about contract rates or the contract rate rather on the dinar and what that was tied - to that's all good

I believe we're going to see something with our new USTN currency or in United States Treasury note folding money that we put in our purses and wallets and money clips. Okay, that should be coming out. The day we start our exchanges - should come out - I would think either tomorrow or Thursday. We'll see how that comes out. But that's one thing that we're really looking forward to.

And that's start because we already know that for example, the dinar - the Iraqi dinar is already pre positioned on the bank's screens as IQN slash USN

So the designation of IQD to IQN and USD to USN has already been on the screens for several days now.

That indicates at least digitally there the currency is being exchanged or being traded internationally as a USN a US note. Okay. So that was encouraging when I heard that for the first time. I think that's been several days ago might have been a week almost now.

So I'm encouraged. I want to stay encouraged. I want us to continue to stay positive and believe that this is coming in as it currently appears to be

There's just so many variables to this. That's why it's been a moving target for so many years. But I know Iraq has done their thing. Hopefully, they have done everything that they needed to do. We've countries come up that weren't quite compliant with the Starlink satellite system. Now they're connected and hooked up with the quantum financial system - everybody is connected and hooked up.

I think it's ready, We're ready to go. So let's stay in faith for this to come through and let's pray the call out and look forward to everything getting kicked off at approximately noon tomorrow.


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:11:21

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-29-22

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-29-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight  it is Thursday December 29th and you’re listening to the Big Call – whether you’re listening live or on the replay numbers we’re glad to have you – and just remember this – this “starts” and hopefully ends our 12th year of the Big Call tonight – Our 12th year and I don’t think we’re going to get very far – hopefully not past this call -

All right, we've got some pretty cool Intel to give out tonight. I'm going to give you a couple of things and then I'm going to tell you where we are. Okay.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-29-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight  it is Thursday December 29th and you’re listening to the Big Call – whether you’re listening live or on the replay numbers we’re glad to have you – and just remember this – this “starts” and hopefully ends our 12th year of the Big Call tonight – Our 12th year and I don’t think we’re going to get very far – hopefully not past this call -

All right, we've got some pretty cool Intel to give out tonight. I'm going to give you a couple of things and then I'm going to tell you where we are. Okay.

I believe I've mentioned to you guys the concept of us getting our restitution money. This is money that comes from trading of our birth certificates as bonds, trading of our death certificates, marriage licenses and divorce decrees. Those are all tradable commodities that were traded on us as bonds.

So those have been calculated to be paid back to us in the form of restitution. In addition to that, we've got this is all part of the NESARA all under NESARA

You have taxes that you paid in. You could go all the way to World War II probably yourself for that - this is interest that you paid on loans, car loans, bank loans, credit card interest as well as mortgage interest. Basically any bank loan -not personal loans borrowed from somebody personally, but this is institutional through the banking system.

That is all payable back to you under this form of restitution, which is supposed to start for age group 61 and older. That group is supposed to start between the 16th and 20th of January

Now the other age groups – which would be the next age group down 48 to 60 - That group would be paid a couple or three weeks later, so sometime in February.

Where does it start? It starts with the age of 24 to 48 - will get a lesser smaller amount of money. And I would say that might even be in the month of March. I don't know that – I’m projecting that it could be that - 28 to 40 or 24 to 48 rather - 24 to 48 year olds.

Now with that would also be a requirement for you not to quit your job or drop your time because you get a chunk of change in the form of this restitution. It'll be interesting to see what happens it's going to really be interesting.

People that haven't had any any money are going to get some real money. Now I know I'm preaching to the choir when I'm talking about, you know our currencies that are currency revaluation – the GCR and all that. Right. But this is going to everybody in the United States that is a citizen - A citizen of the United States.

So that's something for let's call it the rest of the people to look forward to. We're not going to care all that much about that. We'll see it it'll come in - it will be a direct deposit - if  you’re on Social Security  - in the age group 61 and older  - it will probably come to you that way – as a direct deposit to your account – but realize this has nothing to do with social security – it is totally  outside of that – that’s going to be interesting  - we’ll keep an eye on the 16th through the 20th – see how that works out – and beyond  - the other months beyond –

Now – here’s the thing  - here’s the kicker – the amount – and let’s just say it’s an amount that averages a 100,000 dollars – that would be an amount payable per year for 11 years  - so you could see how – now that’s in the age group that I talked about 61 and above – that is average -  a rough average – of what somebody in that age group could expect – in 11 years of payments – starting with approximately mid January

Okay, now the lesser age group the 48 to 60. I can't really project what that would be. And the 24 -48 I don't know what that would be. Okay, I only heard a number that's considered an average for those in the 61 and above category.  Chances are the older you are you are, the more you'll get

Okay, that just kind of make sense based on the time that they've had to trade, your birth certificate, and your marriages and your divorces and all that. Okay?

So that's just something that's not so much for us, but it is I mean, it will, it will affect us too, but it's going to be sort of small potatoes compared to what we're looking at with our currencies, right. All right, so we got that piece out of the way.

Let's talk about bondholders. There are monies moving into bond holders accounts as we speak. Those accounts are being activated. Now the amount that I've heard, that's going for the bond holders is only not us - for the bondholders - is  quatro septillion dollars. Quatro.

quarto septillion dollars ends up I believe - put a number in front of 33 zeros. I think that's the actual amount. It's a big chunk. It's a big it's a big tranche of funds that's taking place Thursday, that's today, Friday, Saturday and Sunday into the bondholders accounts.

Now they've already received some emails, telling them that they will receive another email and they were on call – even today - with their paymasters that said that they would receive access to those funds on Monday at noon, and some were up 2:30 and other times.

The Monday after noon essentially, is when they should be able to gain access to those funds and certainly by Tuesday, they're supposed to be good to go to gain access and utilize their bond funds.

Now remember this is their 1% of their total, which is still substantial and in the billions of the bondholders, okay, so don't feel bad about 1% They're gonna do fine with that. Now that bond holder monies are paid out as a structured payout. And please don't get this wrong, Judy, or anybody else that's listening to this.

This is for the bondholders, not for us that are dealing in 4B with currencies, bondholders will get their first payment and access to the 1%. After that they'll get availability of funds in a structure of I believe it's 11 different payments of their total. Whatever their total is, it'll be divided up into even amounts and they'll get that much for maybe per 90 days for 60 days. I'm not quite sure what the timeline is on it.

But it's interesting because the timing we talked about a shotgun start for a long time. And it appears that we are going to be seeing this on a shotgun start for the bondholders to gain access to their funds and have their accounts activated - and then for us to set our appointments to be gaining access to our funds for the first 90 days.

Okay, especially for those of us that have projects, companies or LLC already set up to do our projects and I've told you last time I believe how much we could put in each one of those LLC accounts for the first 90 days - and then through the quantum financial system - They'll be monitoring how we use the money - who we pay what we do.

And remember the 55 page book that says we were not allowed to give money to - that will be interesting to go through and read - and better memorize that thing to - just kidding - but take a good look at it - and keep in mind that if you do give to any of these organizations that are on the naughty list, then your accounts will be frozen - and those monies could be called back from you.

Okay, so don't be one of those people that tries to give to some of these nefarious groups. Okay, whether it's corporations, whether it's whatever it is, whatever it is that they book, and maybe they're more pages and 55. Now, I don't know. That's what there were.

Alright, let's talk about where we are right now. In tier four B, that was tier three, the bondholders, the bondholders are looking to get access Monday or Tuesday.

We have a situation where the banks and we've got people that are going to the banks and talking with them about exchanges, because the banks screens have been showing active rates on the dinar for a few days on the front screens.

Now if they're on the back screens, that means that they're not for us to be used for exchange right, just more or less for the bank people to see that. But on the front screens, it means they are theoretically unless there's a pending or a flashing ray or something like that - It means that they're good to go.

And they have been good to go for a few days - If you got there when the rates were not one of those deals right. Well, the rates were up they knew down at noon, and down for the rest of the day, that kind of thing. But it gave some of our contacts – our sources - an opportunity to go and talk about you know when they exchange - and Wells Fargo person who was this was not a redemption center.

This was at a at a regular branch of Wells Fargo - person said well, you could come in Thursday or Friday morning and you could see what you can do on your exchange but to be perfectly honest with you - You should come back Tuesday when the contract rate on the dinar is up - WOW!

When I got that story and realize that they are acknowledging not only the exchange of the dinar, but that there was a contract rate - And that in my understanding guys is they're willing to give that to us. They're willing to offer it to us, Even if we are a zim holder. Even if we are a zim holder! Now, are we going to need the extra? It’s up to you. I'm just saying it's really cool to think that that happens.

All right today. One of our sources went to another bank. That was a Chase Bank. And they were told almost the same thing. But we can't really exchange you today. But come back Tuesday and we'll be able to help you and the contract rate will be available.

Now we never talked about the contract rate on the Big Call. We don't really do rates right we really kind of walk around them and give you some idea. You guys know where the front screen rate on the dinar was? Roughly because it exceeded what Dr Shabibi said the dinar would support that 10 years ago at the International Chamber of Commerce meeting and in DC.

But now, I'll tell you about the contract rate is check to see what North Sea Brent crude oil is per barrel, because the rate is tied to that commodity within $2 above or $2 below North Sea Brent crude oil price.

So that gives you an idea of what that's worth.

So what I'm about to say is my belief is based on that and based on other people that we've talked to, we've got four basic confirmations that they are going to roll for us on Tuesday, which is the third of January with our notifications coming either Monday in the afternoon or Tuesday before noon.

Monday afternoon to Tuesday before noon - So that indicates our first exchanges should be or could be Tuesday afternoon / evening - and then we go from there. Right?

Some redemption centers will be open for nine days. Some all the way up to 11 or 12 days depending on your demographics. So many Zim holders there are in those particular cities and towns especially Florida, as the most in total of them but the most Zim holders - that really gives us an idea that yes, did we go in 2022? No.

Part of the reason that we didn’t go this year is because the - several things - the Starlink system needed to be completely integrated with last countrie. Any surprise here, North Korea, Syria and Libya.

Those three countries are the last ones in - we're gonna slam the door behind them.

Those countries are the last to come in and be completely integrated with the Starlink satellite system.

In addition to that, all banks globally - all banks need to be Basel IV compliance by January one which is Sunday.  any banks that are not Basel IV compliant  on or by January first Sunday, their doors will be shuttered and their electricity will be turned off - and they'll be SOL because they are not going to be part of the new banking system - period.

Okay. They are all – so the push is on to make sure that the Basel IV compliance is met by as many banks as want to be part of and that's another hold up that we did was a for compliance - in a sense on a financial system, fully integrated Starlink system with these other countries, these three countries that are coming in, essentially last - barely getting the door before we slam on the door.

So -- you got the concept -- is -- that in, let's call it mid March - We're gonna have all the currencies of the world on par. Now on par means the same rate as let's say the US dollar would be.

That's a major move. You guys think of all the currencies worldwide. They're equivalent of the dollar being on par or equal to in value to our dollar.

You can make your country this thickness Swiss franc, you can take the French franc, the German Deutsche Mark, you can bring you can bring the Canadian dollar which is always less than us, almost always. And the Aussie dollar which is always less, those guys would be raised up.

We're talking about Indian rupee. All of these currencies would be on par. That creates a total level playing, playing field in terms of trade globally, around the world.

And this is part of GESARA  - Now who's in charge of announcing GESARA – Charlie Ward - he's over GESARA and we're expecting that announcement between now - I'm gonna say probably more like it could get announced by New Year's Eve. But in any event, it should get bought out and we don't know who's going to bring out NESARA for our country in the United States. It could be Steve Mnuchin. It could be who knows? Who knows who is going to be to bring that out.

But Charlie Ward is over GESARA internationally and he's appointed Simon Parkes to be over South America might take that away from Central and South America and he’s over Africa.

And you guys should know that Zimbabwe has been chosen to be regional currency for all of Africa under the Zimbabwe dollar and the Zimbabwe dollar for two years has been on par. Now that's not the the notes that we have - not the bonds, the bearer bonds that we buy, but it’s the regular everyday currency that they're going to be getting out of on par already.

But Zimbabwe is going to be basically the richest country in the world. They have oil - they've got diamonds out the Yang. They've got precious metals, precious gems. extremely wealthy, extremely rich. We'll see how that shakes out.

But all of Africa - guys you can see how all of Africa, is going to be brought up to a really much higher standard with water with proper drainage and sewer systems, with housing with infrastructure, rail, highways. I mean, guys, It's gonna be wild

Now. how about free Tesla Free Energy is not far away. We should have some announcement about that. Pretty soon after the new year. We already have 80% of the cell towers retrofitted to receive Tesla Energy. I don't know it's gonna be cool guys - gonna really be cool.

This is a lot of what Sue was talking, even Bob was talking about earlier today in terms of this quantum world we're stepping into now.

So that's why I'm excited. I'm excited because I could see that there's light at the end of the tunnel. You know, God knows the end of the beginning. And we're in this time phase but looking forward, I see really strong things for us coming very soon.

I mean, New Year Eve is only a few days away Right, right - 2 days away really. And then New Year's, on Sunday. I am excited about the timing of this

We're going to be sending out an email when we get the toll free numbers, and your email will contain that number.  And you'll receive that number, most of the Zim holders unless them has been gifted, they know who they are. They've already sort of vetted you if you're a Zim holder.

They already know who you are, and all that stuff. So the Know Your Customer parts, we bring in your ID, you bring in a power bill or any bill, you know, where you live. You know, when you do that, and when they see, you know, when you go through the various steps at the redemption center. They already know who you are, but they want to know what do you plan to do with the zim? And that's when you tell him about your projects. That's when you go through your five to eight minute product presentation.

No more live free conference calls. Okay, this is something that's private is going to your email and it might even go set for a period of time the email by the podcast.

I don't know exactly what we're going to do on that yet but we'll get there. So I'm excited guys. Remember, today starts the 12th year of the big call, and I hope it ends the 20 of the big goal. We got started and stopped on the same call. So thanks, everybody, for listening to me tonight and to all of us tonight.

Thank you for tuning into the big call tonight. Whatever way you're listening, and for those that are catching this on the replay thank you for those that are catching on the replay numbers. Thank you.

We're moving forward. I want everybody to have a totally safe New Year's Eve day. Don't do anything crazy. Just remember, keep your celebration kind of internal. Celebrate, but we're really going to celebrate after we get started in the numbers come out we set our appointments and get started looking at it right now as it is now.

It'll be the third of January which is Tuesday. All right. Why not? Why not Monday, because Monday is a federal holiday for the new year. Just like it was a Christmas time versus on a Sunday. Celebration was the next day for Christmas, the holiday. And then here same things true for New Year's, New Year's Day.

Yeah, they'll be closed on the second. But there'll be open Tuesday, the third of January. Okay in United States, and I don't know if Canada's following along with that you probably but you guys I appreciate this. It's been a really long ride. But I've enjoyed the ride and I hope you have to and I have learned a lot over the last 11 years of the Big Call and I hope that we will be in touch with after this goes

Now take the first couple of weeks to chill. Pay off any debts you've got. And you know and enjoy. Maybe do a little vacay and check out a new home if you want a new home a new ride whatever it is. Check it out. Look into it. And we'll be in touch and in a couple of weeks, two or three weeks. We'll definitely be in touch with you by email. So please pay attention to that if you see one from big call universe. All right. So thanks everybody, again.  Exciting so I'm excited for the new year for us


Thursday Dec 29 2022 Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins: 1:20:40

Tuesday Dec 27 2022 Replay LINK:

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-20-22

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-20-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody, to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, December 20. And you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in. Again, everybody, wherever you're located all over this beautiful globe of ours in this week of Christmas. And I want to thank everybody for listening and for being here for us tonight. We're glad to be here for you. And I think we're gonna bring some pretty good information and some pretty good feelings to everybody tonight in this pre Christmas week.

Guys, I'll tell you - this is interesting - today's the 20th - winter solstice tomorrow afternoon, 4:46pm. Eastern Time - And do you think it might be appropriate for us to get started? Maybe?  Well, here's the thing.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 12-20-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody, to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, December 20. And you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in. Again, everybody, wherever you're located all over this beautiful globe of ours in this week of Christmas. And I want to thank everybody for listening and for being here for us tonight. We're glad to be here for you. And I think we're gonna bring some pretty good information and some pretty good feelings to everybody tonight in this pre Christmas week.

Guys, I'll tell you - this is interesting - today's the 20th - winter solstice tomorrow afternoon, 4:46pm. Eastern Time - And do you think it might be appropriate for us to get started? Maybe?  Well, here's the thing.

Let's see what I want to bring tonight a few little concepts that are gonna make sense. But let me go right now to bondholders.

You know, we've talked about but not too much about bonds, but you've got yellow dragon – golden dragon, Red Dragon bonds and there’s probably others  - those three all release so those funds could be sent to those bonds sellers accounts today at around noon, Eastern time - proximately noon.

Those funds did make it into the accounts – now the German bonds, which were done through Bank of America. I just found out 30 minutes before the start of tonight's call that the German bonds were released at approximately seven Eastern tonight - actually could have been even closer to eight o'clock Eastern - those were released into the accounts  of the German bond sellers so that came a little later, about eight hours later. And that was a great message that we got that those had in fact gone in.

Now - here's the deal about the spending. Some of the bondholders had received monies but they were limited on what they could spend until we got started with our exchanges. And some of the bondholders had availability to spend up to $180,000 which sounds like a lot of money right now but in terms of billions of dollars for the bonds it's not a whole lot.

So they got access to that.  And they're gonna get access to the remaining part of the 1% when we go and do our exchanges. So let's say you had 5 billion as your 1%, which is very possible.

Okay, let's take, let's say 1 billion was your 1% and you had 100 billion come from your bond sales total. That remaining 180 thousand from one billion is what you would have just to start investing, spending, buying whatever you want to call that when we start so, there's sort of a little bit of an idea of a shotgun start in terms of spending at the same time in terms of what we get what they get.

They've been holding back Tier 3 bondholders for so long. They've been waiting as long or longer than we have a good sense, just as long - because we're all going to be released at approximately the same time.

So let's talk about us when we get started, and I'll talk about that in a second. When we get started with our exchanges, and you know, everything goes into our quantum account, even if it's currency, even if it's zim, whatever it is, it goes into our quantum account, which is a safekeeping account for us - a non interest bearing held by the United States Treasury.

So let's talk about us when we get started, and I'll talk about that in a second. When we get started with our exchanges, and you know, everything goes into our quantum account, even if it's currency, even if it's zoom, whatever it is, it goes into our quantum account, which is a safekeeping account for a non interest bearing held by the United States Treasury.  But it is virtual it is digital, but it's backed by real gold it’s backed by our currency which is the USN it’s about 90 plus percent gold backed.

Alright so it's a secure thing. Somebody put out something the other night or other about, you know, contact your bank to ensure your funds. Forget that. That's ridiculous. First of all, your accounts are insured in a sense by our US Treasury. There's no reason to reinsure it or to insure it with FDA. FDIC is going away. Oh, they might keepthe sticker up in the bank for a while, but FDIC - No, it's not even applicable to us.

First of all the limits were 100,000 250,000. We wouldn't walk across the street for $250,000 after this goes. I'm being facetious of course. But the idea is FDIC - forget about it. Again, forget about it - doesn't exist, doesn't exist for us.

Now, here's what would happen. All right, let's say we do our exchanges. You've got some zIm. You've got other currencies, whatever it is, on an account. You got quite a bit in there. And then you've got projects, and you've got companies or LLC, limited liability companies like I've got whatever you've got set up; If you've got a company, they would want you to transfer as much as $1.2 billion into a company accounts.

I told you guys last time, I'm setting up secondary accounts below my primary account with Wells Fargo. Four the secondary accounts, at least to handle each one of my project names, LLC’s for each one. So each one could take 1.2B to in the primary account. – I’ll probably do it – take it easy – go with one billion in each of those 4 and keep one more in the sos called “primary” account

One but for that five, the in the private in initially coming out of the quantum. Okay, you with me? would make quantum as a lot primary guests, whatever you transfer in, and then they and that's for the first 90 days. Now, what really counts is how do you spend or integrate or invest or whatever you're gonna call your projects? How do you do it? How do you spend that money in the first 90 days? That's what they're gonna be paying attention to.

That's what the quantum financial system will want to monitor and if you're being good, and you don't do anything nefarious, and you don't try to give anything that's not you know, that's not good. They see that you're considered a good boy or good girl in their eyes. Then guess what?

After that 90 day period, you're wide open, and they'll probably still monitor us and watch what we do from a quantum level. But the bracelets are off and you can now have access to all of your funds.

And you can bring money from the quantum - transfer into your primary or secondary accounts, and do that and continue to do that. you need to move some money to another bank, you can do that. All of that. it's very, very doable. So there are no structured payouts for us.

I know I talked about it for a while. I know I talked about it. A long time. But it was started by Bank of America. And it wasn't about our exchanges. We're not under any structure, other than the first 90 days. We've got some very reasonable limits that are putting that are put on our accounts.

And I mentioned 1.2 billion I think is where they want us to max out per business or LLC or project name, whatever. Okay, you're gonna have to talk it over with the guys at the redemption Center and the ladies in the redemption center. If you don't understand it, or you have questions about it.

Okay, so structured payouts are only for bond holders or bond sellers and in this case, Bond sellers and platform trade participants.

Okay, people that are in a zim platform, for example, are going to get 20% of their funds upfront, and then the remaining 80% is going to be divided over 12 months. In that sense, it's a structured payout.

You see, in that sense, but it’s only literally a year. They get all of it within 12 months after their initial 20% is paid out to them.

Now, the bondholders are going to be on are some would have a similar payout. similar structure to what I just mentioned. And that won’t hurt them a bit. There'll be all excited, that won't be a problem.

There's going to be a big, big change goin on you guys. So listen, the bondholders received liquidity today and tonight and should have access to those funds - really tomorrow.

The information that we got today. Well we got one of our highly known sources says that this was in reference to the bond holders. This was talking about the bond holders or bond sellers. It said Get ready to pop the cork on the champagne. The party begins.

That's tonight. Get ready to pop the champagne cork tonight.

The party begins. And I think that's a great thing that would apply to the bondholders. Right? What about us? You guys are saying - yelling yelling at your phones. What about us already? Come on already? Alright.

Well, we are following closely behind and feel based on the information that we have that we should get notified tomorrow and get started - either tomorrow afternoon or evening as exchanges or start on Thursday. I know my preference is to be be notified tomorrow, set appointments and start tomorrow afternoon or evening.

Okay, that's a preference. I hope that's what happens. But it could mean that we set appointments tomorrow and start on Thursday. either way is a WIN - When we get the notifications by email from Wells Fargo It’s a WIN –

Now - Further to that we have the redemption center staff going in at 10:30 in the morning tomorrow - and that might be in time for our notifications to be coming out. let's say around - I don’t know this guys !! This is only me projecting. Maybe we get notified Tomorrow morning between 11 to noon. Maybe that occurs at the same time, in each time zone.

So we'll see how that works. We've heard about 10:30 to noon 11 to noon for a long time. Let's see if this is what happens tomorrow.

Now, I cannot absolutely call it. But this is as close to it as I can get, because of the fact that the bondholders were paid, and were sent their emails of liquidity.

So we're right on their tails. Right behind him – 12 - 24 hours later.

Yesterday, redemption center staff had meetings it started at 1:30 in the afternoon and went three and then have meetings after three that went until 7:30 at night. So they were busy yesterday. And yeah all the players are on the initial call, Treasury Secretary Minuchin - Judy Shelton – other key figures and then I believe the later calls were probably with the six major banks, international banks.

So there's been some catching up and sharing. I'm sure that took place I know they did finally settle in on a contract rate on the dinar which I cannot disclose, but it's quite high.

And you'll have to inquire about that because it's not going to be available for everybody. If all you had was dinar that's it. You could we make case for the contract rate. There is no highest negotiable rate on DONG   There's no contract rate on dong .

But there's a very good rate - That is going to be way more than we thought the dong would support even years ago as some of the people that put up 47 cents on the dong for years and you know who I’m talking about when you see how ridiculous that is. When you see what the real rate is on the dong.  Pretty amazing. Pretty amazing stuff.

I don't do rates you guys know I can't talk about rates and I'll tell you one thing all right I'll give you something - you guys remember we talked about Dr. Shabibi of Iraqi’s central bank - Remember when he spoke to the International Chamber of Commerce in Washington DC in 2012 - 10 years ago - and the question was asked by Blue Star what was the what did he believe the Iraqi dinar would support as a rate in US dollars and he gave that rate. We've talked about it since but three days ago I guess it was Sunday. Yes. Sunday. We had confirmation that we that the big screens had indeed exceeded that rate.

So if you remember anything about what we said in the past, you know what I'm referring to.

This is going to be a life changing event for us. We’ve got no structured payouts you guys and you know that we talked about perks - perks that the banks would have for us if we stayed with a bank or whether we change to a new bank, they're all gonna have perks, but the latest we heard from the Citibank for example is they've got the perks that they're offering all on one page. We had heard three and four pages of perks a while back

So it's not going to make or break us. We can buy and sell perks like day old bread, But the idea of getting something quote unquote, for free by being banking with a certain bank. It's kind of cool in a way pending what it is. And so that's something I think they're gonna send home with you - along with that 55 page book, you're not allowed to give money to.

So you can have one thing that do not, you know, 55 pages, of companies, of nonprofits of whatever people that are in this book that may be greater than 55 pages now that you're not to give money to - and then you'll get a list, maybe a page or two of perks that the bank will be offering you that you can take home and think about let your premier bankers know what to do as far as that goes.

But it looks like it's going to be very interesting. and there's one other thing I was told to tell you. I haven't gone into in great detail, but if you have injuries. If you've got oh gosh any number of diseases that are wrong with you, anything major you got illnesses - whatever it is like that. Let the people know, at the redemption center that you're interested in the med bed and you want to be considered for an appointment

They will keystroke something in as you're telling them this that will flag you as somebody interested into wanting to get into the med bed - And then they can be in touch with you about how to set that appointment up to do that when you go into the redemption center,

While we're waiting on notifications, and guys there's not a whole, a whole lot else I think that is germane to what we're looking for now, we're really just about there.

And we've talked a little about rates - we talked about the redemption center process. I'll tell you is, if you've got your projects, and you’re lined up and all set to make your presentation, it’s just gonna be fun. It's gonna be fun. And I think you can go in confident and be fairly comfortable presenting your ideas to strangers.

Otherwise this really appears will be our last call. We never know you know it's not over till it's over. Right? Well, the fat lady is warming up.  I don't know guys. I think we're getting awfully awfully close. And it's great. We waited a long time. 18 years for me 11 years on the big call. You guys a lot of you guys have been with the big call since the first.

You know 11 years ago December 28 2011. And thank you for that. Thank you. Thank you for your faithfulness to come in and listen and catch virtually every call.

And we appreciate it. We appreciate that because it's kept us all going. It's kept all of us moving forward even though it's been a slow slog. It's been something that we've all enjoyed. So let's do this guys, let's say our good nights and our goodbyes. See what happens tomorrow, hopefully the information that I've got is good it still holds up and everything is moving, more or less like, like we anticipate.

And everybody if we don't see you Thursday, have a wonderful Merry Christmas. And we'll talk to you when we talk to you. Stay tuned to your emails because that's how we'll be contacting you after this goes. So Good night, everybody. God bless you.   We'll see what happens tomorrow

Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins:  1:16:10

The two previous call links were not posted early enough to be transcribed by WISERNOW but can be listened to in their entirety if interested :

Dec 15 2022 Replay CLICK HERE

Dec 13 2022 Replay CLICK HERE

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-8-22

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-8-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight, it's Thursday, December 8th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody wherever you are all around the globe – tuned in live – or if you’re catching the call on the replay link or replay numbers -

All right, now let's go to some intel – it’s a quarter after the hour. Let's get into it. This will be short and sweet, but I think it's significant. What we heard yesterday, happened around 5pm Eastern Time, was that the Iraqi dinar did make its way on to our Forex where we could see it. If you're in the United States you had a Forex subscription, or you're a bank or whatever – Traders -

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-8-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight, it's Thursday, December 8th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody wherever you are all around the globe – tuned in live – or if you’re catching the call on the replay link or replay numbers -

All right, now let's go to some intel – it’s a quarter after the hour. Let's get into it. This will be short and sweet, but I think it's significant. What we heard yesterday, happened around 5pm Eastern Time, was that the Iraqi dinar did make its way on to our Forex where we could see it. If you're in the United States you had a Forex subscription, or you're a bank or whatever – Traders -

We got that confirmed again last night and today by another source - two sources. And that is a very positive thing for us to have that finally there. It tells us Iraq is there. They've done what they said they do. They arrested the 40 some odd people that they need to do they put I think two or three different people in positions of authority in Iraq, and they finally brought - now we know that they brought their rate out a week ago, Sunday.

So that's been what 10 / 11 days is the new Iraqi dinar rate has been out regardless of what certain people are saying. We know this. We know this directly from Iraq. And we also know that it's been on bank screens and the all the rates have populated back up on bank screens.

And we heard from one of our bank sources our top bank sources that we had rates on the dinar and on the Vietnamese Dong - they were showing up - great rates already and they're trading upwards - and these would be considered screen rates that we haven't really had before on the front screens.

They’ve got some back screen rates and those are fine, that's all good, but point is the currencies - from what we can tell are ready, they're all the countries have their currencies in position. It's kind of like putting all the horses in a race engine starting gate. And now it's just a matter of opening the gate and letting it go.

Well, that's kind of how we are right now. We're looking at that position. All the horses are queued up in the gate. All of our currencies are queued up. I think we're up to 27 currencies; maybe 29 will be going in the first basket. Okay, and that'll be great.

And yeah, a four or five or six or seven of those that were that we talked about over the last 11 years. And this is going to help us to really go forward and get a blessing that will hydrate the world and rehydrate us.

So that was a very positive piece of news today. Now then we go to - Okay, where are the bondholders, bondholders that were intermediaries or introducers. They did get funds put in their accounts last Saturday at 4pm. We talked about that on Tuesday.

They do have identification codes and pass codes to enter but they're waiting on the OK from paymasters to receive an access code to enter to be able to have access to those funds. Access to those funds is supposed to be by tomorrow or Saturday - “supposed to be” and that's what we hope will happen for those introducers --

The same thing though, is also true for the bondholders, the bond sellers of bonds that are supposed to get those emails with the identification and access codes, so they can enter those in to their computer and see those funds and have access to those funds – Tomorrow - which is Friday or Saturday.   That's what we're hearing as far as the bondholders are concerned.

We're also hearing that those intermediaries, which is the term we use to describe the CM KX adjudicated settlements - to fines - interest & penalties . All of those farm claims - Indian claims all of that stuff is supposed to be paid out as well in that timeframe, but nobody has a distinct time advantage on getting funds before anybody else.

And we're talking tier 3 bondholders tier 3’s – tier 4A - the Admiral’s group - tier 4B - us the internet group, which is the largest group of all these currency holders. And then tier five is the public which is we understand  - even though they may not know enough to call in and set an appointment like we do, they may end up just willy nilly walking into any old bank and trying to exchange. Alright, so that's not our plan.

Our plan is to call with a toll free number, get a fixed appointment time and go in and if you're a zim holder of course, make a presentation and get everything out there in full and full participation mode. That's going to be really cool for us, especially those that have zim.

So that is where they stand – Now - Where do we stand? - We are hearing from one of our major banks that we’re looking to be notified Saturday or by Saturday or by Saturday means Friday or Saturday - and that's looking very good.

I think politically we're looking at Saturday, being a day of reckoning, - supposed to be a “Reckoning Fest” and a day of reckoning - reckoning the sense of making the right again.

We'll see what that looks like. We'll see what happens. I know there's something major that we're looking to have happen tomorrow, Friday and or Saturday. We don't quite know what but it could happen on or before that day of reckoning Saturday. That's going to be cool, very interesting to keep an eye on and keep an eye on your emails to see what comes in.

If you're a Zim holder - if you're a big currency holder for any other currency as well. You go in there and make a five to eight minute presentation. I think this is just basically an outline form for your project or projects that they will say okay, I see what you're wanting to do. And they will award you a highly respectable rate on your zim for doing that and other currencies as well. That is what would get you access if you didn't have any zim. That's what might get you access to a quote unquote contract rate, which would apply on dinar and Dong okay. Just to let you know, there is one for each, but you have to be special to get it.

All right now.  Beyond that, it looks like we should get notified by Saturday. Could it blow out and go all the way to Monday? Anything's possible. We know that but let's see what happens tomorrow and Saturday. And then we'll deal with Monday if it becomes an issue.

Okay. I think guys, it's really cool that we have the dinar finally visible on our forex and that we have the all the currencies up on the screens with highly tradable rates - moving their way up. And it could be that this is finally well one text that we got said congratulations. We finally made it strong all the way to the finish line. And I think that could be where we are. Hopefully we are at the finish line.

Oh, there's still a little cleanup here and a little cleanup there that's going on but overall, we're in pretty good shape to move forward. So we'll see how that goes over the next couple of days and we'll see if tonight is in fact our last call or whether we have to come back again on Tuesday. But I'm hoping this is our last call and we get to move forward and we can really have a wonderful Christmas season.

I do expect this to go this month. I do expect it to go in a matter of days. And it could be that we do get everything by Saturday as we hope. All right. So everybody have a wonderful weekend essentially.

And I want to thank everybody that's been listening and I want to thank Sue, my host, Sue, and Bob, for bringing all the beautiful information that they bring to us and the love that comes from both of them. I want to thank GCK for his beautiful artwork, artistry behind the scenes working with Sue on presentations - and also obviously Pastor Scott. Thank you, Jeannie. Thank you and everybody else behind the scenes that is helping us to put forward this information.

You know, I told you guys I guess I told you on Tuesday, this last Thursday's call a week ago - We were broadcast simultaneously in 18 different languages and we were reaching 100 Let's see between 1.5 and 2 million people around the globe. So I don't know what our reach is tonight - but I thank everybody that's helping to transcribe the call, especially into other languages. And also, thank you for anyone that's helping with call notes and putting those out as well. So, God bless everybody. Let's pray this call out, and we'll see what happens over the next couple of days..


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:06:36

Conference Recording Ref #766

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