Thoughts from Holly and Judy Tuesday AM 6-22-2021

Holly Tuesday RV News:

The hold up on Sunday night was resolved yesterday. There were a lot of meetings yesterday and the rate issue not being released was fixed.

 I will not put out any timeframe when we expect to see the final release as people get too stuck on a date and then get upset if that date does not happen.

Just know all is moving forward and we are on track for this to happen at any moment.

This is a transition not a transaction! Never, ever give up!

Be quiet when you sign your NDA!  

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 22 June 2021

Compiled Tues. 22 June 2021 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Our Military Intel Contact has confirmed that in a few short hours the FOREX would update at 1:01 am EDT Tues. 22 June.

That Tues. morning would be the Shotgun Start for Tier 4B. We may see invitations to exchange/redeem started earlier.

On Sun. 20 June the new rates didn’t appear on the Forex as expected. Iraq blamed the US Treasury, and the US blamed Iraq.

On Mon. 21 June there was a meeting between all of the parties involved in the release – the DOD, IMF, UST, WF, HSBC and principals from Iraq – to determine who did what in causing the RV delay on Sun. night 20 June. There was a lot of contentious finger pointing, but the end result was a unanimous – “push this out right now decision. It’s all in process.”

After Iraq finished the RV teams meeting the IMF had to finish rate coordination and were pushing hard for the release and doing what they needed to do to get it out.

Once the new currency rates were on the Forex Tier 4B would be setting appointments to exchange the 22 currencies in the GCR, plus redeem the Zim Bond.

The IMF had agreed to give Iraq $3.50 in-country rate and that rate was presently being used in-country on the Iraqi citizen Q cards.

The banks would exchange currency at whatever international rate the Teller Window displayed – which would not be the special and higher Contract Rates for Tier 4B.

For instance, at present the International Rate of the Dinar was around $4, though was expected to rise until it was locked in when the General Public Tier 5 started their currency exchanges on Sat. 3 July.

A Safelink Website would be provided to Tier 4B currency/Zim holders (us, the Internet Group) in order for them to obtain exchange/redemption appointments, according to our Military Intel Contact.

Tier 4B has the opportunity to Redeem Zim Bonds along with currency, at Redemption Centers, where we could negotiate a Contract Rate, or receive the Default Rate, both of which would be higher than the General Public Tier 5 rate on Sat. 3 July.

After the Tier 4B Safe Link Website links and 800# had been out for the last two weeks of June and on Sat. 3 July the IMF would make a public announcement of the Global Currency Reset.

There would be ten or so days of Zim redemption and currency exchanges at the special rates, though appointments could be set up to 30 days away.

After the ten or so days, Zim redemption and the special rates would end, unless you had made an appointment at a Redemption Center within that 30 day window.

Tier 4B notification emails would come primarily from Wells Fargo, though also would be sent by Chase and HSBC.


B. Mon. 21 June Telegram:

Nick Fleming: In 1791, Congress established the First Bank of the United States, dominated by big banking and money interests. Headquartered in Philadelphia, ostensibly to manage the debt accrued following the American Revolution and to counter the failed US Dollar, the “Continental”.

After several failures, two hundred and thirty years later the Federal Reserve is still dominated by big banking and money interests, with (binding) ties to every major bank in the world.

The RV GCR battle today is another case of “The Suspect Squeals Caper,” no one is ready to stand up and take responsibility. In this incredibly difficult, globally coordinated systemic shift, the guilty party is literally losing their head over this fiasco.

This is a Seppuku Moment where the guilty party must fall on their sword. DoD, UST, IMF, are all parties to this massive coordinated effort and all responsible. WF, HSBC, (and thousands of Redemption Centers), all of the banking entities involved, wait along with millions of us, for the start to begin the exchange process – expected last night.

No rates were publicly given, and FOREX did not demonstrate the New Iraq Dinar values – along with 22 other new currency values. So what happened? We may never know.

We may never know who’s indicted over this latest delay. We may never know who’s charged with crimes against humanity. We may never know the who, what, where, when, and it doesn’t really matter anyway.

What matters is that the RV GCR is moving forward, and Justice will be served. To those serving in delivering this Justice, you have our eternal THANKS. We will do our part – once able.

There’s no stopping RV GCR. FOREX rates are updated every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SUNDAY. Today is still viable.

Read full post here:


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