Thoughts From DJ:  DID YOU KNOW?   Confusion

DJ:  DID YOU KNOW?   Confusion

It’s funny. All you have to do is say something nobody understands and they’ll do and believe practically anything you want them too.

 How easy it is for so many of us today to be so full of information yet fully deprived of accurate information. In this age of technology there is constant access to vast amounts of information. But it seems like it’s just a collection of weird quizzes with no answers to half the questions.

We are wrapped up in a cycle of illusions, delusions and confusions. It is the confusion of how to think, feel, digest and react to what goes on. People get overwhelmed and want to accept an answer just because it’s too scary not to have an answer. Which, it turns out, is a good way to get the wrong answer.

We often confuse what we wish for, for what actually is. We are caught in this game and have no idea what the rules are.

People so easily accept answers just to know they’re not alone in their confusion. As time moves on the lines begin to blur. It no longer seems as simple as good versus evil, but good versus fools who think they are good.

I want to believe, as I think most people do, that I am optimistic. But one can’t get carried away with optimism. The unyielding optimist will pretend that the forest is not burning either because they are too lazy, or too afraid, to go put the fire out.

 We have to balance our optimistic view of what can happen with reality. The most confused you will ever get is when you try to convince your heart and spirit of something your mind knows is a lie. Meaning, accepting any answer because we are scared of not having an answer and disregarding the facts of reality.

If you had not summarized what this article is referring to, it’s the GCR and all of the other financial movements. The RV, Prosperity Programs, Historical Bond Redemption’s, the QFS, the Global Collateral accounts and if you really want to expand it, politics, governments, social upheaval and just about any other subject you may try and inquire about.

The more you look for answers the more confusing it gets. The more questions you have that are answered the more you realize what you don’t know. It gets to the point you don’t even know what question to ask. You would think the more knowledge you acquire for what you want to know, the closer to your answers you’re looking for you would get. But that’s not what happens.

Stay grounded, manage expectations, and look at what is happening, not what may happen. Try and use what is real to make life decisions and not get caught up in the vast information pool of confusion and speculation that create false expectations.



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