Thoughts From DJ: "A Bunch of Brush Fires Being Lit" 6-26-2023


Wow!! Is there a bunch of brush fires being lit or what? I have had a barrage of information sent to me recently regarding the GCR/RV/ Historical Bond Redemption, the supposed GESARA/NESARA, Prosperity Program pay-outs , U.S. and foreign country domestic military activity, videos of politicians in jail, the big ten days of darkness thing and a sh..load of speculation by Intel providers all attempting to connect the dots the way they see it.

 It’s like this never-ending book is being written and what we are seeing is merely the next chapter and we all keep waiting for the ending that never comes. Right when we think this is it, “the last chapter” another chapter keeps popping up.

Everyone has their own particular information networks that they have deemed accurate, or at least support their own perceptions of what is going on. Most of the time if the information consumed doesn’t support their individual beliefs it’s disregarded and they keep searching until they find some narrative that supports what they believe.

I can’t say one way or the other why this keeps happening. Is it some grand plan to keep us scared and off-balance? Is it a distraction to keep us looking in the wrong direction while they carry out their nefarious agendas? Is it a message of hope for all those in desperate situations? Don’t know, can’t say. I guess it depends on how you want to look at it. But what doesn’t escape me is logical thinking.

I see information disseminated that is blatantly false but has sprinkles of truth mingled in its delivery that gets us to buy in on the rest of the lie. We should all step back and look at things and events from a “does that make sense” point of view. If it doesn’t make sense don’t drink the Kool-Aid. Hate to be the one to point this out but desperation doesn’t change the truth. There is the old quote “liars figure but figures don’t lie”

The on thing I have been told, that has maintained over the years, for the GCR/RV/Redemption to occur (according to the 209 nation international bilateral treaty agreement) each participating nation must achieve all three of the following to qualify- – – 1) Be sovereign, as well as, asset-backed, 2) Have made good on all its debt to others, and 3) Be at peace with all nations, including no sanctions.

Now I can buy into the feasibility of the first two but that last one is a little tricky. Considering that in the history of civilization the world has never been at peace. But, it’s in the verbiage. “To participate” or “qualify”. Think of it this way.

 If all nations were lined up for a race they are not going to stop the race because a couple of guys are tying their shoes. When the starting pistol goes off those still tying their shoes will be left behind.

In the mean time I would suggest taking any Intel with a grain of salt. Definitely don’t change your life or make major decisions based on it. When this happens there will be no guessing, speculation or attempts at connecting the dots. It will be obvious for all to see.

So, just a suggestion, don’t drive yourself crazy with unwarranted expectations or pin your expectations to some fixed date. The higher you go up on that roller-coaster of expectations the scarier the ride down is.



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