RV Related Excerpts from Restored Republic via a GCR-2-5-2021

RV Excerpts From Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 5 Feb. 2021

Compiled Fri. 5 Feb. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: I’ve found that this journey into the Global Currency Reset was not for the weak. It was for humble, though strong Patriots who could patiently wade through months and years of frustration, supporting, trusting in a plan that was divinely inspired to lift the world into a glorious life of what it was always designed to be.

On Tues. 2 Feb. a top banker in Switzerland announced release of GESARA funds to SKR contracts. Paymasters notified Bond holder/sellers that they would have liquidity and access to funds sometime on Wed. 3 Feb. The Tier 4B notification release was imminent.

According to Bruce on Thurs. evening 4 Feb. a main bank said it was still going to happen for us this week.

On Wed. 3 Feb. Charles Ward said, “Lots of arrests happening and as I’ve said from Day One, this is all a smokescreen to bring in the Global Currency Reset. From what I understand from the financial boys— IT'S IMMINENT.”

On Fri. 5 Feb. 6.30 p.m. EST the Interim US Military Government would take control (by force) of all official media outlets (radio, television, newspapers) in the US. This included taking control of all American channels on direct broadcast satellites broadcasting in France and Europe. This also meant that all French and Europeans with a satellite reception antenna would receive uncensored news from American channels.

On Fri. 5 Feb. the NESARA announcement may be made, along with revelations of arrests that happened on Sun – Mon 24, 25 Jan.

The Iraqi Gazette may publish the new Iraqi Dinar rate on Sat. 6 Feb.

Another source said that Sat. 6 Feb. was in play for Tier 4B notification.

On Sun. 7 Feb. an EBS broadcast could take place during the Super Bowl since Q drops have made references about certain events making, “the Super Bowl look like a puppy show.”

Redemption Center personnel have been told they needed to be in place at noon Mon. 8 Feb.

More announcements – disclosure – should come out Tues. – Wed. next week 9, 10 Feb.

NESARA would begin to be revealed this February while GESARA would begin to be revealed as early as March 2021.

The Department of Defense has called into DC more National Guard troops to stay through March / April for a transition to the restored Republic / NESARA, where Trump would be revealed as Commander-in-Chief and a new election held via the Quantum Voting System (QVS).

Vatican to Jerusalem 1500 Mile Underground Tunnel where Gold was Stored: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtqiXY0PDBY&feature=youtu.be

The gold was said to be stacked 13 levels high on both sides of the tunnel for 150 miles. The Vatican had detailed records of where it came from. It took 740 planeloads to take it to the new US Treasury and other rightful owners so it would be in place for the Global Currency Reset.

Thurs. 4 Feb. 2020 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 712-770-4016 pin123456#

A main bank said it was still going to happen for us this week.

Another source said that Sat. 6 Feb. was in play for notification.

Redemption Center personnel have been told they needed to be in place at noon Mon. 8 Feb.

Notification email would contain a simple one page NDA attachment, personal 800 number. You may need to bring a print out of that email to your appointment.

The NDA would likely contain non disclosure about your appointment and not being able to purchase any more currency.

A person in Australia said that Australia was about to enter codes in the QFS system so they could trade with the USN. Two other countries were in the same position.

The NESARA announcement may come Fri. afternoon 5 Feb.

The Emergency Broadcast System may be initiated at 6:30 pm EST Fri. 5 Feb.

The Iraqi Gazette may publish the new Iraqi Dinar rate on Sat. 6 Feb.

More announcements – disclosure should come out Tues. – Wed. next week 9, 10 Feb.


“Regaining the Republic, Big Picture – the Movie” https://www.brighteon.com/6ad2e787-c44c-4eff-9442-6e5f482da7b9

The united states of America began with the organic Constitution of 1776.

The US Corporation took over the united states of America on 21 Feb. 1871 as a privately owned government over the District of Columbia, with us citizens as their employees.

The Federal Reserve license expired on 12 Dec. 2012.

On 20 Jan. 2021 when the Interim US Military Government took over Washington DC they closed all country’s embassies and corporations registered in DC.

From 20 Jan. to 30 Jan. were Ten Days of Darkness where the White House and Washington Monument were closed and unlit. They remained closed as of this writing.


Wed. 4 Feb. Jim Willie on Capitol Hill Arrests: JIM WILLIE & Jean-Claude@BeyondMystic - YouTube https://youtu.be/3k8v6r_m9Cc http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/01/about-national-guard-troops.html

Washington DC was under arrest. They have converted it into GITMO 2 because it was full.

There was a new building being built in front of the White House.

A Central Banker insider in Brussels said that Trump finalized US Inc. bankruptcy papers on 4 July 2020 and then signed the Insurrection Act after the 20 Nov. 2020 Election, allowing the US Military to take control.

Arrests were now happening of Central Bankers, politicians, State Leaders, presidents, Prime Ministers, etc.

This was the reason for them resigning. Myanmar was the first of many to follow.

This was another reason why the White House has been dark for over two weeks now.

The Military did not want anyone to see what was transpiring.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/02/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_5.html




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