RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR Update 2-27-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 27 Feb. 2021

Compiled Sat. 27 Feb. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note QFS Schedule: According to our Military Intel Contact Tier 4B should be notified to set redemption/ exchange appointments on Mon. 1 March or Tues. 2 March, though it may happen sooner.

On Tues. 23 Feb. the QFS switch was turned on and liquidity released to Zurich platforms.

On Wed. 24 Feb. at 4:30 am EST Quantum Financial System funds were released. At 10 am EST that day they shut down the Federal Reserve System and didn’t allow any more bank wires to go through the old SWIFT System. By 6pm EST the QFS had been absorbed by the new US Treasury, the fiat US Dollar had crashed and the new gold/ asset-backed US Treasury Note had been activated– the Cabal and old Central Banking System had been completely cut off from using We the People taxpayer dollars.

On Thurs. 25 Feb. at 2am EST the QFS trading platform containing 23 global currencies, activated. The total activation of the QFS System occurred by 4 pm EST that day.

On Sat. 27 Feb. the Whales in Zurich would be given security codes and contracts.

From now until the end of the weekend Paymasters and Tier 3-4A Bond Sellers would receive liquidity of funds which they would downstream to Tier 3-4A groups.

NESARA would kick off between Mon. 1 March and Wed. 15 March.

Isaac N: Liquidity should start March 2 to March 15. Bankers in Reno, Zurich, Basel and Geneva were being told that the Shotgun Liquidity release should start on Tues. 2 March and continue to Mon. 15 March.

The general public Tier 5 would start their exchanges of foreign currencies at the new international rates on Mon 15 March. On that same Mon. 15 March NESARA could be announced to the general public.


Fri. 26 Feb. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

All things were moving forward and we were on the edge of the start.

From now until the end of the weekend Paymasters and Tier 3-4A Bond Sellers would receive liquidity from which funds would downstream to lower tiers.

Tier 3-4A groups were expecting to be notified of those liquid funds being released into their accounts as early as this weekend.

Tier 4B notifications were expected to go out any time between now and the early part of next week.

Bankers in Reno, Zurich, Basel and Geneva were being told that the Shotgun Liquidity release should start on Tues. 2 March and continue to Mon. 15 March.

Mon 15 March was the time planned for the public Tier 5 to start.

That public start would be after Tier 4B have had at least 10 days of Safe Web links and 800#s available to make exchange-redemption appointments.

CMKX, adjudicated settlements, fines & penalties and PP deliveries would start at the same time as Tier 4B and would be done by US Postal Service personnel with Homeland Security and/or US Marshals accompanying the deliveries.

Tier 4B redemptions-exchanges have to be largely finished by 15 March so that the NESARA public debt relief packages and programs could come out.

Debts related to NESARA have to be paid on the Ides of March, Mon. 15 March.

This Ides of March debt payment was intentionally planned to be on the same date Julius Caesar was killed so that banks and nations across the globe would be disconnected from the D/eep State and kill the Globalist oppressive Fed. petro-fiat dollar on that same 15 March that traced its origins to Rome.

According to MarkZ Group leaders were very excited about the start of the liquidity release process from this weekend into next week.

Paymasters, attorneys and group leaders were still in place. Over the last 48 hours they have been positioning the paymasters in a line (queue) for an order of liquidity payouts once the Shotgun liquidity start was initiated.

On Tues. 23 Feb. the military in Reno activated the QFS system, where the gold-backed USN went live in the QFS for trading on the Forex.

The Federal Reserve went down (all over the MSM news) at 10 AM EST on Wed 24 Feb and was brought back up about 3pm EST.

This military take down of the Federal Reserve was done in order to remove the last vestiges of the old D/eep State SWIFT system.

On Thurs. 25 Feb. at 4:30 pm EST after the close of trade, total integration and activation of the QFS occurred that completely cut out D/eep State bankers including the Rothschilds, Rockefeller's and Goldman Sachs and merged with the restored Republic NESARA-compliant UST banking system, leaving only minor logistics being worked out to complete the process.

The banks called the QFS the RTP Real Time Payment System and the Blockchain Digital Ledgering System: https://www.wellsfargo.com/help/online-banking/rtp-payments-faqs/

Just over 200 countries have attached themselves to the new QFS system and were in the currency trading platform under the new gold-backed USN Dollar.

NESARA protocols were expected to be implemented next Mon. 1 March.

Our Military Intel Contact urged to keep our expectancy high to further disempower potential D/eep State interference, and recommended keeping prayers going over the liquidity release for our Tier 4B start next week.


Thurs. 25 Feb. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

On Thurs. 25 Feb. the Rescue Management Committee met in Washington and finalized procedures pertaining to SKR Holders (Whales) in Zurich. The President of Redemption office in Zurich then delivered the official statement:

1. On Sat. 27 Feb. 2021 and starting with the biggest seller, call the customer and communicate the security code.

2. Send the contract(s).

3. Upon receipt of the contract signed by the client with authenticated signature, an advance of 1% will be made.

4. The payment of the second 9% advance will be made in 3 weeks, paying 3% per week.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/02/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_27.html


Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Fri PM 2-26-21


Zig’s Place Chat Room Discussion and News Fri AM 2-26-21