One Fiat System DEBT Chart to Rule Them All…: Awake-In-3D

One Fiat System DEBT Chart to Rule Them All…

On November 21, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse

In 1945, the world’s nations adopted a global gold standard for the first time history.

The Bretton Woods accords established the (then) gold-backed U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

Accordingly, every nation bought and held US dollars as reserves to back their own local currencies. Hence, the global gold standard was established.

In 1971, the USA officially ended the dollar’s peg to gold.

Consequently, the global gold standard also abruptly ended since the U.S. dollar was, and still is, the world’s reserve currency.

In 1971, the great global fiat DEBT currency system experiment was initiated.

This change was also the first time in history that nearly every nation on earth was now on operating under fiat currency system.

All fiat currency system “experiments” ever tried have failed (badly) throughout human history. But only on a single country, or specific civilization level (like China, Rome and many others).

Yet, never has there been a “global“ fiat currency DEBT system in place.

As this global fiat DEBT system reaches its mathematically certain conclusion (failure), there’s only one chart one needs to see…

Global Fiat DEBT Growth Since 1972 ($ Trillions). Source: Bloomberg, Game of Trades.

As with all previous fiat debt currency experiments, this will not end well.

Only this time around, it’ll end on a global scale.

Be smart out there folks!


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