Judy, MilitiaMan and More...Saturday AM 5-13-2023

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 13 May 2023

Compiled Sat. 13 May 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

“Advised by a top platform that all (Global Currency Reset) started Tues. evening 9 May from Asia.” …Email from a Private Banker

Thurs. 11 May Bruce: Sat. morning 13 May Tier4b could possibly receive notifications with exchanges likely starting on Mon. 15 May. The International Iraqi Dinar Rate would be released Sat. evening Iraq time – which would make it mid morning EST Sat. 13 May.

Bruce:   Redemption Center Staff were going in on Sat. 13 May to set appointments. Iraq is supposed to put out a new rates and it’s actually the current rates are on the bank screen from what I understand it. Redemption center screens. They’ve already got it…a new rate is supposed to populate on the screens either Thursday, Friday or Saturday, I believe – a new Iraqi dinar rate so it’s all good…And it looks like they’ve got everything ready to go. At least that’s what we’re hearing from several sources that we’re ready to rock and roll on Saturday with notifications. So let’s see what happens…Let’s watch it for the weekend… We should have a really wonderful Mother’s Day – a really wonderful weekend.

Thurs. 11 May MarkZ: Most of my Iraqi contacts think it (RV) will go sometime over this weekend, or early next week. There certainly is a lot of chatter that things will kick off in the next day or two.

The Emergency Broadcast System Disclosure was expected at any time with all Stock Markets crashing and shut down for 2 to 10+ days, after which Tier 4b and a few days later, the Gen. Public to obtain notification to call an 800# of a nearby Redemption Center and set appointments to Redeem Zim and/or exchange currencies. …David XRP on the Charlie Ward

A total Banking collapse has already started. A lot of banks around the world are insolvent, over 4,800 in America. Remember, the QFS (Quantum Financial System) will step in and save the banking industry. We will get away from banks in three to five years. The QFS is all that is needed. https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/05/12/rv-gcr-excerpts-from-earth-alliance-and-patriot-news-for-may-12-2023/

Dinar Detectives CandyKisses: The largest borrower from the IMF is at risk of bankruptcy. Argentina is struggling in its battle to prevent its currency from collapsing and the central bank from going bankrupt, according to some estimates, according to Bloomberg. https://dinardetectives.com/tnt-66/


Mon. 8 May China disclosed the Global Currency Reset by announcing their gold/asset-backed currency and Zimbabwe came out with a gold-backed currency.

Wed. 10 May: Zimbabwe Gold Coin went International; With Bitcoin already down, Crypto Currency was set to crash as 12 Wallets would declare bankruptcy; US, Canada, Europe, UK, Israel, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Japan were insolvent and could not continue International Trade without a Global Currency Reset. RV/GCR: 9 Nations, US, Canada, Europe, Japan, Israel, UK, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand are Insolvent and Cannot Continue Without the RV/GCR – American Media Group (amg-news.com)

May 20 was the Back Wall for Tier 4b to receive notification.

In June a total Stock Market Crash was expected if it hadn’t already.

June 16 was the Back Wall for GESARA to be announced and implemented, with full collapse of IRS and all tax orgs.

June 18 was a Back Wall for EBS Disclosure implementation.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/05/13/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-may-13-2023/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Sandy Ingram    The Central Bank of Iraq's website...you will find gold coins and nuggets that you can purchase using your Iraqi dinars.  Gold is universal.  You can exchange your gold for any currency in the world.  International travelers travel with gold all the time, including myself, as long as the value of the gold is under $10,000 we do not have to declare it.  Gold coins is one of the best ways to ensure you are liquid regardless of what the global economy does...

Frank26  Article: "Anti-money laundering and terrorist financing scenarios"  Quote:   "anti-money laundering and terrorist financing systems have been prepared, which are compatible with the financial work environment in Iraq, and the agents of (Western Union) and (Money Gram) can adopt them as a minimum for their electronic systems"THE CBI HAS MANY PLATFORMS TO USE AS MECHANISMS FOR THE NEW EXCHANGE RATE & NATIONAL CURRENCY!

Has the Central Banks Traded IQD on the FX- BUNA?

MilitiaMan and Crew:  5-13-2023



Weekend Chat With MarkZ 5-13-2023


Saturday Morning Iraq Economic News Highlights 5-13-23