Goldilocks "In the end, all roads lead to gold" Friday 4-7-2023

Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

Thank you RJ

RJ:  Good morning Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks posted commentaries and links this morning:

*U.S. Losing Influence As Saudi Arabia Joins Shanghai Cooperation Organization"

It is official. Saudi Arabia joins the Shanghai Corporation Organization.

This move puts Saudi Arabia closer in alignment to Russia and China resources.

Since the Chinese Yuan is used in payment settlements through the Shanghai Corporation Organization, the dollar is being edged out as a source of payment.

The dollar is rapidly being blocked in the Eastern half of the world.

These countries are decoupling from the dollar and utilizing their own National Currencies going forward.

Look for their new demands to raise the value of their currencies in the east and level the playing field in the Forex Market.

© Goldilocks


The jobs reports come out this morning. Traders are going to read these reports for the next few days.

About a week ago I shared with you that it could be a danger zone for the markets.

Since that time, the dollar has fallen and moved sideways. Many investors have pulled out of some big name stocks before these reports.

The number of new jobs created is expected to be lower this month.

We have two scenarios going on: the dollar is losing its influence around the world and jobs are falling.

The transition of power and transition of wealth should be clearly evident to everyone at this point.

In the end, all roads lead to gold.  And gold, will set us free.

© Goldilocks


The National Futures Association (NFA) "Adopts Digital Asset Commodities Standards and Requirements."

Well folks, we now have a digital asset standard.

We still need to see a repricing in gold to solidify the above standard.

On paper, we have a financial structure to begin working with at this time.

© Goldilocks



"The Texas House and Senate recently introduced bills that would establish a state-issued, gold-backed digital currency, Schiff Gold reported."

It looks like Texas is getting into the game and establishing a gold-backed digital currency.

Under this proposed law and currency comptroller, Texas will be required to back this new digital currency by cash or gold.

© Goldilocks

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